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When you look up sacred geometry all you find is jewish bullshit and conspiracy bullshit.

I have finally found the actual source of sacred geometry.

A man called "Pythagoras" originated it. Studying him will illumine you on many matters concerning geometry and numbers.


He is Wizchan approved:

>The result was sometimes sense, sometimes nonsense. He believed, says Diogenes, that the air close to the earth is stagnant, and that therefore every living creature on the earth is subject to disease and death; but the upper airs are always in motion, and ought therefore to be able to confer immortality. An interesting guess, but wide of the mark. His view of sex was jaundiced, although he had a wife and at least one daughter; he advises sexual intercourse in the summer, not winter, but adds 'that the practice is pernicious in every season, and is never good for the health.' The pleasures of love, he said, make a man 'weaker than himself.'


The problem like Pythagoras as with so many great men of aniquity is that their original words are lost to time and all we have is their echo through the mouths of lesser men.


sacred geometry is an ancient truth, it was not originated by any one person.

it is known that pythagoras himself traveled to egypt to study geometry and other sciences with the priests before starting his own western mystery school.

pretty ignorant of you to just call something jewish bullshit.

you see for most of history people were divided by culture and this limited their perspective on reality.

if you were, for example an indian living back then, and you were lucky (read wealthy) enough to be educated, you would learn about the vedas, and classical indian literature and music, and science and medicine, same if you were a jew or greek or chinese or egyptian; your knowledge was limited by your race, culture and class.

there is a secret society that has always existed of people which took knowledge from all the cultures instead of just one and shared the truth. pythagoras was one of those people, as was plato and socrates, many jewish prophets,jesus, da vinci, tesla; all these people, some of them without even knowing it were all part of a brotherhood made up of people who knew that truth did not belong to one culture but to every one



OP says studying pythagoras will help enlighten, why are you arguing. There is such a thing called disinformation and that's what he was referring to



op says pythagoras originated sacred geometry and implies those dang jews stole it which is complete bullshit.

what im saying is theres truth and untruth in every culture and to understand it you must transcend culture.

disinformation is only an issue to the asleep who just take what they get, the awake can see clearly what is true and what is false



Kike detected

Gas yourself schlomo



>implies those dang jews stole it which is complete bullshit.

what the hell no he doesn't. what he could be referring to is claims that sacred geometry originates from jewish bullshit, which is as I said disinfo.

>disinformation is only an issue to the asleep who just take what they get, the awake can see clearly what is true and what is false

that's a logical fallacy called false dichotomy

the awake can clearly see that nothing is black and white, that although everything falls on an spectrum of two different extremes all things exist as a unique position along the spectrum. there is no absolutes

literally anyone can fall victim to disinfo unless they already know everything and are god. understanding logic works to identify what is yet to be proven but if it fits into your framework of facts completely while being false it would be long time before you are able to pick up new info that also fit into the framework while contradicting the earlier facts you picked up. Even then you only know one of them is false but can't be sure which one until you pick up many more facts to extend the framework……..

anyways it's obviously not that simple


>dude just study Pythagoras

>no original works of Pythagoras exist


Pythagoras, famed as the first Greek philosopher, was one of the only foreigners to be initiated into one or more Egyptian priesthoods prior to the final decadence and destruction of Egypt. Hence it is through the Pythagoreans and their students that many of the most sublime mathemagical principles have been passed down to us. Pythagoras was the first to use the pentagram as the symbol of his initiatory order, and death was the penalty for revealing its secret (phi).


12A. "The Ancient Mysteries of Delphi: Pythagoras" by Edouard Schure'. Blauvelt, NY: Rudolf Steiner, 1971. (TS-2)

MA: "This small paperback contains a concise history of Pythagoras and his Academy at Crotona. A touch imaginative, as per Steiner publications in general, but on the whole a pleasant introduction to the subject."

12B. "Pythagoras: His Life and Teachings" by Thomas Stanley. Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, 1970. (TS-3)

MA: "I can forgive Manley P. Hall & Co. a lot as long as they reprint treasures like this: a handsomely- bound facsimile reproduction of the Ninth Section of the 1687 edition of Stanley's "History of Philosophy". It contains an extensive account of Pythagoras and his doctrines, carefully footnoted to the original Classical sources. Almost any other account of Pythagoras that you come across will have been derived, in whole or in great part, from this book. The typeface and the language are 'very 17th-century', however, so be prepared for ye eyestrayne. Some extracts will be found in 'The Sphinx and the Chimera' in the "Ruby Tablet"."

12C. "The Collected Dialogues of Plato" by Plato (Ed. Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns). Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961. (TS-4)

MA: "It may sound inadequate to say 'go read Plato' - sort of like saying 'go read the encyclopaedia'! The fact remains that this closet student of Pythagoras [cf. Alban Winspear, "The Genesis of Plato's Thought", NY: S.A. Russell, 1940] incorporated a wealth of Pythagorean philosophy into his "Dialogues" and letters.

This volume remains the standard academic translation. And, since it contains all of Plato's works [in fine print, on microthin paper], cross-referencing - indispensable where Plato is concerned! - is possible."

12D. "The Divine Proportion: A Study in Mathematical Beauty" by H.E. Huntley. NY: Dover Publications #0-486-22254-3, 1970. (TS-4) (OT-1)

MA: "If you enjoyed J. Bronowski's 'Music of the Spheres' episode on Pythagoras in the "Ascent of Man" series/book, you'll like this little book - since it was one of J.B.'s primary sources.

The text alternates between aesthetics and mathematics, with some rather hefty formulae included. Supplementary chapters touch upon the Fibonacci Numbers, Pascal's triangle, and other 'golden ratios' of science and nature."

12E. "The Secrets of Ancient Geometry" by Tons Brunes. Copenhagen, Denmark: "The Ancient Geometry" (Nygaardsvej 41, Copenhagen 0), 1968 [two-volume set]. (TS-4) (OT-4)

MA: "The word for this work is 'staggering'. 583 pages long, about $50. Extensive chapters on the mathematics and architecture of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and their offshoots. A wealth of precision diagrams and formulae."

12F. "The Theoretic Arithmetic of the Pythagoreans" by Thomas Taylor. NY: Samuel Weiser, 1972 [originally published 1816]. (TS-4) (OT-4)

MA: "In the author's words [from the 1816 title page]: 'The substance of all that has been written on this subject by Theo of Smyrna, Nichomachus, Iamblichus, and Boetius; together with some remarkable particulars respecting perfect, amicable, and other numbers, and a development of their mystical and theological arithmetic.'

A technical text by a distinguished scholar. Compare with #2N and #12E."

12G. "Pythagoras: A Life" by Peter Gorman. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979. (TS-3)

MA: "Quite simply - and in 216 pages - the most well-written, carefully researched, and objective biography of Pythagoras to date. Also included are chapters on philosophers contemporary with Pythagoras, as well as on certain key aspects of his philosophy.



This is excellent! Thanks



I have a book called "The Pythagorean Sourcebook" which has all the oldest material on him translated into English with good introduction and appendices, would recommend. it's on amazon

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