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Help me solve a dilemma /fringe/. I know that I can ask God for a wife and receive one right away. I know that God will understand my intention and also that I want certain qualities and so on in her. A [redacted] also told me that the most important thing is to find someone that wants to walk the same path as you.

I think about some of the attractive, beautiful women around my area and various other women as well of varied quality. I know that no matter who I am around, I could reprogram anyone completely, and kill out the awful things in them so they can be worthy of me.

I also notice that the younger a woman is the better she is to be molded to me. Older women have the ideas of other more inferior men in them and are more corrupted, a bigger mess.

There is also the problem too that the mundanes I live with such as my parents who I absolutely loath, resent, and hate (even though I do only nice things for them all the time and never reveal my deep contempt for them because of the dependency) are a constant corrupting, bluepilling, disrupting, terrible influence that would make me hate any GF I'd have as she'd surely absorb some of their mental crap from them.

The more I think about it I'd rather make a woman from scratch, created directly out of the divine astral light condensed into physical form, and of such a high quality and perfection that I could only feel love and loyalty to her… OR I might leave the populated areas of this planet and go live underground in some remote place where I won't be bothered as I continue my perfection alone without any companion at all.

[redacted] I know also withdrew from everyone and that just led him to suicide attempt.

My ideal is to form an enduring, perfect, harmonious, lasting relationship that continues for all the hundreds of years I will be incarnate here on Earth. However even many of the other men who have endured for centuries just ended up having a long succession of wives… none truly worthy of them.

I can only give this ideal one shot. If it fucks up, I would have to reincarnate again without my memories to have another shot at doing this all right. This has been one really incredibly painful incarnation so far, so much work, so much effort, it'll be a complete shame if I don't ever get to relax and enjoy the fruits of my efforts at any point ever during my present incarnation.


>Talk briefly to one of the best young women I can find in my area, connect myself to her with the astral light, then ask God about her and take a deep look into her soul and into our probable futures?

>Materialize a GF directly out of the astral light using the intent of a woman who is a true perfect match for me and will uplift my soul further in its ascent towards immortality/The All?

>Forget about a woman because this demiurge run world won't let you have a perfect GF without her being ruined both by your own imperfections that still exist within you and by the mundanes all around you? Give up entirely on the ideal of a perfect and lasting pairing of two souls set upon the same path and instead remain detached and alone while living in the least populated regions of the Earth, underground?


A possible fourth option is that I really need to talk this whole idea over with God more. In which case, what questions should I prepare for God?


Why would you want a companion? You're born alone, and you die alone. Anything in-between is nice but it won't stop that from happening. Be the best person you can be, and people should be attracted to you anyway (mostly because you'll have a strong drive).

It seems to me like your problem is that you think a woman will complete you. And trust me, I thought this too and I'm still trying to forget that belief. Nobody else can properly complete you. Nobody will stick with you through everything. You have to be the sole thing you care about in your life.

And women are attracted to guys who treat them secondary to their life goal, so it should all work out. Just keep studying, anon. Don't forget to try to become great mundanely as well, that'll do wonders.



>Why would you want a companion?

So I don't have to work completely alone and can experience the other and widen my range of experiences.

>You're born alone, and you die alone.

Meaningless, irrational, stupid statement. Do you even think this over at all? What do you even mean by "alone" in the context you use it here? You're just repeating a retarded cliché old meme that needs to die already.

>Anything in-between is nice but it won't stop that from happening. Be the best person you can be, and people should be attracted to you anyway (mostly because you'll have a strong drive).

Do you even realize what level of power I operate upon? You think I can't attract ANYONE? Your mentality is sickeningly underdeveloped. I know the exact measure of people, how they respond to things, what thoughts/emotions they are composed of, and how to operate on them.

>It seems to me like your problem is that you think a woman will complete you. And trust me, I thought this too and I'm still trying to forget that belief. Nobody else can properly complete you. Nobody will stick with you through everything. You have to be the sole thing you care about in your life.

Defeatist attitude. My focus is on the manifestation of high ideals. I am determined to live a life that is worthy of legend.

>And women are attracted to guys who treat them secondary to their life goal, so it should all work out. Just keep studying, anon. Don't forget to try to become great mundanely as well, that'll do wonders.

Do you even know what formula and conditions are? Do you even think ever about programmed intentions? Can't you see that people are clusters of thought and you can operate on them, attaching and detaching various influences, changing around their elements, etc.?



Alright, I see what you mean. I think you should try your second choice (materializing) because it involves the creation of a being and you won't risk messing with someone else's purpose on the physical plane.



You stalk me in the astral and on here. Enjoy it while you can, I will take care of you. I know what's coming this October also.


Well your post has me thinking I should proceed by just talking the whole thing over with God, all of it, before applying in full any of the formulas.

(1) I'll ask God about everyone I know in fact, until I have a very strong understanding of every person whose paths presently are intertwined with me, and can really see objectively the meaning of their interactions with me.

(2) I will discuss with God the creation of a perfect companion for me.

(3) I will question the very purpose of having a companion and whether it's a good choice or not.

Then after having really weighed out everything and having a good understanding of where I stand I will surely know what is the optimal path for me to take and what formula to use.


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Casting a vote for the "Materialize astral waifu" option because in the unlikely event it works, You'd better come back here and give us a bulletpoint checklist of EXACTLY how the screaming heck you managed it.



Reading your post makes me feel a certain profoundness in that possible timeline, a certain meaningfulness, that it takes away a lot of the fear for me, and makes it feel worthy of the pursuit.

It is only countered by the question of why these other people

I could add this option to the poll also:

>Put aside all concerns and competing thoughts and focus directly on getting a clear perception of who will be the perfect wife for me, what her name will be, from what sphere(s) she shall originate from and be active upon, and other details.

…but again, you do make me realize just how beautiful a thing it would be, for me to directly materialize a woman from the astral. The idea of it is so infatuating that I would feel almost trapped if I were simply to find a woman and she was so perfect and all but then she'd stand in the way of me ever attempting to materialize a woman. I will certainly be a very rare sort of man for having obtained a wife in that way.


>It is only countered by the question of why these other people

are around in my life and if I should transform/uplift/etc. them and if any of them were put here by God to be my companion (so to speak).

The idea however that God made me in such a way that there is no woman on Earth that is truly my match, so that I would turn to Him, in the quest to create the perfect Woman is a potentially better narrative for my life (from my present rather myopic view anyways, who knows what I should be pursuing if I focus on the next thousand years of my being).






lol what happened to you? Why are all your posts gone?



>Enjoy it while you can, I will take care of you. I know what's coming this October also.

This is starting to get to me. If something big is going to happen next month, why do you want a gf now instead of putting your resources and loosh into something more valuable?



It's not big as in a happening that /pol/ would be interested in, it's big as in a fairly significant event in my own personal life is coming this October and I feel it drawing near and I personally have to be ready for it.

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