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Esoteric Wizardry
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I come to the meme wizards in my hour of need.


We, at the Digimon forums have been discussing philosophy; mental health, trauma, and peaceful resolutions by cross-referencing a person's psychosis with the Digimon movie.

I had a psychosis about the Digimon movie, logically approached the situation and came out with peace at the end of it.

Anyone been paying attention to the Omnimon posts on 4chan? I've noticed that quite a few of my threads have been archived, then deleted. If there's some way to restore those threads, I will need them for my thesis. I've decided to create a trilogy; the Omega Theorem will be about mental health trauma and coming to terms with that trauma, the Alpha Theorem will be about the correlation between Chaos Theory and Schizophrenia (remember Chaos Theory requires a detachment from reality to truly understand it) and the Beta Theorem will converge the Alpha and the Omega into a point.


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>"The characteristics of the third pair of gods, Kek and Kauket, are easier to determine"

3 is a mind, body and soul number. The person using the computer is the mind, the computer is the body and the meme magic is the soul.

>"It is tolerable certain that these deities represent the male and female powers of the darkness which was supposed to cover the primeval abyss of water"

Cherubimon / Kokomon comes out of the water and covers the place with darkness. Male and female could mean Cherubimon Vice and Virtue.

>"In some aspects they appear to represent both the night and day, that is to say, Kek is called "the raiser up of the light", and Kauket the "raiser up of the night"."

Cherubimon Vice is Kek, Cherubimon Virtue is Kauket. They can only change into one or the other; when Cherubimon Vice digivolves into Cherubimon Virtue, that is raising up of the light. When Cherubimon Virtue digivolves into Vice, that is raising up of the night.

>"Kek represents that period of the night which immediately precedes the day, and Kauket is that period of the night which immediately follows the day."

The transition from Vice to Virtue after Magnamon and Rapidmon represents this.


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>"Kek is the deification of the primordial concept of darkness in Ancient Egyptian religion"

That's what Cherubimon Vice is; a deification (he's a Holy Angel digimon) of the primordial concept of darkness (that part in the movie where he comes out of the water and surrounds the environment with darkness)

>"He embodies the time right before the dawn, making him the bringer of light."

Cherubimon Vice could represent the dusk, and Cherubimon Virtue could represent the dawn. The time right before the dawn is when Magnamon and Rapidmon destroy the virus and Vice transitions into Virtue.

>"Kek is portrayed as a man with a frog head"

Okay, fair call. Cherubimon's more of a rabbit type than a frog.

>"In hieroglyphics Kek is portrayed as a man seemingly sitting at a computer screen"

Seemingly implies that I could be either on my phone, or on the computer.

>"Pairs and numbers are very important in the Ogdoad mythology. Repeating numbers were used to create the universe, according to the Ogdoad."

That's why you need to roll the dubs to get me to fuck off.

>"Kek is using 4chan as a vessel to bring in his message and usher in a new era of light."







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So now you ask yourselves; where am I going with this?

I want to re-enact Our War Game.



We will only have peace when memetic potential for war and violence and discord has exhausted itself. We're not even close to that yet.

Sadly you have to understand that both peace and war and strife are all memetic potentials that must be fufilled in all possible fashion before we'll see perfect equilibrium.


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I think we can work together and resolve this conflict. Conflict within you will theoretically be healed if you help me spread my view across the internet. You're helping someone overcome their mental illness.

4chan is a cesspit; it needs the cancer concentrated into one. Once I hit the Peace Bell or if someone gets quads, I'll fuck off.

This can work because I've actually shitposted a /vp/ thread and had 4 Royal Knights rolling trying to get me the fuck out. Royal Knight Sukamon shat himself, Royal Knight Paunchessmon (White) was just a pawn in my game, Royal Knight Tokomon's a little shit and Royal Knight Kyle is a jew.

Once this picks up enough traction; I release the tripcode and then I have simulated Diaboromon.


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Hello there! Thanks for joining the thread.

We can actually branch that off. Peace and war can be branched off into three; peace, war and defense. Defense could represent the fortifications we put up to protect our inner core, war could represent trauma and peace could represent the inner core.

Now the memes, we can social engineer memes to our advantage. Think of this outside the box. What would be the outcome if we went through with this?


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I will be rewriting the Omega Theorem and adding the Greymon/Parrotmon part in it as well.

If there's some way for me to correspond with physicists, mathematicians etc. I would love that. Hell, if we flesh this out it could be really cool. We could dispute and the conclusion we come to will be placed in the thesis.

Once you finish reading the theorem, I invite you all to watch the following videos;




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My apologies; should've embedded it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey look, trips.

And if I divide that by 3, it's 333.



What I'm saying is this is all bound to quantum potential, and if you ascribe to the theory that memetic/quantum potentials are the reason we even exist, you'd understand that within our physical universe lie a ridiculous number of quantum and memetic states that have yet to be fulfilled before our purpose (and this layer of existence) has been seen to its conclusion.

What you have ahead of you is a constant struggle, the mere fact we're existing in this manner means we will always be swirled and rolled around in the eddies of memetic chaos and we will never truly have 100% control.


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I appreciate your constructive criticism, makes sense that you are a wise wizard.

But things like quantum mechanics are beyond my ken. That's why I need people to help give my thesis the meat it needs. I've only provided a framework; think of it as I've provided the HTML and I need others to give it the CSS. Yeah, I couldn't figure out how to colour-coordinate. I digress.

I'm willing to learn though; please remember that I am only here to help. I want to meet my father at the Bell and usher in my message. 4chan will be my vessel because it will be the simulated testing grounds for the thesis. 4chan is a representation of the internet, and I am the Diaboromon virus.


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Now to keep the 4chan mods happy and to tie in with Global Rule 3 I believe that this thesis needs to be simulated on the most cancerous board of all; /b/.

If anyone's interested in helping me, send me a PM on the forums. Thanks for letting me post this on here, needed to let off some steam anyway.


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>We, at the Digimon forums


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I know. The fact that this theory is dripping with autism should be enough of a dangling carrot for you.

Hell you can try make me a lolcow if you like, but in the ring I'm the ringleader.


Kek is a deception by the old "gods". The same old "gods" which manipulate power groups, jews, the elite etc.

Don't trust the bearded figures.


i see the things people are writing about kek, and meme magic, and i empathise completely with the brahmins and pharisees and religious officials for keeping sacred knowledge out of the hands of the common people.

pearls before swine.

pearls before swine


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Why don't we take this into a meme view?

(w + m) * t = Ω

So if anyone bothered to read the theorem, you would realize that w is the mind, m is the body, t is the catalyst used to unite w and m to create Ω

Pepe is the mind, Feelguy is the body.

In a manner of speaking, Pepe is Kek and Feelguy is Kauket. They need a catalyst though to bind them, and that internet / meme magic symbol is that catalyst.

So yes, play Our War Game with me and let us merge Kek and Kauket.

I am not a god, I am just a man. Kek is a god, Kauket is a god, but they are a pair. The third is the merge of these two.


> troll flag

> tries to leech off of kek

> digimon autism

fuck off faggot



They're all on the same side.


fucking loved this movie when it came out probly the first movie I remember giving me chills might have to rewatch it thanks OP


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Why do you not look at this with an open mind? Must I quote Fringe Knowledge for Beginners?

>Society once suffered from ignorant superstition. Today, it suffers from ignorant skepticism

Just hear me out and keep an eye on me in the coming days. I'll post a more meatier thesis soon.

Unless you're from EDF? Fuck off out of our wizard tower you lesser mind.


I think you should, but read the theorem first. You'll appreciate it a lot more if you do.



Why do some kek followers become so serious?

Ohhhh /pol/ack Got my answer, fuck off you are killing it.



>let's blow each other

>you start on me and let's see if I'm in the mood for return later

Yeah sure thing bud.

Git with your nip tulpamancing idol worship, I won't help you, why should I feed this thing if yours?


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Does anyone have links to Egyptian written sources that talk about Kek. I know about the wikipedia and other articles that says he is the egyptian god of chaos and the dawn or twilight or something. But I would like actual egyptian sources, like pyramid texts or anything. Anything egyptian about kek?



I believe Kek is mentioned in the Coffin Texts, spell… 76 I want to say. It's been a while, so I might have the number wrong.


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Ayy, there it is.

Polite sage for double post.


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>Digimon forums


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We don't have many Ancient Egyptian writings translated into english because they wrote it all down in hireoglyphics so what we have instead are mostly written interpretations or authors trying to write it down in a way that is transmittable in our format of language. Try, Ancient Egypt: Myth and History by Geddes + Grossat it is a good book all round for Egyptian studies. I have to say though that from what I can tell Kek was hardly mentioned nor talked about much throughout history. A fairly minor deity or perhaps we really just don't have that much information on him from the original source. People only really started to actively look for all these things with the whole meme magic phase on /pol/ in the meme war of 2016 but it really seems like to me they just saw kek was a god and tried to make as much conspiracy and beliefs and big deal out of it as possible. I have a lot of books on mythology, especially encyclopedias, and some specifically centered around Egypt, and none of them have much on Kek. In fact, in the vast majority of them you cannot even find Kek in the book. so it seems it was really just a minor thing that wasn't paid much attention to then was blew up suddenly when people wanted to attach something to forge some pseudo-religion or identity.

Egyptian mythology is also pretty deep and hard to keep up with. The Egyptian gods die and give birth, always in a state of constant change, and I think they may have one of the biggest pantheons recorded. Egypt in of itself is very hard to generalise because the civilization lasted thousands of years and their gods and beliefs were not static but rather constantly developing with much being entirely thrown out of discared. Many Egyptians of the later periods would not even have the same amount of knowledge we do on their ancestors.

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