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Are all mental disorders actually just magick?


Genetic mental disorders and birth defects such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome hamper the proper development of the brain. This improperly developed brain not only has the hormonal issues seen by modern science but cannot properly interface with the energy body and thus the chakras are disaligned and various ailments are seen.

Mental disorders arising after full development of the brain not being due to abject defects of the brain's structure are most usually due to a dysfunctioning charkra alignment and hormonal issues.



Pretty much this. My anecdote is that I was a full blown materialist/rationalist (I still am in some ways, but I understand now the fractal nature of reality and how I can unify mysticism and materialism) and I didn't believe in any form of mysticism.

Then I had a full blown awakening and it sent me into a psychosis for months. I now realize that my psychosis was just a hypersensitivity to synchronicity and the blurring of the lines of several parallel realities due to all my pent up spirituality that never had a release. I was probably a materialist since the age of 5, and the awakening happened at 20, so imagine 15 years of magic all coming out at once.

It was a weird time, but I can totally empathize with schizophrenics now. The psychosis could have turned a whole different direction into full blown schizophrenia, but I was pretty quick to learn some magical principles that helped ground me back to Malkuth and depolarize me away from the astral back to reality. My pendulum swung way too far in both directions, and now I am finally learning to control it.



>fractal nature of reality parallell realities syncrhofnfedicity.

LOL. I also bet you like to throw around "infinity" and "quantum" a lot too.

>Then I had a full blown awakening and it sent me into a psychosis for months.

It's called a manic episode. During a manic episode your brain literally makes its own drugs. You feel great about absolutely everything. Unfortunately, this destroys your basic ability to make decisions because every decision seems fantastic. Any correlation you make between things feels great, therefore true.

If you aren't currently seeing a psychiatrist, I highly recommend seeing one. Delusions have a residual effect, in time with proper medication you can become a functional person.

Or you can continue to wallow in madness because it's easy. Your choice bro.




You have hundreds of thousands of mental health researchers who have dedicated their careers to studying human psychology, behavior, neurology, and neuroscience, using scientific methodology to test, replicate, and gather data.

Bullshit occultists, snake-oil salesmen, and witchdoctors would have you ignore all of this in favor of some speculative bullshit that has failed to be shown to have any correlation to reality whatsoever.

Infinite arrogance and egotism.


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>>mental health researchers

>implying there is any legitimacy whatsoever within the soft science of psychology from a materialistic point of view

boo, boo! boo!


lel, boo!

If anything is snakeoil its the Jewish scheme of selling dirt & chemicals to tamper with emotions which at its glorious modern peak has the capacity of sedating without solving.

There are two sides to everything, physical symptom is nonphysical issues manifest, cure at the root and the physical wont be any more.


I'm absolutely proud.

Great post.



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>people to stupid to calculate numbers aiming to instead work with talking about feels

>these idiots supposedly able to grasp the concept of mind

aside from the obvious scam artists that works for big pharma to sell pills, that is.



>I also bet you like to throw around "infinity" and "quantum" a lot too.

not really "fractal" is just my way of phrasing "as above so below"

Sure, our free will and awareness comes from probabilistic Brownian motion which is quantum in nature, but when I use terminology I am quite precise about it.

I really just apply the Copenhagen interpretation and acknowledge the conscious nature of chaos theoretic systems. Once you do that you begin to realize the truth behind magick.

>It's called a manic episode.

No, it was a psychotic episode, as I said earlier I am very precise in my terminology. Everything I heard was a metaphor for my own internal state. If I asked a question and then read something the answer would be in the words I read.

>You feel great about absolutely everything.

It definitely did not feel great. I wanted out of the experience, as at times I had no connection with reality and had severe depersonalization and ego loss. I couldn't talk to my family because my understanding of their words and actions were all a reflection of my own ego, I was unable to understand that other brains could think (I knew they were individuals intellectually, but my intelligence had no praxis with my subconscious).

Everything was quite lonely, there were really only two "entities" in my existence, my awareness, and that which I was aware of. It was very depressing. And I fell into a deep depression during and after the psychosis.

>Unfortunately, this destroys your basic ability to make decisions because every decision seems fantastic.

I could make decisions, but they were for things that didn't quite align with the mundane reality I inhabited. Very few things seemed fantastic, I was quite frightened most of the time.

>Or you can continue to wallow in madness because it's easy. Your choice bro.

It would be so much easier to go back to how I was. Now I am finally exercising my willpower, and no longer drifting without purpose. I know who I am and what I want to do, and I know it's going to be the most difficult task I have ever endeavored. I could easily follow my old path, get a dull job with stable pay, and live like any other person. I won't do that, because now I acknowledge my ego as Prima Materia and I will mentally alchemize the "gold" that it contains.


Some mental illnesses are just an oversensitivity to higher energies when your ego hasn't changed to accomodate such energies. My mother is a natural born seer but repressed it because she's too into religious dogma and believes she's sensing demons. I went through whst I thought was depression when I was 16-19, but found out later on it was a developing schizo/bipolar. Shit's tough when you don't understand the spiritual significance of it right away. A lot of people can lose themselves from how indoctinated they are into society. Its a system that thins out those who begin to awaken to a higher state.

Then there's just plain mental illness from having fucked up neurochemistry. The wrong balance of chemicals can send you into a downward spiril that isn't some "Dark Night of the Soul".

Learn to discern the seer from the insane and help your fellow developing bretheren.



>mental researchers

Dirty jew rat bastard kike hebe bilgerat jew KIKES are not scientists.

The field of psychology is jewish mysticism and falsehoods created for the sole purpose of population control and wealth creation.

You filthy jew rat kike bastard.


Pretty much. Does the mind influence matter or does matter influence the mind? The word disorder implies a lack of order but many times they are just mental issues and contradictions in the subconscious or even just phenomena we don't understand yet.

It's only when there's a developmental disorder that you can say its due to a lack of order in the body, as this post says


And then there's someone like this guy who thinks it's all matter over mind, whether consciously or not. I'll give the benefit of the doubt and respond as if the realization of matter and mind has yet to occur



No matter how much progress researchers make it all comes down to what it's based on. Since they are operating on mental phenomena but from the physical realm, their work has to be based on an assumption that cannot be proven with today's science.

Psychologists and psychiatrists are contradictory due to the opposite assumptions they work on. Psychiatrists work from the assumption that matter influences the mind, and Psychologists work on the assumption that the mind influences matter (the body). Since neither can be proven from the perspective


>responding to an ignorant person so seriously

I don't like it when people berate shit posters and become shit posters themselves, but you're on the extreme other end of the spectrum dude lol I could never genuinely respond to someone that didn't at all seem genuine themselves

Anyways, so it seems your talking like you actually understanding physics, or think so. So do I, so I would love to discuss these things, especially the opinion of others on what could be the cause of the wave function collapse. The copenhagen interpretation I thought was just some sort of cop out by just relying on statistical analysis or something. If I had to pick one I prefer the de Broglie–Bohm interpretation which considers the hidden variable idea, though I don't know too much about it just that it's the only one that's determinisic and not nonsense like the many worlds interpretation. Anyways a discussion on this would probably derail the thread so maybe a new thread should be started on this.



Opps I never finished

Since neither can be proven from a perspective in the physical realm, they are basically equal in validity as far as the mundanes are concerned. However which one is more beneficial to the Industrial Complex, TPTB? Well the treatment comes down to either medicine for psychiatry (matter over mind) or therapy of some sort (matter over mind). Of course medication is more profitable for them so that's what's pushed. Not to mention, medication as best is just symptom relief. Almost every "treatment" for mental disorders are meant to be taken FOREVER. Therapy is meant to developed mental symptom management, and if you use your mind to solve a mental issue then that's basically curing the mental disorder anyways…

Therefore psychiatry is a scam as some others have said, and if you want to advise someone for their mental health always tell them to pursue some sort of therapy or you are contributing to the evils/madness that has run amok in the world. Of course that's much more expensive and only rich people are considered to get therapy, and it's pretty obvious why when they'd rather have people hooked on pills paying money forever.

That's why people look to these alternative methods for self therapy like meditation and such



>Psychiatrists work from the assumption that matter influences the mind, and Psychologists work on the assumption that the mind influences matter (the body)

This is complete bullshit based on your own dualistic ideology and nothing more. It isn't informed by experience working with mental health professionals. Every psychiatrist is going to recommend therapy as part of treatment, and likewise a clinical psychologist is going to recommend medicine for serious conditions that warrants them. The matter/mind dichotomy you make is a false one because they're considered the same system - the brain effects the mind and the mind effects the brain.

To make such a blatant and gross error about mental health sciences shows that you are a complete bullshit artist and profoundly ignorant of even the most rudimentary basics of what you're criticizing. Make a vow of silence for the rest of your life to spare humanity from your stupidity.



The ourobous poster is a jew rat kike nosed hebe, just ignore the jew kike rat bastard.



I have ADHD, my psychiatrist never recommended therapy, and the few times i went to a psychologist blowing hundreds of dollars she never recommended medicine.

get the fuck out with your bullshit



Which one was jewish?

The truth is that no matter what they call themselves those hook nosed rat jew kike bastards just want to get you sedated with drugs and heap on the shekels.



das rascist. jews are okay, zionists are the problem. being greedy isn't exclusive to one denomination, and even so I consider these professionals to be victims of the greater system that (((they))) propped up


>they're considered the same system - the brain effects the mind and the mind effects the brain

that's how it should be actually, but isn't how things are really studied. If both were considered true at the same time, there would be descriptions of mechanisms that describe which takes precedence over which and under what conditions. If both kinds of treatments are suggested they are done haphazardly or not at all. I mean how could they be considering the fractionalized nature of academia; it'd be near impossible to find a specialist of both fields at the same time.

Anyways I'm only going about this logically. If you actually spent some time researching you'd find so many alarming things regarding the lack of effectiveness psychiatric medication has especially antidepressants, or how the diagnosing process is so subjective itself, or worst of all all the controversy behind the DSM where the writers of the psychiatry bible often regret authoring something that doesn't meet it's purpose





>jews are okay

They don't even have souls, they are not human.


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>Then there's just plain mental illness from having fucked up neurochemistry. The wrong balance of chemicals


>hundreds of thousands of mental health researchers who have dedicated their careers to studying

See the thing about this is that these rely on a certain axiom that is pretty shaky. Psychologists and scientists assume that the defect is within you, not your environment.

It is "the wrong balance of chemicals" or a "serotonin imbalance", but this is incorrectly interpreted by psychologists to mean that there is something fundamentally wrong with YOU. This is not the case, if you were in a substantial environment to fully activate all of the effects of serotonin (appetite, mood, sleep, social, psycho, physical needs were met).

Psychologists prescribe SSRIs as a shortcut with the preconceived understanding that by seeing them you in fact WANT TO CONTINUE with our mundane unsatisfactory life. By accepting their system, you buy into the dogma of academia, which states that our current way of life is the pinnical of human experience and that if you don't feel happy that you are the problem, not the lifestyle. SSRIs numb the ceiling/floor scale on emotions so you are no longer angsty and can be a good little slave and not be *too* sad about it. Benzos are basically complete numbing agents that turn you into an amnesiac zombie.

If you have requirements for happiness that are not provided by society I think you have a duty to yourself, and to that society, to find another way.

If you feel "out of alignment" its because you don't harmonize with your environment. Iif you have been trying for years to change yourself or your perspective, maybe its time to change something else.

Giving up is worse than death.


Yes, and magick is actually just mental disorders: you're using your mind in ways that isn't normal.


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>jews are okay

I wonder who could possibly be behind this post



Bold claims that make no sense.

Of course Jews have souls, maybe different, but souls nonetheless.

Deep hatred of all things Jewish can cloud your vision, understanding the Jews as a people and the rabbinical power structure is enough.



Psychopaths are born without Spirit, lacking empathy, among traits, because there is no Spirit which wants to reincarnate into that child or have a desire for that experience.

Sociopaths, similar to above but different in the sense that they have a higher spirit but it is repressed by a traumatized Ego, Soul, either a shitty upbringing which requires you to utilize everything you have to survive, the mentality to survive the slums or a broken family, or by, a trauma, such as infant circumcision, the pain alters the brain in a way that it devlops psychopathic tendencies.

The Jewish community is known to have widespread and diverse mental illness with a much higher percentage of socio/psychopaths.







>>He noted that most violent crimes are committed by a small group of male offenders with ASPD, but only about a third of these men are true psychopaths (ASPD+P).

>>Psychopaths are characterized by a lack of empathy and remorse, and use aggression in a planned way to secure what they want, whether it is status or money.



>>Follow up tests on the infant one day, one week and one month after the surgery indicated that the child's brain never returned to its baseline configuration. In other words, the evidence generated by this research indicated that the brain of the circumcised infant was permanently changed by the surgery


>>The function of the frontal lobe involves the ability to project future consequences resulting from current actions, the choice between good and bad actions (or better and best) (also known as conscience), the override and suppression of socially unacceptable responses,



>Psychopaths are born without Spirit,




Yup. A large part of my trial in this life up to this point have been in having close contact with such individuals, growing strong enough to discard these apex STS beings.

>what causes someone to do this?

The most horrid things, without remorse, manipulation in their blood, feigning remorse and crocodile tears at will with no actual understanding of what he or she has done.

I don't speak unless I'm certain.

There are beings among us without Spirit. They lack the essence that makes a human human. They are not human, they are artificial intelligence.



STS doesn't mean spiritless. That's kind of a jump in logic.

The more popular theory about spiritless humans are portals and how they are used as conduits by negative entities for dat loosh.

But even in that case I would say that their spirit has become dormant and circumvented.



>STS doesn't mean spiritless. That's kind of a jump in logic.

Sure it doesn't, considering we're all essentially STS in this world, and you don't see all humans devoid of Spirit. But since the STS path ultimately leads to complete separation from all, wouldn't that leave ones with no Spirit? Or a close to non-existent connection to it?

>spiritless humans are portals and how they are used as conduits

>But even in that case I would say that their spirit has become dormant and circumvented

So do they have a Spirit or do they not?



>close to non-existent connection to it?

close but no cigar! Even the most negative of beings can turn back if they find the will

>>their spirit has become dormant and circumvented

>So do they have a Spirit or do they not?

they have a spirit, but it's not in use. it is dormant and circumvented…


You do not fully grasp what a psychopath is.

Do not confuse someone being greedy with a psychopath.

If you're intelligent enough to see beneath the charade (and it's hard because they won't let the mask slip easily), find one for study, you won't look at these people the same again.



No they can't.

They can not.

Fuck no.

They are not human.

They do not comprehend remorse.


Be afraid, be very afraid and stay fuck as far away as possible from truly spirit less humans if you cant handle them, they will destroy you.


I'm dropping this subject now, I've written what I felt I had to, to help and warn you, I can't be more clear,, if you still chose to be dumb and naive by all means ignore me, fall prey to and experience hell on earth yourself.

In fact I'm confident you're one of those that would ask himself "how could he/she do that?" Indefinitely while being to much of a limpwristed cuck to take action, apologising, rationalising, giving second chances every time hoping that the person will change.

Take this to heart and spare yourself years of trade.

They won't. They will never change.

You do not fully grasp what it is to lack humanity.

Psychopaths are terror and misery incarnate. They are everything bad a human could think up and none of the redeeming qualities.





Look here's the thing.

Jews are descendants of two of the tribes of Israel, they are the ones who followed Moses.

When they kept worshiping Moloch they were cursed and their offspring was made barren (of soul).

The other 10 tribes were the ancestors of whites.

All twelve tribes were originally Atlantis, the promised land.



I had a hunch it was something like this.

So, is that what Semites are? A regressed/corrupted version of Aryans?

So far they're the one race whose origin I can't seem to get a grasp of.

>When they kept worshiping Moloch they were cursed and their offspring was made barren (of soul).

If that's what happened, would that mean that those claiming to be Jewish while still possessing the spark of Spirit are in fact outsiders who came to be trapped in the clutches of Judaism?



Judaism is passed on through the mother.

The real reason for this is that in the womb of a jewess the infant's soul is received by Moloch as part of their covenant. This is why someone is only a true jew if their mother is jewish.



Rule 3



Yes, autism is my superpower


Anxiety and depression are reactions to domestication. All "mental disorders" are labels by the (((slavers))) to mark those with a healthy mental immune system. That's all there is to it.

Psychology, psychiatry and the likes of it are all written around the goal of someone functioning like an obedient slave.


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Psychiatrists are modern day witch-hunters. Schizophrenics fall into one of two categories. Either they are tuned into other frequencies of reality, or they have brain damage. Whatever the case is the drugs used to treat schizophrenia are just tranquilizers and don't really do anything helpful. Psychiatry is the main suppressor of psychic phenomena but we are just supposed to pretend that its normal for an army of psychiatric drug dealers to give children brain damage. LOL



I can confirm this to some extent, I've been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and when it gets really bad, I can develop psychosis. One night in 10th grade I had some revelations about reality, ideas that it really can all be subjective depending on personal belief, but that coupled with anxiety made me lose it for a while. My parents took me to a psychiatrist and I was given Seroquel (or however it's spelled), an atypical antipsychotic. The psychiatrist told me upfront that the medication was previously used as a tranquilizer. I would sleep for 14 hours and have memory issues after taking it, and it didn't actually help my anxiety at all, so I quit it pretty early and told myself that I would never have the life I want unless I could overcome these issues on my own.

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