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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I realize coming here and asking for advice about this is like making a thread on /k/ to ask if guns are bad (which is to say the responses while accurate will nonetheless be biased and I may be noted as stupid for asking here at all) but I figured I'd get a better response than asking on /b/.

For myself, I've always been against drug use, I've avoided all of it, in part because I respond with such exaggerated effect to over the counter stuff. However, I've also spent most of my life depressed and unable to accomplish everything I want to. I have OCPD. The way this video describes the effects of microdosing makes it sound extremely appealing. I have no desire or interest in getting high -I don't even like drinking- but something that'll help me get everything done that I want to would be fantastic.


what is it you want done?



I guess I sort of left that out.

Okay, I'll be more specific. According to that video microdosing (taking a tiny dose of LSD with breakfast) is done by everyone in silicon valley and greatly improves focus, creativity and depression. That's basically everything I need help with. Something that would make me feel less depressed and help me focus on my goals and get things done is exactly what I've been looking for, for months.

However as I said I'm extremely sensitive to basically everything, except liquor. I've never actually gotten drunk despite several girlfriend-demanded binge drinking sessions, most I've ever gotten was giggly and I didn't like the sensation.

Yes for instance, if I take benadryl for a flu I'm basically unconscious until it wears off. One time I took melatonin for my insomnia, and I threw up because it was like I could feel the Earth spinning and everything was moving and I couldn't get my balance and had to grab onto everything because I felt like I was falling in whatever direction everything was spinning.

Also, I've heard that the problem with LSD is that while it isn't addictive, it stays in your brain forever. That you can have an acid flashback decades after using it.


goes in the question thread

Microdosing is relativelyharmless but kind of a crutch. Not saying having a crutch is always a bad thing and it could be an important step in your journey if you are so attracted to the idea.


It makes you more susceptible to subliminal messaging and weakens your willpower. Research into the MkULTRA project OP.

If you want to improve your creativity and focus take mild stimulants like raw chocolate and nicotine.



It does not stay in your brain forever, nor your spinal fluid. The flashbacks likely come on as some psychedelic influenced brand of PTSD, but not always scary. It probably has to do with the emotional impact of events you experience.

LSD itself will be out of your system in ~3 days though.


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Thank you for posting this video. Awesome little watch. First off, whether you're more susceptible to drugs by nature or by no experience, an acid TRIP is a wildcard. Each trip is different, and each person is different; throw in the fact that a trip can exacerbate feelings of natural euphoria and natural depression both, and you can see why caution is important. A lot of those silicon valley folk could probably recall any prog-rock album back to back - they're psychonautical pros - and the trials would be conducted by well-read doctors. However, if it indeed works, it could be a godsend - just from the handful of trips I've had, I can imagine the aspect of acid that would really bring the kickass parts of the inner self to the forefront.

While every drug demands that you take a plunge, gathering intel is one of the most important things to do. I recommend you check out 420 chan's /psy/ board. Its a great place to discuss queries like these; the people on the boards over there are generally very helpful and reliable for knowledge on on a broad range of topics.

You might know about drug tolerance - however, acid is effectively a poison; this means (as far my poorly-researched mind can tell) unlike other drugs such as weed, you don't lose your tolerance to LSD over time; you stay accustomed to it. Who knows whether microdosing would push it that much, but it would be interesting to see study into the long-term plausibility of acid. if what homeboy said about microdosing being a crutch comes into play, one could find their muse slowly slipping away. Pure speculation, though!

One last thing. While this method could work out to be quite effective, you will always be missing some of the more poignant parts of LSD - those moments of utter clarity, the wonderful sensations and visuals, the ability to visualize and appreciate abstract concepts… All coming with the serious challenge of being able to stay calm and go with the trip. I know you're pretty far from a drug vet, so it's a very big 'what if'. My first time was a candy flip, pure MDMA with acid - maybe the good vibes sprinkled on top helped smooth over the craziness. The ultimate point, I suppose, is that you should be cramming your body full of drugs, as expressed by all the monks and holy men and women. Stare the beast in the eyes; lean in and taste its toxic black lips, savour the decadence that clings upon its serpentine tongue… Don't slip it in, though, that's shit's illegal.

Pic related - a potential hazard of the game of psychedelics


Stimulants are a pretty piss-poor way to be efficient and on-the-mark, and very poor suited to what this gentleman needs. Tell your roguish fuckwittery walking (or lurking), my brother.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think this is worth the standalone thread, since it could lead to productive discourse which would otherwise be drowned out in the sea of questions.

You already touched on it, but a crutch can be extremely useful at times, as long as it is discarded when appropriate.


If I'm not mistaken, the elimination of the physical substance is complete before the trip even ends, but the effects persist.

Flashbacks are extremely unlikely at this small of a dose because the effects are mild, and I would say you're on the right track as to how they come about.

There are no concerns re: drug screens, in case anyone is wondering, as psychedelics are not tested for.


I'm not sure this is relevant. What CAN be done with it in different contexts doesn't mean it's not useful or safe in this context.



OP, if you're drawn to it go for it. It's definitely a valid method and it could really help you get out of your rut.

A couple notes:

*You will not need to continue doing it for long, if it helps, so no worries about getting addicted or any such nonsense.

*It's not done every day. You take a dose one day, then one or two days off to gauge residual effects and integrate new perspectives, and then repeat, while constantly reassessing whether you want to go forward with it. It may only take a few times to get you where you need to be.

*Certain substances may work better for you, so don't be married to LSD. You may find one gives you some negative effect during/after, or that another is more beneficial. Of course, you may just need to go with what you can get your hands on.

*Always err on the side of smaller dose if you want to avoid accidentally taking a threshold dose rather than a microdose.

*Going along with the above, first few times you'll want to have nothing important to do during your microdose so as to feel out the effects. A day off or at the minimum a day without major responsibilities is ideal.

I've found that it can be quite helpful even on one-off occasions. No experience with actually stringing together several doses within a week or two. If you do manage to do so please report back.

It's not a magic bullet, but it can give you some new perspectives and knock off some rust, which can really help you build momentum in your life and practice. Best combined with meditation and contemplation, which you should be doing anyway. If you're just planning to take something and wait for your life to fix itself, that will not be the case.On the other hand, if you're willing to listen to your intuition and act upon the guidance it could do wonders.

Best of luck.

(note: suggested doses in this video are much too high, imo, especially if you're sensitive. It would be better to start with 5 ug or .15 g of dried psilocybin mushrooms and work your way up if that doesn't do it for you)




>*You will not need to continue doing it for long, if it helps, so no worries about getting addicted or any such nonsense.

You can't get addicted to LSD or LSA. You could inject half the LD daily for 10 years and the effect wouldn't change physiologically, you would acclimate to it and your baseline perception would change but the actual effect on your brain would not decrease, you can't build up a resistance to LSD-25.


Why not microdose mushrooms instead? They seem to be if not entirely safe, at least safer and more attuned with nature than LSD. Kinda like comparing mushrooms versus psilocin, I would say that going for the pure substance takes away a lot of the mysteries of initiation.

reminds me that I should buy and grow more mushrooms before the weather gets too cold




In my opinion it's more about the natural synergy of chemicals vs individual chemicals and the way it effects the brain. Like for instance opium tea creates a mild sedated and peaceful state, while heroin/morphine/etc. create a drugged and very strong state.


File: 3888762b412c9cc⋯.png (65.45 KB, 86x661, 86:661, microdosing infographics h….png)


Agreed. Taking psychedelics regularly at even normal conventional doses is a bad idea, though. I read that it depletes iridium and other beneficial metals and thus disrupts optimal cognitive functioning.

That could potentially even have long term consequences. Psychonauts that went really hard seem to all be "spaced out" even decades later and that could be the mechanism behind that issue. Whatever gains and insights they may have obtained, that may not be worth it.

Personally the above is why I would not suggest doing an every-day dosing schedule with microdoses either. It's something that requires some time to assimilate the experience and sleep off the after-effects, even if mild. See pic related, looks like I even mis-stated the ideal frequency based on those researching this stuff.

Seems to me that used infrequently and in moderate doses, however, no signifcant downsides come from safe entheogen use. There are of course "bad trips" which are simply energetic blockages encountered that one may not be ready to deal with. Ultimately even those tend to be beneficial after the initial spooky experience, imo.


Agreed, mushroom microdosing experiences can be more meaningful and helpful than LSD ones. Different substances resonate with different people and situations, though. It would also be interesting to do a combined microdose or even to alternate the two.


Hmm, that reminds me that LSA is in morning glory and hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. That makes it a prime candidate for pseudo-legal microdosing as well.

I agree that in general natural is better, much like with foods. However, LSD has been shown to be quite a potent teacher in its own right, so let's not discount it just because it's (semi-)synthetic.

To mirror your analogy, drinking quality wine would be the one of the best ways to consume alcohol, if one were so include. But if quality liquor was consumed in similar fashion, it would not be so bad as say, domestic American beer.

I don't want anyone to think that LSD is the Budweiser of entheogens, because it's more like the liquor (assuming quality of product, of course).




First of all you should be drinking/inhaling (nebulizing them makes them at least 10x more bio-available, holding them in the mouth for an hour is almost as good) colloidal metals such as iridium, platinum, silver, and gold if you use psychedelics. You should never use them regularly unless you're taking colloidals daily. Most people don't have enough iridium already.

I'm pretty sure that psychedelics increase the depletion of these metals by increasing brain function.



First of all you should be drinking/inhaling (nebulizing them makes them at least 10x more bio-available, holding them in the mouth for an hour is almost as good) colloidal metals such as iridium, platinum, silver, and gold if you use psychedelics. You should never use them regularly unless you're taking colloidals daily. Most people don't have enough iridium already.

I'm pretty sure that psychedelics increase the depletion of these metals by increasing brain function.



Please stop advocating the ingesting of metals in pure form.

If some retard listens and dies that is on your karma, even if you too are a retard who dies from your own advice.



I'm not sure consuming metals is bad, per se. Have you heard about ORMUS/ monoatomic metals and how they can be potent tools on one's path? If not, I recommend looking into it. Furthermore, I would not be surprised if being deficient in certain beneficial metals is a key to lacking perfect health for many people. Some of the ORMUS research supports that point, actually.


However, I'm not convinced that inhaling them is a good way to go and I would not advocate that others blindly go out and do it. I do think that the issue of metal depletion and entheogens could very well be linked.

Everyone should do their own research and use their intuition as well. It sounds like both you and myself have researched it a lot less than that poster, so I think it would be premature to say it's a bad idea.


Do you have any specific recipes or links to research on either the link between psychedelics and these metals? If it's intuitive knowledge, that's fine, just wondering.

Someone posted a recipe that seems based on fringechan (end of thread atm):



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