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I've been suffering from a debilitating physical condition for a year now, and after trying just about every type of doctor one can think of to no avail, I've decided that I'm going to propel myself into the astral realm via DMT tomorrow in an attempt to reach out to an entity can assist me with healing.

If anyone has any advice for me, I'm all ears.


if you need to ask for advice from piece of shit strangers before you do something you probably shouldn't do it

either stop being a pussy and do it or fuck off

not trying to be a dick, nah just kidding i am

why not go into it and try to do something nobody has

done before?

Why follow some directions and go for the same trip as someone else?

Open pathways for humanity. You seem like a giant faggot. Use your trip to be less of a fucking pussy.


Gypsy Spice is a dangerous spiritual substance. Be careful where and who youre around when using it. Spirits and thoughtforms in the area will leech off your vibes and give you bliss for their own purposes.


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I suggest you make sure you get a good dose.

Ideally instead of using a machine you would use a nice clean bong and pack the bowl full of steel wool with 50mg lightly melted on top.

For future I would look into making changa. Add an MAOI and put it on a nice leaf you like to smoke.

It makes a much smoother entry and exit and you can ramp up/down as you please. It also tends to stretch out the experience to 15-20 minutes for a single big dose which can help you understand and integrate. You can keep taking small rips off the bong for minutes or hours until you send yourself over the edge.

More plant teachers = more spirits to learn from.

I haven't consumed ayahausca but you can find sites where shamans list recipes for other plants like special types of tobacco, or datura and how those "spirits" effect the trip. Ayahausca means "the brew" and shamans prescribe different recipes for different ailments.

DMT Nexus is a great resource and they have nice changa recipes as well. Maybe look into pharmahausca and formasahausca.

pic related

good luck


Can we talk about what DMT does? Haven't done any yet, but from what I've read it seems like it just launches you somewhere high into the astral.



that's pretty much the gist of it. Take a low dose, and you'll see what they call "sacred geometry". Take a "breakthrough dose", and you literally are transported to another realm.


First of all, any drug reduces the will, and will not make you good at astral projection at all.

Second of all, wandering around the astral at random is a horribly inefficient way to find helpful entities.

Just do PME and find the sigil for an entity in that book that can help you. There's a shitload of entities in that book and sigils for all of them.


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>plant teachers

That shit was already debunked.


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It paralyses your nervous system / parts of your brain freeing up the energy from those parts to run rampant in other parts of your system. This in turn leads you into a state of reduced-will-power, weakness, and getting all kinds of entity attachments and random energetic influences scrambling you up and fucking your shit up for the rest of your life.

If anyone here wants to AP it's as simple as breath increasingly deeply, adopt a mindset of "if I don't do this, I will fucking die" to make your will like iron, and focus your attention outside your body while your build up and then release all your nervous force and project your vitality and so on out of the body.

Do not use astral projection regularly, it also fucks your shit up, and make sure to cleanse your room first by banishing all bad-intentioned thoughts from the area first.

If you do this you will have pretty much a full projection that will temporarily kill you but you will be able to return to your body. It's an amazing experience. You should however learn afterwards to just extend your senses while retaining a lot of your vital energies and so on in your body still, so you can remote navigate the astral, without leaving your body unprotected.

>focus attention outside the body

>contract and relax your nervous/vital forces so as to pump them out of yourself and draw your mental body out of your physical body

>it's not fucking complicated, just WILL IT


Remember also that INTENTION is fucking everything when it comes to so many things you should be considering in magick. If you counter the negative intentions of others with the intention to break resonance with them, they can't do you any harm.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wonder if OP even knew where that picture comes from

Purity Ring are quite esoteric IMO




done it yet?


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Yeah, to the highest astral realm, of highest frequency, there is nothing (and everything) beyond, soul cannot pass higher.

Beyond is the other side where only Spirit may tread and only in death.

If OP isn't done yet, don't smoke it.

Take Ayahuasca, the cleansing process is really helpful, you vomit up the brew but not just the brew, you throw up a lot of negative attachments. A lot.

Setting is everything. Don't abuse DMT. Don't disrespect Ayahuasca, the spirit of the brew.

Setting is not important but its also everything, don't do this in public, with people around, don't take it and sit down for mundane tasks, don't force yourself to go do something let it lead you wherever it takes you, within reason, stay away from people. Your eyes will be like dinner plates.

DMT/Ayahuasca is not something you do on a whim, I strongly suggest you do mushrooms instead.

If you're still drawn to DMT, do Ayahuasca. Brew it yourself, in a positive mood, prepare, fast, be able to stand up to six hours in front of the pot, stirring, mixing with heat to let it simmer.

ingredients here


I cooked up a 1 to go trip from which I got two glasses of brew, I made the misstake of not filtering it, thinking, whatever.

It tastes vile. Utterly vile. When brew is done and still in pot you want to crack one or two eggs into the mix and stir forcefully then filter it.

Mix with a good amount of honey.

Look up what medicines you can, can't take, what you can, can't eat, it contains a mao inhibitor which allows the DMT to pass the stomach barrier but this also means that anything else can do the same for hours after, and anything from eaten hours before if its still in your stomach.

Fast. Only fruit, juice and certain teas.

I manged to down one glass, the second I poured in the garden. Did not need it anyway. It is intense say the least, only mushrooms even come close while LSD feels like childs play next to it.

Ayahuasca will have you share the mind of angels, its not a thing you do unprepared or with uncertainty.


>>ny drug reduces the will

Yeah in favor of the plant consciousness. In the case of Ayahuasca/DMT, its fine, you'll be among pic related if you do the ritual/process with care.




MAO inhibitor


DMT vines (one of these)



Read up on Erowid.

I can't remember if it was chaliponga or chacruna I took but I know that one is "colorful, otherwordly and vivid" while the other is "black and white, less in the astral, forgiving, easy going ecstatic"

You want the second, its described as less intense, no visions (depends on dose) and better for what you want.

There is nothing "less intense" with either of these.



>literally turning your soul into a fucking vegetable



If this is you smiley you've reached a new low, if its not this comment should sting anyway.


There are things which you can and can't ingest in the material which reflect the ethereal that allows you to bridge a connection.


Taking DMT is like taking roids.

If you actually took care of your body and ate right it would produce necessary amounts and taking the synthetic version results is side-effects that don't happen when you produce it naturally.

Just stop drinking fluoride water, stop eating food poisened with chemicals, and meditate daily.




i can induce a sort of high combined with jhanas but its nothing compared to real rave candy.

stop repeating this dumb meem.



Yeah just like you will NEVER be a joocy as someone using roids.



I wouldn't compare these two but if the circumstances required me to be stronger then the means would justify the goals.

Roids are for material gains, rave candy for mental and spiritual growth.



Nigga, when I go into an ecstatic trance, anything that isn't even tied or secure in a heavy shelf is fucked, the mundanes are mad spooked, and it's a spiritual mosh-pit that blows the minds out of anyone that gets caught up in it.


& I've still never used drugs

At least not any physical ones.

>he still hasn't got high off of astral dr00gs



The song is totally about DMT listen to the lyrics carefully



>not being a degenerate drug user

>not relying on chemical substances to do everything in life

Get outta here goy!



>enhanced temporary autism


Mmm… Doubt it.

Ancient Egyptians, taught by fallen angels/aliens, skilled magicians, did coke and licked frogs.

Every shamanic/mentalist tradition throughout history have utilized drugs in one way or the other.

I'm grateful for being alive today with access to a wide variety of supplements from around the world, representing different systems of work, from Buddhist hasch to snake poison to strong cheese, LSD and mushrooms, I'm glad I have the opportunity to, in a respectful manner broaden my horizon like no initiated have been able to before, allowing to experience and learn from new perspectives.

If it taught me nothing I would not be doing it.

You do what you want, I enjoy drugs.



it doesn't matter if its "debunked"

thats still what they call it so thats a good term to search for, or are you denying that amazon shamans know anything about plants?

adding different psychoactive chemicals to the mix will change the experience you retarded fuck








^_^ Thanks golden apple anon, now i like you even more.



I've met some pretty sinister spirits with the help of ayahuasca. Some beneficial spirits too.

I would not recommend using ayahuasca without first performing a banishing ritual. You really need to protect yourself, you will be taken for a ride otherwise, I am still recovering from an encounter with Reptilian beings who if I can't say have fucked up my life have completely turned it upside down



>not being a degenerate tool user

>not relying on something made for the desired effect to get the desired effect

Tighten screws with your hands and never use drugs, both are terrible for my nebulous, undefined, puritanical reasons


Its not for everyone. Especially be careful where you use it. I used some in a local state park recently. Fucking fairy and elf territory. I was having a nice pre-breakthrough dose, seeing tons of patterns on the rocks and water, the rocks themselves were spirits, all around me. Suddenly in my peripheral vision I noticed a few beings coming from the surrounding trees. Suddenly it was a dozen, and then more. I couldn't see them in my center vision, just the peripherals. They kept laying their hands on me and trying to pull my focus to their world.

Second trip I took after that, pre-breakthrough dose, a nymph by the water snuck up behind me and put me in a trance until I came to. Wouldn't let me see them, but they let my friend see them. I wasn't open enough.

I also remember in the background near the trees during the 1st dose there was a figure, cloaked & hooded holding a staff. Close to 5'10" I'd guess? The being just stood there as the others were surrounding me. Elf wizards n shit.

>all this happened yesterday

Dmt turns you into a lil baby spirit who can't do shit for itself. Be warned. You will be taken advantage of by spirits if you use DMT. You'll see amazing scenes and images, but then you'll get noticed and get fuxxd hard. Good luck!


Only two kinds of people against drugs. People who have never done drugs or people who really sucked at doing drugs. And everyone elsr has to suffer. Fucking creampuffs



nothing exists outside you or can do anything to you other than yourself.

you do everything to yourself

placebo is magick, magick is placebo

go listen everything recent from http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=134778&cmd=tc



>didi who dindu nuffin

>armchair occultism at its finest

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