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In The Bible Jesus accused The Jews of having been killers of their prophets. Soon after this The Romans destroyed their temple and they went into exile. Nowadays it is Whites who are destroying their own prophets.

If we examine the psychiatric system we can see it is designed to persecute those who experience psychic phenomena. The word psychic is another word for prophet. When we study history we often neglect the role psychics have played.

In the times of ancient Greece oracles played a major role, oracles played a role in the Roman Empire under a different name. Oracle basically means psychic. WIth the rise of christianity oracles were only allowed to function within the christian paradigm. Those who strayed outside that paradigm were accused of witchcraft.

The persecution of psychics intensified with the rise of psychiatry. People experiencing telepathy or other parapsychological phenomena became classified as schizophrenic and their voice and genes were removed from society by being placed in an asylum. Even the broadcasting of their thought vibrations were silenced through drugging or trepanation/lobotomy.

Everyone is psychic. A psychic is just someone who makes a habit of attuning to the psychic realm. Through the psychiatric persecution of psychics the result has been that The White Race has lost the habbit of being attuned to psychic matters.

In other words Whites have been deprived of their prophets, Whites have been deprived of their oracles. This is why Whites are and have been declining.

My position on racial matters as of now is one of somewhat neutrality. I care about my well being and my loved ones well being and know enough to avoid Detroit-like places. But beyond that I am somewhat neutral. However I would still like to warn The White Race to stop destroying your prophets. Iff The White Race goes extinct it will have itself to blame for having destroyed The White Oracles.



> Nowadays it is Whites who are destroying their own prophets.

No it's still jews.

Who do you think controls the world?

Jews and freemasons.



jews are white



Saying that Jews are destroying the White prophets denies the role White gentiles have played in destroying the White prophets.

Did you know that dreaming in color once was considered a sign of schizophrenia? The diagnostic criteria that is used to determine schizophrenia was developed by White gentiles largely.

Whites have a lot of in-house problems that they need to clean up. The psychiatric institutions responsible for destroying our prophets and our psychics were largely developed by White gentiles however Jews have played a role as well. But the foundation and the main ideas and classifications of diseases were pioneered by White gentile materialists.

Materialistic modernism that denies the reality of parapsychology is a disease that started with the enlightenment and this enlightenment worldview is enforced by the thug of psychiatry.

Whites have a lot of in-house issues. I am neutral on the White issue. I am just saying Whites should stop crucifying their prophets. I am not making any comments on Jews though. I have nothing to say about them.



The above article talks about a indigenous shamans perspective of a western mental hospital. He basically says westerners are destroying their healers.



>Rituals to connect the spirits to the person experiencing "mental problems"

Would anyone know of these rituals, or at the very least where I would go about learning more about them? I know someone who is currently experiencing "psychological issues" and I want to help them.



no they aren't


>not visiting hospitals and greenpilling psychiatrists with carefully planned overwhelming use of psychic force

>not making sure every shrink in your area doubts his materialism

>not making sure every shrink for miles around your hometown ends up exposed to extreme psychic phenomena that blows away his materialism



people risk being branded with a psychiatric disorder and being forced on brain damaging psychiatric medications if they make the wrong move in the presence of a psychiatrist or agent of the hospital



Indeed that's kind of a terrible idea.

Honestly the purpose of psychiatrists are to keep the normies in order and prevent "special snowflakes" from injecting their identity politics into society.

You should always hide your power level from normies when it comes to esoteria, your ability to do magick and its efficacy depends on an absence of hostility from people who don't understand it.


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The decline of the white population is related to economics and globalism.

Look at japan for instance, a declining population, they have a high standard of living, they have access to good education, they have access to birth control.

This happens to all first world countries, the well educated and richer a country, the lower the birth rate.

Then you look at the third world, uneducated, no birth control, no money.

They fart out babies like nothing

Another thing, is that the leaders of the west are psychotic globalists, so they flood the country with shitskins in order to please their corporate masters with lots of cheap slave labor, and they outsource jobs, and invest in automation.

Lowerclass white people are the only ones allowed to be mocked and derided in the media, so they also feel left behind, trump took advantage of this, much to his success.

The problem with black people was actually foreseen in something called the Moynihan Report


At the time it predicted the increasing dysfunction of the negro family and their slide into poverty.

Liberals accused this of racism and nothing was done about it.

The Negro Family: The Case For National Action (known as the Moynihan Report, 1965) was written by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, an American sociologist serving as Assistant Secretary of Labor[1] under President Lyndon B. Johnson of the United States. In 1976, Moynihan was elected to the first of several terms as US senator from New York and continued to support liberal programs to try to end poverty. His report focused on the deep roots of black poverty in the United States and controversially concluded that the high rate of families headed by single mothers would greatly hinder progress of blacks toward economic and political equality.

Moynihan argued that the rise in black single-mother families was caused not by a lack of jobs (that would soon be the case later, however, from the loss of jobs from industrial restructuring) but by a destructive vein in ghetto culture, which could be traced to slavery times and continued discrimination in the American South under Jim Crow. Black sociologist E. Franklin Frazier had introduced that idea in the 1930s, but Moynihan was considered one of the first academics to defy conventional social-science wisdom about the structure of poverty. As he wrote later, "The work began in the most orthodox setting, the U.S. Department of Labor, to establish at some level of statistical conciseness what 'everyone knew': that economic conditions determine social conditions. Whereupon, it turned out that what everyone knew was evidently not so."



You know what Japan and Germany share in common? Both defeated by and controlled by subversive jews now.

Remove jews and all that prosperity doesn't hinder growth at all, it stimulates it massively.



>The work began in the most orthodox setting, the U.S. Department of Labor, to establish at some level of statistical conciseness what 'everyone knew': that economic conditions determine social conditions. Whereupon, it turned out that what everyone knew was evidently not so."

Tbf, the 'destructive vein in ghetto culture, which could be traced to slavery times and continued discrimination in the American South under Jim Crow' is itself a product of material conditions.


I can't say there is a problem in the black community because I am not black and I don't want to judge it by my standards. Black people have their own way of doing things and I don't mingle much with their community.

I probably didn't make this clear in the original post. The reason the whites are suffering is because in destroying their psychics through psychiatry they have lost their prophets and witchdoctors.

The role of prophet is to guide a community to reason. The lunatics are running the asylum because the linnatics are always running the asylum. Mental institutions exist in order to prevent sanity from being restored to society. That is the great paradox of society.

If blacks were to be deemed to have a problem I would guess its probably due to being cut off from their ancestral folkways. I am not sure that whites and blacks can live side by side in harmony though.

I know multiracial societies seem to work for some people but other people seem not so comfortable. It seems like a personal preference thing.


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There are many problems with the black community that go unsaid and unfixed because of political correctness.

Malcolm X himself hated white liberals, to him, you knew where you stood with right wingers, white liberals are the people who pretend to help you then stab you in the back.

The black community itself is a matriarchy, with a destroyed family unit. The youth have no chance for a job or elders to teach them the ways, so they become alienated from larger society, join a gang, the gang becomes the new family.

Black Americans are ashamed of their true ancestry, which is being the decedent of slaves, they were the weaker tribe that got sold to the Arab and European merchants, this was on the west coast of Africa, not Egypt.

As for white people, there is a deep unsaid, ignored classism in america.

Lower class whites are ridiculed and mocked as backwards, rednecks, clinging to their guns and religion by the east and west coast elites.

The democratic party does not work for the people, they work for whatever lobbying group or corporate entity donated to the clinton campaign.

The cry of more diversity is just capitalism ugly face thinly veiled under the mask of liberalism, what they really are demanding is more cheap slave labor.

So, lower class whites are mocked, ridiculed, replaced physically, by an elite that lives in walled off gated communities and gentrified areas.

So, why would you care about a govenrment that is actively trying to kill you, white lower class people are reaching the same level as black people.

the globalist future is one where the lower class is one giant brown sludge people ruled over by white elites, no borders, no culture or art, just consumming, maybe like 1 or 2 media companies that have monopoly over what is broadcast to the world, which is capitalist propaganda about consuming more.

Then the automation will come, and the robots will replace the brown sludge people.

Then the rich people will live in walled off communities with robot drone guards to protect against the brown hordes,

Oh yeah, plus global warming.



Kill yourself now



>white elites

>the entire world is US and Europe

top lel



if the 'prophets' can be removed from society they weren't real 'prophets'



>an actual African metaphore and a witty one it is

Have hard time to believe this.



Guess that you are Black, right OP?


two plus you equals jew

you can see what you can do

have you seen

have you been

you are a bean

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