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File: e9c10dc08c0c91f⋯.png (103.72 KB, 786x268, 393:134, Screenshot from 2016-09-01….png)

File: 6b88e86139a3995⋯.png (99.45 KB, 708x253, 708:253, Screenshot from 2016-09-01….png)

File: b5dd1a2f231fd3f⋯.gif (3.93 MB, 568x312, 71:39, 1472675608790.gif)


>tfw mundies don't believe in magick but sigil related made Hanz change his plans



Disclaimer before you all begin a witch hunt and burn me, the sigil was to change plans for anyone that sees it (including myself), because the current track was not working at all… that it went in the direction it did was not planned on my part.

Notice also the similarities in the gif and the way my sigil is drawn… with fire in there…



File: 6b57d28d562f392⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 79.39 KB, 276x227, 276:227, 1471038853942.png)


You will now all experience a change of plans also from seeing that sigil.


hanz is a fucking idiot and not worthy of discussion. you should be ashamed for even going to that board and fueling his retarded ego

he's been shitposting on /x/ since before this place even existed with absolutely nothing to say other than gibberisg



>not using him as a test subject for your chaos magicks



>Needing to test your magick



>being an armchair occultist who doesn't bother to test anything ever


is that gif from hanz



Yeah he's burning his apartment and himself in it alive.

No word yet on whether he died or not.



This wasn't part of the plan.





File: 9ca01b82fd8b9cf⋯.jpg (272.88 KB, 827x754, 827:754, image.jpg)

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