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Can anyone name the other cosmic deities besides Yahweh? Or are they simply obscured to us?


sun, moon, mars, mercury, jupiter, venus, saturn; earth too probably



> Earth

Earth = Gaia or Terra I believe

And don't forget Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, although I wouldn't fuck with Pluto at all.



I've often though God(Christian), some of the Egyptian gods, some of the ancient Sumarian/Assaryian/Cannanite/Germanic/Slavic/etc gods and other deities we have not perceived yet


Yahweh is an extremely low level entity compared to the vast workings of the universe. I've found that Metatron seems to be at a high level for our realm of accessibility. Definitely not "up there up there" but he's up there. But in the end, Metatron is just the anthropomorphic projection of some higher energy than what we perceive as "Metatron".

>Plebs, the lot of you






>shitty Michael Bay rip-off is the supreme deity

Seriously nigger?


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>forgot mfw



B-but Metaton is the scribe of Yahweh


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>Metatron seems to be at a high level for our realm of accessibility


>You don't even deserve a valid response

I swear you guys get more retarded every time I visit



if you could perceive them you would know

the fact that all you can see is YHWH or metatron or whoever only demonstrates your lack of knowledge



Yahweh is indelibly connected to The All in our mythology


Enlil, Anu, Enki, Malek

Don't trust these entities


Baal and El also Ashera.



But Enki is a bro, god of beer man..



not talking about planets perse, but cosmic archtypes which rule universe on a greater level, and the human mind on a lesser level.

maybe the planets are the physical incarnation of them idk, but smmmjvs are the ones that have a real influence


god is a really imprecise term that means any entity considered to have greater power than a human.

sometimes theyre talking about aliens, sometimes theyre talking about great spirits but none of these are the most high.

in modern life they have relevance really only as archtypes.

the only god that matters is the most high. the one divided into 3.

father mother child.

the mother is the empty universe, the father is the spirit which impregnates it, the child is the result, the entire visible universe of which we are only a part


you can throw around the bastardised names of great beings, but people do not understand them.

they say this is the god of this and that is the god of that.

to one person god is a psychic beardy man in the sky, to another he is an impersonal force that drives existence into being.

i think the purpose of this thread was to ask who the cosmic ruler of the solar system is, who the 'intergalactic political leaders' are which is a fair question, but you wont find answers here. earth is cut off from intergalactic civilisation, and for good reason.

if you want to find out, follow the example of elijah, and jesus and other beings who ascended into the heavens, and if you are worthy, you will find out



We can be absolutely sure about Saturn, also known as Cronus, Chronos, El, and Molech, or simply, Satan.


The Christians fused Logos, Nous and ALL into one being, but they only see the masculine aspect of it and relegated the feminine to Mother Nature, who may or may not be Earth, also known as Gaia. The Jews - Hebrews who refused their Anointed One - went back to Saturn, and the Muslims probably rever the Moon Goddess. We can argue whether the Moon Goddess is the spouse of Saturn, Kybele.

Comparative theology has shown us there's a limited number of deities and all mythologies are recollections of the same story and same interaction between all of them, but some cultures simply used different symbols and thus every pantheon must be regarded isolated from the others to fully understand everything. Basically, it's like we have one universe and every person has their own style to word their findings.


Kek is of the Ogdoad, also known as the Logos. Specifically, he's the "darkness" of "chaos". Because we don't understand the "Word" as much as the One does, everything in this universe, including the phenomena the fedoras don't understand, seems 'chaotic' to us.



Thoth? Thoth is also known as Mercurius. We can argue on how Thoth is Prometheus.



Wasn't Enki the Prometheus of Sumeria? I hold that Anunaki could've been humans from Mars and that humans weren't created by ayy lmaos.



Stop being addicted to other peoples gay fantasies and create your own reality. I get secondhand embarassment for you larping faggots.



>create your own reality

And get reborn in a worse?

No thank you.



Kek is part of the Ogdoad, there are other gods as well some benevolent, some evil, and some don't give a fuck. Kek and the rest of the Ogdoad want people to live naturally other god want to control us. How does it feel to witness a gods waging war on such a scale in our lifetime.





Is it me you're looking for?


Marduk, belial, azazel, asmodeus, abaddon, lucifer, amamon and i forgot the other 2… there are suppoused to be 9 and have diferent mask/names depending on the ocacion



There's very few in that list whom I'd consider "divine".

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