(Romans 1:3 says the Messiah is to be a descendant of David but how could jesus meet this requirement since Matthew 1 and Luke 3 show he descended from David through Joseph who was not his genetic father because of the Virgin Birth.
Also remember that both jesus and satan are referred to in the bible as the "morning star"
Basically the best advice I can give you is this:
>all religion is wrong
>all religion is designed to get in everyones way and tie them up with tedious obsessive busy work that accomplishes nothing and gets them nowhere (just like school jobs in this world)
>relgion also likes to trick people into thinking they need to go to a special building to worship God
>the bible and all religious texts are flawed and imperfect because human people wrote the bible and texts and human people are flawed and imperfect (many examples in the bible where both good and bad people had a chance to write/add things in while it wasn't done yet)
>the word of God doesn't come from the bible. everything here is a false idol including the bible, money, politicians, kings, presidents, and so on.
>the word of God comes straight from God and ONLY God.
so basically you should simply:
>love and believe in God and know that God is everywhere.
>try treat others how you want to be treated (we can only try our best)
remember people, I'm talking about the ONE and ONLY God here. the infinite, beyond infinite. eternal
I don't even like the jewish religion. but christianity is just judaism with jesus DLC
I'm saying that no religon gets it right here on earth, its all rigged because the content we have access to is only written by people who are imperfect in one way or another.
I'm not saying to leave one religion and join another, I'm saying to leave all religion and just love God.
not God + holyspirit + jesus man
JUST GOD, because everything else is a scam. and God doesn't even have to be God because the bible said that God is called that way, I'm saying the one and only God because God is GOD.
I'm talking about the one and only God, GOD of everything. just because the old testament says God doesn't mean that God is trapped in some religions book.
the bible isn't God. religion isn't God. the word of God doesn't come from a book people wrote, the word of God comes straight from GOD. the voice of pure truth and love. religion gets in the way. if obfuscates, it confuses, it creates unneccesary guilt, and extra fighting moreso than usual.
everyone in the entire world should definitely share books about religions and ideas and think deep critical thoughts and ask all the questions and come up with theories and everything, but the most important thing everyone should do is believe in and love the one and only God. you're there and there is just God. there is nothing in between. there is just love.
everyone will tell you this is wrong, or try to convert you to religion or another, but the truth is that you don't need excess limitations, you only need God.