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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Once you've crossed the point of "I don't want my life, God please take me, and mould me, and make somerthing worthy of me, and do with me as you please, or else end me if you do not take pleasure in my being anymore." life gets so much better.

Absolutely nobody can fuck with me anymore. I am under divine protection. I have dropped the fears of life and of death and do everything with contentment, ready to receive always, and constantly experiencing extraordinary occurances.

I keep receiving instructions and getting purer every day. My whole body and mind is being transformed and I am refusing mediocrity, refusing powerlessness, and projecting my thoughts into everything and manifesting like a mad man.

I have so much mental self-control I see into the future too now and can see the karmic lines and act in 4D. My consciousness constantly stays at a high level now, even at its lowest it is still very powerful now.


okay? two things, bitch, first, god/higher ups would never allow you to haves such a 'huge' ego (you're literally bloating) and still 'make' you go to here and share.

If anything if you were guided and told to direct us here, they would've chosen a different set of words to entice this board.



>such a 'huge' ego

…Or he's just describing what's going on.

>they would've chosen a different set of words to entice this board

Like what? How would you know?


>Dear Diary: the thread

Nobody can fuck with you, you'll just fuck up yourself.

You're under divine protection, but who'll protect you when those gods die?

You're above fear, but fear will find you again.

You're ready to receive, and receive you will.

You'll be pure, yet the world will take a dump on you nevertheless.

You refuse mediocrity, though you'll fall back into obscurity.

You see into the future, but those murky visions are in the past.

This post might seem edgy for all i know, but you get the idea.


>still acknowledging God



Outta curiosity, Are we talking about a… judo-christian god here? Because he and I haven't exactly seen eye to eye in the past.

Please, define 'God' for me?


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Kek. JUDEO-CHRISTIAN god, Although I gotta admit. Of the two, I think I'd be interested in the Judo-Christian god better.



>Because he and I haven't exactly seen eye to eye in the past.

You don't rape young boys and sacrifice them to Moloch goy?




Usually when discussing Gods in this board people mean one of the most common meanings of the word.

One is "god" in the sense of anything whose relative power to that of a mortal is godly. A billionaire would be a god in that sense depending on who you ask.

Next we have the Demiurge, the Abrahamic god, the one who people insists on using the Capital Gee to refer to it. Getting on a Demiurge's good side will only get you so far in life and the moment you disobey it you will be left friendless.

And last but not least we have the one True God, the Mechanical God that is the Universe and everything in it, Divine Virtual Machine Where All Our Emulators Run, the God that 99% of all Gnostic and magickal teachings will say you have to attune to in order to BE God (because you already are, you're part of it, alfa and omega means you too) and manifest whatever the crap you want.



No definitely not that "god". I'm talking about the omniscient, infinite, eternal, omnipresent, living, mental; ALL.

8 days later btw and I still have not receded into a lower state of consciousness. I continue to see and feel the shifting of probable futures, nothing surprises me, and everything happens in a very exact manner for me. I can literally quantify everything and see also the results of every thought and emotion I output and how it all manifests. I have some very important work to do now before the first frost so I am barely ever even on the computer at all but I just checked in for a moment now and saw this old thread again; it feels like it was months or years ago. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if I'm cutting and moving huge blocks of stone just through mind power alone in a few years and creating buildings so perfect they confound the engineers who find them.



I use the term "deity" for the Gods and I use the term God, The One, or The Absolute for The All.



First bit of Practice of Magical Evocation where it talks about man the microcosm being attuned to the macrocosm while in the circle before doing evocation, that is what I'm talking about, except I raise my consciousness to God very often not just in the circle but pretty much anytime the thought to do so comes back to me again.



>Demiurge, the Abrahamic god

>And last but not least we have the one True God,

Forgive my ignorance but how do I know I am dialing one and not the other? Can you know?



I strongly believe that'd be The All as reffered by >>83997


Both answer the magickal phone in similar manner but one will communicate with you as an external entity, the other will communicate with you like it's part of yourself and you are part of it. At least that's how it happens to me.



>one will communicate with you as an external entity, the other will communicate with you like it's part of yourself and you are part of it. At least that's how it happens to me.

which one does which, ya dingus



Okay. That makes sense. Thank you for clearing that up.


Ah. Kind of self evident isn't it?


I do not consider the demiurge to be the god in the Semitic-trio Parardigm. I consider the demiurge as the world soul, and what kikes/christcucks/mudslimes say about the demiurge isn't accurate.





>Forgive my ignorance but how do I know I am dialing one and not the other? Can you know?

>Both answer the magickal phone in similar manner but one will communicate with you as an external entity, the other will communicate with you like it's part of yourself and you are part of it. At least that's how it happens to me.

No the correct answer is that The All communicates Through All.

When you are in communion with the All, you receive answers from it, through everything.

The All basically uses anything in manifestation to act a messenger for it.

That's how it works for me and my explanation is rational (makes sense).

You focus on The All an d then you receive signs/messages/etc. from it.

Of course, each message is geared to your level of understanding / maturity and also the essence of what your question is.>>84170



Yeah, pretty much that. You put it a lot better than me.



Hello. Your father Sam knew me, I am the neighbors dog. And I am ordering you to become a serial killer.


Just saying this once on this thread.

2 deities, one term/word: God. Like Parents, as one it's Mother/Father.

Together, however, they are one, in their love for their offspring.

This is one of the many lost teachings by some really old guy.

But then y'all lost your shit.

Those other 'gods' are indeed gods but in some humanizing form/way.

All of which that touch upon the light of the truth.

That said, there are groups that manufacture their own, for whatever unjust reason. Perverting them into our own greedy and angry selves.


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Basically you gave up and asked God to give you your retirement wages early?





So I posted a comment here, and now its deleted. Know for a fact because I read it after clicking new post. Too lazy to type it all again. So here goes

>youre projecting your knowledge of god

>another being is projecting a lower being to play god

>portal opens

>realities become shared

>entities that fuck with you are direct and easy to find

>entities that care will be cryptic to teach you awareness and arent so easy to find

>control your ego young one

>once the excitement wears off you'll crash

Also, keep your self masterbation confined to your mom's basement NEET, plz n tanky




not OP, but young neophyte here. I went through massive spike of awakening/awareness over the summer, and had a mindset similar to what OP is sharing. Came crashing back down within weeks and I've been trying to get back up there ever since. It ain't easy being cheesy



envy is unbecoming my friend.

the ego is the self, and the self is not a thing to be destroyed and ashamed of, it is there to be aligned with the higher self.




bitter words of someone trying to stunt the potential of someone exactly as their own potential was stunted


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I went through the whole "one with God who reveals through every single being in existence" thing.


Get your zzz kiddos


What if instead of building a new God you build a new plane?


Yes, it's much harder, but wouldn't that be far more worthwhile?



Seriously, if you're going through this shit:

Stay off the internet.

Stay in your room, in your house.

Read books, draw, keep a journal.

This too shall pass…


There's nobody outside for you to talk to but the dead and those possessing them.



>the ego is the self

couldnt be further from the truth


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>I keep receiving instructions and getting purer every day.

>I keep receiving instructions

Is this guy being manipulated?



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Anon, I'll see you… in my study


Hey OP, I'm the person who made this:


can you give me some pointers so I can improve? I'm suffering too even though I made something good like this. nobody is perfect. maybe you can teach me and I can teach other people and in turn make everyone more good? or at least try to feel better myself, if that's all that can be accomplished, or is supposed to be accomplished in this case.

please help me get to where you're at, if that's really what I'm supposed to do by the will of God. need good advice. please.


OP please help? you there? ^^^^^^^




That's when OP posted this thread.




OP is Fringe Wizard, the pretentious piece of shit pseudo-wizard and self-declared "adept". He is a fraud.



I'm still interested to hear what they have to say. there is wisdom and corruption in everything. if you learn how to sort, then you know when to abort!




Then go on discord and ask for smiley or something, he doesn't post here anymore.



why would you suggest I go get datamined?



I know this thread is old, but it's nice to see that OP has developed spiritually. I find this very relateable. There comes a point when you need to embrace amor fati. "That one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backwards, not in all eternity." as Nietzsche puts it. Here's a poem some of you might enjoy.

>Batter my heart, three-person'd God, for you

>As yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend;

>That I may rise and stand, o'erthrow me, and bend

>Your force to break, blow, burn, and make me new.

>I, like an usurp'd town to another due,

>Labor to admit you, but oh, to no end;

>Reason, your viceroy in me, me should defend,

>But is captiv'd, and proves weak or untrue.

>Yet dearly I love you, and would be lov'd fain,

>But am betroth'd unto your enemy;

>Divorce me, untie or break that knot again,

>Take me to you, imprison me, for I,

>Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,

>Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.



All this "one god" stuff kinda seems silly, but each to their own.

Went on a Heroic Journey, talked to some old gods, some Norse and several "Egyptian" (hint: Christianity = Egyptianity).

After I revealed his new "low-key" memetic resurgence, Loki stole my favorite Wand right out of my hand. Didn't even realize it was gone until I needed it, then a spectral wand appeared in the first darkness of a wood and I reached for it but it became a dried stick which was exactly the "twig" I needed.

After sacrificing my ancestor they passed my spirit under the shadow of a new god, letting me know She has their favor. She was not there when Wedjat recorded the first harmonies of being. She did not attain her status after falling from the branches of Yggdrasil with other creatures. Woden is not her All Father. She is of Thoth's magic, but not his [re]incarnation.

My advice would be not to get too wound up about lesser evils (easy to banish) and "demiurge" that's just a BS catchall concept, IMO.

Gods don't have to be perfect – The men who would deny deities the free will to be whatever they want are half enlightened fools. If you crave perfection, go personify a number line and learn to Count.

Watch out for posers. The old gods are real, and are excited to witness a new god's manifestation.

P.S. "Amen" = Amun.



gods who aren't perfect aren't really God.

just special beings with special abilities, but far from all powerful and far from perfect. basically they're just humans/people/beings with very big very dangerous toys.

>little g's

>big G

there's a difference.



I tried praying in this vein when I read this thread a couple of months ago and nothing changed. Welp.



Your fault


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