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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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It is common knowledge that envy or anger harbored in the heart of another can cause serious harm. This is called the evil eye. Jose M. Herrou Aragon in his work forbidden parapsychology called this sort of influence "parapsychological influence". It can also be called "telekinepathic influence". The ability of the minds and emotions of others to positively or negatively effect us. Quote by Aragon below.

"Of all the influences and involuntary mental harm that a person can exert over another, the most common is envy. Envy holds an unconscious death wish against another person, a wish that the person who aroused the envy will disappear or will be annihilated as soon as possible. … Sooner or later, people who are strongly envied will end up succumbing to harmful influences and thus their life, destiny and loved ones will be seriously


threatened and put in danger."


We have a number of concepts that are involved with this.

1. According to Russel Targ consciousness is non-local, Consciousness is not bound by space and time. Thus evil and good emotions and our thoughts we have a social responsibility for because thoughts may exert a parapsychological influence(telekinepathy)

2. We need to cleanse ourselves(LIMPIA) of pollution. Psychic pollution is the negative emotions and words and thoughts directed at us. Social purification means minimizing or separating oneself from contact with toxic(impure) influences. We also need protection, part of psychic protection may involve estabilishing psychosocial capital - association with those who send us "good vibes" in order to help create a psychic bubble to protect ourselves from the emotions of envidia and venganza.

3. Perception is a form of manipulation. How others see us imposes a energetic hologram of who the person wishes us to be(psychic protection) and if we are weak minded we conform to that(looking glass self) and so people have to be careful of the perceptions that others have of ones self because we dream each other into existence.

4. Witchcraft/Heka(the conscious use of parapsychological influence) uses intent and the imagination to direct either positive or negative energy at the target. It is essentially a form of prayer that typically does not involve invoking God, check out consciousness research and spindrift research to look into the effects that focused attention can have on people and things. Weather is a reflection of consciousness. Hatians do not want their picture taken because pictures can be used to focus good and bad vibes.

Parapsychological influence is a finer form of psychological influence. Parapsychological influence involves thoughts or words spoken at a distance from the target whereas psychological influence involves words spoken directly to the target. A example of negative use of psychological influence is trolling, the use of words spoken and written to break the mind of someone.

Just as sound can break glass so can written and spoken words break a persons mind. So too can words act as agents of healing. We have a left hand and a right hand.

Harassment causes mental illness and it causes drug addiction. Police harassment causes psychological distress and dysfunctional behavior. Racism against whites causes drug addiction. The epidemic among whites of drug abuse and the tragic toll it can have is the result of a parapsychological attack on them, the forces of evil emotions against them that are incited through the media. Medea is the name of a Greek sorceress.

Whites face both parapsychological and verbal(psychological) attacks. Not all mental health problems among whites are caused by racism. Some are caused by scapegoating by family members, online trolling, or police harassment, or other forms of bullying.

A community needs to be purified of evil parapsychological influences in order to be a true community.

America is a place of great parapsychological pollution caused by the evil use of telekinepathic powers. It happens via the faculty of intent. It is mostly done on an unconscious level. Consciously the intent can be focused via the imagination or by use of photos and/or dolls.

Where attention goes energy flows, this is why Catholic saint Padre Pio bilocated(bilocation) to those he was praying for. The fact we are breathing gives us a great deal of influence.

TELE= distance




BUSH TELEGRAPH is not only means through which information is transmitted, it is also means by which psychic attacks and psychic soothings.

BUSH TELEGRAPH ARTICLE 1937 http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/36062685

Also called mulga wire https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mulga_wire



when someone says AWE HECK when something bad happens, they aren't sawing awe hell. They are attributing their misfortune to HEKA. Heka is the Egpyptian word for magic.

On a subconscious level people know that misfortune is caused by the evil eye. The evil eye is simply a term that means the hatred others have for you. When bad things happen to good people it is because the evil thoughts of bad people are causing them problems.

You have to understand mythology to understand language. For example when you tell a fly to shoo, to go away, you are referring to Shu the Egyptian god of the air because sometimes people shoo a fly away by blowing it to make it go away.


Tell me about self defense



I heard 'Practical Psychic Defense' by Robert Bruce is a good one, though I could use some more resources.

Dion Fortune also has a good book on psychic defense



Imagine the person(s) with bad vibes being put in a box that is thrown into the ocean and eventually the box shrinks and disolves.

Make a figurine or doll that represents the person causing problems with their bad energyand bind its hands behind its back as if it were getting arrested, this is an egyptian styles.

It is also about using imagination and art in a symblic way in order to focus the energy of ones consciousness. The use of ritual and ritual objects is a helpful way of focusing the pure mind energy yet it can be done through imagination or simple focus. It all boils down to intent.

But these are all short term strategies, the long term goal is either partial segregation(minimization of contact) or full segregation.

Many people are actually psychic pollution. They should be treated as untouchables. They are unclean. They are filth.



How can someone's conscious intent be channeling HEKA/Shu when they have no prior knowledge?

Unless you are suggesting that the subconscious has carried those ideas over via DNA memory?


OP you and me need to write a magick book. What you're posting here sums of a very large amount of magickal practise very simply.



Long ago when I was very young I had dreams in which I was told specifically about pathos. That particular word was used. When I looked it up for first time I found out its meaning.



Atkinson gives a MUCH more simple explanation in The Arcane Formulas where he talks about "overlap". You just assert they are beneath your tier basically, that they can't influence you.



subconscious intent is a thing you know


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The 3 bits of information that made me realize what magick or heka is(heka means using ka, ka means energy) is the following

1. Consiousness is non-local(not bound by spacetime), where your attention goes energy flows. Attention is conciousness, energy is attention. Energy is sometimes called the lifebreath.

2. Sympathetic magick involves the use of dolls, photos, etc to focus attention on someone. The focus of attention is the use of intent. Through intent attention is focused. There are two types of attention: the evil eye and the good eye.

By focusing bad emotions and thoughts on someone we are using the evil eye. There does not need to be dolls or figurines to help with this, they are just props. But ritual is powerful. The act of hating someone by itself exerts a psychic polluting effect on that person.

The good eye is the opposite. It is like the love a mother has for a child. The egyptians say a child recieves its heart from its mother. This is because a mothers love animates a child with personality. Women have a tendency to anthropomorphize babies and pets. This act of anthropomorphization of them is actually the woman feeding them energy and animating them with personality in the way a woman feeds a baby milk.

Dehumanization is the opposite of anthropomorphizing. When cops call people perps thats dehumanizing.

Eve comes from a rib of Adam because man recieves his heart from woman.

3. People separate into social cliques and people segregate according to class, caste, and ethnicity in order to avoid being psychically polluted by the harmful effects of the mental vibrations emitted by those who are not of their kind.

I don't think this segregation always has to be race based. Some people seem to do well in a multiracial environment but some people seem to need an environment where people are of their race. So I think the race stuff is related to personal preference. White nationalism may work for some people but its not for everyone.

But regardless you can see Jews segregating themselves in Israel to avoid the evil eye of gentiles. You can see blacks and whites segregating in the South to avoid each others evil eye.

We want to be around people who have a good eye towards us and we want to avoid those with an evil eye towards us. We all have two sides we all have an evil eye and a good eye we can focus on people.

The balance of good and evil is symbolized by the hexagram which is also called the star of david. It is not purely a jewish symbol it was borrowed from the babylonians and is also used by hindus.


That's a good strategy too but eventually there needs to be physical separation. This is why leftists and rightists can't live among each other and why some ethnic groups need to be separated. And why some people have to get a divorce.



DNA memory seems one possibility, I ha dnot considered that



>Women have a tendency to anthropomorphize babies and pets. This act of anthropomorphization of them is actually the woman feeding them energy and animating them with personality in the way a woman feeds a baby milk.

This is confirmed by feral children experiments where they found children raised by machines just die even though every need is catered to, there is no emotional input, nothing to form and sustain a soul.



This is why I keep a photograph of my mother in my wallet.



But do I die when my body dies? Is it circumstantial? I thought I just live and live on after death, no matter what, even if forces conspired to put me out for good.



Not as long as you know yourself to have a soul.



Let's just say that the choice between nothingness and infinity has already been made for you, and you find out when you die. That should set your mind at rest.


Any good methods for protection against obnoxious energy pollutants/vampires that don't involve physical seperation? I gave them a small bit of attention to make them go away, which was probably a mistake since I can feel their flow of energy directed towards me increasing.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Refusal is the first step.

Not giving consent on an unconscious level.

vid related



>This is confirmed by feral children experiments where they found children raised by machines just die even though every need is catered to, there is no emotional input, nothing to form and sustain a soul.

Wow, seriously? Children raised by machines just die? I'd like to read further on this, if possible. Or watch a documentary or something. I always found the idea interesting of creating some kind of genetically engineered mass army, all born in some kind of chamber, they would be raised by machines but they would also be around each other. Your idea sounds like a baby literally just being raised by a machine, not even being able to feel the touch of another baby. I mean, it's still amazing to me but nonetheless, it definitely fails to invalidate the homegrown-army idea.



Consciousness is basically a non-(((Cloud))) Cloud-like program and the computers are servers. Connecting to the """Internet""" of """God""" enables you to do these.


I'm reading the first book on Psychic attacks.

Can someone please talk more about the "self-destructive unconscious content"? I've never heard of this and it's got my curiosity.

>Lastly, members of a society in which the behavior of acceptance and rejection are voluntarily manifested on parapsychological levels will undergo a greater evolution of their psyche.

What is this trying to say? Choosing to parapsychologically accept or reject people is a good thing for all people's growth? How do you parapsychologically accept someone? I thought you could only (either positive or negatively) affect people. Acceptance or rejection in what sense? Romantic? Or is it a pride thing like accepting or rejecting someone as a human being? Tell me.>>84520

Also, since we're on the topic of parapsychologically affecting others, I have a question:

One of the things I've noticed is that whenever I think about "AI controlled chimpanzees/goblins/<insert lower life form here>", I feel an intense, throbbing headache in the middle of my head. Only when I think of "AI guided chimpanzees" is there no pain. I have to remove any notion from my mind that I have stripped the chimps of their free will. Can anyone explain why the thought of reducing them, living beings, into automatons is so painful?>Eve comes from a rib of Adam because man recieves his heart from woman.


>Adam gives his rib to create Eve

>Adam receives his heart from Eve

I don't remember Eve ever giving anything.

Also, don't those higher social cliques consist of "friends" that all secretly envy each other?


Horses can teach you how to do this.



>But these are all short term strategies, the long term goal is either partial segregation(minimization of contact) or full segregation.

How does one attain full segregation?



I hope that you like this.

I have some good resources. The 4chan threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" (a shield against soft-killing attempts, aka slow death via harassments) for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow , https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos: https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."



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>confused black guy reaction image

Learn to listen.



Instead of being a rude cunt, I'll give a tl;dr, sage for doubleposting.

Most of the mystery schools existed & exist to conflate & obfuscate simple truths. Even birds know when an earthquake is coming, all animals do, but humans simply don't have access to this natural internet? I specifically say horses, as they are highly empathetic, & amongst themselves communicate almost soley non-verbally. Horses are telepathic. Strongly so. Spend enough time around them - on their terms - it will become inate.

It is highly effective on people, who are largely oblivious & wide open.

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