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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: cd4905ba4086334⋯.jpg (505.46 KB, 752x2009, 752:2009, Hibernian conspiracy v 2_7….jpg)

File: 9479fd1d75e82a8⋯.jpg (429.3 KB, 748x2009, 748:2009, Hibernian_8a0b0d_5866691.jpg)

File: 19601afe30cbabd⋯.jpg (267.89 KB, 748x1104, 187:276, Hibernian_b19e84_5866691.jpg)

File: 9479fd1d75e82a8⋯.jpg (429.3 KB, 748x2009, 748:2009, Hibernian_8a0b0d_5866691.jpg)

File: bf557f3b6af8a2f⋯.jpg (450.78 KB, 785x4345, 157:869, 1t1O9Dr.jpg)


Why haven't you taken the green pill yet, /fringe/?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Irish Origins of Civilization


A short time ago a worldwide cataclysm precipitated the fall of advanced prediluvian civilizations. Mighty continents sank beneath towering waves, were swallowed by the gaping earth or obliterated by ferocious natural forces. By colossal error the scattered remnants of prediluvian civilizations are taken for the nascent ones of the so-called “Historical” period that ostensibly commenced approximately eight thousand years ago, during the early Neolithic epoch. Although the earliest Mesolithic and Megalithic sites of the world prove to be more sophisticated in design and construction than those of later date, most people continue to accept the unsustainable fiction concerning the world of the past. Ancient man was primitive and modern man is civilized. That is what the vast majority of people believe. It is, however, one of the most egregious fallacies conceivable.


A second cataclysmic wave, so to speak, has likewise swept from existence august Druidic colleges that once operated throughout the world. These colleges had been restoring, for the good of all, elements of technology from a devastated bygone age of the gods. These colleges and their creators are equally lost, buried and forgotten. In the place of primordial sanctums of knowledge and culture there arose institutions and teachings that seek not to improve and enlighten, but confuse and mislead. They are established over sites where Servants of Truth once inquired into the workings of mind and soul, world and cosmos. It might be said that history is the story of the conflict between the Servants of Truth and the virtueless ones; between magicians and sorcerers. The obliteration of the gnosis of the primordial caste of Elders was a man made holocaust largely unknown today. It is this calamity that has damaged and oppressed the peoples of the world more than any series of natural disasters, terrible as they might have been. To the Elders of old, a twisted darkened mind was a horror worse to behold than a broken lightless world.


File: a129b390c43bd74⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 516x558, 86:93, 19601afe30cbabd6661522e044….jpg)


>not being of the human/fairy hybrid master race

back to /leftypol/





Ha im not even gonna bother with this new shit but it does make me think about how all big companies skimp on taxes through some loophole involving ireland.

Also my father is Northern Irish, am I evil now?



>am I evil now

Is your mother a jew kike rat bastard JEW RAT?



No she was a white pagan



Then you're fine.

"Le Hibernian" meme was created by disinfo agents hired by usa government agencies at the behest of Israel.

It's basically a fallacy of

>look how silly it is to blame irish people just because of their race

>silly jew haters

>there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

/leftypol/ is gullible enough to believe they created it, in reality most posters on /leftypol/ are disinfo agents who do it (not) for free.


File: ef9c7bdaf2b63fb⋯.jpg (314.63 KB, 472x600, 59:75, 1451704251033[1].jpg)


Mick shill detected.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

David Duke gets GREENED



This has been going for a long time.

Irish don't trust the jews and they resent them for it.

Look at Kennedy.


File: d4c066e390090cb⋯.png (4.8 MB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, cloud-atlas.png)



so on fringe if the global elite are worshiping druids is that good or bad?

this sounds like we are in good hands :)


Wish there were more green pills on here.


File: 266e535677d89a2⋯.jpg (60.11 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Slow-Cooker-Beef-Stroganof….jpg)

Right now I'm too worried about figuring out how to cook the REAL stroganoff.



Greenpills are for FAGGOTS


I have been told by writers of postmodern philosophy that it is a really cold vagina.

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