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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Our queen made a new video. She's living in her car now. I think she broke up with her bf and she said she's looking to "meet new people."

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literally who


File: ab70ab454c7feb1⋯.jpg (168.02 KB, 2000x1465, 400:293, Nudist-Family-Events-Pictu….jpg)


nigga huh


she looks better


She is still married, lads


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New video, fuckers:


It looks like she's wearing a mood ring.



Their was a thread about her back in 2014. She's a primitive naturalist or something. She came to the thread and said she wasnt a virgin and everyone started calling her a disgusting whore, was pretty funny.

You clueless disgusting newfig.


literally the evalion of /fringe/

fuck off with the whore


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Sounds like a riot.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New video, fuckers:

She talks about greenpilled birth control methods



pregnant, i guarantee it. within 6-8 months she'll talk about pregnancy, as a video title, she'll present a lil' babby in 1.5 years.

i see it now. The jimmies



Well she's married and in her late twenties, so I don't see why that would be surprising.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

new video, fuckers:



If she car-moved out to CA and her husband is with her, they'll get a divorce and she'll marry the first guy that is semi-stable and has a permanent home of any size and spawn his brood. Listened to her videos because if it was worthy enough for your attention, perhaps so mine, and my thoughts on the matter are this:

-Agreed, humans use electrical impulses to drive our sensory perception.

-You can get a decent car in the northeast.

-Someone is partially funding this expedition. Perhaps it's the scraps from a trust fund that was spent in daily living.

-Very classic Polish features. Stocky breed. Bred for work. Shame she's in Cali. Who wants to bet she knows how to dance to polka music?



>-Someone is partially funding this expedition. Perhaps it's the scraps from a trust fund that was spent in daily living.

She is working currently and probably has money saved up. I was working minimum wage for a long time and was able to save quite a bit with cheap rent.



I can barely understand what you're typing. I think her husband is still in Maine.



Foolproof method: don't be a whore.



she seems cool but is into stupid philosophies like ayn rand. She is probably going to divorce her husband or cheat on him like most women do. Oh well.



Oy vey goy Ayn Rand is based.

Can it be pure coincidence that the notorious jewish pedophile "Smiley" was the one who shilled this woman?





The pol jokes were never funny, please stop or at least come up with something yourself.



I though ayn rand was based too I was 18 at the time. People go through phases. She seems pretty genuine at least.



>Can it be pure coincidence that the notorious jewish pedophile "Smiley" was the one who shilled this woman?

I don't even know who this woman fucking is. Just saw you randomly mentioning me.



Oh I vaguely remember that. Too bad my memory is very impaired right now and I'm in an odd state of consciousness from exhaustion.



>doesn't deny being a jewish pedophile


You honestly think it's a joke don't you? You think /pol/ is satire. Sad!



I was talking specifically about your "oy vey, goy, etc" pol-tier humor. I made no mention of pol itself being a joke. Repeating jokes that have been made nonstop a million times in places where it isn't wanted is annoying, no matter what your ideology.



I don't like ayn rand, she was a psycho path and had a stupid philosophy on life, more like a horrible philosophy.


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Shut up jew,


Has she left her ginger beanie wearing faggot waving husband? I'm sure I'm the perfect man for her.


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Pretty sad anyone would lust after [redacted] she's literally the most disgusting girl I ever talked to. She's in a few "secret" facebook groups and started talking to me about one or two years ago. I'm spilling this on her because I find her disgusting and not in any way national socialist as she claims to be. Here goes: Has a fetish for older men especially "teachers". Cheated on every single boyfriend she had and says if they can't keep her from not doing it they're just not strong enough. Deeply feminist views if you couldn't guess already similar to Sinead. Believes in pretty much every conspiracy theory in existence from flat earth to chemtrails. Got into a fuckload of bitchfights with other "NS" (more like wannabe alt right) girls because they stole her spotlight as the only cunt in some of the groups. Finds regular showers "unneeded" and enjoys mild bo.

That's about all that I remember. Enjoy wanking it to your disgusting hippie whore.

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>Has a fetish for older men



Chemtrails and geoengineering are real.



Thanks for sharing Having watched more of her videos she seems like a female version of daniel vitalis but with less money. She takes "muh nature" too far and in a degenerate direction.


What's the big deal about this chick anyway? Is it that she's attractive and happens to share her views with most /fringe/ users or is there more to it?



about time tbh



>national socialist

Are [redacted] doesn't claim to be.

>Cheated on every single boyfriend she had and says if they can't keep her from not doing it they're just not strong enough

[redacted] needs a strong man tbh, beaniefag ain't gonna cut it.


>Is it that she's attractive

How's it going [redacted]? Wanna be my gf?

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> Are [redacted] doesn't claim to be.

She used to.

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I am not a NatSoc and haven't claimed to be in years. that was a stupid phase I went through when I found out the Holohoax never happened. I am not a feminist and I have made a video about that, but I am also not in favor of some autistic keyboard warrior's wet dream version of a patriarchy. I am fundamentally a libertarian at heart.

I also have never found flat earth to be a convincing conspiracy theory. chemtrails however are a very real phenomenon and there is no disputing that. I hate Sinead and believe she is a Jew disinfo agent. I don't trust Renegade Tribune's publishings.

I have long left alt right circle jerks as they are full of beta male NEETs who have no girlfriends and too much time to watch historical documentaries and fap to Hitler. I didn't want spotlight. I just found a lot of the commenters to have their facts wrong about the way reality works, and I did argue a lot.

regular showers are unnecessary and I talked about that in some of my videos. soap destroys the acid mantle of the skin which is actually the first line of defense of our immune system. also, washing away your natural scent and pheromones actually makes you less attractive to people who are immunologically compatible with you. that being said, I am mindful of social norms and do not walk around stinking up the place.

for the record,


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>claims to be aware of Jews



You're really no different to the "beta male NEETs". Just happened to be born with a vagina so you get away with more.



can you explain why that is? I am socially intelligent, I have a job that supports me, I have plenty of friends in real life, and many people in my life have told me I have leadership qualities. so I think I am actually the opposite of a beta male NEET.

yeah I am aware of the Jews, but I take responsibility for my life and don't see myself as a victim of them. a country must use borders and wise immigration laws to prevent parasites from sucking their country dry, and this is not at odds with a libertarian style rule of law. you can have a welfare state or open borders, but not both, as they say. with great freedom comes great border responsibility in my opinion. and we all know multiculturalism is a failed experiment. a nation without cultural homogeneity and solidarity is doomed to fail.



Absolutely nothing you said was libertarian. Hardcore libertarian would actually be more than happy to abolish nations.


>tfw there's a delusional lolberg in this thread who STILL hasn't graduated to realizing they are actually a National Socialist



Concrete/Literal thinking is a hallmark of the american cultural matrix and is also technically considered a form of insanity.



>Doesn't deny cheating on all of her boyfriends

Cheaters are literal sociopaths, plus you don't shower which i have heard that people who don't shower are most likely psychopaths. No one wants to hear your bullshit life you special snowflake. Fuck off you useless whore.


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>female libertarian who doesn't take showers and thinks she is above "beta males"



A libertarian is literally just someone who supports personal liberty. Jews didn't invent the concept of liberty. The word libertarian and liberty existed before Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard.



That presupposes that liberty is only possible without nations.


You alright [redacted]?

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No they didn't invent the concept of liberty…but they promoted it as a virtue that stands on it's own. Libertarianism is based on the premise that once humans are allowed freedom the best will come out and continue to come out - ad infinitum. In other words, Meliorism and the Worship of Time. It is pure arrogance and ignorant of the hierarchical nature of Nature.

Personal liberty is something that is earned by evolving one's Spirit through the application of Will, ultimately leading to taking part in the Creation process itself. Personal liberty is NOT something to be granted as a "right" to all people. Doing so is a form of torture. The non-agression principle ( axiom ) is tantamount to declaring all parts of one's body as above the actions of the immune system. I.e lumping in viruses and cancerous cells with healthy ones. That said, I can see how Libertarianism would be appealing if one did not believe in Reincarnation and spiritual progress. I used to be one myself after all.

note: Personal liberty is not to be confused with Free Will


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Libertarianism can provide improvement when the current (dis)order is completely backwards, but it is always inferior to a proper Divine Hierarchy. Which is mainly why Libertarianism becomes so appealing towards the end of Kali Yuga.



will you please contact me? somehow I would like to talk more about this with you. if you want to.


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>our queen

>below average looking attention slut

>lives in a fucking car

I mean, I know you all have serious issues here, both mental and social, but how pathetic can a board be?



I think it's just OP that admires the woman posted in this thread. Out of maybe a hundred regular /fringe/ browsers there's probably no more than 2-4 people here that might like her.



She's pretty attractive, love that baby fat.

I noticed she just put out a video saying she's an authoritarian now. A few negative comments on /fringe/ and she suddenly changes her whole ideology, lol.


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Strongk on basic nutrition, but poisoned with Cointel that surrounds her.

Living(parking) in the Bay area and Zuckbuking doesn't argue for higher order thinking.

I have a soft spot for healthfood hippies, but it's just a little one.


Fuck off degenerate and take your "queen" with you.



Nice necrobump, faggot.

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