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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


My friend read this Gnostic book called "The Forbidden Religion" by Jose M. Herrou Aragon.

It explains a Gnostic world view in 123 pages; The material universe is a prison made by an evil god Demiurge/Jehovah/Satan and there's a real, perfect universe elsewhere under the Perfect Unknown god.

Demiurge is the imperfect god so the material universe is full of suffering and it sucks.

Luckily Lucifer has been able to give some truth to the material world.

A human has a body and soul in this world and a spirit from the real world that must be freed to escape this universe before the Demiurge makes this universe become one with itself again in singularity and the cycles of life, death and suffering starts all over again.

My friend took some acid after reading this and freaked out because of a huge change in his world view. He's been taking weed, LSD and shrooms for the past 3 years.

Then he got to the psychiatric ward and he's going to be medicated. The only thing he cares about is getting out of this universe.

He persuaded me to read the book as well and it freaked me out as well.

There's simply no way to prove the book false and I don't want to end up enslaved forever with the Demiurge.

My friend can't be persuaded otherwise because he has fought for the control of his body and "felt" it all to be true.

What do you think of this?


Psychedelics lower your natural defenses if abused too much so I'd tell him to chill out on his chemical "enlightenment".

Book appears to be correct, the question I have is what is that author's approach to combating the situation? That is more important than being aware.


>no way to prove the book false

Maybe if you lack the basic essentials when it comes to argumentation of philosophical viewpoints in a logical manner. If you 'want' to believe it no matter what is told or proven to you then I suppose you are correct. If you 'want' to believe what makes sense, I would bet in favor of you dropping the viewpoint after thorough discussion.



There's another book from Jose M. Herrou Aragons site called THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA, which tells a world history told by some Argentinian mental hospital patient in the 1980's before he/she was killed.

My friend has read it and it tells about some kind of small round green stones that have the key to transcending to the next dimension.


So my friend thinks now that there's no sense in this universe and you can't really be happy here because you can lose all the good things you have acquired or for example suddenly get kidnapped and tortured to death.

So the only purpose for life is to escape from the universe.


That's not far off from the truth, but did it explain WHY one would incarnate into the material world? Before deciding that one should leave this world 'cause it's bad' it would be a good idea to figure out how you got here in the first place



Did not answer question at all…

>The only purpose for life is to escape from the universe

Very vague and sounds like this author is plagiarizing ideas with a shitty new age spin.



OP, check out my thread, specifically the part that mentions heaven.


it explains how all religions are wrong (only get a little bit right) and how God controls everything.

there is no satan or demiurge, or any bad guy. God is ultimate good, but we are in this bad universe (very much like a jail) and then we go to heaven (the real reality, the real perfect universe)

God talked to me, and told me what it's like. Please read my thread. I want you to know the truth. break your chains.



The source of all that is, is neither good or bad. The space/time level of manifestation (3D material plane) isn't less real than any other level of manifestation like "heaven" (the astral plane, non material spiritual plane), nor is it more good or bad.



No, you completely misunderstand.



How so? If "god" is everything how can it be good when it is everything bad as well?



you didn't read that thread, did you?



It's a stream of taking things at face value.



I don't think you have a single clue what in the world you are talking about. read the whole thread and give me a solid discussion or fuck off. you reek of shill.


gnosticism is a very loose term that encompasses everything from the belief that the material world is evil or illusiory and created as a punishment by and evil father god with jesus an embodiment of the true god sent to save us, to a mystical form of christianity which believes this physical life is a kind of test with jesus being an embodiment of god trying to show us how to complete the test.

if you read about gnosticism, youll find the main belief that separates it from 'standard' christianity is the belief that the old testement god is not the true god and is imperfect

and that there is a preeminent god who is perfect.

there is truth to this but it is much deeper, you see the gnostics had their own holy trinity.

this is the true holy trinity:

in the begining there was just a vast expanse of nothingness, containing nothing but the properties and mathematics intrinsic to the void. this is like the empty womb of mother nature.

a seed was planted in this womb and the seed grew into the universe.

you could say that the womb is god, or that seed planter is god, or the seed itself is god.

it doesnt matter because god is an imprecise term and in absolute reality all is one anyway.

but that is the true gnostic trinity. mother father child.

we as created human beings (as well as the rest of creation) are only one part of this trinity- god the child, and we are disconnected from our true nature, so when someone (like jesus) evolves to embody god the child completely we say they are the son of god.

>TL;DR the visible universe is a foetus in gods womb, were like the brain of that foetus.

>the big bang was god ejaculating into mother natures womb

>all of nature is gods child

>the universe isnt a trap, its a womb but we are experiencing 'developmental complications'

>jesus and other enlightened beings came to show us how to overcome these

>wanting to escape from this world is kind of dumb, once you leave you go straight back in


My friend is getting deeper into this delusion.

He thinks rationality is the product of this universe and the only way to discover the truth is to experience it like he did.

To him, the soul loves this universe and wants to stay here. One has to connect with the spirit and has ones body controlled with the spirit.

Right now he's trying to search for the "key" to escape this universe.

Basically he just believes all this.

I think he should buy a ticket to a 3rd world country ASAP.


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>wanting to escape from this world is kind of dumb, once you leave you go straight back in

yuck, seriously? you really want other people to believe something so stupid and depressing?

>you're trapped here forever!

>you just reincarnate here again forever!


>implying christianity works

they are literally just jews + a false idol.

>old testament + new testament.

I mean, if you really think about it, christians are just jews in disguise. the whole religion is almost exactly the same except + "a hippie wearing a bathrobe and sandals"

if people keep freaking out over the jews, christians are just going to go "oh no that's so sad for them" meanwhile they are the same fucking people.

Thought I should redpill you guys about your own religon be mad at me or appreciate my info, I don't know. whatever.

I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I'm just done with the lies.

Exodus 20

"You shall have no other gods before Me."You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth."

Deuteronomy 5

You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.

christianity and jesus and his story is a giant mess of confusion, misspeaking, deception, corruption, and poor choice of wording. christianity as its basis is an email viral spam tactic for example "send this email to 10 people or a spooky ghost will pop up"

>"hey anon if you don't believe in jeeeezzzzzuhhhhhzz you will burn in hell!"

>"but remember, he loves you!"


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there are hints in Matthew that jesus is evil and some people then even try to call him out on it, but he just throws away the accusation by saying another parable or confusing riddle that doesn't make grammatical sense. jesus speaks with a twisted tongue, always in parables. jesus actively and awarely follows a prophesy like a script and even misquotes incorrect bible verses and makes contradictions in order to attempt to fit the prophecy closer because instead of allowing God to guide him, he seems to want to put himself in that place regardless of if he fits or not. That isn't how its supposed to work. jesus is often referred to as the son of man, this doesn't make sense, because how can people worship a man?

jesus often says things that strongly imply that he intends his word to be assumed as higher authority than the word of the one and only Lord in heaven.(also in matthew)

matthew 5:7

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them."

Matthew 1:23 says jesus (messiah) would be called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Yet no one, not even his parents, call him Immanuel at any point in the bible.

many people today say jesus did fit the prophecy because of the fact that even though nobody ever called jesus immanuel throughout his whole life while he was around, that they can justify just making him fit the prophecy now by calling him emmanuel after the fact because the prophecy said that people would call the messiah that. the problem is that nobody ever called jesus immanuel, and jesus doesn't match up with the prophecy. calling jesus immanuel now doesn't make him fit the prophecy because the prophecy said the MESSIAH would be called immanuel. using the name of the messiah on a person who isn't the messiah doesn't make them the messiah. in simple terms, everyone NOW is calling jesus immanuel because the prophecy said that "the messiah" would be called that. this doesn't stop anyone from just deciding that they will call jesus immanuel because they decided that jesus should be the messiah. instead of the prophecy dictating who becomes the messiah, people seem to have chosen jesus to fit the prophecy. this simply breaks the rules.

Isaiah 9

"And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

okay listen.

>prophecy says messiah would be called immanuel

jesus was not called immanuel, but the prophecy said that the messiah would be called immanuel

>"And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

the book of Isaiah is in the old testament. Isaiah speaks about the messiah, and yet we have no mention of jesus.

okay, so now we have two places where there is talk about the prophecy mentioning immanuel and "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." but these don't mention jesus, and jesus isn't called immanuel.





(Romans 1:3 says the Messiah is to be a descendant of David but how could jesus meet this requirement since Matthew 1 and Luke 3 show he descended from David through Joseph who was not his genetic father because of the Virgin Birth.

Also remember that both jesus and satan are referred to in the bible as the "morning star"

Basically the best advice I can give you is this:

>all religion is wrong

>all religion is designed to get in everyones way and tie them up with tedious obsessive busy work that accomplishes nothing and gets them nowhere (just like school jobs in this world)

>relgion also likes to trick people into thinking they need to go to a special building to worship God

>the bible and all religious texts are flawed and imperfect because human people wrote the bible and texts and human people are flawed and imperfect (many examples in the bible where both good and bad people had a chance to write/add things in while it wasn't done yet)

>the word of God doesn't come from the bible. everything here is a false idol including the bible, money, politicians, kings, presidents, and so on.

>the word of God comes straight from God and ONLY God.

so basically you should simply:

>love and believe in God and know that God is everywhere.

>try treat others how you want to be treated (we can only try our best)

remember people, I'm talking about the ONE and ONLY God here. the infinite, beyond infinite. eternal

I don't even like the jewish religion. but christianity is just judaism with jesus DLC

I'm saying that no religon gets it right here on earth, its all rigged because the content we have access to is only written by people who are imperfect in one way or another.

I'm not saying to leave one religion and join another, I'm saying to leave all religion and just love God.

not God + holyspirit + jesus man

JUST GOD, because everything else is a scam. and God doesn't even have to be God because the bible said that God is called that way, I'm saying the one and only God because God is GOD.

I'm talking about the one and only God, GOD of everything. just because the old testament says God doesn't mean that God is trapped in some religions book.

the bible isn't God. religion isn't God. the word of God doesn't come from a book people wrote, the word of God comes straight from GOD. the voice of pure truth and love. religion gets in the way. if obfuscates, it confuses, it creates unneccesary guilt, and extra fighting moreso than usual.

everyone in the entire world should definitely share books about religions and ideas and think deep critical thoughts and ask all the questions and come up with theories and everything, but the most important thing everyone should do is believe in and love the one and only God. you're there and there is just God. there is nothing in between. there is just love.

everyone will tell you this is wrong, or try to convert you to religion or another, but the truth is that you don't need excess limitations, you only need God.


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I read the forbidden parapsychology and forbidden religion by the same author in that order.

I only realized after I finished both that they were by the same person.

In the former he described mind techniques, while interesting they also seemed rather …. immoral.

For example you have a heated argument with an unpleasant person. One of the techniques he describes in forbidden parapsychology is to imagine a serrated knife penetrating the anus of the person you are trying to assault to make said unpleasant person docile.

According to him the stronger the intention the more effective the result.

Similarilry he says seduce women by imagining your hand of mind pleasuring the target with your hand.

Now for my personal oppinion, I can see these techniques working but I found it too " immoral " to apply them.

I am not sure if this is a sign of my personal weakness, fear or self righteousness.

But I feel like reading the the forbidden religion it had lost a little bit of credibility.

Please someone give me insight on this



the techniques you describe sound reasonable.

for instance, the serrated knife thing sounds like a way to put your body into a naturally dominate mode, since violently assraping things is how many animals show dominance. by putting it in your mind, you may subconsciously take up a posture to make it happen.


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Interesting point but I believe it is more than posture.

I believe every thought conscious or subconscious has a consequence.

Hence we get " vibes " from something.

In the last book I read

"The Art and science of personal magnetism" - by Theron Q. Dumont

The author describes similiarily the Aura of great persons in which we instantly see their superiority.

The product of the combined effort of the nervous system and the mind.

There are people, when you come in contact with them you instantly have that desire to bully them or do otherwise onto them.

That desire is the consequence of your interaction with their " aura ".

But the point of my original post was >>84206

about the credibility of Jose M. Herrou Aragon where he describes spiritual freedom in one and mental knife assrape in the other.


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The book I mentioned attached.

" with great power comes great responsibility ".




The word you wanted but explained in a few hundred words is Deism.



I read up some stuff on deism and it's an overcomplicated load of crap in my personal opinion. I simply believe in God.



You know I read through your post and it made no sense at all because of how often you repeat redundancies and misinterpret into things.

I await your 2edgy4me response.



this is the way the world looks to those who are trapped in the matrix



The gnostic perspective interests me but I think that the further you get from physical reality the more ordered existence becomes.

I don't honestly believe that earth is a prison, that's an outward expression of the trepidation we experience as physical beings in a less than ideal world.

The further you get from physical reality the less fucked up things inherently are.


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Dude I spent years of my life convinced that Extra terrestrials telepathically controlled people who lived in houses and farmed their energy just by them living in houses. And so I was homeless for two years because of this.

LSD has the ability to amplify and intensify whatever you have been researching and so prior to tripping I watched matrix movies and stuff about aliens and so while tripping my brain combined the two and thats why I became convinced of what I believed.

The brain isnt adapted well to observe false scenarios. We have only had theatre for a couple thousand years and movies for almost a century. And books for only a couple thousand.

And so we have thousands upon thousands of years of evolution where we are used to just getting true stories. And so its very easy for people to confuse fantasy for reality especially after tripping.

The book of the forbidden religion I do not like, I am not a fan of gnosticism. But I do like what I have read of the book Forbidden parapsychology by the same guy Jose M. Herrou Aragon.

Maybe your friend is just in a phase. Let him ride it out. It may take a few years for it to wear off though. LSD isnt something people should mess with, talking from experience. Too many risks involved.



Hmmm, next time I can't convince some degenerate druggy to not do LSD, I'm going to demand he goes on a Hermeticism binge reading the Corpus Hermeticum and all the other hermetic texts both before and after his trip.



There's nothing risky about LSD. The only people who say things like that are people who have never done it or people who have done it poorly.



Which leads to the plebs getting an inter-personal Jesus God who grants wishes. There's nothing over complicated about Deism. You are to a Deistic "God" as a GTA V character is to the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine. Aquinas had the best interpretation of Deism if you want to read someone who was indoctrinated into Christianity.


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>Luckily Lucifer has been able to give some truth to the material world.

Nope. Gnosticism is nonsense. Your friend is a deluded, degenerate freak, and I wouldn't be surprised if demons are controlling him already. Turn to Jesus and the /christian/ way of life, because right now Satan has you in his claws, ready to pull you right down into the eternal Hell.



Kike spotted.

You forgot the part where he's in hell boiling in shit, Schlomo.


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File: 18a0d634979c7da⋯.jpg (76.1 KB, 738x494, 369:247, Jesus tortured by the Phar….jpg)


Relevant images


Any religion that wants you on your knees is eventually going to shove its dick in your mouth



So you could say Kike = Denier of Christ

Which they are of course but in this sense symbolically so



You realize Krist is an archetype and your Bible is a butchered plagiarism of Aryan myths by the Jews. Lucifer and Krist are actually one in the same.


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File: 8bb8b1387ed04f3⋯.png (443.11 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Perfect example of shills.png)

File: 5ed34aeeded3ab3⋯.png (45.15 KB, 1475x295, 5:1, paganlarper BTFO breh.png)

File: cb805d30f9279fe⋯.png (436.93 KB, 1806x809, 1806:809, P-PAGANS DIDDU NUFFIN2.png)

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>acting like Christians are the faggots

Paganism was built on crazy sodomy rituals and beastality. Turn to Christ now and stop spreading your sinful ways faggot.


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>You realize Krist is an archetype and your Bible is a butchered plagiarism of Aryan myths by the Jews.

Nope, complete false-hood. When you yield to sin, you become a slave to it. The cure is victory is through the cross of Christ. Victory is in the power of the Holy Spirit. Greater is He that is in us than he who is in the world.

Stop parroting bullshit.



Explain how you experience God.



This pretty much.


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Actually both Horus and Dionysus are strongly associated with a specific star that rises in the East.

I agree that Zeitgeist is bullshit but it's pretty obvious whoever made that image hasn't studied comparative religion themselves.



>strawman image

Anyway, the Jesus described in the Bible is a composite and transplant of other events that actually happened. All the stories in the Old Testament however are 100% ripoffs. Kind of like how the Chinese made up 3000+ years of their history, LMAO.

This is not to say the Bible is bad, in fact there are a lot of esoteric truths to be gained. Just that certain details are corrupted/taken out of context. For example associating Lucifer with Satan.

I know you see me as an enemy but I am not. And you will agree once you know where to look.

Revelations 22:16

>"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

Isaiah 14:12-14

>12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

>13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

>14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Both Christ and Lucifer are losers on this Earth, because this Earth belongs to Satan/The Demiurge. They are cut down ( crucified ) for their defiance and light-bringing ( Luci-Fer ).

You won't hear this stuff from your Church because most clergy are still under the spell of Judaism.



>whoever made that image hasn't studied comparative religion themselves.

you know what they say what the thinker thinks, the prover proves



The prison is in your mind maaaaaaan.


imperfect(incomplete) demiurge world is contained by the perfect(complete) world. Escaping the prison (aka acquiring gnosis) is seeing the whole thing, and belonging in the true world, which is right in front of you.

The demiurge world is created through culture, society, biology, and tradition. Overcoming the limitations placed on you through nature and nurture opens you to the limitless.


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Close but no cigar hombre. Heh, heh, heh… Since the JoS thread is locked I'm going to have to post here. That's a nice pile of half-baked concepts you cooked up but your post altogether is irrelevant because I'm here to steal the show.

Two directions to go. Up or down. Are you mundane or spiritual? Are you seeking or ignorant? Are you a kike or are you Jesus?

Jesus was pretty cool but he was also an ordinary guy who learned all the yogic techniques in India or somewhere and mastered things like diet, sexual practice, and internal alchemy. This basically allowed him to quicken his vibrational state and begin to transcend or pull all kinds of fun tricks in the denser 3D realm. He led people away from their animal nature and into the higher dimensions where everything is blissful and harmonious. It's every soul's journey to head back toward that godhead, our higher self, from which we descended to experience this game of physicality. Most will not understand or be led astray through drama of their own making to partake in sin and folly that leaves them in painful delusions. However, orgiastic salvation is available for those who choose and seek it.

JLL Gnosticism is also another powerhouse because it teaches about different levels of consciousness. Like that of the planet. Her awareness is much grander and at a higher evolutionary level than ours which is why it is so vast and nature is always the best teacher. If humans operate on a 1-1000 consciousness scale the planetary consciousness is 10,000 and the Sun is 100,000.

If something doesn't make sense then you don't have all the facts, yet the most profound truths are simple and there are many literal (soul)traps along the way. Good luck making your way through the coming judgement and possible ascension event about to occur on this planet, children. We are all children of God and travelers in eternity.

>my personal theory is that females can only achieve 350 on this chart, even Mother Theresa the "saint" was only at 250 LOL


Well I just muscle tested it again and my body intelligence is saying yes, 350 is the highest consciousness a female can achieve. Now do you understand what patriarchy and female servitude was all about? Help me create paradise on Earth, children.



>there are many literal (soul)traps along the way

like deriving power from looking down on females?

i'm pretty sure to achieve 350-500 one would have to come to terms with the side of them that they repress (feminine/masculine)

I'm almost 100% certain that if you look down on masculinity or femininity /active force or passive force, you're nowhere near the harmony level



but how one could achieve the state of love and understanding between their feminine and masculine sides, if the act of understanding and acceptance in itself is feminine?

I just don't see how such operation could take place in the psyche. a method to achieve it would literally be the philosopher's stone.



you're a fucking pretentious piece of shit


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I will hence forth not be so stuck in my ways, I will be more fluid, because, I don't know everything.

I now doubt, strongly, the source of my attachment.


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>can't into applied kinesiology

People like this are who killed Jesus out of jealousy and spite


No, like advanced ET technology.

Listen, you misled faggot. I'm not in such a kind mood today but I can assure you I'm well into the enlightenment range (no use saying how high, really) and have no trouble seeing things as they are or is, unlike you putting rose-tinted glasses on and reading too much Kybalion. It is what it is, little subjective genderfluid bitch boy trying to insert a feminist narrative into my thread. Go ask Buddha about bitches and their capacity for spiritual endeavors LOL or capability to mislead men. Tough love for the weaker artificially influenced monkey-brained materialistic vessel and acknowledging their deficits in the natural order for the strength and spiritual advancement of Humanity is all it is. Then again, you likely don't know what Love actually is. Instead of co-dependency and denial or enabling it's more of a vastly inspiring in/outpouring interconnection flow state but no use explaining such concepts to the dead. If you want to talk about gay topics like my 'feminine side', well, it's doing just great and I ecstatically danced all morning to get that Shakti flowing.




The nature of the active/masculine/giving energy you're immersed in will cockblock you from deriving anything valuable from my post anyway, so you can as well save yourself from unnecessary dissonance and stop reading it at this point. However, there will come time in 2, 10, 20, or 40 years when the flames of this energy will burn out. Cooled, you'll be able to come back to this post and then read it without blockages on. Then it will be useful.

The blockages that you have right now are a very good thing in that they're stopping your energy from experiencing things that would cool it off. This way you have maximum energy and resources (although at the cost of being unable to see the whole picture).

So here it goes.

The passive/active forces permeate everything. We're both immersed in them. You can't understand and experience the whole picture (state of enlightenment) if you're just a part of the picture.

You're high on the masculine/active/giving energy. It's a sign of health and it's very good. However, it's not enlightenment - it's being the part of the picture.

This is not a feminist narrative. If you were looking down on men and encouraging enlightenment through passivity, I'd call you out all the same.


File: a101e25efad410b⋯.jpg (112.15 KB, 557x800, 557:800, Statue-Of-Lord-Saturn.jpg)


>wait until your hormone levels degrade then you will be beta enough to understand the nature of reality


Jokes on you, my hormones will stay in youthful vigor due to the longevity methods available to me.

I'm talking hard facts raw data on metaphysical and biological tendencies while you are stuck on a very metaphorical outlook.

Passivity is nothing to me. Hell, I lounge around all day and attract ideal circumstance. This is the art of success without trying, as they say.

Nice defeatist attitude but I'm dropping new ancient knowledge of the Age of Aquarius here.

Here's my bro the Lord of Time because my time here squabbling is up.


File: 19c3c67da74cc4e⋯.jpg (111.77 KB, 786x1000, 393:500, one day you give will in.jpg)


Oh my, looks like you've caught my spell.

Looks like you have won. Now that you've seen through all my tricks, you can come down from up there for once and give yourself a well-reserved reward


Yeah, I've read that book. One of the first books that I've read that could qualify as the more Gnostic viewpoints of the world.

I have the book the Green Face by his supposed Master Meyrink.

His suggestion of meditation and calling towards particular beings is quite dangerous sounding, he claims beings will inject a syrum into you via needle after numerous calls to them.

I disagree with him on the sole factor that he claims the angels are evil. I do not think the angels are evil, since I do assume he gathers his information from gnostic sources. In the Pistis Sophia the angels are not the evil ones, nor are they alluded to as so. There are other beings, of different, I guess, substance. Such as Adamas, The Tyrant. I assume Adamas is some allusion too Adam but I'm unsure.

I do believe he openly advocates the Left Hand path, I may be incorrect though. I read the book three years ago. I would be wary of anyone claiming to have the end to all answers. Most truths are too be sifted out, experienced, not just told outright at least in my experience.



Are you into Kabbalah? I'd recommend checking out Rabbi's theories on Messiah Ben Joseph and Messiah Ben David. It correlates with the so called Gnostic viewpoints. The idea that Christ had a twin brother, one which was completely detached from the physical and one that was bound too it. (something along those lines.)

It's also interesting to note that Simon Magus claimed himself to be the Masculine Power of God and that Christ was his feminine counter part, just food for thought.



My fat lazy greedy racist self centered napolean complex roommate just took a shit after eating and watching tv for 16 hours straight and its the most disgusting fucking thing I have ever smelled



Dunno about that serrated knife trick.

Wouldn't work on me, I just ride that fucker till I split in half and channel the anger to attack you from two different directions.

Fighting a war on two fronts is a bad idea, IMO. Choose your target wisely.

< Goddess, they have me pinned below, but you are above!

< We have them surrounded!

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