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File: 91d5a527aaf695b⋯.jpg (192.14 KB, 1000x1255, 200:251, Technicolor-Cat1.jpg)

File: 058e1fde0cbc9fc⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 480x640, 3:4, katie censored.jpg)

File: 02fc9daca8ae80a⋯.jpg (17.58 KB, 269x479, 269:479, katie red thong.jpg)


I can tell you some things about mind control through psychological conditioning, mind influencing chemicals, and what sort of projects they are being used for today. That said, it's a rabbit hole, and when you see it you won't be able to unsee it. Fair warning. The more you dig the less you'll probably want to know.

If you suspect that a picture may be related… it could be. If you reverse search some of these you'll find the beginnings of a different rabbit hole. Talk to me before you take off down that one, should you choose to.


File: 1561b9a269f1719⋯.png (112.86 KB, 587x863, 587:863, porn as a distraction.png)

do you mean like pic related?



No, that's just your run of the mill psyop.


>I can tell you some things about mind control through psychological conditioning, mind influencing chemicals, and what sort of projects they are being used for today.

Them please do.


Sure you can. I've already researched the subject years ago intensely and know all about it. I doubt you have anything new to add to my knowledge.



Ask something specific.


Okay there buddy.



You can mind control anyone literally just by thinking intensely about them and re-imagining them, forcing the astral light into them, and drawing in whatever influences you want into their astral matrix. It's not hard once you've practiced long enough and you know what you're doing. People naturally do it to each other all the time when they get obsessed with each other but there's also ways to make the whole process more efficient and more potent, including the use of technology to help in the process.



K so what about some hooker from Oklahoma named Katie? I thought this was a bread about mind control '-'



It is. What would you like to know about Katie?


OP if you want to tell me interesting please tell me about what the current mind control programs are. MK Ultra is so fucking out of date I don't want to ever talk about it again, I want to learn more and talk more about whatever-the-fuck they are currently using right now.



share what u know …


OP knows fuck all about anything and is just roleplaying.



Start with "why is this hooker relevant to a mind control thread" hahaha.


File: 13b478b27e81c4e⋯.png (133.96 KB, 262x218, 131:109, 1444325240110.png)


1. How much do you know about MKultra?

1.1 How relevant is it still today?

2. How did you aquire the knowledge you claim

3. Do you regret climbing down the rabbit whole ?

4. What is it with Katie?

Have a lot of other questions but please adress these first.

Thanks in advance


How are subliminal triggers implanted remotely?

Is it a form of hypnosis?

Is all mind control sexual in some way?



>censoring a girls asscheek

>on an 18+ imageboard

>not using a pic spoiler



File: b8e7bec42721abd⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 1800x2400, 3:4, vigilant citizen a marketi….jpg)


Is the cat painting the one made by that crazy schizo guy whose fall into insanity showed in his paintings over time?

How can I fight this? Go live outside forever?

Where can I find real, non-controlled opposition info on the mind control being used in the media? In my searches I always find vigilant citizen alex jones-tier garbage.


maybe her asscheek is the mind control



I'm not close enough to know the name of a program. If I were, I wouldn't type it on the internet where a million keyword censors around the world would ping.

But I know that's a dick answer, so I'll tell you that they've gotten a fuckton more sophisticated. Depending on what you're trying to produce, a phenomenon called "learned helplessness" is induced, and its long term effects actually change the cognition of the subject.


How is a beachfront condo for rent relevant to who bought land when a township was a sleepy nowhere?


>1. How much do you know about MKultra?

Not everything, a lot is buried.

>1.1 How relevant is it still today?

Very, but much of its uses are niche.

>2. How did you aquire the knowledge you claim

Well that would be telling.

>3. Do you regret climbing down the rabbit whole ?

Yes and no.

>4. What is it with Katie?

A victim.


>How are subliminal triggers implanted remotely?

Remotely? Pavlovian conditioning on that level is a real trick.

>Is it a form of hypnosis?

No, though that can be part of it. A lot of it involves the use of everything from "learned helplessness" and operant conditioning to drugs far more sophisticated than scopolomine.

>Is all mind control sexual in some way?

Not unless you take the freudian view. But sex slaves are a high demand niche.


>cat painting


>How can I fight this? Go live outside forever?

Honestly? Critical thinking. Constant critical thinking. But the system you live in is designed to make it easy to not think critically. Sort of like how hipsters think that they are counterculture when in actuality they sit at the nexus of culture.

>Where can I find real, non-controlled opposition info on the mind control being used in the media? In my searches I always find vigilant citizen alex jones-tier garbage.

You can't. Nobody organized is independent, and nobody independent is organized. That's the way it is.


File: a6aab0ae6cb2b7f⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1207x892, 1207:892, walmart jew.png)


>You can't.

I thought so. What about raw data? Are there illuminating documents available somewhere to an uninitiated layman such as myself? I mean stuff that goes beyond the attention span of the average youtube conspiracy theorist and thus, has no need to be buried. For example, these patents that I found by chance (pardon the length)



The hooker's connection to mind control is obvious to me but I don't understand the cat. I did a reverse image search and it seems to be from a Texas art class.

Is all the occult symbolism in the media just there as bait, or does it serve another purpose?

If there is someone who I suspect to be a victim of mind control (the variety used on Katie) how can I be sure one way or the other?



>What about raw data? Are there illuminating documents available somewhere to an uninitiated layman such as myself?

You more or less have to set out to find them in odd places or stumble upon them as you did those patents.

>I don't understand the cat

My way of saying, through schrodinger's cat, that contradictions kill.

>Is all the occult symbolism in the media just there as bait, or does it serve another purpose?

It exists to desensitize you to occult and other sorts of symbols. If you see those symbols literally everywhere in trivial circumstances then the meaning is lost on you when you see them used properly.

For instance, if you drove to a businessman's house through a Lion's Gate, found the house supported by Corinthian Columns with very prominent acanthus leaves, and found the fleur de lis prominently throughout the home you would, if you knew symbols and paid attention, have a very good understanding of the person you were dealing with. Flooding the world with meaningless uses of symbols allows "them" to hide in plain sight.

>If there is someone who I suspect to be a victim of mind control (the variety used on Katie) how can I be sure one way or the other?

The key to the specific process used on Katie is long term operant conditioning of a state called learned helplessness. It is necessary to create a closed loop in which the victim does not attempt to escape their situation because they have been conditioned not to even try.

A consequence of this you can spot long term, if you knew the subject before, is a decline of cognitive function. Perpetual learned helplessness triggers the fight or flight mechanism in the brain. Being in perpetual fight or flight mode actually degrades brain functionality. You will notice the victim literally get stupider over time. This is due to brain damage.

It is as horrific as it sounds. No chemicals required for that part unless you're enhancing the effect.



Not him but what are your thoughts on Randy Prozac, BIll Cooper and maybe also Christianity in general.



I don't know Randy Prozac but google seems to think he's alright. Bill Cooper I need more info on to form an opinion to get the gist of what he's doing and why.

Christianity is my religion. Well, of the Gnostic variety.


Okay, so what's the big deal? Most of the interesting things have been coming from the other users

1. Is mind control still experimental, or well tested and implemented? Is there any standard method, or are they still just looking into different things?

2. For what purpose was Katie hypnotised? What should we know before looking them up?



You shouldn't have made a thread if you aren't going to give anything more than one sentence replies.

You got asked "what does the girl in the red have to do with this" and your reply is just "she's a victim".

OK, MKULTRA Monarch programming proved beyond a doubt then. You don't have a personal story to tell, you posted her picture and I suppose anything else would be too personal to expose. All your diluted posts amount to "mkultra mind control is going on, they're using the concept of 'learned helplessness' and drugs. It goes deeper than you think, I can't say anymore. You can't fight this except by having an open mind and keeping your eyes peeled. Very powerful people are involved".

It's derivative run-of-the-mill conspiracy spit-balling that can't be backed up, it's not taken from personal experience but probably fringe book-reading and youtube watching of the words of others; who are probably lacing everything with disinfo.

In reality, prostitution is a service industry; always in demand and a social necessity in morally bankrupt productivity-focused societies – if a worker is sexually frustrated, he is a poor worker and a liability no matter what class he is. One of the roots of prostitution is drug addiction (perhaps one of the underlying reasons intelligence agencies were peddling crack and dope to epidemic levels in ghettoes) while in Europe, a lot of it is sex trafficking from the East part to the West part, predominately of Jewish girls. If you look at the faces of those in pornography, Jewish girls are heavily involved in it too (Those are Japanese-looking Jews in those JAVs). European sex slavery/trafficking has been going for centuries according to Tony Martin, who you can find on youtube talking about Jewish slavery.

It's socially sanctioned because the police aren't cracking down on it. Maybe they do so on staged TV shows like COPs, yet there's more and more escort-websites propping up with the bullshit disclaimer that 'whatever happens between the people meeting through here is purely a matter of coincidence' – which no law that claimed to function would permit, not to mention the apps like Periscope that seem very synergistic with the new boom of online sex trade, in that streamers get 'points' and cash from their audience, although no nudity is involved. It's a short step from that to camwhorism I think you'll agree.

There is no secret knowledge of value to hide and possess. This MKULTRA and Project Monarch stuff makes a grim fairytale out of the grim reality that girls are brought up in areas where a 'good job' is to be a humping mattress for foreign workers for a time, and then be looked after when they're time is served.

Some 'stars' and celebrities on TV might get the Monarch treatment or whatever, but they're a distant handful of people.


File: b1055505634cf8b⋯.jpg (53.35 KB, 400x622, 200:311, randy__prozac.jpg)

File: 55deec1923d496b⋯.jpg (88.33 KB, 455x687, 455:687, Donald_Ewen_Cameron.jpg)

File: 5388439c59f93ed⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 1243x1243, 1:1, Terrorist Lipgloss - Back ….jpg)


It's funny you asked that because I am "him" and I thought to ask the same thing. Also, what does OP think of nobodytm?


One thing you should know about Randy is that he is the grandson of Donald Ewen Cameron. Do you know anything interesting about this man? What do you think of him?

I notice now that you mention "mind influencing chemicals" in your OP. What mind control chemicals could I still be exposed to even if I renounce pharmaceutical drugs? How might I avoid them?



Well tested and implemented. There are standard procedures to do it depending on what they want to turn you into. An independently functioning catspaw is distinct from a sex slave.

Katie was someone's private toy who cycled into public use when finances outweighed private enjoyment. She "aged out" as some might put it.


Nobody said anything about most prostitutes being MONARCH controlled. It's just a lucrative sideline if you already have the capacity to turn girls into sex slaves and money is a concern.


I now nothing interesting about him, but I know about Cameron in a historical sense. Nasty bastard who got away with it in a time where you could be an overt bastard.

>What mind control chemicals could I still be exposed to even if I renounce pharmaceutical drugs?

There are better versions of Scopolamine if you know where to look.



so how powerful is the mind control, are effects nigh-immediate?

who has to power to hypnotise another?

should we be afraid, are there hypnotising elements everywhere?

are they just political memes and supposed unchangable conditions in society (hence "learned helplessness", or is it real reconditioning of the psyche?

where can we find out more?



A google reverse image-search of the OP only reveals the escort's page.

I guess if someone lives in Oklahoma they can do the movie cliche of paying to interview the prostitute.


>The hooker's connection to mind control is obvious to me but I don't understand the cat. I did a reverse image search and it seems to be from a

Why is it obvious to you? ESP?


In a few of this escort's pics she has tattoos. Would you say any of them have a particular symbolic meaning?



>so how powerful is the mind control, are effects nigh-immediate?

The potent stuff takes a while.

>who has to power to hypnotise another?

Really anyone who does it correctly.

>should we be afraid, are there hypnotising elements everywhere?

Subliminal shit is short-term: it wares off within about 30 seconds. The more insidious shit are the narratives pushed by the media and other propagandists.

>are they just political memes and supposed unchangable conditions in society (hence "learned helplessness", or is it real reconditioning of the psyche?

Actual psychological conditioning.

>where can we find out more?

That's a question you have to answer yourself.



Not anymore. The Pimp she was sold to ran a circuit between Houston and Baltimore and used his prostitution money to finance his drug running. I do not know what has become of her since her disappearance from that.

>In a few of this escort's pics she has tattoos. Would you say any of them have a particular symbolic meaning?

Several of them do, if you know what you're looking at.



>Several of them do, if you know what you're looking at.

Are there any that you would be so gracious as to reveal and explain?



Well, the dog paw doesn't mean anything occult, but it does tell you something about what her Master had her doing.

The eye on the other hand is something else entirely.



> potent stuff takes more time

What is the potent stuff specifically



>Well, the dog paw doesn't mean anything occult, but it does tell you something about what her Master had her doing.

He take her on a lot of long walks? Cuddles? Ball games?

>The eye on the other hand is something else entirely.

I'm biting. What's the eye about? Is she in the illuminati?



There's a difference between just influencing someone and actually brainwashing them. The latter takes a while.


>He take her on a lot of long walks? Cuddles? Ball games?

For someone digging up conspiracy theories you sure are innocent.

>I'm biting. What's the eye about? Is she in the illuminati?

The verse around the eye is from Corinthians and was part of her indoctrination. The eye is a widely used occult symbol by a lot of groups, but in conjunction with the Biblical verse it narrows down our list of culprits doesn't it?



too bad jewish, christian, satanic or biblical occultism is shit-tier garbage



enjoy having that shit reciprocate


File: 6bfb76cba34ab81⋯.gif (12.5 KB, 110x125, 22:25, 00195541.0001.gif)


>For someone digging up conspiracy theories you sure are innocent.

Geez, and I figured by now the drugs, h-games, porn, apathy and escort hire (ones who maybe aren't enslaved or brainwashed) would've tinged my posting aura.

>The verse around the eye is from Corinthians and was part of her indoctrination.

>In conjunction with the Biblical verse it narrows down our list of culprits doesn't it?

List of Corinthian verses containing the word 'eye':

>"If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?"

>"Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, and upon the heart of man has not come up that which God has prepared for those who love him"

>"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

>"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

Do we take our pick? It sounds like it could be the first one, but the last one mentions Trump; making it a dead giveaway, it's now pointing to a Trump-controlled prostitution ring. Shit, think of the exposure this could've had if Bernie were still in the race, unlike Hilary I bet he wouldn't trade silence for slave girls (it's a Dems are gay joke).



>>"If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?"

I didn't know they smoked hash that far back, OK Native Americans did, but Christians? Verses like this suggest there was heavy cultivation of it.



The words read "For we live by faith, not by sight". It was there to reinforce her conditioning. I think she might have actually been snuffed earlier this year though.



>it narrows down our list of culprits doesn't it?

The Jesuits?



>The words read "For we live by faith, not by sight"

It sounds like an unusual choice with the eye and the profession. If it was for conditioning, why have it on her back where she can't see?

And You knew this girl I take it?

>I think she might have actually been snuffed earlier this year though.

Why? And who do you think is responsible?



Kek. Though the Jesuits might surprise you.


Location was chosen because of mental association.

>I'm watching you slave

Who snuffed her? Could be anybody for any number of reasons really, from criminals having a disagreement to serial killers to someone cleaning up loose ends.



I thought you had an idea in mind when you said 'that narrows down the list of culprits'. Whom does it narrow down too exactly? Bible-reading Satanists?


king, queen, jester, jack

none will ever have your back

you are a two, maybe a three

on the tree of reality

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