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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: c2ff9fbce201de4⋯.gif (325.58 KB, 500x269, 500:269, cowboychew.gif)


Wow are you people dumb. At least religious folks have some sort of ethics to live by. You lot just play dress up and carry out meaningless, empty rituals trying to gain some sort of cosmic power. ITT prove me wrong.


It is escapism, religion does have the lead on escapism. Most here do have a belief that is superficial, not real conviction. A lot of hard cord religious people are in a world where god, and other things are real. These people I think it is no more then desperation, and play.


>cuckchan refugee

gas yourself



>meaningless empty rituals

Bored materialist detected.

Who are you to be the arbiter of what has merit and what doesn't? Clearly your only interest is to agitate people who have a grasp on something you never could, and that makes you an extremely sad person.


File: 9e07cc7307e52b6⋯.gif (1008.39 KB, 1455x959, 1455:959, African-Tribal-Dance-The-W….gif)

>"hey whitey, show us your eye-foo-nee thing again!"

why the fuck would I, you'll drain the battery and I'll spend the whole day recharging it

>"you be lying right? How can you talk to your wife, your wife not be here!"

no you retarded nigger, there's a phone shop right outside this jungle, I can give you directions if you want…

>"no whitey, no whitey, I ain't believin' you whitey, give me your eye-foo-neeeeh or you a lyin' tutu, you no lyin' tutu, right whitey?"

I don't have anything invested in you, you're just a random nigger off the street, I don't have any need to waste time on you, especially since my phone's battery is very low as is.

>I ain't believe no lyin' tutu, prove eye-fooooooooh-neeee real or me tribe be eatin you

Fucking hell, ok take this and play flappy bird while I take a piss

>ooooooh, shiny!

It's been an hour, give me back my phone.

>sure, I believe that eye-foooh-nees exist now and will check the sho-ohp thing thanks to you, wise man!

I really don't care, hey, why is the battery at 5%? It was fully charged when I…

>hello whitey

Hi, completely unrelated nigger

>we be from umbulalashaka's tribe, he say you have magical black stone, we want see magical black stone or else you lyin' tutu man

Oh, fuck off.




>magic btfo


Magic is a gift that not all can see, but for those who can…

Blessed are we.

When you start to notice the mystical, the mystical starts to notice you. If you don't know what I'm talking about…

Then you don't know you.

You know what Im talkin about?


File: 6ec0df50d2fe5a7⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 468x320, 117:80, 1470537432155.jpg)


Buddy, I am a man.

I can have multiple goddamned orgasms. Do you register that? I can go as hard as I like, Suck the energy outta my weiner and then go AGAIN

Bash the dress up all you like, it's my buisness what I do on a sunday night but I can tell you from that one caveat alone, My time here has been a wholly fruitful endeavor.


I don't dress up and ritual work is only for hardcore operations. Most of my stuff is daily practise of using the astral senses and thoughtforming and meditations.


File: 4cfbc65debf10d6⋯.png (194.81 KB, 417x578, 417:578, 1475810287061.png)


loosh farmer



>I can have multiple goddamned orgasms. Do you register that? I can go as hard as I like, Suck the energy outta my weiner and then go AGAIN

Is this supposed to be impressive? I've been able to do this since I was a child.



>I can have multiple goddamned orgasms. Do you register that? I can go as hard as I like, Suck the energy outta my weiner and then go AGAIN

Hold the fuck up. How do you cast this spell?


File: 711858af12a1fa0⋯.pdf (1.53 MB, Chia, Mantak - The Multi O….pdf)


Well ain't you just papa's special lil snowflake then? I'm happy for you, and a lil' jealous cause I've had to work at it.


No spell required, energy work brah.

It will take some practice if you've never done something like this before, but don't worry. Keep at it. You'll get the hang :)





>spoon-feed me




>didn't read OP's date

A shitposter bumped the thread.

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