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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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ITT Wizards & wizardettes talk relationships & sex


Your best sex? Never had great sex?


What is sex, to you?


As someone with a mind tempered (>) beyond mundanes, how difficult or easy is it for you to get into a relationship or achieve casual sex?

If you are to answer this, rate yourself 1-10.


As male or female, are your relationships one sided (if so who has the upper hand?) or equal?


What sparks your interest?

What makes you lose interest?


How has the degeneracy of the chans affected your love life?

If answer this, how much of a degenerate are/were you, 1-10?


virgin master race reporting in

having sex before marriage is degenerate


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dont mind me, i'm just




not here

also could have done this in one post

>Your best sex? Never had great sex?


>What is sex, to you?

exchange of sexual energy to empower create a bond between 2 beings

>As someone with a mind tempered (>) beyond mundanes, how difficult or easy is it for you to get into a relationship or achieve casual sex?

0 because i still can't will it despite my attempts

>As male or female, are your relationships one sided (if so who has the upper hand?) or equal?

masc is leader, fem is follower. that's as equal as it gets. equal to yin and yang

>What sparks your interest? What makes you lose interest?

i still only really care about looks, but i do enjoy having things in common with women. maybe this will change over time

>How has the degeneracy of the chans affected your love life?

if anything it made me a better person, just not one who gets laid. i needed the hardening up. i'd say 1 before chans which made me ~5



>believing the "soulmate" jew



>wut did he mean by this?

Marriage is a scam. Life is pretty much a scam and has been for some time.

Children with their divine spark have become cannibalized by their mothers, some guy in Thailand explained to me.

Mothers have abused every child so bad, shamed them, made them so dependent. Sent boys to die. Mothers sacrifice in the animal kingdom, not ours.

They turned their daughters into whores who exploit men into becoming their slaves till death do them part, of course.

Women can't compete with younger girls so they shame or kill them or turn them into reduced value whores based on pure fraud.

This world is a psycho place full of weak, dependent, soul crushed individuals pursuing "love" - codependency from neglect, not serving themselves.

The script has also been flipped to where women think they are a prize or have substance, instead of nothing to offer besides fraud and entrapment.

A woman could never pleasure a man, only a boy deprived of acknowledgement by his mother/other whores in order to control him.

A cunt shouldn't be catered to unless she is paying with something valuable. They are a blight.

Kill your mother.



that's what I mean, I can't pick up on the implications

I don't get it


>Your best sex? Never had great sex?

Its weird… if you want to rate sex from a purely pleasurable point, i have had fap sessions that are far more pleasurable than sex, since i know my body way beter than any partner i had its kinda understansable.

But over time it gets kinda lonely and it losses its effect.

When it comes to partners the best sex i have had its the more InLove im with the person, even holding hands its such a pleasure ^__^, i guest the best sex was when i had 17 yrs and my boyfriend of 32yrs, such a magical experience.

I have heard fringe folks that claim magik sex with a spirits its even better, but im fine as i am rigth now.

>What is sex, to you?

Openess and ace´tance of your partner in an unconditional way, then having those feelings materialized in flesh and exchanged.

Never understood that Durr Hurr 30yr old virgin wizard mustard race.

>As someone with a mind tempered (>) beyond mundanes, how difficult or easy is it for you to get into a relationship or achieve casual sex?

Its has hard as where i live, there are places that are really close to fringe stuff… i used to like folks who are into going to anime/tv cons, but some of them are usually angsty ateist and now i cant stand them.

i guess i just became more picky, if from 1000 people i could date 100, now i feel its 20 every 1000 people.

>As male or female, are your relationships one sided (if so who has the upper hand?) or equal?

I believe at some point one must play al the roles, but im usually the one resiving the dick.

>What sparks your interest? What makes you lose interest?

im going to sound too much of a lefty heere (guess i am) but i cant stand rude people, i mean sure practical thinking has its avantages but that doesnt mean i get to be a douche over someone else feelings

>How has the degeneracy of the chans affected your love life?

Well, i was already in the way of becoming trans, before the internet was a thing in my shit ass town, but i gues the chans boards speed the prosses of action.

>how much of a degenerate are/were you, 1-10

I dont see myself as a degenerate.

but from /pol/ standards 9/10

averge chan 6/10

averge mundane 2/10

averge refugee 666/absolute haram.


i guess this is where people find me weird, since i think we can marriage multiple people at the same time, just be clear that your partner is ok with it.

but yeah, marriage as in long term commitment its a "nice" idea.


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forgot pic



virgin master race sameanon, didn't answer the questions at first because fascination with sex is retarded (until you're married) but whatever


sex is procreation


bitches always bothering me giving subtle signs while I have to blow them off


relationships are dumb. there's friendships and matrimony nothing else


being aware/redpilled, desire for activism, good genetics that match mine, etc

the opposite would turn me off, also degeneracy (drugs are okay unless they are abused)




do you guys not want to pass off your genetics? if not why even live?

>Life is pretty much a scam and has been for some time.

why haven't you killed yourself yet?




btw these scales don't really work without providing a clear definition. even the word degeneracy is subjective


Well since marriage is about procreation essentially, so it makes sense for a guy to impregnate more than one woman. But a girl can't have more than one baby so that wouldn't work>>83179


Sex is a result of the middle path. Two separate sources uniting to create one energy. Everything is actually the middle path, its impossoble to maintain a side forever, but thats a different discussion altogether.

Sex is the fusing of 2 beings momentarily, with all the benefits and cosequences that result. From taking on their baggage, to beholding the essence of beauty, sex is a gateway to accessing the higher realms of you and your partner. As it is abused by mundane-minded plebs, they only access the lower energies of their partners, those of fear and ego related desires. You miss out on truly losing yourself in someone you can trust because you keep barriers. You have to truly let go of singular ego identities altogether to truly understand what sex is.





>Sex its merely for procreation purposes…

Oh come on people, dont be so harsh, you sound just like those people too deep into Scientism, like:

Matter is the only reality (Materialim)

Everything can be explained by phiscs aka local interactions of bits of matter obeying know laws (Reductionism)

Conciousness is generated by the brain and extinguishes at death

Humans are merely biological machines

Religion, spirituality and mystical insigths are all ilusions.

^Thats how retarded you sound.


This anon gets it.

You faggets are the polar oposite of the mundane sex adict, and the fact that they are wrong doesnt mean you are right, using "purity" as a high horse to not deal with your lack of conection.

git gud bro's



i want kids but i'll likely wait a long, long time. unfortunately having kids leads to a very long partnership with someone where i would rather have no obligations to stay.


i never said sex was for procreation, i said it was energy bonding. you can energy bond with whoever you want. that,s just what it is, energy bonding. nothing i said was about purity.

and i agree with that anon so idk what you're on about



My bad then, i guess i clicked the wrong post number.


>0 healing

>0 summoning

>0 bitches

banish me fam



the other stuff is a bonus don't be so triggered

two aware people can be combined in a sense to be a 'super person' something greater than it's parts


do you know what a spectrum is? there is no left or right but there is no middle either. everything is it's own thing between two extremes

other than that first line tho well said






these faggots got it right.



But didn't you hear? LOL SEX DOESN'T MATTER.

t. souless hypergamist


I have become practically an adept at auto-hypnotizing women now by creating a thoughtform attachment that just does it for me now whenever I see any woman I'd like. I keep having beautiful, really fucking beautiful lovely women, turn their heads and look at me and not want to look away and smile with love.


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is sex even real? the older i get the more it looks like a total myth



Its real and it can be beutiful but first you must love yourself.



>But you first must love yourself



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>Been practicing and learning Taoist self cultivation for about 4 months

>Don't have anyone to practice with.

It's a hollow kind of feel.



Greenpill me on the Tao. For last week all I've been doing is thinking about the Corpus Hermeticum and making a supreme effort to understand it. I spent so much time thinking about tanha and karma, will and desire, and its relation to causality. If you could elaborate on any of that you might be able to help me further advance.



It's best to start at Chapter 1 Verse 1:

The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao

There you go, you've been greenpilled on the tao. Have a nice day.



All your misery and lonely Ness is because you deny yourself that.

When you don't have it, you can't give it and it can be felt like a rotting carcass smells.


Sure is but at least you'll be prepared for when you meet her.



>but first you must love yourself.

how would you do this, then? i thought i did but it's become clear that i don't. is it even explainable?



Its as simple as realizing yourself fully and accepting everything that you are from an enlightened state of mind where you know the part you are to play in this life.

Acceptance, gratitude and then love for the good and the bad that is your experience.



it's true and all but the way you responded with this the first time made it look really random and didn't seem relevant at all. a contextless post getting a reply that also has no context is ripe for shitposting by people that get triggered by the truth


pay attention to your own thoughts, learn how your subconscious works. Find the logic that makes you you, the same way you would analyze someone else to try and understand them. There's a duality within you and assuming that everything you did is because of you is the downfall of the ignorant since parts of you are not understood by you consciously



Shitposter at heart, I attract those who know the art.



My first girlfriend and I accidently discovered female ejaculation. She stalked me when I broke it off. This was 20 years ago and it has chilled my relationships.

Also, I have had oneitis for six years. That never helps.



How fucking old are you?

You have to be at least 30.


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>The key to loving yourself is to just be yourself.

Wow this is so fucking deep. Thanks Guys, really made me think. WTF. I have a sexual relationship now! It turned out the only esoteric occult knowledge I needed in life could have been found on a """motivational""" facebook post. AS ABOVE SO BELOW. IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!



>>The key to loving yourself is to just be yourself.

more like

>the key to getting anywhere in life is to STOP being yourself and understand how the subconscious works, reversing the brainwashing and conditioning done onto you by society so can start being woke

git woke



Really makes you want to decapitate that spic creature…

Women are fraudulent painted face whores and this thing called relationships doesn't exist, they just cling to the most needy male they can find to parasite off of

Women in their natural state might be better, more akin to horny bonobos that just slut around but those are a rare breed

Extinct are the loyal wives who you can immolate at your funeral, which were pretty great btw




You want loyalty? Inspire it.

Want love? Have it.

Want sex? Take it.

Some of you permavirgins are sad.






that's why relationships are retarded and you marry instead

>Women in their natural state might be better, more akin to horny bonobos that just slut around but those are a rare breed

clinging to and parasiting off of needy males is the natural state though

>Extinct are the loyal wives who you can immolate at your funeral, which were pretty great btw

This is still the norm in many parts of india. the parts that stopped just have widows that everyone forgot about slowly dying



>female ejaculation

What the fuck is this? Do I even want to know?



>Your best sex? Never had great sex?

I have never had sex.

>What is sex, to you?

Sexual intercourse.

>As someone with a mind tempered (>) beyond mundanes, how difficult or easy is it for you to get into a relationship or achieve casual sex?

I believe that to be extremely fucking easy and only a matter of putting out a request to God for me. However I'd rather continue to cultivate myself as I am specifically looking to be with someone who isn't going to fuck up the whole purpose of my incarnation here and is going to actually be someone I can love deeply. This requires becoming a man that is worthy of the woman I want.

>If you are to answer this, rate yourself 1-10.

On what scale? Beauty? Worth? What?

>As male or female, are your relationships one sided (if so who has the upper hand?) or equal?

I don't have any relationships as I focus all my efforts, all my energy, into philosophy and mysticism.

>What sparks your interest?

A redpilled and greenpilled healthy beautiful woman.

>What makes you lose interest?

Finding out they are actually some retarded wiccan who did drugs and who is not at all open to actual hardcore learning and practice.

>How has the degeneracy of the chans affected your love life?

I don't have a love life.

>If answer this, how much of a degenerate are/were you, 1-10?

Chans make me more celibate and less degenerate by showing all these cases of degeneracy and making me desire sex even less so. That said I probably went from 1 on that scale to about 2 because I used to never get aroused by a woman sucking dick but after reading some story about it, that changed me from being disgusted by it, to being aroused… so in that way I became more degenerate as previously the only thing I could tolerate was the idea putting benis into bagina… and even that took awhile to accept. Sex has always disgusted me.


Marriage doesn't mean much. Having sex with more than one partner in your life is degenerate. You should have one life-long partner and never fuck anyone else. Ideally you should marry a cousin and fuck her for rest of your life.



I can get behind this sentiment.



I can answer this. It's because you just end up reincarnating in similar circumstances if you don't work out your karma beforehand.



How do you discover the tao that can not be spoken?



>the key to getting anywhere in life is to STOP being yourself and understand how the subconscious works, reversing the brainwashing and conditioning done onto you by society so can start being woke

Your psychological babble translated into wizardspeak is:

>realize the true spiritual self, embraces the virtues, purge the thoughtform attachments, draw in the influences into your soul that remold your lower self into an expression of the archetypal energies you truly want to animate you


Can we have a serious chat about relationships and love?

It seems like the best way to have relationships is to just spend time with people you like and to avoid labels like boy/girlfriend or wife. This probably works better if you have a high amount of self love or become mentally androgynous so you don't feel the need to have a partner.

I'm currently stuck in a hypocritical desire of wanting to see multiple women, but hating seeing those women with other men. I see love as something I have for myself and share with others, but ultimately only I can provide enough for myself. I want to live a big life and meet and love many people, and I accept that I will lose relationships and partners. But it hurts to see me completely replaced.


probably gonna be an unpopular opinion but hear me out.

back in eden times, sexuality and sensuality werent so conflated.

you would be intimate physically with people you were intimate mentally and emotionally.

it wouldnt have been considered weird for 2 friends to kiss or cuddle (or other stuff depending on how close you are) regardless of gender or marital status.

but sex (as in penetrative, hetero, ejaculatory sex) was sacred. people would travel for miles at certain times of the year to certain places to mate and reproduce. because thats what its for. its probably naive to think we could revert back to that state but its important to know where we came from.

yknow just one fuckin dick sneeze, if every sperm in it fertilised an egg; that could repopulate england twice. think about that. think about the power in your loins.and the responsibility you have to control that in this overpopulated world.

if there are not enough people(~less than 200) in a community everyone in that community should have heterosexual relationships.

when there are too many people in a community(~more than 200) most people should be homosexual or celibate. this isnt about morals or sin or any other bullshit designed to confuse people, this is just about balance and homeostasis.

this is what all social animals do when there are no predators.

in this society we are living in right now, really, it should be at least half the populations sacred duty to be homosexual or celibate.

the issue is that there is a definite correlation between intelligence and homosexuality, celibacy or having few children.

idk i guess this is a big issue but i think there is real truth in what im saying


everyones bisexual i think( or rather your sexuality is a blank slate which gets carved a little bit by the experiences you have from adolescence onwards.)

i mean in this society women are told that they are weak and so they desire a man to be their strength.

men are told they are ugly, and so they desire a woman to be their beauty.

its deeper than that but that is at the core of most peoples psychologies but so few people realise it.



Wizardette here. Sex magick is best magick. Needs to happen more.



…are you me? Only I'm like this with one, two, maybe three guys.


>Your best sex? Never had great sex?

Best sex is a tie between an ex and a guy I’m trying to date right now, but he keeps dicking me over. The psychic bond between us is intense as we dual dream. Part of me wonders if he might be "other." Part of me wonders if he could be reptilian.

>What is sex, to you?

Cabalistic, two parts of a soul becoming one Divine soul.

>As someone with a mind tempered (>) beyond mundanes, how difficult or easy is it for you to get into a relationship or achieve casual sex?

Casual sex disgusts me. I am a bitch hermit, so I don’t get out much.

>As male or female, are your relationships one sided (if so who has the upper hand?) or equal?

Varied, depends on the individual I am dating.

>What sparks your interest? What makes you lose interest?

I need my partner’s masculinity to be complimentary to my innate femininity. I have a thing for blue collars, union types. I love tall men.

>How has the degeneracy of the -chans affected your love life?

I’ve become extremely hardened towards gore and death. Would never date/marry a numale or blue-pilled individual



It's when she has body-shaking orgasms and wets the bed, I thought she pissed herself at first. She was scared.


Try 40.



>Casual sex disgusts me.

Same here. Most people think I'm a manwhore but I'm still under 10 partners.

I also don't stick my dick in crazy thanks to my previous experience like >>83344



how to meet greenpilled women



Train them yourself, i believe?

Get someone at least with a open mind and good approach to spirituality, and introduce the truth in small bits.

I'm not the lady there btw. It would be nice to hear from her how she became greenpilled tho.



I don't think you will. You can try to train someone like the other poster said, but very few people are actually open to changing their entire life view, and even less are going to stick around to their current life once they know about it.

It's best to avoid thinking you can change others, especially when truth comes from within. If you train a woman to be greenpilled, is she still the same woman?

Don't worry about greenpilled women. Be greenpilled yourself, and satiate that desire for an equal life partner into a love for yourself. Then fuck mundane whores on the daily.



Nigga you gay.



So was Alesteir Crowley



You obviously don't seem to realize we need wars, expansion, death, etc.

Basically what happens is, the more we intervene with new medicines and other stuff to prevent people dying, the more the universe invents new ways such as cancer to kill people off so the whole karmic system can continue to work.

The way many people die today is they become disgusting, sick, and fat and die watching television and taking pills in their home on the couch or whatever or they die in a hospital.


Better for us to live healthier and more dramatic lives that end in violence then that we stagnate and die under the curse of modernity.



You have been mislead. War and unnecessary death are not things that bring change, but effects of negative change. War will not stop people from being hedonistic and causing their own death, they will just begin to idolize war as well as their degeneracy.

I spread not the globalist fantasy of peace and freedom under a totalitarian world wide government, but individual peace created by the enlightened. That is the only reasonable end goal.



The genetics of the people will get fucked up by low birthrates.

I consider myself very advanced and as far as I'm concerned most of the stuff people do and aspire to are all burdens, they just don't know it. They make devils out of it all, but they don't experience the death of their desires for all these various things, as I do. To give you an example, I pity the wealthy who are controlled by their wealth, I pity the businessman, I pity the politician, I pity pretty much all of them.



>I pity pretty much all of them.

And should we not free them instead of letting them kill each other for eternity? They will continue to suffer because they don't know any better. More war will only lead to more suffering, until physical life truly becomes hell; a hell focused on suffering over teaching.



>And should we not free them instead of letting them kill each other for eternity?

They have to live out and outlive their karma. You can't intervene and "free them" and it's not worth the effort.

>They will continue to suffer because they don't know any better. More war will only lead to more suffering, until physical life truly becomes hell; a hell focused on suffering over teaching.

No it doesn't work like that. There suffering is a result of their immaturity. There is no cure for that except experience. They are here to follow their desires until they learn eventually to desire better things that draw them closer to God.

The only way for a child to learn is to let them burn their hand on the stove or at least feel the heat.

You will be called throughout your life btw to do things for other people, to live by your personality, to play your part in the cosmic ladder of ascent. You will meet people, shit will happen, and there will be learning from it. Sometimes you will cross path with immature people and the resulting experiences and lessons will fit their grade, other times you'll be dealing with much more advanced stuff.

The soldier/warrior is eternal and will never be stamped out. The best you can do is let them conform as strongly as possible to the archetypal warrior, to be the very best soldier, to cultivate the strongest virtues of that path.

No matter what your role, there are opportunities to cultivate the virtues, and advance further in life.

Practically everyone dies and suffers. One of the things about being as "le advanced" as me is to ALLOW for lots of things. God allows everything. You don't stamp out the experiences, the freedom. People go through all these experiences in life for very good purpose.

There is no change. The immature souls will just reincarnate in another "hell" so to speak, if you totally fix up Earth, and make it an attractive place for only the advanced souls. Earth at present caters to such a wide range of spirits at different levels of unfoldment, from the very immature and animal-like, to humans very advanced who have penetrated deep into the mysteries and exert an incredible control over maya.


There is nothing wrong with fixing up and making this Earth better btw, and you will certainly experience the better side of Earth life as you yourself advance and mature, but from the greater perspective I look at it, those lesser souls will just end up elsewhere.

We were incarnated here on Earth because Earth at present resonates with us and presents the opportunities and learning experiences we need.

There are already other "Earths" that are paradise. You will go to them or you will make this one just like them, but from the absolute point of view, you have changed nothing at all. Everyone still has to learn. Everyone still finds themselves in exactly the circumstances and so on they need.

You spend your life fixing up Earth and not yourself, you'll make Earth into a paradise, or what you think is a paradise at any rate. Then you'll die and end up on an Earth just as fucked as the one you fixed.

When you advance, others advance with you, and you end up in conditions of life that are better for you and everyone else you cross paths with.

So remember always that you are the #1 priority, but also that, everyone grows with you too and benefits by the experiences with you. Just change yourself, and you have done the whole work.


The perfect man who has achieved the equilibrium of the elements ceases to make anymore mistakes. In everything he does and thinks, and in every crossing of paths, he always makes those choices which bring about the maximum benefit and are aligned with the greatest virtue.




You're right. You seem like you know what you're talking about, so maybe you could help me with a dilemma: I dedicate a lot of my time involving magick into creating resources for others, such as writing information online, and I was planning on writing books on topics at a later date. Is this a waste of time? My goal was to be able to provide resources to many people.



If you really feel so inclined then by all means, feel free to go on, but if you find more friction than enjoyment in the enterprise, then I wouldn't really recommend it. Like the posts above indicate, you can't do the growing for others even if you put tons of info out there, so in the end it may be something of a wasted effort. If you find that the task comes to you easily however, there's little reason not to I'd say. Do whatever you find yourself most naturally inclined towards.



> I dedicate a lot of my time involving magick into creating resources for others, such as writing information online, and I was planning on writing books on topics at a later date. Is this a waste of time? My goal was to be able to provide resources to many people.

No. It's not a waste of time because the teacher is learning even as he teaches. It's part of his perfection. From your cultivation flows out a power that changes everyone around you. It's just that old axiom as within; so without. You will find that when you produce that kind of material, it will only benefit people who are ready for it, and it will only fall into the hands of people who are attracted to it via the law of attraction.


Wasn't sure where to post this so I may as well do it here.

Got a strange case so I'll summarize it:

>Fem friend moved far from me

>She loved her house at first, but shortly after she claimed she heard sounds at night

>She was talking about spooky feelings and all that typical stuff.

From here on the story goes full /b/

>One day she messages me early in the morning, terrified, saying she has been raped by a ghost

>I think she's just shitting me, but she repeats it again and again and feels really scared.

>She says she woke up and basically there was something touching her, went inside her V.

>This has happened to her 3 more times in the 5 months she has been there.

>She has noticed that she has become much more sex-driven, with the downside that her C cup has shrunk, she is barely a b cup now.

What the fuck is happening to her and how to prevent it? I've read about some other cases like these, but shit's weird, and her tits are definitely shrinking. What do? How to banish it?

And if it's not a ghost, *how to do it*


I think I've unintentionally manifested new realities with lust. I, in the midst of nofap, had deep, deep sexual fantasies with regards to fat women with saggy, pancake breasts and the next day, I would stumble upon women who fulfilled those expectations. When I lusted for chubby, thick thighs, a schoolgirl walked my way who fulfilled such desires the next day. Now, I don't know if it was genuinely the next day but nonetheless, I think I am seeing a connection between these things.

You see, ever since I started meditating, I noticed that I think I have the ability to "send out a signal". If I want something and I try to feel something in my head, I feel like it does something around me. Like a beacon or something. I actually feel a loss of energy or something throughout the whole of my head. Am I right /fringe/? I'm trying to stop myself from sexually fantasising now of course. I think it's valuable energy.



what is the law of attraction


Is astral travel better than sex?



how good are you at sex? how good are you at astral travel?



come on guy look at the catalog


I dont know, I thought fun but then I couldn't even get laid in my dreams so….


>mind tempered (>) beyond mundanes

only because I entertain more ideas, have a bit of imagination. Other than that were no different

>achieve casual sex

mmmmmm this is the best part. had 4 good chances but some how didnt get laid. I did stick my dick in one girl for 2 secs before it went flaccid so technically got laid but no good memories sadly. 4/10


>are your relationships one sided

mine personally no cause I don't have one. but they always will be one sided either socially or mentally.


Dont know


>How has the degeneracy of the chans affected your love life?


probably has but being social on the internet does help me be social in real life.



>I think I've unintentionally manifested new realities with lust. I, in the midst of nofap, had deep, deep sexual fantasies with regards to fat women with saggy, pancake breasts and the next day, I would stumble upon women who fulfilled those expectations.

I think that you started to notice those women once you started to make progress but whateves, Do what you want.


File: e07879efa863adc⋯.jpeg (175.52 KB, 1077x1341, 359:447, Rebis2.jpeg)

The REBIS, the androgyne Ur-man is what the sexual union emulates to recreate. The androgyne soul was split into two halves that constantly seek to unite with each other.



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The real question that needs to be asked is how good he is at astral sex with undines, succubi a shit.



>where you know the part you are to play in this life.

and whats your part?






So say the demons. But in reality, more information is always better.

They're always whispering, but it's subtle and not always verbal so people don't realize. It's not so bad, I guess. I mean, they don't seem to all be on the same side, but I don't know. They are selective about who they bother with as well. It must take energy or something. When things seem effortless, not a matter of will, they're there. That is what I've observed anyway.




Get a greenpilled relationship, cultivate solo, or age and die. Your choice anon DO IT!


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I don't always enjoy vile diseased succubi, but when I do, I make sure they are young enough to fortify and enhance my yang jing.



Please my man would you detail the technique so that others can learn it?



Tell her to have sex with someone in the house and while he ejaculates imagine a thoughtform which represents the consent she gave him to fuck her and which will battle other intrusive thoughtforms

Or just burn some incense and move the stick around the room chanting a positive mantra. Might work? If the spirit is weak


I use affirmations at work sometimes to keep me going. It's a physically demanding job and affirmations prevent fatigue and increase my endurance. The affirmations are usually some variant of

>I'm powerful

>I can do anything

But recently I added this:

>I'm a harem king

Of course it's a dream of mine to one day have several girls on call to sexually satisfy me whenever I want. And what are harem kings like? Strong, high stamina. Perfect for my strenuous job. So I repeated:

>I'm a harem king

>I'm a harem king

>I'm a harem king

Believe it or not, within a few days of starting this, I had my first threesome. It felt like it happened purely by chance. I invited over a girl from online dating, and she came with another girl. It ended up being the best sex I ever had.




deluded degenerate


basically this


there is no need for succubi. you can still become enlightened and do everything solo. when you realize you are complete within, there is no need to lose yourself to a succubus, because you have lost yourself to the whole universe and became complete on your own.

the reason that so many spiritual people are defending and obsessing over sex/relationships is that they are secretly still needy and addicted to pleasures and are too weak or too lazy to walk the path and aquire complete self mastery. But on the other hand, what can one expect from degenerate mundanes on a image board pretending to be wizards? Most will never conquer materialism and earthly pleasures. Holy shit at least fuck in the astral realms, it's so much better you pussies


Protip: there are no greenpill relationship. All relationship are blue pilled in nature. And of course all women are by default blue pilled and cannot break out of their prison. There are no green or brown pilled women. Or even red pilled. Thus we just call them succubi, that's basically their worth. Check out the renouncing lust thread and free yourself from evil devil vagina magic. Don't be a prisoner addict to vagina like the harem faggot above. He wastes his time to create a harem and fuck girls, while instead he could work on his enlightenment and freedom and solve the mysteries of the universe. Little does he know that he is controlled by succubus and larvae and he is merely a slave. Don't be this guy. 3D Succubi are not divine feminine gods and never will be. They are as far from it as it can get, mere parasites who will drag you down and sway you from your path



women are apex manifestation of the feminine.

don't be a sad lonely virgin, appreciate women like you would good cheese, beer or craftsmanship.



Foolish Blue Pill.

You insult the devine feminine by claiming human women are the apex manifestation of it. Women are the worst, rotten manifestetion of it that you will find in the entire mental, astral and physical planes. Go meet any female astral being or even female goddes and you will see how eternally better they are and more pure and divine.

However let's assume that what you sayis actually true. What would that mean? What would it say about the devine feminine? I cannot even muster to think such thoughts about the feminine.

Also thee is no need to call anyone sad lonely virgin, unless your subconscious is projecting from itself, in which case I feel sorry for you that you see yourself this way…you may yet be healed.

Of course you can explain your standpoint and convice me and anyone else here that you are actually right, to which I am open and everyone else here should be open too.

>appreciate women like you would good cheese, beer or craftsmanship.

So you basically mean pump and dump? Treat them as objects for pleasure only?


How do we fix the growing separation of the genders in our current age of loneliness?

Personally, I think if people just got up and did some basic fucking exercise it wouldn't be as bad as it is as. Then I also remember how narcissistic the current generation is.

Where does BDSM fit into esoteric sex? I've always preferred it when my partner scratches or bites me.

Does anyone else think that when the sexbot revolution really hits down the bots themselves may become vessels for aetheric sexual predators such as succubi?



Damn, never thought of that… "Skynet" (when it happens) will be thought of as AI but what if it was really a substantially cunning and powerful demonic entity



The robots may become vessels for all kinds of parasites, but the trained magician knows how to protect his robot with shields, elementals, sigils and so on. He may even infuse it first with his own creation thus making it serve him more and become even more valuable. The kitchen knife can be a tool of art and creation for the cook, but for the common mundane degenerate it is merely a tool for murder. So it is with everything, even with sex bots. The magician turns everything into good, usefull tools to better his own life and of everyone else.

Surely mundanes will create a lot of tulpas and attract a lot of succubi and the suffering will only intensify. Some anon posted just from talking to a doll for two weeks it became alive…just imagine the impact with all the sex bots.



I take this back. I was mistaken. Upon deep mediation and realization I was shown that there are some amazing women in the world. Just because I have never met one in the western world where I live doesn't mean that there are none. I was shown a lot of beautiful women who were very green pilled at the minimum and who had values and noble characters.

I feel deeply sorry for my statements all over the threads about women. But also I see that the Divine Providence understands where I am coming from and has symphaty with me. But what is to make of it? Nothing will change for me, because I still will only find the rotten women given the place where I live, in the middle of a shitty western town full of mundanes. Truely, Now I may be tormented even more, knowing that there are amazing women out there but that I will never meet them. I think most of them are in asia btw.

Please accept my humble apology.



Look I don't want to be rude as I can only see some posts you made and not your whole situation but the problem is probably yours. I've seen many poeple blame their situation so they can avoid any responsability while they have massive flaws. But I don't really see any benefit to it.

I can almost guarantee you that you could be as bitter towards women anywhere and the world. And you could find every single town being as full of "mundanes" as yours.

Anyways if as you say the Divine Providence wants you to be in a particular situation where you won't meet any worthy woman and will be always surrounded by "mundanes" (I doubt it) why not just go along with it? Just focus on things you can change.



You may be right. I am certainly not perfect and have quite a lot of flaws. I am just going to stay a secluded monk celibate like I was for the past two years and keep working on my own ascension, but now I will try to love all mundanes equally and unconditionally(as much as I can) and show them compassion. Truely, this may be the hardest spiritual task I have ever taken on me. All in a days work.

Thanks for your reply and your understanding.



Spirit manifests in every complex system. As synchronicities in the world at large, as people in human bodies, or evoked entities in smoke or in the visual cortex of the magician.

I would certainly expect entities to rush to the opportunity of incarnating into artificial minds and bodies. I'd go as far as saying that some might even be influencing humanity to build such things for them.


Does anyone else feel like Hades in the path that they have to trick their Persephone to join them?


For the non MGTOW in this thread, what do you think of sex "patterns" with your mate?

I've been thinking about this for a while now, having sex only during a certain period of time, say, only during the summer, and then dedicating each other to higher spiritual practices. It would be kinda like asceticism



>non MGTOW

You mean cattle?


File: 8340413d2d74326⋯.jpg (120.64 KB, 640x425, 128:85, jesus-christ-child-nephite….jpg)

If you are a Targeted Individual, here are some counter-measures for T.I.'s…




>I can't do X so I'm going to say it's virtuous to not do X



…that is absolutely ridicurous


File: d6f0cf024e644c9⋯.jpg (304.82 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, image-16.jpg)

Reminder that you shouldn't have sex until marriage.


File: 29a19e98c8b53e7⋯.gif (464.39 KB, 215x141, 215:141, HTTPS9tZWRpYS5naXBoeS5jb20….gif)



>do you guys not want to pass off your genetics?

This meme is a terrible one. Unless you're taking over the body whats the point in worrying about that, your sense of pride and legacy? pfft



Virginity is the mind killer. Just check /r9k/.




>implying witches have relationships outside of charpet munching, kitty grooming and broom handles

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