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Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 75nd Attention-Hungry Games
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March 2019 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 3cf4d8c09a945c8⋯.png (126.32 KB, 345x294, 115:98, 1471975012246.png)


I am another yourself and the universe is my will.


File: 406234895ba07e1⋯.jpg (62.43 KB, 960x720, 4:3, My-Corgi-Shiba-mix-grinnin….jpg)

I am another yourself and the universe is my will.


File: 776111ee4f9b334⋯.jpg (38.23 KB, 432x495, 48:55, 1460615846740.jpg)

I am another yourself and the universe is my will.




Nice to meet you, me.


File: 443d42fe263f2cc⋯.gif (3 MB, 250x250, 1:1, 1431743712746.gif)

I am another yourself and the universe is my will.


File: a602d1221a3ea61⋯.jpg (20.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 664abe353fcb5d28d52a87c643….jpg)

Go on…


File: 054e7c5a45778fe⋯.jpg (21.04 KB, 480x370, 48:37, 6l8tgNw.jpg)

I am another yourself and the universe is my will.


>said the cell to the other cell, completely unaware that they are in fact two different cells in one body


if you're me, can you feel my toothache? The dentist gave me tooth ache. I'm in pain.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 12 (1d20)



said the host unaware of all the things he does are decidedly collectively by his constituents


you're pain is not you


File: 43982ed9ac4dfd6⋯.jpg (34.19 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1440458849010.jpg)

now we're talking


Everything comes from the same source but the individual divided parts are not literally the same thing.


Good I finally convinced I.




>don't know that I will be one as I was and return to individuality

God is ten thousand faces I with a severe case of scatterbomb Schizophrenia.


File: e31fe56a347da05⋯.jpg (103.74 KB, 958x959, 958:959, 1440622131029.jpg)



i is awares. being unnawares is no fun



all dentists are evil people. do not trust them


spirits origin is outside of space-time.

spirit enters space-time in specific pattern.

first as math and physics, then as chemistry and matter, then biology, then mind then spirit then god.

when it completes this cycle it goes back and starts again enriching the whole cycle.

we as humans in our ordinary self embody only a small part of creation, but in our higher self we embody the whole.

when our ordinary self dies, and our spirit goes back to where it came and we see our true self, which has lived as every self.

the end of time is when you die,

the last judgement is your last judgement.

like Shakespeare said, the world is a theatre and there is only one actor, playing every role in the great story. we are born and put on the costume (body) of a certain character, and we can choose the role we play to a degree; but we are so caught up in our ideas of who we should be we forget that this is all a big game for spirits entertainment and education



Same with hygienists



i never liked them but why do you say that



And Kayla is cuter than you or me.


File: c4add0e2e6255ff⋯.png (198.91 KB, 297x288, 33:32, 1333694656800.png)



not him and I don't quite agree, but some dentists will do unnecessary work and all of them are very keen on giving you fluoride.

Sometimes I wonder if the water they use to keep the patient's mouth hydrated is full of the stuff.


File: 20db85591f1585f⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 744x558, 4:3, smiley hat.jpg)

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)


wew OP my boi I can feel those vibes


I suppose I can only surrender into love


File: 02d9c82558eea87⋯.png (297.97 KB, 522x292, 261:146, fullpotato.png)




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