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Bernsteins;Gate/Mandela Effect/Half Life 3/Nasa/Flat Dome Earth/Atlantis/Tower of Babel/Cern/what heaven is like/all religions are wrong

these are some of the things I will be posting about because they are all sharing of informational connections.

this whole thread is going to be almost all copy post material from other smaller redpill threads I made before so I will repeate myself just a little but keep reading because it will help it make more sense. I got all of this from talking to God and i mean this in the most humble way possible.

this is a very very long read, but if you are interested in it, it will feel like a short read and you wont be satisfied by the end of it because this is only fake life and nothing is good enough here.

I'm going to basically dump everything. shills will post here without reading any of it and try to derail the thread or bump other threads to slide this one down. they might even stay quiet and think of better ways of discrediting it. just ignore negative posters like that.

I appreciate constructive criticism though, I'm just saying. question everything. bad people are out to shut this down or make it sound stupid, but I promise you that this is the most sense anything will ever make to you on this earth unless God does otherwise, and that's up to God, not me, so again I humbly apologize for anything that sounds too egotistical by what I'm saying.


In my life I learned that science is as much a religion as religions are a religion, and as religion in its limited perception of the universe is imperfect; therefore so is science.

I'm presenting this from a the standpoint of someone with an enlightened "take a step back after considering everything without truly believing any of it" perspective. I'm not 100% loyal to religion or science at this point in my life. they can and do overlap between the lies.

https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Firmament

http://biologos.org/blogs/archive/the-fir mament-of-genesis-1-is-solid-but-that’s-not-the-point

http://www.kjvbible.org/firmament .html

http://biblehub.com/genesis/1-7 .htm

space is a giant ocean

that's why astronauts train underwater

algea was found on the international space station

the ISS is in the layer of water that can be reached before hitting the solid barrier (firmament)

the sun and the moon are beyond this barrier and unreachable. moon landings were fake, and now we know why they faked them.

the earth is the center of the (this fake) universe

early models of the world/universe were correct and slowly the globalists who worship the shape of the globe tricked everyone. this is why in earlier history (midevil era) and other instances throughout history it was blasphemy to say the world was "round" and many people were burned at the stake, not because they were going against the religious authority and their view, but because they were going against the truth. now the world is backwards and the opposite people are in authority, and if you claim that the world is flat you are metaphorically burned at the stake because everyone "roasts" you "consipiracy theorist!" "neckbeard!" "fedora!" "quack!"

if space was a giant near-vacume (low pressure compared to everything else) our planet couldn't sustain it's atmosphere. just think about how foolish it sounds when they tell you "oh its because gravity holds all the air down") if space is a vacume or near-vacume then all of the earths air would have been vacumed up into space instantly. there is nothing stopping it from doing that.


in the latest peter pan movie "PAN" there are pirate ships that fly from the sky and kidnap the kids in the middle of a bombing to the city and the ships fly into space to go to neverland.

those kids actually died and went to heaven.

space is an ocean.



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think about how resilliant a bubble of air is under water. did you ever see a bubble at the bottom of a glass of water you were drinking? did you ever think "wow bubbles are pretty badass for holding up under all that water". It makes much more sense that we are a giant air bubble in a giant ocean of water.

think about why the ocean looks blue when the sun shines through it. think about how the sky is also blue, makes sense? and troll science bro's with big fancy pieces of paper from the establishment claim "its rayleigh scattering, and the sky isn't actually blue it just looks blue but it isn't because reyliegh scattering just trust us"

every single image of earth from space release by nasa has always been a composite image. they will never release a true non-edited picture of earth from space.

go back and watch any video of a rocket takeoff. why do ALL the rockets always go upwards for a moment and then start to veer off course and curve off the side? they can't keep going straight up because they will hit the water and if they go much deeper they will crash right into the firmament. they always curve to avoid it. ALWAYS. the rockets always land somewhere else out of sight or people are told it's just a retrieval of parts, but you know what the truth is.

bible mentions "the waters above and below"

the whole world is a flat dome shape that doesn't move. the earth is fixed in place and doesn't move. if the earth was spinning as fast as they say it is, we would have been launched off of it.

look up operation highjump and operation fishbowl. they nuked the firmament to test if they could break it.

they only thing that every country on earth ever agreed on and never broke their promise, as they all promised together, was to leave antarctica alone. the north pole is the center of the landmass and the south pole is actually a giant ring around the outer edges of the earth. it's illegal to fly there without permission (almost nobody ever gets that permission) and so it is conveniently incredibly difficult to prove or disprove this once and for all. what a coincidence.


remember when those people were trying to get God removed from mentions in the pledge of allegiance and on money and the mainstream AAA news intentionally made it seem like all those people were anti God or something?

those people were actually against the pledge of allegience because they didn't like how small children were being forced to pledge allegiance to a giant governmental corporate entity, and they didn't like how they misused the name of God by saying "one nation, under God, or having "in God we trust, on the money because all these things are based on political propaganda and brainwashing,

especially when children are forced to magically associate God with the government and all our money so that they are brainwashed from a young age to worship money and our government and the corporations as false gods and ultimately false idols. they were upset because God is good but the name was being put on bad things like money and the pledge of allegiance to the globalist cult.

anyone who has ever gone to the tallest skyscraper and looked 360 degrees all around the horizon will notice that it is always flat and never curved even at that hight, when it should be.

ancient pyramids and stone structures are found all over the world with similar architechture and impossible standards of perfection

the whole world is atlantis and that's why we can't find it, because we are standing on it.

bible says that God created the sun, and the moon, and the stars. they are mentioned seperately.

stars are not suns that are far away, they are something else.

all ancient records religions or otherwise all remember the great flood.

all kinds of very closely related pyramids and structures all over the entire world that defy explanation come from the same group of people.

God sent the flood to destroy the previous Globalist society, and God promised with the rainbow that God would never send a flood again.


when God destroyed the world with the flood to destroy the globalist empire this is also when God changed everyones languages. with the technology available now, translation is becoming extremely easy. we are at a point where the global elite cult is rebuilding the lost empire, where everyone can get past not being able to speak each others languages, and a world in which they control what they believe is the "god particle" even though they are misled to believe they have found anything important at all. the vast majority of all mandela effects witnessed by people who notice the differece (the people named "the unforgotten" who have the "reading steiner" from steins;gate and hold memories after the shift/shifts) are changes of corporations, their brand names, and their logos. I believe that this may be God challenging the global elite cult by showing them that their logo's are false idols and mean nothing. there have also been changes to the bible, and I believe that this is indicative of God telling people that the word of God comes straight from God, and not a book. I believe that they next step may possibly include mandela effects changing money.

political and corporate groups are without a doubt aware of this phenomena, as hillary clinton mentioned feeling like she is in an alternate universe in the same video where she opens the supposedly "pre-opened" pickle jar to prove to millions of people she isn't very very sick.

the whole world had become the tower of babel, and the whole world became Atlantis, a one world government, a globalist empire that controlled the whole world. yes, they did it before. they enslaved the whole planet before.

genesis 6-5

5 The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”


"God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth."

so God sent the flood onto the whole world because the global elite cult was All over the Whole world. and humanity basically started all over.


>basically globalist cult = fake jews who are jewing the real jews so that everyone fights and never notices the higher ups


>9I know your affliction and your poverty — though you are rich! And I am aware of the slander of those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact a synagogue of Satan.


>9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.

remember though, the whole devil thing is just the global cult's false religion. just because they think it's real and worship that false idol, doesn't make it real.

even the jews are mad about zionism, they know they are getting hijacked and they aren't supposed to be in "fake" israel on earth here because they didn't do the 3 oaths.






now CERN is the new tower of babel. they want to/ claim to have found the "godparticle"/higgs boson. they want to believe they can control God, and they worship the false idol "destroyer" statue at CERN.

Globalism/ the goal of the global elite cult is "the tower of babel"

the global elite cult worships many false idols that are totally fake and do not exist, like satan, the demiurge, jesus (both jesus and satan called the morning star in the bible)

globalists want to unite/enslave the entire "globe" even though it is not a globe, it is a plane.



they want the whole plane under a one world government so that their tyranny can rule over everyone.


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since you are very little, one of the first things you are expected to learn is that you live on the earth and the earth is a globe, and you are repeatedly shown this big spinning toy and you have a few childish thoughts like "how does everyone on the bottom not fall off?" and everyone tells you its because "gravity" holds everyone on the sphere, but remember centrifugal force is very powerful and can keep water in a bucket even though its spinning around a certain point, but it makes the bucket of water feel much more heavy, like it wants to fly off it's handle with tremendous force. now imagine that all the things on the surface of the earth including its gigantic oceans are all that "bucket of water". what do you think would or rather should have already happened to us all and our cats and dogs and houses and cars if the earth was really spinning around as fast as they want us to believe that it is?

what a coincidence that you can only ever see one side of the moon because its dark side is always facing away from us. what a convenient coincidence that the sun is very bright and you can't really ever be sure if it even has a side facing away or towards us. my point is that the moon only has one side, and the sun only has one side. they only exist to be seen from earth.

globalists absolutely HATE the idea of people knowing that the earth, the sun, and the moon are actually flat because one of their false idols is "the globe". if you think the world is a flat dome shape/plane, you go against their religon and this offends them very much.

satan worshippers (remember satan and hell is fake and made up by these people for their false idol worship and as a psyop mental warfare technique to instill the worrying and suffering of others via self hatred and judgement anxiety) tend to hijack the sun that God created to light up the earth and use it as a false idol and worship the sun as (the SON) (jesus is the son/sun) (satan is the lightbringer/lucifer/sun) to be in rebellion against God. that is why they always send anti flat earth shills to call everyone who says the earth is flat "conspiracy quack oooooo crazy tinfoil muh radio beams ufo" but remember that the critical thinkers are the ones that uncover most of the lies and deception that surround us. the global elite cult will always try to discredit the truth.


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There will never be a half life 3 because We are half life 3.

CERN IS black mesa.

The Large Hardron Collider is the Anti-Mass Spectrometer

Black Mesa created the Resonance Cascade

CERN created the Mandela Effect

It's called HALF-life because HALF of us remember half of life being different via the Mandela Effect Resonance Cascade


>"The Resonance Cascade is a cataclysmic quantum event created after the insertion of Xen crystal sample "GG-3883" into the Anti-Mass Spectrometer at Black Mesa"


>Micro black holes, also called quantum mechanical black holes or mini black holes, are hypothetical tiny black holes, for which quantum mechanics effects play an important role.[1]

>According to notes from Gordon's desk, every object has a set resonance. When studied, the object will resonate even more, and sometimes even rapidly. If the object resonates too much, it can open dimensional rifts and portals.

>While appearing to have been a contained event, it did in fact have repercussions across the entire planet. The Resonance Cascade was the cause of not only the interdimensional rift, but also all following events.


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>I understand what you're getting at, but it seems like you used half-life as an excuse to start a thread that isn't about videogames.

I can understand why anons could feel that way, but I posted this because of how I realized how deeply intertwined the events that are taking place are with videogames, specifically with Half-Life, that I know /v/ is always talking about and hoping for a sequel (half-life 3) but I came to the realization that We, as in Us in real life, are the sequel. adding to that the direct relation to Steins;gate, this inadvertently yet unavoidably makes videogames and anime real.




>Sci-Fi, Thriller

>Half-Life Poster

>An Amercian scientific research facility opens a portal to a hostile alien world, who begin to invade the earth.

>God Particle (2017)

>(you mean the higs boson?)

>Sci-Fi, Thriller | 24 February 2017 (USA)

>A shocking discovery forces a team of astronauts aboard a space station to fight for survival while their reality has been altered.



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CERN created the internet.

or at least that's what the facts are in this timeline.

in my timeline CERN never created the internet.

in my timeline the internet was created in the earlier days of the military to create a new secret more secure form of communication, and the project was used by the earlier hackers who basically found and then began to use the internet for their own needs, and the military did nothing to stop it, but rather sat back and watched. they always wanted others to use it, because look at what it became today. today the internet is the largest worldwide surveilance system where people unknowingly or knowingly give their information to the entire world. However, it is beginning to appear more as though CERN may have hijacked the timeline for their own purposes and made themselves the original creators of the internet. in theory, how much money or power would one person hold if they were to go back in time and become the original creator of google, and never sell it?- let alone the entire internet?

here are some links, some are more conflicting than others- perhaps due to timeline residue. not everything gets changed or erased, similarly to how so many people remember things differently.












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I included very few quotes of some other anons and the things that they say they also remember. if those few anon's quotes are not accurate, don't whine.

bernstein bears (originally) became berenstein bears, became berenstain bears.

berenstein is what people who can't handle the shock use to say it wasn't berenstain.

it was ALWAYS bernstein bears, ( bern stein )

they are trying to confuse us with a double negative.

c3po in the old starwars now has a silver leg (used to be all gold color)

shawn of the dead is now shaun of the dead

mirror mirror on the wall snow white now magic mirror on the wall

Luke, I AM your father is now No, I am your father

mr.rogers says "It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood" instead of "it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood".

"this" excludes everyone at home, "the" is what he always said and he was including everyone.

Looney Toons now Luney Tunes

New zealand, South america, Australia (land down under), Japan, korea, Italy, Pakistan, Russia, China, Iceland, Greenland and many other land masses have changed shape or size or position or all of these. LOOK AT ANY MAP.

Isaiah 11:6

"the Lion shall lie down with the Lamb" is now "The Wolf also shall dwell with the Lamb"

Interview with a vampire is now called Interview with the vampire.

sketchers now skechers

kit-kat is now kitkat

the Ford car logo is different and so is the Volkswagen logo (a random anon mentioned the Volvo logo and many others?)

human anotomy has changed. your stomach and kidneys are now way high up and in your ribcage and your liver is way bigger


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mona lisa now smiles

sex in the city is now sex and the city

fruit loops is now froot loops

Johnny Quest is now Jonny Quest

the line "beam me up, scotty" was never uttered in star trek (now)

>"life Is like a box of chocolates- you never know what you're gonna get"

is now

>"life WAS like a box of chocolates- you never know what you ARE going to get"

sherbert icecream is now sherbet

in the movie "The Wizard of OZ" the scarecrow (who wants to have a brain) NOW HOLDS A GUN.

he never had a gun before.

in the scene from the first pirates of the carribean Jack Sparrow is trying to convince Barbosa to work with him in the first movie and starts bribing him with the offer of a hat, "a really big one", and then he adds "with a feather in it" this really hit me hard, I definitely remember this one as well, I haven't re-watched the movie yet but everyone says that that scene doesn't exist anymore.

many people have begun to experience the resurfacing of very strange old memories of drowning when they were little or memories of being swimming deep underwater somewhere or in a pool when they were little but still being able to be breathing somehow.

>"Similar thing happened with the game Spiderman: Web of shadows with the final QTE sequence, where when you fail, Spiderman says, in a chipper tone "Well, that's a nice trick." We laughed our asses off as every time you fail the QTE, it goes back to Spiderman saying "Well, that's a nice trick."

>"We heard it every single time my cousin failed, so it was at least 5 times. Fast forward and he gets to the ending again, ready for us to laug hagain, but now Spiderman says a downcast "Nice trick… didn't stop it." now no matter what, the ending is "Nice trick… didn't stop it." but we KNOW he said "Well, that's a nice trick."

>"Anyone remember things differently than when they were kids? I only briefly remember one part from A Goofy Movie, that doesn't exist anymore. It was during the roadtrip montage, and Max and Goofy were at a baseball game, they got a player to sign it, and handed it to them."

>"I distinctly remember a static shot of the baseball in question with about two sentences to a paragraph of cursive writing. I remember this specifically because I couldn't read in cursive at the time, and wanted to know what it said. I tried rewatching my original VHS copy and the shot was missing, as well as a pirated version I got online and my nephew's DVD version."


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>"So does anybody else remember Dick Clark dying in late 2012 and not April?"

>"Today I saw a post on halfchan. They were talking about Kissinger in the PRESENT. that nigga died 3 years ago after blowing his mouth about Nixon cuz muh deathbed confession"

>"I was almost certain Rip Torn died a few years ago."

Fidel castro is alive again

a huge amount of people remember playing a very old PC game from the 1990's that has a scary singing bathtub in one scene called "grandma and me" where you can find a worm that comes out of an apple and sings "bo Bo Bo Bo bO bo" and upon playing that game again the worm is undiscoverable.

>"Noam Chomsky is alive today. I've been thinking about that a lot lately, and it freaks me out for some reason."

many people remember watching Moonraker (Bond) and noticing that the girl Jaws falls in love with had braces on her teeth and that that was the point of the scene because they both have metal on their teeth but now she has no braces.

Is it just me? Does anyone else remember the girl having braces?

"if you build it they will come" is now "if you build it he will come"

"Forgive us our tresspasses, as we forgive those who tresspass against us"

is now

"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors"

Wineskins is now Wine bottles

coco puffs is now cocoa puffs

chic-fil-a is now chick-fil-a

cheez-itz is now cheez-it

bragg's is now bragg

the word "environment"

jiffy peanut butter and jif peanut butter both used to exist but now only Jif exists


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jfk assassination had 4 people in the car, now its 6 and the wife is there and is wearing this insane pink dress and the video quality is astoundingly better than it has ever been

many people remember the wife putting her body over JFK to protect him but now she appears to go near him and put her hand under his head right before his head gets blown to bits and then crawl all over the back of the car


notice how in some frames there are only 4 people. residue of the mandela effect.

JCpenny is now JCpenney

Fabreeze is now Febreze

Oscar Meyer is now Oscar Mayer

mamas and papas california dreamin "I began to pray" is now "I pretended to pray"

woman named "sally fields" "you like me, you really like me"

is now called "sally field" and now says "you like me, right now you like me"

"we are the champions….. OF THE WORRRRRLLLLD!!!" cuts off now and doesn't say "of the world" anymore.

the word "dilemna" is now "dilemma"

the board game monopoly "ventura avenue" is now "ventnor avenue"


look at the world map. it has changed.

>south america


>greenland and iceland



>new zealand

all locations have changed or shifted in size or location or shape.


many people remember chartreuse being a more red type of color, not green or yellow.

There's a belief among Mormons and Muslims that both Muhammad passed the Qur'an down orally and why Muslims were supposed to be able to orally recite the Qur'an.

and as for mormons It boils down to anything not written in mental is subject to change after the fact. All of it. Words, pictures, ideas, thoughts. Even the internet. The only thing you can truly trust is your own memory.

do your own research. don't allow yourself to be misguided or disinformed. the shills are among us.


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"totally real people" will take the time and effort to post attempts at highly convincing arguments like:

>In a world with even minutely different geography second order effects wouldn't be how many people are in JFKs car but whether the country exists in this form at all. Move North America one mile West and you've changed every person that will ever be born there. Do you realize how astoundingly unlikely it is that your sperm in particular was successful?

>you just have a bad memory

>memory is imperfect, u r shit, theres no alternate universes

>the number of people in JFK assassination car went back to 4! whoops now it's back to 6! haha! am I doing it rite guis?

>wow it sure is summer in here!

>it's just the weekend, and everyone in this entire thread, no, everyone that believes in the mandela effect is from saturday and are all retarded

>nice meme!

>post some redpills

"wow that's a religion wow that's cats cradle"

>you are mentally ill

>I bet you're a millennial. They don't seem to remember anything.

>I bet your young, that's why you can't remember anything and are stupid and believe in the mandela effect

>I bet your old, that's why you can't remember anything and are stupid and believe in the mandela effect

>The only people I know who care about this shit are all complete fucking idiot retards. For goodness sakes it really is not worth the time and effort to think about this so much. Why are you so scared if the past is changing or not? You should be devoting your thought to more important matters.

>berenstain is the only thing that they changed- the rest of that stuff is just your mind playing tricks on you, and it wasn't a parallel dimension- it was just the jews

(notice how they try to admit a little in desperation to placate "the unforgotten" / mandela effect believers)

also know this- I'm jewish, or at least I was. I'm something different now and I want everyone to know the truth.

you have to keep in mind that alot of the jew meme is just spread by some of the more angry /pol/ers or /pol/ jokers, and by some who legitimately believe the jews are at fault for everything- but i discovered a deeper agenda to the whole jew meme. some shills who want that jew meme spread WANT everyone to focus all their attention and frustration for all their problems on a giant generalized group of religious people so that they are distracted and don't give any attention to the true leaders of the global elite cult. the tops of corporations and government.

those leaders also claim to be jewish to further this meme so that everyone looks at them and goes "the jews control my life! fuck them!" but Again, they will do nothing but be upset towards a bunch of random people in the general population. this works for them because Yet still, the global elite cult bosses are left alone. untouched by any responsibility.


>9I know your affliction and your poverty — though you are rich! And I am aware of the slander of those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact a synagogue of Satan.


>9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.


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>HAHA I just realized where your major malfunction is. All of your primary knowledge of media prior to 2000 comes from parodies. 90% of your list are paraphrased parodies of the original material, found in cartoons and comedy movies. The rest are you just being an illiterate twat. but don't listen to me, I must a shill.. OoooooOOooh dumbass.

>wow everyone who believes in the mandela effect is a stubborn conspiracy theorist who can't handle anyone being right! I'm going to tell everyone that mandela people think: "anyone who disagrees with me is a shill" but I'm going to kee shilling by simultaneously posting that argument and also saying the mandela effect is fake and wrong and a lie in every thread!

>Its not a conspiracy its just when some idiot remembers something poorly and puts his recollection on a webpage or in an email and spreads the bad info to others who automatically trust it.

>In the old days information was handed down by telling stories so by the time it had been passed around a dozen times, it was completely different.

>it's called "remembering something incorrectly and its for normalfags or /fringe/-tier autists.

>You remember things wrong, but in your case your ego doesn't let you admit you may possibly have remembered something incorrectly, Now fuck off

>thousands of people are all remembering things wrong in all the same ways because they are idiots, and someone told them to think that, and it's important for me to run around posting that everyone is wrong in every mandela thread because if I dont everyone will think they are right- when they are actually totally wrong, and the list you posted is a joke, and three quarters are obvious and the last quarter I just don't care about!

>You're just an eyesore!

>You will be ignored

>You will be forgotten

>all of these are bs because the brain remembers bernstein better but it's just the brain correcting the thought to make it easier for itself.

when "totally real people" or "TRP's" surface in such numbers… it can only mean we are doing or thinking of something they do not want us to

The only evidence that any of this has, is what currently exists. That which is the conflict that people have with far more people's memories than those who agree with it. I see no reason to disbelieve in the effect and instead cling to some bizarre theory of highly specific mass memory error. There is currently no worthy acceptable explaination for how so many people from so many different places all over the world could possibly remember (exactly) all the same commonly recognizable and well known events, names, locations of continents and other places, and general miscellaneous things all WRONG, in EXACTLY the same ways.


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You can not trick us, You can not fool us. You will not make us forget. stop lying to yourself. deny yourself the truth no longer. We are the unforgotten.

I would also like to mention that I hate to be that person who slowly trickles information into my thread. I present all my data up front and straight forward. I know there are those who definitely do jump on this thread and read it start to finish drooling all the way as they go, I know I would If I ever came across a thread like this. I let the information present itself, I let the information draw the reader/ seeker of knowledge in so that by reading it they become more interested. I'm not interested in those who lightly skim and run away in fear and laziness.

>My main question is that some of these things seem frivolous, so why would anyone intentionally change them?

a sound possible speculation is that significant (or insignificant) events are changed and through the butterfly effect, these create an unstoppable chain of reactions which result in a lot of small changes like the title of your favorite cartoon manifesting into reality as altered. some people'es memories are altered, and others are spared.

It's just nice to see other people freak out when they absolutely know without a doubt that things they have always known in their everyday life, things that they undoubtably and unshakably remember clearly and sharply, are now obviously and unmistakably altered and noticabley and tangibley different. I and many others have seen Bragg's apple cider vinegar (brand name) suddenly appear forever changed as "bragg" in their pantry. we can all pick up that bottle that we bought as "Bragg's" and touch it, and feel it, and know that it is different than the bottle we got from the store "way back".

>always buy bragg's apple cider vinegar from wholefoods

>one day go on the internet

>everyone flipping out saying it changed to JUST "bragg"

>run to my pantry and look

>all the bottles say "bragg" now

>hue hue?

>call "bragg" company

>"yea we have had loads of people calling us about this, no no we have always been bragg"

>even watched a video on youtube of the lady who owns "bragg" calling it "bragg's"

if you are one of the people who have noticed the difference I reccomend you call the "bragg" company if you are curious enough and ask them if they remember and how many others have called. I encourage you to be polite and not keep them too long however.


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anZQOwx7lk8 gematria calculator values?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0Lt9yUf-VY Cern we are happy video (employee holds up mandela sign)





There should be a bunch of security cameras all over that courtyard and the rest of the CERN facility.

If CERN wanted to debunk this video they could just release a short clip of the woman getting back up and walking away.

But something tells me that's not going to happen.

Question that should be asked isn't whether or not this is real, but who those people are?

In case you didn't know, CERN isn't your local burger king where you just walk in and certainly not a place to walk around in long black robes, and perform a human "sacrifice" in.

The only people that could have pulled this stunt are the employes themselves, question being why?

Where they trying to be le epic trolls or are they simply retarded?


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I'm only here to give you some deep philosophy that will break the chains of your mind and set you free in some ways you didn't know existed. I want to un-fuck you up, I want to undo to your mind what the world has made you sick with. I want to make you stronger and happier. I want you to know God is with you, and I'm not talking about going to some stupid church or joining some stupid cult or religious belief system. Okay, lets get started.

remember everyone, we are on the great journey. It's kind of the experience that matters, but in the end it doesn't even really matter, it's kind of the journey that matters, but it doesn't actually matter, because it's the destination that matters.

I'm going to start with some (alot) backround first to provide some clarity and explain some stuff, then gradually move into the topic of the thread after some lies are destroyed and some truths are well understood. I highly reccomend you read through it all, it seems like it would take hours but only takes a few minutes of passionate and interested reading to get to the heaven part.

don't worry.

I used to be brainwashed by these "you can't escape " "you keep reincarnating" "accept it" guys but I broke free because I got very enlightened. the funny thing is that the more enlightened you get the more desperate they get to try and shill you. part of your desire to break free is evidence of your growing enlightenment.

It IS totally possible that God may have you "come back" for different reasons until you are "done" or maybe just have you do one "life" and be done. God can do anything, but one of my points is that there is no fucking reason why you should beleive what anyone says or think that you are guaranteed to be stuck on earth forever. fuck that.

don't listen to the damage control shills who may rush to the thread to tell you "just accept it you are trapped" "deal with it" as they will try to discredit this. listen to your self. trust your instincts, your gut feelings. God gave you that power. search your feelings to know the truth and your "bullshit radar" will help you know the difference. I can't say that I know why God put us here but experiencing this the way it is, is probably a part of it. maybe we are supposed to know the true meaning of a universe that is flawed by design and know why that's bad. built in obsolescence is a pain in the ass, but God did it all for some reason that humans don't have the senses or the perception of reality to grasp the reasoning behind. God controls everything. if anyone tells you that God wouldn't or couldn't they are delusional because God, being the definition of the abscense of limitation is responsible for everything. there is no coincidence, there is no luck. there are no lords, no kings, no presidents, no corporations, only God. I would throw away a bible in the trash can without a single worry, because the will of God surrounds us and penetrates us all.


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I don't know when God will take me, but if I can't post I want to know that you could if you felt the need to do it.


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Romans 13:1-4New International Version (NIV) Submission to Governing Authorities

13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

also as you can see here the bible is clearly not perfect, since God made humanity imperfect by design, and humanity wrote the bible, the bible is imperfect. the bible was written by greedy and corrupt powerhungry individuals just like the ones who control the government and corporations today. the bible will tell you to respect your parents, but doesn't say anything about what you should do if your parents are abusive. the bible is severely flawed, but does still have some good hints if you can spot them.

shills throughout history made up lies like:

"the greatest trick the devil ever did was convince us he didn't exist"

which pyschologically tempts your mind to consider that you are worried that you are being fooled, and thus tricking a non-devil believer (since the devil isn't real but idiots worship that) into worrying and then believing again.


"the path to hell is paved with good intentions"

so what may I ask Is the path to heaven paved with? bad intentions?

these are all tricks, there is a nasty cult that believes it controls this earth, banks, news, gmo agriculture, corporations and governments are these people. they are fools to believe they are in control for even a second.

I just wanted to really over emphasize this one fact (but gonna say many things)

>only God is real

>everything else a false idol

>all religions are pretty much wrong

>all people who say if you do X you reincarnate and suffer or go to hell are wrong

>all people who say nothing happens are wrong

>free will both exists and simultaneously doesn't because technically God created the concept of creation and the concept of free will and the concept of anything and everything; and so both contradicting truths both exist without conflict by the nature of paradoxical duality. you can do whatever you will do but God already set it up and knows.

>everything you or anyone every does and everything that ever happens is Gods will. this isn't a free pass to do evil, you are supposed to try your best even if life is designed to be really bad.

>God is the ultimate good. life is just extremely messed up and crazy for good reasons.

>whatever the outcome of your life may be, God loves you.

don't fear what God will do to you/have you experience as a result of your actions because your actions and the events that take place on earth are the will of God. instead be afraid of what God will have you experience on earth simply because God wills it. I hope that every day is nice, but this one day I stubbed my toe. this other day I broke a bone. not fun. but then this other day someone really sweet gave me a hug.

>all the reincarnation and blackness nothingness and hell people and deniers of "actual death experience" people are tricksters or trolls who want you to suffer a huge torment inside your mind so that you never feel at peace until your life is over and you see God and everything is okay anyway. they just hate themselves so much that they want other people to live in fear and misery by tricking them into believing things that make them severely sad. these are just like the jesus people who believe in a false idol "but if you don't believe in my betrayal of food van god on a stick you just go to hell because that's where trash that doesn't agree with me goes ;^) hehehehe"


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humanity is foolish, and some people's urges to categorize everything away as something specific and black and white has led them to believe that God, who created the entire universe needs some hairy red guy with horns to be in charge of some oversized BBQ pit in the ground who is responsible for all the "bad" things that happen.

the devil isn't real, hell isn't real, not anymore real than this intentionally flawed matrix universe that we live in that we may be logical to give the name of hell to anyways for the obvious reasons. God giveth and God taketh, babies are born alive and many born still. people suffer. shit happens. it sucks, but its a part of this miserable experience and that's what God wants. why? I don't know. God is like the most powerful quantum supercomputer humans ever built, multiplied by a limitless value greater than infinity. think about how God created this entire universe, this matrix, this simulation, and constantly controls every single particle that makes up every single atom that makes up every single grain of sand on every single beach on the entire earth, think of how many FUUUUUCKING grains of sand there are, but it doesn't even matter because everything is made out of particles anyway, and God controls ALL OF IT. you don't even know how to not even fucking be decided to look more like. you just dont even. God is literally God. best explaination.

good example:

the Lord had foreknowledge and may have had impact on Eve and Adam's decision to eat the forbidden fruit.

the Lord may have set them up to eat the forbidden fruit, just the same way Pharoah was told to release the slaves but then "hardened Pharoah's heart" so Pharoah couldn't let them go. or was the Pharoah supposed to go against his hardened heart and do the right thing anyway?

the fact that Eve did not know the difference between Good and Evil when she ate the forbidden fruit is very paradoxical, since She and Adam literally had no way of knowing that disobedience was a bad thing. They are technically being punished for doing evil when they specifically didn't know what evil was or that eating the forbidden fruit was wrong other than the fact that they were told not to eat it, but that goes back to the fact that they had no way of knowing that disobedience was a bad thing… The question is why? To learn? Are we meant to learn here on earth? Does this experience exist because we are supposed to learn what it is and know what is good and bad and avoid what is bad so that we may be distinctly good?


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also look up the proof that we are living in a simulation. that one black science guy who isn't neil degrass black hole inside a black hole tyson. no offense to him but I can't forget that image someone posted here once. other black science guy says he found actual computer code in the fabric of the universe.

even if you throw all that this guy says straight out of the fucking window, you can't deny that we are all not actually solid matter. the distance between the atoms inside us are massive, like planets in a solar system distance away from each other. we are literally made up out of more empty space than we are of particles, because if you look deeper, even the particles that make up atoms are extremely far away from each other. you go deeper looking for more answers and see more empty space. It's a miracle that any solid matter including ourselves can even touch another object without going straight through it.


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also Look up the double slit experiment. the universe changes just because you are looking or not looking. if a tree falls in the woods, if a bear shits in the woods and nobody is there to see it, does it really happen? It's just like a video game rendering graphics depending on whether you are looking at them or not.

Also, take into consideration that the human body is more bacteria, symbiotic organisms, viruses, and other living biological matter than it is human.

you are more germs by weight than human being, and all the atoms and the particles that make them up, as well as the particles the make up all known solid matter in the universe are all huge distances apart.

you are a bunch of germs made out of empty space and you and everything around you is essentially empty space, but is somehow coded to somehow manage to behave as if it isn't.


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our world is built flawed by design with built in obsolescense on every single level. everything has a catch. everything is rigged. the only catch to this catch is that Heaven is a massive

save from the limiting aspects of negative contradictions to this world and all evil and wrong because "bad" is fake, because when you go to heaven you are for the first time in your existance NOT choosing the lesser of two evils, since this universe is by God's definition "fake"/"simulation" and in some ways in a simple way of describing it, a reference point as an experience to remember so that you live in heaven and feel what "good" is supposed to feel like and then know what to "not do" since this world is bad, but since this world is fake we are not being hypocrites or contradicting anything because we are choosing the one and only real thing, which is simultaneously the one and only good thing, with no flip side. Heaven Exists on its own without limitation.

If fucking anybody ever puts any doubt in you, or tries to convince you of a belief that doesn't fit in with God, you must know they are misguided or knowingly full of bullshit. always understand "there is only God" everything else is bullshit. if you know anything at all about this universe, this reality, this existance, know that you truly know nothing, except "there is only God" everything else is bullshit to the max. never forget that. it doesn't matter what you call God, "yahweh" "the force" just know that there is only one God and God controls everything.

anything and everything else is completely a total false idol and full of shit. don't ever let anyone convince you to believe in any image or representation or name other than simply God.

here's a really good example (christians or similar related belief systems are all idiots who unknowingly belong to a cult or people who are completely evil and do know they belong to a cult and try to trick everyone else to convert and be fooled while blaspheming against God for their sick enjoyment) (keep in mind that this only one of many different examples of false idol cults)

Exodus 20

"You shall have no other gods before Me."You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth."

Deuteronomy 5

You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.


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christianity and jesus and his story is a giant mess of confusion, misspeaking, deception, corruption, and poor choice of wording. christianity as its basis is an email viral spam tactic for example "send this email to 10 people or a spooky ghost will pop up"

basically, the moment I hear that someone thinks I will suffer in hell for ever and ever just because I don't think exactly the way that they do, I instantly lose all respect for them and they can't even resemble a speck of integrity, rationality, and credibility anymore to me.

they believe that even very nice people who did some good in the world go to hell just for not having ever heard about jesus before, for not believing in exactly what they do, for not thinking exactly what they think. what we have here is a case of whiny crybaby control freaks who can't handle that someone else on earth is different than them.

>"hey anon if you don't believe in jeeeezzzzzuhhhhhzz you will burn in hell!"

>"but remember, he loves you!"

there are hints in Matthew that jesus is evil and some people then even try to call him out on it, but he just throws away the accusation by saying another parable or confusing riddle that doesn't make grammatical sense. jesus speaks with a twisted tongue, always in parables. jesus actively and awarely follows a prophesy like a script and even misquotes incorrect bible verses and makes contradictions in order to attempt to fit the prophecy closer because instead of allowing G-D to guide him, he seems to want to put himself in that place regardless of if he fits or not. That isn't how its supposed to work. jesus is often referred to as the son of man, this doesn't make sense, because how can people worship a man?

jesus often says things that strongly imply that he intends his word to be assumed as higher authority than the word of the one and only Lord in heaven.(also in matthew)

matthew 5:7

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

jesus often warns people to not fall for false messiah and tricksters but often sounds just like something the orignal deceiver performing a new scam for the first time would they themselves say to keep attention away from them.

Matthew 1:23 says jesus (messiah) would be called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Yet no one, not even his parents, call him Immanuel at any point in the bible.

(Romans 1:3 says the Messiah is to be a descendant of David but how could jesus meet this requirement since Matthew 1 and Luke 3 show he descended from David through Joseph who was not his genetic father because of the Virgin Birth.

These are all things that are engineered by the global elite cult to keep everyones minds totally fucked up.

Also remember that both jesus and satan are referred to in the bible as the "morning star"

satan worshippers (remember satan and hell is fake and made up by these people for their false idol worship and as a psyop mental warfare technique to instill the worrying and suffering of others via self hatred and judgement anxiety) tend to hijack the sun that God created to light up the earth and use it as a false idol and worship the sun as (the SON) (jesus is the son/sun) (satan is the lightbringer/lucifer/sun) to be in rebellion against God.


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Basically the best advice I can give you is this:

>all religion is wrong

>all religion is designed to get in everyones way and tie them up with tedious obsessive busy work that accomplishes nothing and gets them nowhere (just like school jobs in this world)

>relgion also likes to trick people into thinking they need to go to a special building to worship God

>the bible is flawed and imperfect because human people wrote the bible and human people are flawed and imperfect (many examples in the bible where both good and bad people had a chance to write/add things in while it wasn't done yet)

>the word of God doesn't come from the bible. everything here is a false idol including the bible, money, politicians, kings, presidents, and so on.

>the word of God comes straight from God and ONLY God.

so basically you should simply:

>love and believe in God and know that God is everywhere.

>treat others how you want to be treated

Juice Newton's 1981 "Angel Of The Morning" has some freaky lyrics.

and check out these lyrics. the global elite cult is obsessed with the pentagram. "star"

the music we listen to has some really messed up lyrics. you should read the lyrics of alot of your music and get rid of the songs that strike you as fucked up.

>her finger and her thumb In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

lucifer sign

>Fed to the rules and

didn't want to listen to God

>I hit the ground running

hit the earth because sent out of heaven

>Didn't make sense not to live for fun

>So much to do, so much to see

>So what's wrong with taking the back streets?

now satan is running around the world trying ot have fun "taking the back streets" and doing things the evil way

>You'll never know if you don't go

>You'll never shine if you don't glow

Lucifer "the morning star" "light bringer" "shine" "glow" and so on

>Hey, now, you're an All Star, get your game on

"all star" pentagram.

references to encouraging people to play "the game" like get a job, have a car, pay taxes, get insurance, go to school, work everyday, worry about your future, always work, always worry, never be happy.

>And all that glitters is gold

satan basically saying worship money and be shallow and to not look at anything beyond the surface and be ignorant

>Only shooting stars break the mold

rebelling against God

>It's a cool place and they say it gets colder

hell freezing over, because earth is hell

>But the meteor men beg to differ

>Judging by the hole in the satellite picture

this one is funny and has multiple meanings, one of them being checking the t.v. news for the weather report.

>The ice we skate is getting pretty thin

>The water's getting warm so you might as well swim

oxymoron about how hell is either an endothermic or exothermic reaction

>My world's on fire. How about yours?


>That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored.

satan having fun fucking with everyone

Keep in mind that satan isn't real, just stupid people like the gobal elitists who think they rule the world worship a false religion to rebel against God.

God holds all the power and is the only God.

>there is no devil

>there is no demiurge

>there is no satan

>there is no jesus

>there is no santa claus

>there is no beezlbub


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there is only God and you don't need to go to any stupid building of any religion to know, believe in, and love God; and you don't have to be afraid because absolutely no other things exist.

also remember, you don't have a soul, you ARE a soul. you have a body.

Jeremiah 31:31-34 New International Version (NIV)

31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord,

“when I will make a new covenant

with the people of Israel

and with the people of Judah.

32 It will not be like the covenant

I made with their ancestors

when I took them by the hand

to lead them out of Egypt,

because they broke my covenant,

though I was a husband to them,”

declares the Lord.

33 “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel

after that time,” declares the Lord.

“I will put my law in their minds

and write it on their hearts.

I will be their G-D,

and they will be my people.

34 No longer will they teach their neighbor,

or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’

because they will all know me,

from the least of them to the greatest,”

declares the Lord.

“For I will forgive their wickedness

and will remember their sins no more.”

I believe that this is what truly happens in heaven. people will simply know God.

I don't want anyone to worry or to be afraid anymore. God talked to me and told me that heaven is real so that I wouldn't suffer thinking I would be trapped and God told me what heaven is like. I want everyone to know this so that you may all find peace in this slowly dying world. keep in mind that this is almost no information at all compared to the beyond infinite eternity that God is.

Heaven Literally is God Literally is Heaven. the reality we currently occupy is fake, just like the matrix.

look up the double slit experiment. a watched pot ?????? boils

schools and prisons are in a very spooky way exactly the same. and don't say "but when you go to school you go home!" it's the same, you get set home with homework. there is no relief.

You are supposed to go home and relax! that is Your time to recover! how dare anyone make you work hard all day and then force you to do more work in your time to rest!

both have:

>sturdy looking buildings

>both surrounded by fences that are kept locked until opened for specific moments

>inmates/students brought in with multiple buses

>authoritarian structure

>dress code

>emphasis on silence and order

>negative reinforcement (no opinions allowed, no fun allowed, no thought allowed) and harsh punishment for everything they are against whether honest and true or not.

>ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES, created by zero intelligence individuals that result in innocent human beings being punished in extreme, unfair, and unjust ways when they shouldn't even be punished in the first place.

>walking in lines, no deviation from the path of strict control allowed

>loss of individual autonomy

>abridged freedoms and extremely unfair and illogical rules

>no input in decision making "but teacher that may cause a problem" "NO BUTS!"

>set times enforced for walking, eating, drinking from the water fountain etc. "one two three, thats enough for me!"


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when you really get down to it and start thinking, this is the matrix, and this is exactly how everyday life on this earth in this universe has been engineered.

at the most basic level of how things function in this life, you are basically disallowed true freedom, and everything is based on negative reinforcement. no matter what you do or how you do it, some piece of shit always attempts to have a say in how YOUR life is run or tell YOU what YOU can or can't do. people literally try to be politically correct and say slavery was a bad thing that is now illegal, but in truth bad people all over the place are constantly seeking to indirectly OWN EVERYONE by some means or another. even though the devil is fake, and hell is fake, this earth is the only real "technical hell" that exists.

pro tips:

>1. the bible is an imperfect book written by imperfect human beings

>2. so is all human religion and law

>(Religion and all these obsessive rules and restrictions and laws and annoying ways of doing things are not outdated today but rather never fit well in the first place. the bible tells you to respect your parents but never mentions what to do if your parents are abusive.)

>3. this world, flat or not, matrix or otherwise, is designed to be imperfect and flawed with built in obsolesence BY DESIGN.

I threw away all religion, I mean yes the bible has some good hints, so do many religions but none of them get it 100% right.

I simply only believe in God now, or whatever you want to call "the effect" "the super intelligence" "the force"

there is literally only God, it doesn't matter if every bible turned into pudding, doesn't mean anything to the true real God.

the word of God comes straight from God.

Religion and "Religions" (they especially enjoy when it makes people conflict with each other over differences in belief) is/are actually a highly complex sinister conspiracy and plot to

overcomplicate the simple act of believing in and loving the one and only God. there is no father or any son, there is no jesus, or santa (satan) claus or any devil or satan or beezle boop or any stupid garbage like that, ALL OF IT.- is a distraction. It is designed to confuse you and distance you from God by making you beleive that you need to do all this complicated bullshit to make God love you or to be saved. Alot of these people believe they need to go to a stupid temple or church or synagog or mosk or any building to go pray with other people, because "God can't hear them anywhere else" or they are led to believe that it's the right thing to do. they are also led to believe that God needs their money. ITS ALL A SCAM. WAKE UP. THE ONLY things you need to do are try your best to treat others the way you want to be treated, be honest with yourself, and MOST OF ALL, above ALL ELSE, believe in and love God the one and only. you just broke "the game" because you and God now have no dishonesty of the soul between you.

God is literally the only real thing about this universe, and every single other puppet or figurehead that people make up to describe someone or something happening is 100% BS.

when our lives are finished due to natural or other causes (as is human/animal life) God chooses to do different things with you. Maybe if God thinks you have done everything you must do and experienced everything you must experience, God decides to wake you up into what is real reality. This is heaven, your haven. jewish people know this as Isreal. (Is-rael, IS-REAL) (you will find that this translates uncannily into many different languages.) It is your one and only true real home that can really be called a home. You can only really call any place on earth a house or a forward base of operations for your mission to do and experience on earth. you might live your whole entire life on earth and feel as if you never did anything significant (even though you should always try to do your best and try to do things that matter to you) you will have done exactly what God intended for you to do or experience.

when you finish your experience here on earth you go to the "REAL reality" that isn't flawed by design as this one is.


this was never the legit real place, when your experience is done, you wake up into heaven- the real universe where time and limitation does not exist.

>earth universe:







>no bad limitation (freedom)



as vast as we our told our so called universe is, our universe is absolutely nothing compared to the beyond infinite scale of true eternity. A common translation for the shema prayer is "God is eternal and the eternal is one" this is a hint that God literally IS heaven.

There is no hell other than earth itself. imperfect human beings are responsible for how life on earth is. people make their own hell. however, it is important to note that God created everything and also created the concept of creation and controls literally everything.


If and when God ever decides you are ready to embrace freedom/love/eternity (???????) happens and you basically find yourself to be the most beautiful and true representation of yourself that you couldn't have ever even imagined, and yet you feel perfect and good about yourself forever more. you find yourself at (metaphore) a giant endless hotel. there are many doors in its hallway's and only one belongs to you while the rest belong to infinite amounts of other conscious intelligent entities, some of which used to be "ordinary normal boring people" like you, very long ago.

your door contains a special area of the eternal beyond infinite universe where you find that everything is perfect in such a way that you are extremely happy in every way including ways that you could have never imagined. you are able to experience anything you want to and will experience things you didn't even know existed automatically and you are always completely free from what you personally define as "suffering". you can experience (inadequate descriptory term): "anything" especially what is considered as impossible. it goes without saying that you also can experience things that you missed out on during your life on earth and you are able to also experience better versions of everything that has ever or ever will exist. a bad publisher corporation that makes terrible video games (I know already what you think of) and you play one of them and do not enjoy it. In heaven you can play the same game as if a perfect company who didn't exist made the game and all the content that was removed because of bad playtesters is restored and a perfect amount of special new added content is available.


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it isn't a good way to describe it, but your "pocket universe" has a built in system that automatically generates an entire universe of people that are perfect for you for every situation or thing that could ever happen. similar how a game may autogenerate different ai characters depending on your actions, however instead the people generated are as conscious and real as you are, but their purpose is to populate your pocket universe and they feel just at home as you do.

your universe generates endless unique adventures and are just as endlessly enjoyable. you can play, or be in any video game or movie even if they never existed but will automatically be created as you go and they will always be "favorite tier" or greater. basically you are always safe no matter what. there can be specially generated types of conflict that make the adventures special and fun but you can turn this off when you want peace so there is never any real danger or problems or issues in the world/universe.

to be completely clear: even if something or anything describable or indescribable does not exist, you can still do that "good" thing as God generates it for you because God knows what makes you happy. It's always the feeling of being given the perfect gift.

there are special trees of different sizes that grow all over the place in the universe and can survive in any environment or where there is no environment. they are alien and beautiful and are essentially "giving tree's" that are auto connected networks of universally saved databases of redundant backups of everything that could ever exist including every new food you have discovered. these tree's can grow different things including large coconut-like pods that the tree gives to you by moving its tentacle branches to hand you a fruit which then disconnects from the tree and lands in your hands. you can open the pod whenever you want, or save it for later and it never goes bad. the pod opens automatically when you want it. the pod almost always contains exactly the food you were craving. sometimes the pod is a surprise and contains a food that you didn't know you were craving but is perfect. sometimes the surprise isn't food but something else special entirely that doesn't normally belong in a pod or a tree.


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also since there are unlimited unique enjoyable experiences you also always find new "favorite or better" foods that you didn't know existed and all sorts of cool alien fruits and vegetables and plants and some of those fruits behave as if they were potions and some have some very fun temporary effects (or permanent if you like them) (can be toggled on and off whenever you want) some fruits even grow as alchoholic by nature.

the fruits have special abilities that you "know" when you hold them that will allow you to customize yourself.

if you wish to do so, you may leave your door and visit other people's/friend's/family's "home universes" if they invite you or give you permission to enter and you may leave simply by willing it whenever you please. you can never be harmed and will never experience something you wouldn't want to even if you don't know it exists. time doesn't exist as it is just an illusion of our earthly fake matrix universe and so you always are able to automatically plan with everyone. if you meet a friend in their universe at "later- but not now" to them, it's as if you showed up when they wanted you too. same goes for everything. there is no way to be late to anything or miss out on anything that is meant to involve you and that is how infinite people are able to coordinate and meet up and never neglect each other's company. even if someone wants to hang out with you, you could wait for what seems like a million years and when you go to meet with them it will be as if you showed up instantly from their perspective. whenever you want to hang out with someone is when they will show up. (also, you are unable to become lost from your own door to your "home" as you will always find it next to you when you are looking for it) (your door only lets you in, not others, unless you give permission) (if others go inside your universe they can't do anything that you wouldn't want them to do even if you don't know they could do it) (others who are visiting can leave and nobody can trap anyone or make anyone experience anything they don't want to even in each others "home") (nobody is able to damage or ruin anyone's "home" because God doesn't allow it to happen, and even if it did it would just fix itself perfectly or revert to a previous untouched state instantly without any problems)

also, you still go to the bathroom but you don't produce anything dirty. instead you produce clean byproducts. think "clear gel objects or clear liquid"

in heaven:

>you are cured of all problems and/or things that make you unhappy or uncomfortable and the cure or cures are tailored to you so that you are always beyond happy with the outcome

>true freedom

>eternal love

>never sick anymore (unless sick with something good) (in heaven there are "opposite diseases" that are the good versions of all viruses and parasites and bacteria and fungi that do wonderful good things to you when good-fected/infected)

>theres always food you like

>you are always safe (even when playing videogames, nothing can really harm you; however the game is exciting and fun no matter what)

>you are never tired (unless you count that good "tired" feeling and sleep for enjoyement)

>you can hold your breath underwater for as long as you like without drowning

>you don't become dirty, but rather eventually just feel the need to bathe or shower, but it's focused on feeling relaxed or having fun rather than physically working to remove uncleanliness.

you can have basically anything you want whenever you want. oh and heaven has loads of sex. you can eat all the food you want without getting fat. you can even play as the first person in any of your videogames. even if you can't imagine all the beautiful limitless impossibilities and wonders you can experience, God automatically transforms and directs the environment around you so that you never ever become bored or depressed or feeling any lacking. you are finally able to experience the feeling of true ultimate freedom. you never have to worry if you will have a house or money or food tomorrow. God has written God on your heart and you just know God.


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another fun fact

>some people's hotel rooms have the same or similar features because some "likes" or "neutral-goods" (things that you consider "okay" and are okay with being included in your hotel room) are universal.

another interesting thing about heaven

(i've kind of just copy pasted these "fun facts" as I go remembering them and add them throughout where they seem relevant to the context.)

since everyone in heaven is in their most true form / forms depending on how complicated you are, Strangely (answering yes to some who might be thinking of this question) Yes, there are "furries" in heaven. the great thing about heaven is that everyone is able to be themselves, no matter how weird they are, and everyone is just cool with everyone. also, in heaven, gender isn't represented in the same way as it normally is in society as we know it today. futanari totally do exist in heaven, and again everyone is chill or doesn't even give a care. there is a huge amount of diversity in heaven and you might see and meet alot of different weird and cool wonderful and extraordinary people but it isn't forced artificial diversity like on earth, it's just different people just being cool, and nobody thinks a second thought about it.

I want others to start mentioning anything they remember from their own hotel room. if you don't know or remember anything it's okay, don't say anything.

things come to me by God so this isn't very organized since I don't always know all of it always. (in heaven you do)

this is why I keep editing or adding more things later. since I'm saving this as a copypasta I will leave this comment here even if this will be included in future original posts.

I thought I should mention this now that it's come to my attention. God meant for me to know this "now" if I can even try to describe it without "time" because time is fake.

when you go into your "personal hotel room home" there is a transitionary period that can last as long as it needs to for you to adjust. this is basically (even though heaven is pure healing and love and everything good) a period of adjustment so that you can become beautiful and special again and wash away all the "yuck" if I can simply describe it. this is like going to school except its not like "wrong" school from earth but rather like a school where everything is happy kind of like, funny enough- a school from a japanese anime. you can't be failed, and you will pass eventually no matter what.


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greentext description:

>you and a bunch of other new arrivals into heaven come to be brought together by God and categorized by those who are the most comfortable together into classes(this is always happening and the school is always full) (also, you might not even be grouped by people who just passed away but rather with people who died many thousands of years ago or many thousands of years in the future for example since time doesn't exist in real reality.) (fun fact, if your friend or family dies and you die years and years later, when you meet them it CAN be instant to them but took long for you since you were in imperfect reality "earth")

>you can always go back to the school whenever you want for as long as you want even after you complete your training/healing

>basically it's like a sleep away summer camp combined with the best school ever (doesn't exist on earth) but only the fun parts

>everyone is basically like a kid again kind of (difficult to explain) but everyone is smaller for that experience.

>you learn good things and play games and grow-heal-back into innocence. ( if I can try to describe it you're still smart and know everything good but you become nicer )

>you make lots of new friends

>feels like a movie/ japanese anime and is loads of fun

>the cafeteria actually has good food

>good pranks


>good songs

>spoopy stories

>field trips

>fun games

>fun videogames also

>built in water park / watering holes (whatever those are called)

>a well structured gym class with a coach that actually knows what they are doing and includes yoga stretching and nobody gets hurt or treated badly and "hitting the showers/locker room" isn't a freaky bad experience because of the whole "and categorized by those who are the most comfortable together into classes" thing as you can really trust those people and they become some of your best friends ever

>there are no teachers or anything, just really bro-tier deep smart camp counselor types who are basically doing the job for God because they enjoy it and have a passion for nursing souls back to good health.

I am not a doctor or a proffessional so ask your doctor and mental health proffessional before doing anything.

I believe that antidepressant drugs are the greatest dishonesty towards oneself that you can make. (It's also silly how the side effects almost always include increased risk of suicidal thoughts, almost as if the soul is even more upset at the fact that someone is trying to fool it into being "fake happy" by doping it up so that it can live a lie and suffer more while having more difficulty realizing it, and is trying even more to end it)

It's bad to feel good about being in a bad place.

people always tell me something is wrong with my brain so I should take a pill to fix me because me is broken

the truth is that just like eating unhealthy junk makes the body fat or sick, experiencing a junky and unhealthy experience around us makes our soul feel sick. ( remember that your soul (real real you) can't ever actually get hurt, but can feel "not good" but don't worry because God will always save you and make you feel better )

you are not broken, we are not broken, but rather the world around us is broken and by feeling the way we feel; we are having a healthy reaction to an unhealthy world.

"it is no measure of good health to conform to an ill society"


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strangely enough the song "wake me up before you go go" I believe is a song about God if you read the lyrics.


and I found the nightcore version of Unendliche Symphonie, actually sounds really nice!


>I'm not being snarky just trying to understand if you know if God thinks suicide is ok. Will you still get your own hotel room and everything? Why do anything here longer than we want to if we are just going back to a perfect place. Why stay here any longer than we want?

Okay, I'm going to come at this from many different angles.

>you're going to go "home" anyway no matter what. so there's no rush. I have no patience oh God help me please arghhh

for many legal reasons I can't tell anyone "just actually really go kill yourself" because if someone kills themselves, even if they are happy with their decision, And besides the fact that society will view it as "they ruined their life" society will also make a highly selfish and pretentious effort to obnoxiously go out of it's smug shit eating way to ruin my life by throwing me in jail so that I become depressed. so I can not recommend it. I can think it's really cool though.

but seriously, don't do suicide. It's a crime and you could go to jail. oh wait.

Honestly, in my humble and unproffessional opinion, I believe that in cases where a person is suffering greatly, that it shouldn't be illegal, but rather comfortingly supported to help a truly unhappy individual move on. I really want the laws to change.

God has told me that it doesn't matter if you go on vacation or keep working at evil corp as a wage slave for several more years and THEN go on vacation, but God would prefer if you didnt. I mean, it's no big deal to go on vacation since that's your true home, but God did put you here on this terrible junky world and supposedly (not that we as people who haven't been able to experience it ourselves so we have no proof) everyone is going to die anyway.

I have had some beloved grandparents pass away but I can't help but feel as if they were different than me. so since everyone dies (supposedly) you might as well (and God told me this also) just "stay here, and try to be as healthy as you can be both mentally and physically, and try to have as much fun as possible while doing your best to not hurt others, and maybe even being nice to others"


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you can tell this world doesn't matter all that much because if you look at almost every single life form no matter how big or small on this planet, the recurring theme seems to be that everything kills or eats or totally screws over everything else to try to get up. life forms on this planet are essentially all really fucking stupid selfish people who cant swim pushing others heads under water to be able to breath for another second even though drowning is inevitable. life on this planet in most cases (there are definitely exceptions) doesn't care how much it makes other life suffer.

hilariously enough, this is exactly how our society functions all over the world today especially because of the invention of money or currency. had we been more civilized and could trust each other more and NEVER had invented money, maybe we would all be living in a utopia. but that's not the point of this world. It's supposed to be bad.

Even though this life and this world is technically a giant losing battle and everything is constantly improving in some ways and getting alot worse in other ways, It kind of makes God happy that you are trying your best anyways. as much as it sucks, you are supposed to try to just say "I know everything is shit and I refuse to lie to myself, but I'm going to try to have fun anyway until it's over"

I mean think about it thought, there are thousands of ways to die by ACCIDENT every single day and loads of people die by far more stupid reasons than "oops car crash" or "oh no a alligator" or "whoops wrong meds" and some people even get kicked in the balls and get a heart attack but my point is that God put you here and God could kill you in a million ways at any moment if God feels like it. So I like to think, if God wanted my organic machine body to shut down so that I (my soul, me) wake up in heaven, God would do that, and God will do that eventually. I just feel bad for people who are special/retarded or for people who are blind or deaf or both or stuck in a wheel chair or missing fingers or limbs or burn victims. I feel as if I can empathize and sympathize with their pain because I feel helpless in this world but to be fair I can't compare to them, who are more messed up than I am and I pray for them. (mean this in the least douche bag smug way possible, tough to show the right emotion through internet text, I hope I don't sound like a jerk)

and I just hope that every moment that I'm alive that God only gives me what I can actually handle.


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>If God's will matches up with one's own free will

It's really complicated, I know that's a really unfair feeling answer, but its the truth. It's basically like, free will is real, but God invented free will, so God is the boss of it.

>like you're suggesting, then anything a person does is God's will, whether it be good or bad. God may want people to try their best, but this means that it'll be everyone's instinct to do their best and it will be ingrained into them anyway.

right, alot of different people (with some exceptions because God made alot of different types of people) have a deep instinct to do what they believe is good from their own perception of reality.

>The issue is, what is 'best'?

this is where the fun starts, because what is best for someone is not the best for someone else. when you are little and your parents or some other jerky adult authority figure tells your "it's for the best" or "its the best for you" or "it's for your better good" the first thing you think of is "BULLSHIT!" and this is one of those big problems that we are put on this earth to face and probably fail miserably at but maybe somehow solve eventually (because we should try our best, but in the end it doesn't matter because you go to the good place)

I mean, look at the usa/ our country assuming we are talking all from that perspective. voting is a joke. it's basically tyranny by majority (assuming it's the common people that actually vote those prechosen choices into office, and we don't, it's all 100% rigged) because 99% of people could vote for something and that 1% whether it's one person or a hundred or a million, get absolutely and totally screwed over.

another good example that's going on right now is not normal muslim people because honestly I've met the nice ones and they are alright, but the crazy extremists who run around the world blowing themselves up or hurting and killing others because they can't stand the fact that there are others on this planet who think differently than them. humanity is really silly because instead of going "okay, I'm going to do this But I wont do it to you!, so that I'm happy and your happy, and you can do that as long as you don't do it to me, so that you are happy, and we can all be fine now" they just go "RAAA RAAA RAAA LETS FORCE EVERYONE TO DO IT OUR WAY!" "LETS DO THINGS THAT EFFECT EVERYONE!" "WAR WHETHER IT BE PHYSICAL OR MENTAL!"

>You can be best at seeing how shitty life is and ending it for yourself, and if you succeed - God's will being your own will also - then God was implicit in your suicide, approved it, and likely always knew it was to happen if it pre-plans everything.

God is infinite and beyond infinite, eternal and beyond. God is more powerful than a quantum supercomputer. God micromanages the spin of atomic particles around other atomic particles for every particle in the entire universe and how those interact with all of eachother. God is responsible for rendering the lighting and how photons and wavelenghts interact with eachother and all the things around them. God makes everything the way that it is. If you come up with an invention, it's because God had that already and passed it onto you. many inventors and thinkers have mentioned what they describe in a silly way as "tapping into the giant knowledge" and indirectly imply they don't take full credit. I'm sure God is disappointed in people (even though responsible for their actions) for not immediately sharing the knowledge with the rest of the world, but understanding that we are all trapped to do things a certain way because of how rigged and corrupt the whole entire system here on earth is. So that being said, God told me that it wouldn't be bad if I were to die right now (not that I was thinking of doing that or anything) but God would rather that I try and enjoy as best as I could while being healthy and good until God ends life anyway.


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>If suicide is a bad thing then obviously the illness of it still needs to be learned through practice for many people so they/we would know why it is bad

The reason I believe why people commit suicide or believe that they need to is incedibly simple and incredibly obvious to the point that it totally flies over some peoples heads for being so obvious and out in the open as a simple truth.

greentext response:

>people explore life and the world around them like a mouse in a maze

>the smart ones realize what kind of a box they are in

>the stupid or ignorant or careless ones don't

>smart people try to learn anything they can ANYTHING that may make a difference that could help them be free, because it's an issue of the lack of true freedom in each and every single situation it can be understood through this.

>smart people being the smart people that they are realize that there isn't really anywhere obvious they can run off too, or anything significant they are capable of doing on an individual level, so they feel desperate and helpless. they see the world for the way it truly is and they don't like it.

>they suffer and live

>or they suffer then die

its the same issue as taking pills for depression, it's not you who I believe is broken, but rather I know that the world around us is broken. this is why we feel this way. we are having a healthy reaction to an unhealthy world.

it makes me sick how so many people are thrown in jail or mental hospitals

>you did an illegal drug!

>you are thinking illegal thoughts!

>you want to not live "here" because everywhere "here" on this planet is all the same and you don't like any of it! you are extremely sad and have no options or choices and you can't even cry anymore because your tears ran out long ago!

>therefore you are going to ruin your life by doing what the system foolishly and selfishly chooses to percieve and brainwashes others to percieve as a "wrong" thing, even though it doesn't effect anyone but you and the people who selfishly CHOOSE to be effected by it!

>so the system will save your life, by ruining your life by forcing you against your will to go to an even unhappier and insanely more miserable place like jail which is essentially a gang-rape-murder-dungeon or a mental hospital which is essentially a rape-dungeon with nonconsentual drugging and poisoning, electrocution torture and nonconsentual braindamage.

yes, they still do electric "therapy" and lobotomizations. even if they may want to not appear "stone age" in our society the way it is now


>and thus it becomes a lesson like anything else, no more or less valid than anything else we experience. It's like how you said that you don't know what bad thing God may throw at you next for your lessons in this life, for the people who suicide, that is obviously part of the education and there's no real way around it given the worldview you discussed, you either die or you don't and everything is what God wants so, no regrets I guess?

God is smarter than you and I. we are just imperfect human beings who's goal is to try our best even though we are totally screwed and then God takes you one way or another and everything is love and good and fun forever


I don't support the opinions of other people, this is just a random quote I decided to include for its interesting philosophy that is unrelated to my actual opinions.

I felt that it would be an interesting exercise in the philosophy of these other strange people who just happen to think in this strange way.

Quote from some random anonymous anon:

"""""I think suicide is a political and revolutionary act, and the common person who commits suicide is a martyr.

Think of all the restrictions to suicide that have been put in place. Religious restrictions to it involve going straight to Hell. Cultural restrictions are abound with people who feel it is their duty, or who simply get feel self-righteous at the mere thought of "saving" someone (notice the language, it is called "saving" someone). Political restrictions involve–if caught before the deed is committed–being put into a prison (a.k.a. 'involuntarily confined,' what a nice euphemism); and then a fate even worse than that is to be forcibly fed psychotropics, because it's better to have a zombie who hasn't committed suicide than a free spirit who has shown the way out. Societal structures will call people who even so much as consider suicide to be "sick." Countries like South Korea are suspected of going so far as to try to hide or deflate suicide figures, which are already the highest rates in the world. Literature that tries to provide methods to suicide are legally banned. In some places, the mere discussion of it can be legally pernicious. Online, this 8chan board is practically the only site that exists that supports suicide to the level it does.

Why all these restrictions? It's the same reason that in countries where levels of emigration are high, that there are restrictions to that. When a person emigrates, they are telling everyone in that society that they do not consent to what is happening in the religious, cultural, and political system there. In response, the holders of power of that country find it necessary to stem this loss of legitimacy and to stop their cattle from leaving the farm. The society calls it 'unpatriotic,' they put up exit taxes, they put up walls to exit. Emigration is a political and revolutionary act against the society at hand.

The people in power are afraid of the possibility of their slaves to commit suicide.

And suicide is a perfectly rational act, as it is a form of personal secession. Viewed as an emigrant, he moves away from the land of the living. He denies consent. He is no longer to be treated as chattel by his government, by his church, by his peers, by his family, or whatever causes him the pressures to commit his act of secession. Viewed this way, the people who attack suicide are just like the house slaves who defend their master.

Those who reject suicide are unable to see the way off of the plantation.""""""

and another quote:

"The first thing that babies seem to do in life is try and find ways to kill themselves, it's like they know. Even if parents don't want to admit it, the babies are resourceful little monsters at it too and the parents are forced to go cuckoo baby proofing the whole house so that it takes them 10min to open a door knob or flush the toilet so that their kid even has a chance to make it into their teens"


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Voting is just another tool used by authoritarians to cloak and justify their power as they can no longer rely on divine right since we burst that bubble, so they'll base their "right" to power on ad populum fallacies instead. Letting us vote is nothing but an empty gesture to give us the semblance of control when really the only options are the ones approved by the state and media. when you vote you are only voting for blood sucking politicians who have already been pre-chosen for you. It's insane and defeatist to keep doing the same thing, voting over and over just because everyone else does, and expecting different results. It is no measure of good health to conform to an ill society. Democracy is tyranny by majority. This is why no ONE single politician, president, king, leader, or even group of people could ever represent any and all people in the entire world fairly, honestly, and without bias. We need a new system that functions on the philosophy that the greatest expression of freedom is doing whatever you want so long as it does not harm or effect anyone else. By voting you are voting yes for the system, you are going out of your way to scribble a check on a piece of paper that says "I have faith in this system". By continuously choosing the lesser of two evils, picking option poop over option doodoo, you are feeding the oppressive troll that is this system. If voting could truly change the system it would be illegal.


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>US will spend 43 million dollars on a gas station in the middle of nowhere in the desert in afghanistan

>$7000 coffee makers

>$600 toilet seats

>$37 for A screw

>$435 for a hammer

>$285 screwdriver

>$387 flat washer

>$469 wrench

>$214 flashlight,

>$437 tape measure

>$2,228 monkey wrench,

>$748 pair of duckbill pliers

>$74,165 aluminum ladder

>$659 ashtray

>$1,118.26 for a spare plastic cap for a navigator’s stool on a B-52 bomber (worth about two cents)

>Defense Accounting Finance Service writes $22 billion in checks every month

>Mark Krenik (pentagon officer) created a phony company and then billed himself $504,000. He had to repay the money, but was not sentenced to prison. Probation only, and a $495 fine. He told the federal judge that he did it because everyone else in his section was doing to the same, but he was not required to name names.

>Sgt. Robbie Miller convicted and sent to prison for stealing $1 million. would not have been caught but was involved in affairs with female co-workers. Agents say they got Miller when he was hauling evidence out of the office to burn it.

>Contractors were billing $300 a night hotel rooms, private jet flights, meals at five star restaurants and bar bills to the government.

>Air Force non-commissioned officers like Miller, who handle giant

accounts at Dayton, call any vendor account that is less than $100,000

“budget dust” and say it’s not worth the time or effort trying to


>hundreds of billions into stupid wasteful trash every year

>a corporation known as monsanto claims it needs to genetically modify our crops and produce and use tons of poison and promote the use of tons pesticides because it helps make the world a better place


>has the biggest and most expensive military and military budget in the entire world that makes the nasa budget look like pocket change in comparison

>claims space travel is too expensive

>claims they can't afford a living wage

>claims they can't give war veterans all the help they need as t.v. commercials go on and on with sad country music with vets missing arms and legs "help the veterans!"

>claims they can't cure Cancer/HIV/Ebola/ as the pink ribbon shows up on KFC chicken buckets everywhere that contain cancer causing ingredients

>claims they can't afford universal health care

>claims they can't house every homeless person

>claims they can't grow all crops organically

>claims they can't feed the poor unless the people themselves donate food, time, and money.

>claims people absolutely must pay taxes because otherwise they would go to jail for making the country crumble apart.








DailyFail: https://archive.is/RnMCc

Fox: https://archive.is/ZhRPL

BostonHerald: https://archive.is/ojJ6p


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Good! 7 Million Americans Flat Out Refuse to Pay Back Student Loans

According to a new report by the Wall Street Journal, 7 million Americans are flat-out refusing to pay back their student loans because they feel scammed by their universities and government. They feel like they were told to go to school and are now left with worthless degrees, no jobs, and no prospects for the future. The government has tried many tactics to reach these defaulters, but their efforts have been fruitless for over a year.




Anonymous 08/09/16 (Tue) 04:54:15 No.471930

I can see the next American revolution being one of non-participation, non-cooperation, vigilance and resistance to the "norms" and institutions of society. This will likely include refusal to obey new draconian laws such as calls for civilians to turn in their firearms, or even future tax payment revolts en mass. I see the American people becoming more disgruntled and more pissed off every year. This is a healthy and good sign as they are waking up to the monsters shoving dicks up their rectum as they remained in temporary coma. The more who wake up and resist this bankrupted and thoroughly corrupted system, the better off society will be in the long-run.

A racket ( THIS IS A CRIME) is a service that is fraudulently offered to solve a problem, such as for a problem that does not actually exist, that will not be put into effect, or that would not otherwise exist if the racket did not exist. Conducting a racket is racketeering.

Particularly, the potential problem may be caused by the same party that offers to solve it, although that fact may be concealed, with the specific intent to engender continual patronage for this party.



1) Universities often say you need their degrees to get a job. That's a lie.

2) They offer a "solution" (often worthless degrees)… to "the problem" (a lie) that they constructed/fabricated.

3) "Solution" often ends up with being worthless, does not help persons get needed jobs. Problems remain unsolved.

4) Persons with worthless so-called "solutions" end up paying the debt off the rest of their life.

5) Universities profit BIG from the loans that others have to pay back. $$$

you want to know what another crime is? Double taxation. All americans are illegally double, triple, quadruple, or even more taxed when taxes are first taken out of their paycheck, and then they are taxed again when they go to buy gasoline to drive their car to the store, and again when they buy things.


File: 7ccf0ba59e0d11c⋯.png (972.2 KB, 1226x987, 1226:987, 458526462.png)

capitalism is technically "money" "ism".

basically capitalism is in a way a religious belief in, and false idol worship of capital and/or currency.

capitalism as a system as a whole is simply a slightly better disguised version of "wage slavery" that has been designed from the ground up to be a system that is easily manipulated by those few people at the top who hold more money than everyone else in the world combined.

>The cure to bad regulation is good regulation, not no regulation; that just leads to cartels and you're right back where you are now. Regulatory capture fools so many young libertarians into thinking that regulation itself is inherently bad when what you need is regulation to keep the free market free and break up cartels.

Of course the solution is without a doubt not anarchy, however:

>The solution to everyone finding loopholes in everything and breaking the rules by getting around all the rules

>is to make more rules

capitalism as a system itself is flawed. currency, money is flawed.


Hope you enjoyed this

Hope you enjoyed this

Hope you enjoyed this

Hope you enjoyed this

Hope you enjoyed this

Hope you enjoyed this

Hope you enjoyed this

leave me feedback, or ask me questions.


also if you have some other very special red pills for me, please make a new thread on the topic so that we may discuss it there, and link it here. this is the easiest way for me and I would be happy if you did it this way.


red pill pic in this thread here


also many many red pill pics hidden in this seemingly pointless thread


red pills start getting dropped here




how was that?


File: f54ce68f9bb0f8a⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1582x1627, 1582:1627, ClipboardImage.png)

as a bonus here's my favourite. I didn't look too closely though might be repost


File: f7a4af6bc322639⋯.gif (55.14 KB, 400x200, 2:1, image.gif)


>if space is a vacume or near-vacume then all of the earths air would have been vacumed up into space instantly. there is nothing stopping it from doing that.


File: e201beb37af53e1⋯.gif (871.88 KB, 500x281, 500:281, laughingelves.gif)

>>if space is a vacume or near-vacume then all of the earths air would have been vacumed up into space instantly. there is nothing stopping it from doing that



>think about how resilliant a bubble of air is under water. did you ever see a bubble at the bottom of a glass of water you were drinking? did you ever think "wow bubbles are pretty badass for holding up under all that water". It makes much more sense that we are a giant air bubble in a giant ocean of water.

except air bubbles cling to the bottom of the glass because of hydrogen bonding

have you ever put oil in water? is forms bubbles and sinks because oil is more dense than water. this would be a better analogy because the earth is more dense than space, but it makes it impossible for space to be an ocean unless its not made of water


File: d4e4f6b6579161a⋯.gif (56.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, image012.gif)


>every single image of earth from space release by nasa has always been a composite image.

thats because satallites cant keep geosyncronous orbit from far enough up to shoot the whole earth, also the resolution isn't high enough to see features like mountains without using a composite. the earth is many many pixels wide :)

heres a shot from when voyager was leaving, notice the bad resolution?

> sky isn't actually blue it just looks blue but it isn't because reyliegh scattering just trust us"

not quite, thats how light works, blue light has a tighter wavelength and cant penetrate particles as well as red light

blue is around 300nm where red is 700, red light is twice as "tall" or "wide" so its harder to get it through the material in the atmosphere

>bible mentions "the waters above and below"

this is probably a reference to rain before they understood that the sky wasn't the "top"

OP why dont you just buy an old cell phone and a weather baloon and see for yourself



File: 8b232122ddb5b8e⋯.jpg (42.4 KB, 1035x700, 207:140, d3879.jpg)

Are egregores real? You know like meme magic? Does that stuff actually have an effect on our world?



go to question thread or check out this thread




>first part they mention diversity

>Implying school isn't a giant brainwashing camp anyways

nigga you blue pilled



you are fucking up the example really bad. earth is solid, it's got this layer of air trapped between it's surface area and the space ocean.



>thats because satallites cant keep geosyncronous orbit from far enough up to shoot the whole earth

are you retarded? they could just do a fly by. except that they can't because they can't get that high because the firmament is in the way.




>this is probably a reference to rain before they understood that the sky wasn't the "top"

I thought this too when I was a stupid normie, but then I realized how right they were about alot of shit. it just sounds retarded when you read it the first hundred times because of the brainwashing.



egreggoroefo? what?

meme magic? that only works if God wants it to. you could meme forever but it will only work if God listens and says "yea I want that to happen"

some people get full of pride and ego and convince themselves "I actually did it! it was ME! me me me me!"

doesn't hurt to try though.


The god you're referring to, do you mean the law, the word, that which is absolute? That which is the infinite everything and nothing.

Is the ocean of the firmament infinite? What keeps it in place?



The god you're referring to, do you mean the law, the word, that which is absolute? That which is the infinite everything and nothing.

I'm talking about the ONE AND ONLY GOD, literally the only God.

the God that every single religion attempt to interpret. they all fail.

the one and only God, the infinite and BEYOND infinite. without limitation.

>Is the ocean of the firmament infinite? What keeps it in place?

for all I know, It's a giant force field.

lets examine the layers here.

>earth. you stand on it

>atmosphere (air we breath)

>some of the space ocean (where ISS floats supposedly, and supposedly why they can't get far enough from earth to release a picture of the whole earth without editing)- BECAUSE right after this small portion of space ocean is-

>firmament (force field) just by God's willpower

>then more space ocean ??????? distance

>sun and the moon are the same size and same distance away from us, and are only meant to be seen from earth. (notice how they perfectly eclipse each other when they overlap)


Remember people

it's called





File: bd7dc45c0bd7200⋯.jpg (111.93 KB, 500x254, 250:127, 1358639083703.jpg)


>not knowing what diversity means nothing related to diversity is ever mentioned anywhere. equality =/= diversity, you're stuck in the politics of 20 years ago. pic related

>being a drop out

nigga you mub da mo bidda te dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga



>could just do a fly by

they did, that was


the picture from voyager

its expensive to shoot rockets that far and voyager isn't coming back

its more to do with the US being stingy as fuck with NASA




>denying your willpower

god help you


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

explain this


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



their image is shit, and stuck way behind. don't accuse me of the mistake they already made, shills. shills everywhere.




do you have a text version? I'm posting from somewhere where I don't have the right tools to view a video.



>hurr durr I'm right because I said so

try explaining your inane verbal diarrhea next time. I was discouraging such behavior, not encouraging it



someone doesn't like this thread very much.


File: 0928eacdcb1baa8⋯.png (1.11 MB, 2944x4128, 92:129, 1411595776465.png)

File: de3b5d6ced04919⋯.png (921.4 KB, 2576x4128, 161:258, 1411595841401.png)

File: 05f45ce9c262074⋯.png (419 KB, 1288x3892, 46:139, 1411595906168.png)

File: 645b071ff517202⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1864x3744, 233:468, 1411595973528.png)


yea that's why I crossposted other red pill pics into this thread



yea but this is MY redpill collection. thanks for trying to contribute I guess.




and thanks for ignoring this mofo




nothing on the internet is yours faggot

why should anyone make multiple threads and shit up the catalog. this also breaks rule 1

1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.



please explain how a thread that has only been posted once is a duplicate.





> also if you have some other very special red pills for me, please make a new thread on the topic



wow nice it took you over two hours to come up with those mental gymnastics



>There will never be a half life 3 because We are half life 3

now that's just diabolical



i don't believe in anything right now but in this video the horizon clearly changes from concave to convex depending on which half of the screen it's on. presuming this is from the curvature of the lens, which does not allow us to really draw conclusions on whether it is round or flat


pretend I posted a video of someone with downs syndrome who has a funnel in their mouth, and it's to the brim with redpills. he's looking to the viewer, being engulfed by the black goo. his expression is screaming.

next he's in a pod (flailing around), he gets up and sees a drone staring at him. they exchange looks for a minute until the drone disconnects him and a plug disengages, and he's sucked down into an underground river, where he's flailing around to stay afloat (successfully).

In seconds, there's a deafening roar of engines and light is pouring over him from near above. He's seeing a real space ship and before he realises anything else, he's lifted out of the water by steel chains and lying uncomfortably on the floor of a cargo bay.

From a corridor nearby a shout reverberates through metal walls; "It's him! It's the One!". A door whooshes open, through which half-a-dozen people rush in and around him. The next words are in the same voice, "Oh shit Hoss".

"A-are you c-c-aptain H-ook?"

"I thin-n-nk I just passed my s-space training"

Everyone except for a tall, robust-looking black jew appear undone. "It's him" he says in awe. ”We found The One".

To be continued.



what is this bullshit and why did you post it here?



it's not bullshit. it's your awakening.



Oh I see what you did there, that's the scene from the matrix. I almost didn't realize it.




I've just been having a bad day. I'm sorry for reacting the way I did… I'm just so tired.

I need more help awakening. I feel like I need to do things with what I know, but I don't know what or how. it hurts to feel like I'm unable to do more.



funny how even that's with captainhook/peter pan references and flat earth/space ocean



(unless I just made a stupid assumption and those are not the legit matrix lyrics from the scene)



Computer code in the fabric of the universe. you are referring to super-symmetry. the man is Jim Gates



wasn't there more than one person talking about that?



I'm sure there are, but I believe Jim Gates is the black science man being mentioned. a quick google search can give you more information than I


File: 4907415b407a0a4⋯.jpg (386 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, 1473370986079.jpg)

Absolutely nothing you describe has any continuity or really any truth for that matter.

Space is a fucking ocean? Then why didn't Columbus explore that instead of the Americas.

Randomly interjecting bible passages, mixing science into a pseudo argument about spirituality; you're in the straight up retard new age psychobabble zone!

>I believe that this is indicative of God telling people that the word of God comes straight from God, and not a book.

Then you proceed to quote the bible right after that… goodness gracious son.

Portal, not Half-Life, is symbolic of the truth of our reality. We were more than happy to allow machines to dictate our social lives, the food we eat, and the work we do on a daily basis. Trying to stop the whole process is what will feel and look like what that game depicts.




>Absolutely nothing you describe has any continuity or really any truth for that matter.

you didn't read it or you would notice all the ways all those things connect together

>Space is a fucking ocean? Then why didn't Columbus explore that instead of the Americas.

try getting a boat up there m8

>Randomly interjecting bible passages, mixing science into a pseudo argument about spirituality; you're in the straight up retard new age psychobabble zone!

I don't understand all those new age chakra weirdos, but you clearly didn't read anything because I didn't go totally random crazy person mode here. I clearly explained out everything with care taken to make the reader comfortable, and even excess spacing for readability.

>I believe that this is indicative of God telling people that the word of God comes straight from God, and not a book.

>Then you proceed to quote the bible right after that… goodness gracious son.

I believe the bible is flawed and imperfect because people wrote it and they are flawed and imperfect, but I did say the bible has some good hints didn't I? good and bad people had a chance to write in that book and many others. like I said all religons are wrong, but have good hints occasionally.

>Portal, not Half-Life, is symbolic of the truth of our reality. We were more than happy to allow machines to dictate our social lives, the food we eat, and the work we do on a daily basis. Trying to stop the whole process is what will feel and look like what that game depicts.

its a fascinating game but I think it's a combination of george orwells 1984 + that other person who had similar yet opposite ideas. a combination of people willinging getting screwed, and people forcibly being screwed over by the system. I mentioned half life because of it's uncanny similarity to CERN and the LHC (large hadron particle collider)



but anon, there is only one source. there is only God, the one and only God.





CERN created the WWW browser.

ARPANET which became the internet was .mil



what a convenient thing for you to say.






I've never heard of CERN creating the internet, ouside of Mandela threads. It's common knowledge that the internet started out military (like all technology).


File: 63daa6abfb471ee⋯.png (228.68 KB, 300x383, 300:383, Spelljammer_-_Pirates_of_R….png)



You cannot ask that question and have it answered, you can only bear witness to one as it happens and make your own decision.

Praise kek.



Don't listen to this christcuck.





all these false idols and bullshit.

christcuck? fuck you. jesus is another false idol.



I don't remember CERN ever being be behind world wide web. But it makes all the sense that they are and why they call it the world wide web



>in the movie "The Wizard of OZ" the scarecrow (who wants to have a brain) NOW HOLDS A GUN.he never had a gun before.

Nope sorry, the tin man still has his axe hammer.



There was a news article I read recently that said CERN and it's relation to alternate realities was originally part of the intro to the new Doctor Strange movie. That intro was cut. Revealed too much I guess.



Confirmed for nihilist shill


File: fcc07c081ef2baa⋯.jpg (45.77 KB, 500x486, 250:243, image.jpg)


good think Keks always listening , aye m8? thanks for the redpill prescription



Oh god you read my fucking mind.

I mean it's not like he didn't bullshit before but this was beyond retarded


File: 0ab2ffb63cc2ca7⋯.webm (1.16 MB, 720x576, 5:4, FE - scubatank in space.webm)


There is no ISS station

astronauts do not train under water, they fake the space opera in their neutral buoyancy pool to keep the billion coming and the global deception alive and well in the sheeple mind, that's what they do.

>algae was found on the international space station

This is a private joke made by insiders, they love mocking us.

No algae was ever found on the ISS since it never existed (outside the mock-up in their giant pool). See attached webm showing what was broadcast as legit spacewalk to the normies. All their spacewalks are made in their pool, no exception.

>the ISS is in the layer of water that can be reached before hitting the solid barrier (firmament)

No, the ISS is the fake international space station

>the sun and the moon are beyond this barrier and unreachable.

Probably not according to scriptures (Bible and Vedas) but honestly I don't know, how do you know? any source?

>moon landings were fake, and now we know why they faked them.

They were faked primarily to make everyone believe the global deception.

>the earth is the center of the (this fake) universe

according to scriptures, it is at the center of the universe but how can you claim it is fake? source?

also of interest, that latest very well made video from Dubay that will hopefully help red-pill more normies.



File: 28a39f665200dd8⋯.webm (1.06 MB, 720x576, 5:4, FE - ISS harness 2.webm)


correction: it comes from the user "Curious J" not Dubay, still it's a very good presentation :^)


File: f99429f8280a254⋯.jpg (64.75 KB, 318x320, 159:160, 68747470732s696q672q666s74….jpg)


>CERN created the WWW browser.

Yes and in Chaldean Gematria (numerology), WWW produces, you guessed it, 666.

The same number hiding in their logo.


File: 2c723e97c90e9cb⋯.webm (753.29 KB, 720x576, 5:4, FE - rocketinspace.webm)



>Implying Newton's 3rd Law of Motion applies to a vacuum

>Implying a rocket will get a reaction force from a vacuum.

>Implying rockets work in a vacuum.

That's how you know you have been brainwashed by Scientism (the new global religion)



He's right.

I'm sure the 33rd degree freemason who made the Alien series would confirm this.




late ass reply and not OP, sorry, but;

Space is a hard vacuum. A hard vacuum exerts force in newtons on its container equal to the surface area in square centimeters x 9.81.

That's 5.099686589e+18 * 9.81

= 5.002792543809e+19 newtons.

counterforce by gravitational force in newtons is 9.8.

Hard vacuum trumps gravity any day of the week.



that's assuming earth's surface area as the dimensions of the container rather than the supposedly infinite void, since the moment you remember that hard vacuum's force amplifies the larger the container, it becomes near infinite.

Science 0, /fringe/ 1




not sure if trolling or genuinely retarded.


File: 1c98eb83da3d1d3⋯.webm (747.84 KB, 720x576, 5:4, FE - Oman Sun setting.webm)


Earth is flat


They say ignorance is bliss.


I apologize for my earlier comment. Our worlds are just so alien to each other that either one would appear ignorant to the other.

I will say this much though. The only time He was on Earth, He spoke in parables. What does that mean about His literal word?




Well I'm fucked. Hello law enforcement.


I'm gonna read it all and write down a few thoughts here:

>space is water / not a vaccuum

I was always wondering: Doesn't a vaccuum have the power to pull stuff upwards against gravity? Especially air? I've heard worse ideas but I am not a scientists who tested this and we shouldn't use science of someone else to prove shit either, so I am neither conviced nor against the idea, tbh. Of course the whole bubble part also makes a lot of sense, just like the color of the sky and so on. It's an interesting theory which makes a lot of sense. It's just hard to prove shit since in order to be 100% sure you'd always have to research everything YOURSELF. And I ain't gonna build a rocket. So I guess I'll never know.

Same goes for the flat earth theory and many other theories: It's always just the word of one guy against the word of another guy. Either you find out yourself or you'll never really know. Don't get me wrong, those theories make a lot of sense and I am not saying they are wrong, but science also makes a lot of sense because well, it's science.

The CERN cult shit however is creepy as FUCK. I've seen the vids and all that. Same goes for the HL3 thing, those connections between CERN and HL3 feel A LOT like some advanced as fuck wyrd meme majicks. Reminds me of the bane plane crash.

As for the timeline chaging, the mandela effect, I definetly agree. I KNOW that they were Bernstein Bears. Bernstein is german for amber. I am german, I saw the books and stuff as a kid, it was probably one of the first wordplay puns I ever got. A man like me does not forget stupid wordplays.

>My main question is that some of these things seem frivolous, so why would anyone intentionally change them?

Maybe the smaller an infomation, the more likely it is to "accidentally" get changed / be affected by the butterfly effect?

As for reincarnation: Once you had an out-of-body experience that shit starts to make a lot of sense. If you are APing but not aware of it you are what I like to call "dream retarded" as in not quite in control over yourself, just like when you're dreaming. When you dream it's much like you're just experiencing a movie the brain shows you, you are not really in control (unless you're lucid dreaming). I assume the same thing happens to you when your soul enters the astral after death - and I bet this lack of control is responsible for you reincarnating. Would not be surprised if this happens on "accident". Maybe it's part of our instincts? However, just like you can conciously AP you can probably also "wake up" while dead and thus making the choice not to reincarnate if you so desire.

>>83415 (and all the stuff about god / religion)

Again, your word against them. Any person who thinks for themself would believe neither, no offense m8. I'm not religious though.


That interpretation of all star is gold, haha. I see the connections but still, if one wanted to he would just turn it around and interpret it into the opposite direction. Shape of an L could be Lord, for God. The Rules in "Fed to the rules" could be the existing, corrupt, luciferian system… and so on, I want to keep reading, you get the idea.

Next thing: If we accept that the world is a "matrix" then there is probably at least one creator. That is the thing though: Why do we assume there is only one of them? Were humanity to create a virtual reality to replace ours it would not be one creator but a MASSIVE team of scientists. Also having faith in that "god" is a long shot considering that since you don't know these guys. Especially because of how flawed it is (then again who knows what other, more fucked up universes exist? Just sayin.) Just kinda seems contradicting to believe in god in a way of faith but to also believe that the universe isn't real tbh. Of course maybe that's what (((they))) want us to believe so you can't just bet on that horse 100% either.

So at this point you're just trying to sell us your faith. Don't get me wrong, I like your idea of heaven, mine would be pretty similar. But the thing is: Everyone has to find their own belief. In the end it is always just the word of some random guy on the internet against (((them))). And of course there is no real way to proof anything.

This post is probably getting too long already, I'm gonna post it, read the rest, see if I feel like writing anything more.




I agree with the whole suicide thing. It's in itself sick that society thinks suicide is ALWAYS the result of a sickness, never the valid choice made after a lot of intelligent thought (unless you are in some VERY special, horrible circumstances like war or something). They have to, if it was culturally accepted to kill yourself if you feel like it it would probably happen too much and society would not function properly (like you said, you don't want the slaves killing themself).

Voting and the govs in general are corrupt. Nothing new here. If only we could put all that money into science… but welp, can't trust science. I know that sounds sarcastic but science is corrupt too, so I mean it. So, where even put the money if everything is corrupt? Schools? Corrupt. Hospitals? Corrupt as fuck. Some foundations with some noble goals? You bet your ass 90% of them are corrupt.

Of course so are universities.

Here's the thing, lad. To me, the very definition of a red pill (or a green pill for that matter) is that it involves proof, facts. However we live in an age where you can't trust any source you didn't fake yourself. Which, I guess, makes it a lot more viable that for a lot of this the source is simply your believes. I'm not saying they are wrong. The whole hotel room heaven thing? For all my life, starting as a child, I have been imagining alternate lifes I'd like to live as "doors" in my own little heaven I can open when I die. So I get where you're coming from. But in the end, like I said, it's just your word against everyone elses. Just like I don't blindly trust them I can't blindly trust you. What leads me to even give threads like this a chance is what leads me to question them. I still think it was worth the read (and response) and I hope I am being more constructive here then the average /fringe/-anon.

It's just that in these days, I really don't know what to believe anymore because everything turns out to be bullshit and everything is corrupt. I can TOTALLY get why one would believe in "god" as in the ultimate force of good but like I explained, if the universe itself is fake and full of corruption it's kinda hard to have faith in its creator. I mean I definetly believe such a creator exists (or, like I said, it's probably more than one). I just don't believe I should think of him as my "friend" until I see a lot of solid proof for that.



I wonder if there is another layer to this. Maybe the pool is also just a clever lie to hide an even worse truth!

It's funny to see a redpill get redpilled. :^)






"But I just want everything to be perfect and yiff in heaven!"

My god this board is dead to me. Where the fuck are the users telling you faggots to yiff in hell. At least you guys are trying to commit suicide.

Ever hear of the 100 monkey experiment? I think that's what it's called, but basically if one part of the species learns something, the rest will.

If you faggots are being so damn suicidal, everyone else gets dragged down too. If you guys suicide, it becomes that much easier for everyone else to. The fact that you'd justify it with, "Revolution" is your way of protecting yourselves from the fact you're sabotaging the species and behaving selfishly.

What people need is good role models, not your faggot shit.

Be less emotional, less lewd (read: fetishist), drain the swamp.


File: 8d45e9b5d8c6d95⋯.jpg (35.95 KB, 500x313, 500:313, 555-COME-ON-NOW.jpg)


>implying OP = /fringe/

>implying /fringe/ is full of furfags (didn't exactly study the everliving shit out of every post in this thread but I didn't see furfaggotory)

>implying just because suicide can be justified it has to be done

>implying everyone is just blindly going to follow OPs believes because OP told them to do so

Nigga please, you're projecting. A lot. Not gonna deny that there are some weirdos on this board and that they can be very loud / active / dominating the board climate at times but still. Look at how emotional you get about this crap. It's not making you seem any more sane than them, you know?


File: 1f9c4e9923e4a77⋯.jpg (186.57 KB, 969x596, 969:596, julius manlet.jpg)


My post was partly in reference to all of 8ch, which is indeed degenerate (favorite new buzzword but literally accurate), in which case I still think it's safe to assume there are too many furfags on this board.

As well, a vocal "anti-fur/degen/pedo/etc" community provides too hostile an environment for any of them to root here.

This is an instance where righteousness is well placed. Despite an anti-self-righteous environment, which is too much of mundane existence, I don't give a fuck and will go on being so, due to the VERY NATURE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.

You are either unknowingly full of shit, or knowingly shilling.

Either way you are a cuck shill degenerate piece of trash.

>"Not gonna deny that there are some weirdos on this board and that they can be very loud / active / dominating the board climate at times but still."

But still you wish to behave in a manner that supports such trash. "Perfectly rational sane intellectual" demeanors do nothing to prevent them, righteousness and hostility does. You can't even claim to be sane yourself, when you irrationally hold to such social dogmas.



Well how the fuck is anyone supposed to know you refer to 8ch as a whole while you post this on literally the most """different""" board on 8chan? Just saying.

I'm not saying you should not let rain down RIGHTEOUSNESS on degenerates, however you just didn't exactly pick a truly representative thread, in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong: Noone one this board is sane, lad. Not me. Not you. Not anyone. It's just that when you look for a thread to PURGE, you shouldn't take a thread where OP literally demands your faith in god. Not that I agree with him, but it still is far less degenerate then furfaggotory or all the other shit here.

About the whole furfag thing though: I have seen a LOT of roleplaying faggotory. Tulpas, imaginative astral projection or just literal faggot roleplaying on skype. So I totally get where you are coming from, of course one would assume "Well with that much freedom to be "WHATEVER YOU WANT" there has got to be a fuckload of degenerate yiffing" but as surprising as that might be: Furfaggottory is not that represented in the /fringe/ community. Do not get me wrong, so many people here are oh so fucking crazy. But furfags? I think I have seen ONE and I can only assume that because of what his avatar looked like. Kinda weird now that I think about it. This kinda shit should attract furfags like crazy but it just doesn't.

Btw that whole "anyone who disagrees with me is a shill" attitude is what hurts 8chan the most. Can't have any normal discussion with anyone anymore because as soon as two people disagree with each other they just call each other as shills and boom, problem solved, why take anything anyone says seriously? They are just shills. No need to question myself ever again, wow, this imageboard is great!

And thats why this place becomes more and more degenerate every day.



What hurts 8chan the MOST is not "ur a shill" but LOW QUALITY SHIT AND A VICIOUS CYCLE OF REGURGITATED CRAP. Every day of every week I see almost the same crap being posted, all the time. No one wants to invest anything that hasn't been written somewhere else and been posted a million fucking times.

Rage and righteousness is a healthy response to a dead community. The "You're a shill" stuff is artificial to me, for the purpose of drawing out the extension of your initial intellectual position to its fuller rationale.

Referring to the site or the board, it's the same. The reason I am posting this on this board is because I come here to see if anything interesting pops up.

You obviously missed the post where he states that trannies, futas, furfags, and everyone else is entirely accepted and loved in "Heaven". Along with shit about, "SOMETHING ONLY HAPPENS IF GOD WANTS IT TO" religious bogus shit. And, promoting suicide acceptance on a cultural and societal level. Oh, and the depression-born "Life is less than zero-sum it's negative-sum always FOREVER". Warrants a response.




As for your assertion that this is a poor target: Though this is a spontaneous act on my part, this board has way too much "Just trust in God!" faggotry as is. "Embrace the All!"

All this shit is distributed and needs to be PURGED WHOLESALE

No reason to partition your PURGE when the entire board needs wiping and there are only a handful of cunt ideologies/lifestyles that need eradication.

1. Degenerate fetishists

2. God/All/Creator/Love & Light Thundercunts

3. Shills, Shitposters, Literally Autistic Saboteurs

to a lesser degree

4. Know nothing mundanes who post too much

I avoid posting at all except to REMOVE KEBAB since I am not a high quality highly knowledgeable wizard, to admit my "conflict of interests". I try to create a better community however, so that there is room for actually knowledgeable people to post and receive clearly interested responses.

You can't do that with low quality posters.

10 High Quality Posters and 100 - 1,000 Browsers is 10000x better than 100, 000 low quality posters and however many browsers.

I am in agreeance on tulpas and astral projection, except on a high level, as any of that crap on a low level is diluted imaginative bull shit. Literally creating arcane constructs of psychic power to do your bidding (golems) is an entirely different conversation however. Toy guns vs the real deal.

Claiming others are a shill within a legit post on a slow board like this one is an opportunity to segway to a discussion, since I had a hunch you might find it to be unusually artificial (it was) in a seemingly half-genuine or genuine post. Which results in a more meta cognizant discussion, by providing a sort of contradiction to the senses/mind. That one is a judgement call, intuition, however.

If everyone on this board actually read the occult seed (which I am currently at the beginning of doing) this would be a naturally high quality highly active board. Better to make clear the desire for higher quality posting to allow the existence of said posters.

Note: It may seem a contradiction to claim ignorance is better than nothing



That last line was an accident.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's the only redpill you'll ever need:



If you want to purge the degeneracy you either need a fuckton of allies or devote all your time to it, else its a drop of water on a hot stone. Bring a bucket instead.


File: 8380b7033c9ee25⋯.jpg (20.95 KB, 600x450, 4:3, aliens.jpg)

"[insert deity here] will return from the dead at end times" is literally an ongoing reference to extraterrestrials returning to Earth



I'm sort of sad that Nibiru disaster was averted… How else are all these soulless NPCs going to die?


so many salty shills in this thread since the OP properly hit the nail on the fucking head


anti spam bump no sliding


WTF, Anon.

R.I.P. Western


File: 660fd9660976f66⋯.jpg (50.3 KB, 662x655, 662:655, 660fd9660976f66b2e35e8fef4….jpg)


If I wanted to send smiley a care package, is that address correct?

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