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November 2018 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 55845a470609060⋯.png (472.8 KB, 1280x659, 1280:659, tumblr_nuznvhNHET1tmjjr4o1….png)



>not using the original filename

I have been thinking over evoking Kek and a few days ago I decided to a do ritual to empower him. The result was me being lifted into an arch practically floating off the ground as shitloads of energy came from my heart-area while I was focused on Kek, energy going to Kek.

…and that's what I do when I'm not even trying. I ought to do a full evocation in October but I might prefer to evoke other entities instead.

I've got all the details though pretty much down, what I'm going to do and ask, all the stuff that has to be ready for Kek to be evoked.


File: 7d32933f75afaa7⋯.png (197.19 KB, 1559x803, 1559:803, The Great Pepe's Realm.png)


File: e8c1ffb2cb34834⋯.gif (1.97 KB, 32x48, 2:3, KEfKa.gif)

Clueless latecomer as usual. 21 minutes of nonstop comedy. Hilarious!


I'll set up shop here for a while to see if anyone interesting/insightful/amusing comes along. Ask me anything.


File: f56d9171c6cbd53⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 400x170, 40:17, 1455574343279.gif)

I swear if anyone is actually retarded enough to try and invoke or evoke kek, or even ritualistically praise him…

Literally the manifested form of degenerates and NEETs, low density as hell

Have fun plebs

>pic related

>what your rituals will accomplish


File: 9a0ee6ed1c5c853⋯.jpg (706.35 KB, 1800x1167, 600:389, Sunset-Forest.jpg)


>Oblivious to the most powerful force possible, the post.

Creativity is power, it is what our entire civilization is built upon. The ability to create creativity is the ability to create power, the very essence of meme magick.

Chaos and creativity go hand in hand. This fact is written into our bones, into the history of life in Earth. The same forces that shaped us and all other life - unconscious, unintentional forces - are the same behind human creativity. Gene to meme. Now the very machinery of creativity itself, which we have used for eons but have never been able to fully control or understand, is within our reach.

When the ability to enhance creativity exponentially is freely available, it will mean an explosion of ideas, of memes. Culture will no longer be able to be managed and regulated, it will change in fundamentally chaotic (unpredictable, rapid, and branching) ways, all social control mechanisms will crumble. There will be no normies, no status quo, no hegemonies. That is what it means to evoke Kek - who is merely a mascot, a frogomorphicization of this collective summoning.



Looks like our little hebe is afraid.





Thanks for the loosh meme degenerates


File: 4ccc1d3c1ddac5f⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 250x333, 250:333, tp.jpg)

Dank read of the week: http://www.federaljack.com/ebooks/The%20Tipping%20Point/Gladwell,%20Malcolm%20-%20The%20Tipping%20Point.pdf

It's about social epidemics. Written before internet memes.You can probably find a better ebook somewhere that isn't scanned pages but eh, here this is.


File: 789df937b5d6118⋯.png (4.92 KB, 419x249, 419:249, 1346579326362.png)

What this guy has to understand is the summoning of kek wasn't done on purpose, it was chaotic, proper of a chaos god.

People on 4chan didn't sit there and say "lets summon an obscure Egyptian frog god"

The men on 4chan are hopeless, they have nothing to lose, so they went with it, we are heading towards some hyper globalist nightmare future even before kek, things were going to be bad whether kek appeared or didn't.

Jesus is weak, Christianity is a way of control, the Vatican is filled with rich fucks while the people outside starve, the protestants steal money from old ladies and worship jews.

Christianity teaches people to be weak, accept their place, accept guilt, accept your defeat, this isn't the west, the west is being a hero, fighting in the face of tragedy.

The internet has disrupted religion.

Think about that!

The old gods can be summoned again.

Islam, judism, Christianity, they are going to get their shit wrecked.

This idiot talked about anonymous but did he forget the one anonymous quote that ties it all together

"We are legion"

even from the beginning we knew of the hive mind potential for the internet.

Thats a quote from the bible, legion was a demon.



File: 7b55d4e3ffdecd3⋯.jpg (270.75 KB, 1500x1196, 375:299, Pic-Make-America-Great-Aga….jpg)

Want to get even more scared jebus boy


The beginning of her cult dates to the early dynastic period at least. Her name was part of the names of some high-born Second Dynasty individuals buried at Helwan and was mentioned on a stela of Wepemnofret and in the Pyramid Texts. She is also closely tied to the Ogdoad frog god Kek, a symbol of darkness and impending life.[5] Later, as a fertility goddess, associated explicitly with the last stages of the flooding of the Nile, and so with the germination of corn, she was associated with the final stages of childbirth. This association, which appears to have arisen during the Middle Kingdom, gained her the title She who hastens the birth (cf. the role of Heqet in the story of The Birth of the Royal Children from the Westcar Papyrus[6]). Some say that—even though no ancient Egyptian term for "midwife" is known for certain—midwives often called themselves the Servants of Heqet, and that her priestesses were trained in midwifery.[7] Women often wore amulets of her during childbirth, which depicted Heqet as a frog, sitting in a lotus.

Heqet was considered the wife of Khnum, who formed the bodies of new children on his potter's wheel.[8]

In the Osiris myth, it was Heqet who breathed life into the new body of Horus at birth, as she was the goddess of the last moments of birth. As the birth of Horus became more intimately associated with the resurrection of Osiris, so Heqet's role became one more closely associated with resurrection. Eventually, this association led to her amulets gaining the phrase I am the resurrection in the Christian era along with cross and lamb symbolism.[9]

A temple dedicated to Horus and Heqet dating to the Ptolemaic Period was found at Qus.[10][11]

>I am the Resurrection

>make america great again

>kek is the darkness before the dawn

>hecate, associated with kek, the origin of the meme magic hieroglyph, frog goddes of fertility and birth.


File: bd1f5be9c521cbc⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 339x299, 339:299, 1361716193188.jpg)


How high are you?



This guy opted to use christianity as his gimmick to encourage financial patronage (he has a patreon), this has been since disrupted by the rise of kek.

People have had a taste of what real memetics/magick can do and it makes christianity look febrile and useless in the face of present challenges.

So he's deliberately trying to play on fears that increasingly nobody has due to how desperate the situation has become politically in the west.

This is nothing more than a deliberate smear for their own personal benefit.


File: bf863b2a996f41e⋯.jpg (23.11 KB, 620x350, 62:35, meth.jpg)


The Law of Attraction is magickal meth. Meme Magick is bathtub crank.

Thinking about meme magick gives you a power rush - a rush of dopamine. You feel good. you look for that rush again. Pretty soon you're spending hours on chans each day snorting dubs and smoking freebased pepes.

I don't expect you to agree - you are an addict after all. This very post will threaten you, you will feel disturbed by it, it will kill your meme magick buzz, and then you will immediately go off to smoke more pepes.



I disagree with your statement, but bitter cynicism is like injecting rat poison into your veins.

Good luck with that, it's all on you.


The cult of kek will fall and positive forces will guide its former followers.



Praise Kek



Kek rises and falls when it is needed, right now the christcucks are salty because their religion has become irrelevant.

Kek is a positive force, a necessary one, growth doesn't come without pain.


File: 29c8af4cc08bc3d⋯.jpg (298.23 KB, 625x465, 125:93, 625x465_15118159_9003930_1….jpg)


Kek is here, and we wear his sign openly. Your god should had offered us more lulz.


File: 506a2dfdbc77bff⋯.png (12.65 KB, 216x255, 72:85, 999668a93aae2a7d906028f2db….png)



>implying the darkness of Kek is something negative

Darkness means emptiness, empty space, a place that exists yet is void, somewhere which something may potentially come to exist, before anything (at all) can come to fruition there must be darkness before it.

"kek is love, kek is life" is actually quite accurate, kek creates through destruction.


praise kekkles


Xd does anyone know how to cast blizzard xd i wanna make it snow but its not in the wow manual xd oh shit forgot I put pussy in the oven that shit must be burning better go get that shit quick cause this the last pussy on earth willing to be fucked by a pathetic faggot loser like me!!!!! Oh shit I burned it because I was posting about cartoon frogs online oh well xd i was hopeless anyways xd lol!


How do I get started into kekism?

I wanna convert.

What are some standard practices?


File: af55c4dd7a1b582⋯.gif (183.54 KB, 550x400, 11:8, curechandance2.gif)

Kek is a repulsive god. Cure-chan is much cuter and doesn't include feces and piss



Thank you cure-chan! I love you cure-chan!


I want to invoke cure-chan <3


File: e80f412441aa133⋯.gif (420.21 KB, 219x400, 219:400, 7mQKE3DC.gif)


Do it anon, have good health and prosperity!



thank you! I love cure-chan!



Degeneracy is a meme, one of the worst



>In the Osiris myth, it was Heqet who breathed life into the new body of Horus at birth, as she was a goddess of the last moments of birth. As the birth of Horus became more intimately associated with the resurrection of Osiris, so Heqet's role became one more closely associated with resurrection. Eventually, this association led to her amulets gaining the phrase I am the resurrection in the Christian era along with cross and lamb symbolism.

if horus = jesus then things get intresting












This is kek thread if you guys want to do curechan stuff go here >>91029



slowpoke, i mean, seriously, just look at the date of the quoted posts and the other thread



and now you have your own containment thread! isn't that nice?




also why are you fighting with yourself?




again why are you talking with yourself? It's a little creepy tbh





Tone down with pointing out "samefags".



why should I?



because you were wrong on numerous occasions. it's also not helping the discussion.


>because you were wrong on numerous occasions

you gunna teach me that trick so we can start playing the same game?

hi smiley how are ya?

>it's also not helping the discussion.


but it be nice to know "exactly" who writing this garbage










"they" seem to think having no flag grants you special privileges.



>"they" seem to think having no flag grants you special privileges.

blame the forum software


Dice rollRolled 76 (1d100)


>blame the forum software

or you could teach me that trick…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


To post without a flag is a power only few have achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.


I wonder if /pol/ knows that egyptians we're black



Who the fuck is forcing this D&C?



>We wax kangz!

the ancient Egyptians were actually less sub Saharan than modern Egyptians today


File: 115aa3584d6b92d⋯.png (281.83 KB, 1242x1246, 621:623, 115aa3584d6b92dbba44fb943d….png)

File: 8e3dee45a9ebd96⋯.png (287.68 KB, 900x714, 150:119, 630e9ad76f1e16968faf4e956a….png)

Weapons against our enemies! Assemble the frogs of war!


File: be25f13e2e20009⋯.jpg (82.91 KB, 650x429, 50:33, jew afraid of trump.jpg)

File: ac3158aaefe4286⋯.jpg (130.72 KB, 837x673, 837:673, pepe face to bloodshed dis….jpg)

File: 37ee1b24675fae5⋯.png (393.82 KB, 1000x884, 250:221, reeeee blasting.png)

Shadilay! SHADILAY! The enemies od Kek tremble before us, his tad/pol/s of the /fringe/lands! Unite and strike at our enemies! BLOODSHED! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

>Annoying Wiccans vs Trump

>(D)umb (K)ike (M)ycegenated Untermensch™

>kia magic.com (ran by ^) and related




Anyone seen the Aghori video where the Aghori throws shit at the CNN reporter? Reminds me of Kek, heh.



Memes got Trump elected in place of Hillary. Not optimal, but at least it's better. We'd be in WW3 now if Hillary won.



You sound extremely paranoid, how unfortunate for you.



WW3 may still happen, but at least we won't have a traitorous shitsack at the helm.



Either you're a nigger or a WN christcuck that's pissy that kek has a following.



cumskin kys



Frogmorphicization is a good word.



>Implying you assholes dont spread paranoia

tell me guy whats it like being underneath so many layers of irony you don't know who you really are?



Oh, I Know Who I am neophyte. I Am What I Am. Phonetically A-DAM, Adam. That's who I am. A dam. Holding back the waters. Heh heh. But I'm going to let loose the waters. When my Hoover Dam goes kaboom.

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