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I want to time travel and change the past. Help me.


First learn to astral project. About changing the past, well let's just say that by the time you learn how to astral project you have the answers you need regarding that.



Astral projection is pretty easy though.

OP, I think it's best you learn to accept the past instead. By the time you can change the past, you won't have a reason to do it anymore.



Okay now go to the akashic records



Whats the best most effiecient way of astral travel? Can anyone learn?



That's the point; I want to do it so I can change it and don't want to do it. Get it?



First master lucid dreaming



I'm terrible at it, but the two books I have are Mastering Astral Projection by Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer, and Practical Astral Projection by Yram. Yes, anybody can learn.


No, you misunderstood. I meant when you have the knowledge on how you could change the past, the desire to change the past will be gone. You could try fiddling with timeline/dimensional jumping but I wouldn't touch the stuff. Time is too confusing to play around with besides acceleration/slowing (which is just changing your perception)



I'll fiddle with it; solely not to waste my time and relive life the way I was meant to enjoy it and not waste it being ill like I was.



How were you ill? I wasted my life too, so im curious.



i got sick with a stomach disease and severe depression and PTSD with bad life choices. I made lots of bad choices after that trying to get better and it only gone and made it worse.


You should hop back in time and go fix what you want to fix.


bumping so someone might see this thread and give more info. I'm also very interested in what OP wants to do.



if time travel was being used responsibly hitler would of won


There's no going back, goyim. Time is an illusion created by matter an space. Time is only defined by relative motion of matter. It's not some dimension you can travel.

The only approximation to your desires, in existence, is the backup system. This is just brute forcing everyone back into the positions they were at at some time and wiping their minds. Though some memories persist through the wiping in the soul or whatever.

I don't think they'll let you use it unless you destroy the world in such a way that they must go back so far to prevent it, supposing they don't immediately kill you and wipe your mind at the first sign you'd succeed. And most likely tortured into submission, too.


Time isn't real you stupid goyim.

The best you could do is move to another probability space aka timeline where things are more in your favor. Unfortunately this is now impossible because CERN is raising the vibration energy of the immediate solar system and vectoring the material plane into the mental.

By 2022 things are goying to get goytastic.



As I understand it there is only present "time" and there is an infinite amount of present "time", which could be likened to parallel universes. In our third dimension/material plane we only perceive one present "time" and CERN is messing with this? Why are they trying to connect the mental and material? What is happening in 2022?


File: cd1eb30f1edc740⋯.jpg (19.27 KB, 331x303, 331:303, yakov.jpg)


>I want to time travel

No anon, you stay in the same place and bend time around YOU.

Seriously, will to power, Matthew 21:21, whatever you want to call it, if you want it badly enough you will get it. Just be careful of what you wish to receive though.



A month late, but this.



How is AP and timetravel connected? Please elaborate



>OP, I think it's best you learn to accept the past instead. By the time you can change the past, you won't have a reason to do it anymore

What if I want hitler to win WW2?????

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