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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 17d5ad88fa13c1d⋯.png (204.1 KB, 471x491, 471:491, all-seeing-eye.png)


The people that control the world, call them whatever you want, Illuminati, occultists, raptilians, Satanists, warlocks, Jews, etc. keep esoteric knowledge hidden from the masses in order to control them.

In order for certain forms of magic to work, it needs to be hidden. The hidden symbolism in corporate advertising does not work if the consumer is aware of it.

Are we any different on /fringe/? I'll admit that I don't share as much as I could on here because I don't want too many people knowing what I know. If everyone knew about wizardry, it would have no power. So instead, I'll shitpost, to obscure certain ideas I don't want circulating on here.

So what I realized was that you guys are probably doing this too, which explains all the shitposting that goes on here. We're all just trying to occult the same knowledge from each other. So whenever you see "fuck off kike, u dont kno shit about magick" or "sage for disinfo" it's really just some guy trying to hide his esoteric knowledge.

Then I realized that the Illuminati do this to. Thousands of years ago a bunch of wizards were sitting in a room "shitposting" to one another saying "fuck off kike, u dont kno shit about magick" and "sage for disinfo." Eventually everyone left and only the best shitposters (i.e, the best occultists) were left and they went on to control the world.

So basically the world is controlled by a bunch of shitposters. Makes sense doesn't it? If you look at the shit that comes out of the mainstream media, you'll realize its a form of mass shitposting on the collective subconscious. The all-seeing-eye and other occult symbols are just memes that they are image-bombing our minds with. Thoughts?


The jewlluminati hide the truth from people to keep them ignorant golems so they can further control the earth and eventually (in their impossible hope) the entire material realm.

/fringe/ doesn't tell nobody nothing because fuck you do some actual effort and figure it out yourself you're not my child stop being so entitled.



>Are we any different on /fringe/? I'll admit that I don't share as much as I could on here because I don't want too many people knowing what I know. If everyone knew about wizardry, it would have no power. So instead, I'll shitpost, to obscure certain ideas I don't want circulating on here.

>So what I realized was that you guys are probably doing this too, which explains all the shitposting that goes on here. We're all just trying to occult the same knowledge from each other. So whenever you see "fuck off kike, u dont kno shit about magick" or "sage for disinfo" it's really just some guy trying to hide his esoteric knowledge.

This shit doesn't make any sense. The rest is true though. If you are trying to hide shit then you are retarded. "If everyone knew about wizardry, it would have no power." is the worst fucking shit you can believe, it is not just ignorance itself but begets more of it.

I don't know about the rest of you but I share anything that seems relevant or whatever I feel like. I have shared honestly and find my self repeating some important things that other anons are quite grateful of hearing. If I didn't know better it seems sometimes like people here often don't actually know anything and just pretend to be smartasses



>So instead, I'll shitpost, to obscure certain ideas I don't want circulating on here.


> figure it out yourself you're not my child stop being so entitled.

Shitposters confirmed



>is the worst fucking shit you can believe,

shitposting occultist detected



You wanna stop shitposting and have a serious discussion or what



>you wanna stop shitposting

*smacks lips*

finna binna bix shitpost mufugga

*raises kundalini*

we wuz hermes an shiet muhfug




That correlation made absolutely zero sense, then again, I didn't read all of it. The scat fetish originated from the mind of a reptilian kike golem and you untermensch propagating it's related meme-terminology have doomed yourselves karmically. It's not like your little roleplayer club about chaos magik or whatever the fuck that is could have offered me any real knowledge, anyway. I come here mostly out of charity.



There's literally nothing in this thread regarding scat, maybe lrn2read?

>Doesn't think chaos magic is real

>thinks he's here giving charity

Get a load of this guys. Try lurking moar

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