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Esoteric Wizardry
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What does /fringe/ think about him?

What do you think of his political views?

What about his occult books recommendation?


File: 9c23f2d40348f5f⋯.pdf (2.44 MB, Rawn Clark - A Bardon Comp….pdf)

File: 5e2d59025b116e2⋯.pdf (1.77 MB, Franz Bardon - Initiation ….pdf)


He's a Grade A obullshitist.

Here you go OP, books that actually do things if you follow the instructions.



thanks for your reply,

I happen to like the guy but don't know if what he says or recommend reading is legit. Any other book you would recommend that aren't part of the FAQ?



>Any other book you would recommend that aren't part of the FAQ?

I wouldn't know where to start, the FAQ is really shitty.



And ignore anything by WWA, Atkinson is a meme.



Atkinson is the author of The Kybalion and many other great and practical books such as Science of Breath. Criticizing Atkinson just to be contrarion is a meme. You have no real reason to hate on Atkinson.



Lrn2read far more efficiently via psychometry before you read too much stuff. Go ahead and read the Bardon Companion and IIH and begin working through that as well make sure to read The Kybalion and Arcane Teachings. But after that, take a moment to learn psychometry, and then you can read fuckloads of material without tiring and so much faster. This will help you get through massive books like Personal Power in very little time.



thanks for that link and for your recommendations brother


I don't know which materials work since nothing has worked for me so far (making it even more difficult to believe in the rituals to be honest), I'll have to say that I enjoy the very practical and gradual aspect of IIH though; for that alone I wouldn't badmouth Bardon personally. I could see how someone with very strong beliefs in what represents good and bad material could have very polarized opinion on the matter though.


Thanks for that recommendation. I looked up pyschometry but there are quite a few authors, could you please clarify which books you are referring to?



>Criticizing Atkinson just to be contrarion is a meme.





>I know, I'll use large capital letters. That way, they'll all know that I'm right and they're wrong


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If you weren't a mental cripple all you'd need is The Kybalion, authored by Atkinson. The hermetic axioms allow you to accomplish and understand everything.

Franz Bardon's books aren't as good as Atkinson's because Franz Bardon just gave a bunch of practices and explained it all so badly that Rawn Clark had to write a guide to make sense of it all.

While Atkinson actually explains shit ery well and most importantly gives you the metaphysical foundation to figure EVERYTHING out for yourself.



Lobsang Rampa has a book on psychometry but all the Lobsang Rampa books have been deleted from the /fringe/ library. You can still find them though in a link I think on bibliotecapleyades.net or whatever which is linked to in the /fringe/ library page.

Just read everything and become very good at reading. Anyone who rushes or is unwilling to digest a very large volume of information to get at metaphysical truths probably ain't going to make it far.



I like the guy, he has some decent insight on various subjects.



The Kybalion is not hermeticism



The Kybalion is a meme.



and Hermes is an analogue of Satan.


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What did they mean by this?



>falling for the satan scapegoat meme



It is too. It is distinctly hermetic.



Everyone is satan, everything is satan.

Now worship this jewish guy who got killed by jews. or you're satan too



I guess you know all about it then, seeing as you characterise the claim rather than deny it.



yes you are satan too



Wikipedia says the Kyabillion, Hermetica and Emerald tablets are Hermetic texts, so who knows.



I'm just saying if you take Hermes Trimagister as being cut from the same cloth as Hermes the Greek deity, there are Luciferian connotations which are easily recognisable. Both share characteristics like bringing special knowledge to humanity and that of itself is a Luciferian characteristic.

I'm no student of Greek myth but as far as I've read it's Hermes, Apollo, Promethus and Dionysus that have a l lot of the archetypal Luciferian streak to them, plus a few smaller characters maybe.

It's not a 'every figure is Satan or Jesus' statement I'm making. Maybe you are, seeing as that sounds like a hermetic thing to say, in which case you forgot to add that they're two sides of the same character.



>satan is lucifer

Holy shit christcuck stupidity really knows no bounds.

Get learned retard.



>It says in even exoteric books that Lucifer isnt the same as satan, that it's a misunderstanding arising from someplace – It's axetucally a Bablyonian king :^).

It's funny how everyone starts off understanding Lucifer as being a fallen angel, and then as they 'learn' they find there's no basis to have ever thought that.

It's a bit like Santa Claus.

Anyway a quick look at bible verses containing 'Lucifer' and 'Satan' will give the impression that they are the same, even if it is not explicitly confirmed.


Lucifer means morning star, morning star is venus.

Lucifer is not Satan, Satan is the morning star, the light bringer.

In the bible they describe jesus as the morning star

Jesus is described as "the bright morning star" in the bible (Revelation 22:16)

The greek god phosphorus was also called the morning star




>Lucifer is not Satan, Satan is the morning star, the light bringer.

A slip like that tells all.

>In the bible they describe jesus as the morning star

>Jesus is described as "the bright morning star" in the bible (Revelation 22:16)

>The greek god phosphorus was also called the morning star

I read somewhere that Satan has a thousand names.

The point that comes across from bible verse is that Lucifer the 'light-bringer' fits the description of the devil disguised as an angel of light, who fell from heaven as lightning.


Totally unenlightened and a poser, he used to be a personal friend of mine till I had it with his shit.



That's actually Lucifer (the morning star) not satan, you reversed it you cuck.


If you are into adversarial godforms, I suggest the babylonian/egyptian/greek/norse.

anything before the abrahamic cuckenning is your best bet.

They seem to be the most


His videos are enjoyable and he seems like a likeable person, but as far as his occult stuff goes he's got a lot of stuff wrong. His website has some interesting free pdfs, but mostly just occult trivia type stuff.


He puts out videos regarding source information, original manuscripts and historicity of various schools of thought. He is definitely knowledgeable in that regard, and one can extract a lot out of that if you follow some of the white rabbits. I would be wary of his personal interpretations on these things, but then again I'm sure he would tell you to do the same. Don't care much for his political/mundane videos.



He has absolutely NOTHING to offer for someone wishing to practice magic. He may talk about some interesting occult topics, but nothing he says is of any practical use. I don't think he is even a practitioner.

If you want to watch videos about actual magic practices, check out Pyscho Sorcerer's channel. He does the work, is not a salesman or cheeseball, speaks intelligently and has an open mind.

As for starting books, as others have said, IIH is a great place to start (with the companion). The concepts from The Kybalion are also important to understand.


I have listened to quite a lot of his stuff. He seems like an atheist to me. Especially in his occult book videos, he's just tearing stuff apart and trying to strip it to its bare parts so that it will fit some kind of modern day pseudo-archeological interpretation as best as possible. What's occult about that? I don't even believe he practices anything apart from his "satanism means I can be a hedonist" La Vey'an rubbish. He's entertaining because he's a good speaker but his messages are empty and materialistic. And as such without use.



He talked specifically about not endorsing hedonism, and transitioned out Satanism years ago. He's an agnostic witch, from what I remember, I think he knows better but is too interested in the occult to give into a completely scientific view of magick.



All magick is based in science, just most of it we don't understand yet.



Hermeticism is literally the reason why we have science and science is itself essentially hermetic.

Magick gave us science not the other way around.

Mundane researchers/analysts/stem-tards that didn't have to think too much about metaphysics are the only ones that can cling to mundane worldview.



He admits as much.

I don't recall which video exactly, but he says something about how he's more interested in the academic study of occult subjects.


he claims tulpas and though forms doesnt exist, so i bet he goes and reads lots of occult books but never puts them to action.

aside from shitposting pepe i dont think he knows how to get into a proper state and practice any occult path.



Untrue, in that video he said that egregore was legit and Tulpas had lots of bullshit going around about them, specifically the idea that you can make a Tulpa to physically have sex.


File: 02f8916863efced⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 1485596122454s.jpg)

I think he is more interested in the academic study of occultism and its history rather than actually being an occultist.

He seems like the edgy guy you knew in high school who wore black nail polish, collected swords, and listened to marylin manson.

He is a libertarian and a book publisher, he smartly promoted his channel on pol during the election to get subs.



I have his edition of Pow-Wow and it is a very interesting book. In terms of translation his more academic viewpoint is a plus as it means he won't translate his own beliefs into the text. I am looking forward to recieving his version of Petit Albert. I also appreciate that he doesn't jack up the price of his books, unlike what you find in most ocult bookstores.



>Law of Attraction is one of the Hermetic laws


Holy shit man. Where do you find this kind of bullshit newage garbage?



Here you go ignorant moron:


Look for the "law of attraction" there you clown. Fucking fool…




From the Kybalion by the three initiates, that was linked.

>The Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect, in its aspect of The Law of Attraction, will bring lips and ear together-pupil and book in company.

Causality applies to the law of attraction, the cause starts in your mind, the effect is seen in material reality. Everything is mental. The will is extremely powerful.

The connotation for law of attraction, written here, is the kybalion will come to you when you're ready. You come to it, it you, when your mind is ready. It is the answers you sought, and that you got. Law of attraction.

Napoleon Hills "Law of attraction" is the will and mentality, and goes hand in hand with hermetic principles.



How the fuck did I never notice this? Does this make Styx a living meme?



As above so below, as below so above. As within so without, as without so within.

That's hermeticism Atkinson is a hack.



Wtf I hate Atkinson now



The Kybalion was most likely written Paul Foster Case. There is very little evidence that WWA did. The writing style, words, and desriptions are almost identical to how Case wrote, especially if you have taken the BOTA lessons.



Atkinson wrote that fucking axiom you retard. He's literally the one to say "As above; so below; as below, so above" when he wrote The Kybalion. The older axiom it's based off of was something like "Man is the microcosm of the macrocosm" (t. Issac Newton).



…but the writing stile in The Kybalion is identical with all of Atkinson's other books; and I've read like 50+ of his books from start to finish so I'm pretty damn familiar with him.



That axiom has been around a lot longer and comes from the Emerald Tablet.


Go read some of Case's works. Check out the BOTA lessons if you have the means and see what you think.

"However The Kybalion and the Arcane Teachings have strong contradictions and even attacks between some of their core teachings, and this added to both having been published in a very close period of time (first edition of The Arcane Teachings years before 1909, second edition in 1909 and third edition in 1911) make the hypothesis of Atkinson's authorship of the Kybalion very inconsistent."


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