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>an Ocala man died Saturday after allegedly breaking into a home while he was naked and biting a woman.

>"[The victims] stated that Raines was out of control," the MCSO wrote in a news release. "They also believed Raines was under the influence of drugs or alcohol."

>Raines allegedly bit one person during the attack. Deputies found a bite mark on one of the women after the incident.

>The victims "defended themselves" and were ultimately able to pin Raines down in a bedroom until deputies arrived, according to the sheriff's office.

>When deputies arrived, Raines was taken to an area hospital, where he later died.

>The sheriff's office did not say what caused Raines' death.

>Raines had lived in the area and when deputies went to his house, they found a woman inside who looked like she was under the influence of drugs and needed medical attention.

htt p://ww w. orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-naked-home-invasion-dies-20160917-story . html



>new mosquito virus comes out of nowhere (related? no bully)


https: //www. sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/09/160915164905 .htm

>"[The victims] stated that Raines was out of control," the MCSO wrote in a news release. "They also believed Raines was under the influence of drugs or alcohol."

zombies appear as drunk and drugged people. (scary bloody face or new fresh zombie) doesn't matter

>Raines had lived in the area and when deputies went to his house, they found a woman inside who looked like she was under the influence of drugs and needed medical attention.

maybe she was infected

>The sheriff's office did not say what caused Raines' death.

because that would be too easy to just tell people

I'm thinking that maybe these things are just the zombie virus being contained. for now

(4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss o)


http: //www. syracuse.com/us-news/index.ssf/2016/08/florida_zombie_attack_austin_harrouff_flakka .html

https ://www. washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/08/24/police-killed-a-black-face-eater-heres-why-they-say-a-white-guy-turned-zombie-lived/

https:/ /en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami_cannibal_attack




keep in mind, these are some nearly identical attacks to the miami zombie. it's always blamed on "bath salts" alchohol or some other drugs.

Remember that zombies appear as drunk and drugged people. violent, shambling, behaving irrationally



I think you've had too much /x/.

Some people get really fucked up on drugs and do crazy shit. Biting is something humans can do, and can cause damage. If someone wants to hurt someone else, and doesn't restrain themselves (drugs prevent this) then it makes sense that they would bite.

A real virus made by the government (I assume this is what you're implying) wouldn't cause chaos like a zombie virus would. There's no point for a zombie virus to be released because it could easily become unmanageable, and you couldn't manipulate people who have it by forcing them to rely on the government.



>I think you've had too much /x/.

>says someone on /fringe/

shills are real



why would they be afraid of it becoming unmanageable? What do you think the underground cities and bases are for? lmao


reminder the fema camps and whatever the fuck they're doing at walmarts is not for us but whomever they decide should survive. Everyone fearing getting sent off to a fema camp has it all backwards!



/fringe/ isn't /x/. You can post conspiracy stuff here, but it fits better on /x/. There's a reason the front page isn't just "how do summon succubus" and "spooky movie recommendation" threads.



Wouldn't fucking everything up outside of camps negate the point of controlling the world? There'd be no society left and thus no benefits to controlling it. If their end goal is to keep a tiny fraction of humanity alive in camps while they live underground because they can't enter the rest of the world (due to zombies), that's a pretty shitty goal. Makes more sense to purge undesirables and make the world one big camp. That way the goyim keep working and you can stay in your above-ground mansion fucking groomed girls.


The bases were built as panic mode for Nibiru, that's still coming. It's going to be a shitstorm. With ww3, religious upheaval, cataclysm, death camps, alien harvest, and now zombies it's going to be a wild ride. I also forgot dimensional portals and deep sea creatures (think Godzilla). End times, here we come!

Fucking zombies man, might have to dust off some guns sooner than expected.



>Makes more sense to purge undesirables and make the world one big camp. That way the goyim keep working and you can stay in your above-ground mansion fucking groomed girls.

I'm sure they would love to do just that. Something would be forcing their hand if there is indeed an engineered "zombie apocalypse" and orchestrated WW3. They probably know they are on borrowed time with people waking up to the sea of lies. Not to mention outside forces messing up their plans.



Top kek, are you 12?



Fringe isn't /x/.



>Wouldn't fucking everything up outside of camps negate the point of controlling the world?

You are assuming rational agency when judaism is just a death cult and not of the FUN type.


>Zombie threat level increase. Naked man breaks into house, bites person, then DIES

It was /x/-tier.



>keep in mind, these are some nearly identical attacks to the miami zombie. it's always blamed on "bath salts" alchohol or some other drugs.

>Remember that zombies appear as drunk and drugged people. violent, shambling, behaving irrationally

If you want to make this thread /fringe/ relevant then lets discuss the creation of an occult virus that causes actual zombies to happen. We could magickally influence rabies or else use divination or communion to find a potential disease vector that would be most suitable for us to influence to turn it into a zombie plague meme-style.


Who here wants to cause a diablo-style zombies/demons/etc. apocalypse btw and what how fucked would you be by that massive karmic debt for making it happen?


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>We could magickally influence rabies

Why not use the tested recipe?


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