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(To clarify ahead of time since I've received some misunderstandings from individuals, I am looking for your particular answers which can only be provided by you, not textbook or general answers, I am not asking for 2+2=4 but rather how you might answer and say it in your own words)

I'm not sure where on the website to best post this, and though I am not entirely new to any information regarding the Occult or Esoteric topics, I have just joined the website and would like answers to be as thorough as possible and covering advanced understandings and explanations in such a way that generally anyone could come to understand.

Ask on all major occult forums how they believe:

How Magic works and by what Powers, Systems, Cosmology, or Means it works

What entities are and how they exist,

How Prayer Works

What blocks or makes it not work

What the various ethnic variations of magic have in common

What the various ethnic variations in magic don't have in common

What system works the best and why

What can be cut out of the systems where it still works, what is essential and what is the core of it that if done away with disables the whole efficacy of the magic

Shapeshifting and how real it can get and how it works

Is magic surface illusion or real and transformative of matter

Hello, I just joined this website (and many others) in order to ask a few questions pertaining to magic and its efficacy and most importantly your particular views on the topic. Your reply can conclude with any book reccomendations, pdf links, links to websites or articles that you agree with or whatever else you feel may assist in answering my question, but what I am really interested in are your own beliefs, understandings, and any experiences or the experiences of those close to you regarding the questions.

What I'd like to know from you (and each individual who answers, I'd like a complete answer if possible from each and it is all greatly appreciated, even if others answer similarly, please don't mind, I really want each person to say what they believe or understand or know in their own words if possible) is how you believe or understand magic to work, by what power(s), system/science, cosmology, or means does it work? What are the various understandings you've heard of and what is your understanding or which do you think is most true or most accurate?

I'd also like to know about entities or "spirits", in particular the non-human but also those believed to be human, as well as "planes" of existence or "dimensions" and your beliefs on any such cosmology, what these beings and places are, how they operate, what they can and can not do, and how they live and what the "rules" or "system" might be regarding these things, if you believe in any. Any dangers and a discussion on "evil" or even "negativity" is welcomed here as well and what your beliefs may be on that as well, also on the idea of "karma" and "retribution" or "things coming back".

Going back to the topic of "magic" and "magical acts", what "blocks" or "makes such acts not work"?

What do the various ethnic variations of magic and magical systems have in common?

What do the various ethnic variations of magic and magical systems not have in common and where and how do they differ and why?

What system in your opinion is the most effective and why?

What is essential to magic and what can be cut out of any system in order to deduce or establish what is absolutely essential and what is not essential at all for a magical act to still function or work or achieve its intended ends? What is essential and what is the core of magic and what would disable the whole magical act if it were missing or make it not work at all?

I'd like you to also tell me about "shapeshifting" and how "real" or evidential it can get or be, and how it functions and by what means it functions?

Similarly, is magic surface illusion or is it transformative of matter in a scientifically verifiable way in your view?

What are all the various views of how magic works and what is your view and what do you disregard and why do you disregard those other views?

If you have historical knowledge as well, what were the views of those in the past, and why, and how might you differ or agree with those understandings? In the case of history, it would be wonderful if links or writing which verifies or confirms the views is provided as the source of the idea being presented.

Thank you very much for answering all these questions, I really appreciate it. I am trying to gather as much information on these matters from forums where people may be interested in talking about these things at length. I will be reading everything, and feel free to email me at theartismagistra@gmail.com if you do not wish to discuss these things on the forum or would like to contact me via email instead. Thank you again, and I look forward to reading your views on these matters!


Feel free to include in your answers or discussion anything about the following as well:

What is "good" or "the best" or should be sought and why?

What is "evil" or "the worst" or should be avoided and why?

What is "white magic" as compared to "black magic" and what are the consequences of either practice?

What is the "right hand path" as compared to the "left hand path"?

What is a God and what place does it have in magic?

What is the purpose of ritual as compared to "raw" magic and ow are both performed and in what way are they effective? By what means do they function and work?

What is a "Demon"?

In what way does an "entity" live, survive, empower itself, perpetuate, and die?

What is a Vampire?

What is a Werewolf?

What is Ahriman?

What role does Hermes play?

What is Odin?

What is Mercury (the God)?

What is "Astral Magic"?

What is the role of the "stars" and how were they used in magic and how can they be used in magic?

How does magical information reach and impact various objects and entities, what is its range and by what means does it travel or move if at all?

What role does "blood" play as well as "genetics"?

What role does "memory" play in magic?

What are the distinctions between "Soul" and "Spirit"?

What is a "soul" and its function?

What is "energy"?

What is "emotion" and its role in magic?

Is magic more effective consciously or subconsciously and how does it work?

Where do thoughts come from, and any additional information about the subconcious, especially related to magic and magical practice would be much appreciated.

What is a hypostasis?

What is "alchemy", its function, and how does it work?

What is "shamanism", its function, and how does it work?

What is the "self" and why is that considered the "self"?

What is "possession" and why is that considered "other"?

What are dreams and what role do they play in magic?

Where do dreams and thoughts exist and by what means can they be used to influence "reality" if any such distinction is made between dreams and realities?

Can you list all the things one can do or that you've heard of one doing or have done through magical means?


What are all the powers and do they function by the same system or different systems? What are those systems and why do they work?

Please provide a clear picture of the magical world and the unseen through your understanding?

Finally, has anyone heard of or had any sorts of visions which they consider a time before their birth, where they have perceived themselves as some sort of amorphous blob with colored lights inside of themselves (multiple people have mentioned this to me), each of the lights representing a life and its quality and other blobs can meld together and mix their lights?

I understand this would be a long discussion, but I am hoping to gather lots of nice long answers and encourage some thorough discussion with as much detail as possible in order to get an idea of what the general concensus might be on these matters.

I am not looking for answers from textbooks or online dictionaries or websites. I have already studied everything that I'm asking about a great deal, exhausting a huge amount of texts for research and continue to do so, so I am particularly looking for individuals to think about these things and to see what they come up with for answers. I have asked similar questions on other sorts of websites, but since those websites were not specifically aimed at these sorts of topics, people did not have much to say on these matters.

Additional questions that I hope you can answer are from my notes on my phone and computer:

How do visual images work in magic?

What is the relevance or potency of blood, semen, orgasms, bodily fluids in magic and magical operations and philosophy?

How do magical trinkets, objects, talismans, charms, amulets, and other magical objects work?

What is qualifies something as a sigil and how do sigils work?

What is the caduceus and its relevance and use? What does it represent and how can it be made and used?

What is the relevance of the screscent moon, mon symbols, skull symbols, dark colors and black, horns, hornd hand symbols, goats, wings, crowns, hats, eyes, triangles, wands, rods, and any significant symbols which I have neglected to mention here (feel free to mention any important ones which come to mind and what they represent and their uses), and their magical uses and how they are put to use and by what means they work or are effective?

What is the importance of using genuine materials and ingredients in magical operations?Are they symbolic only or is there some importance to the actual materials, metals, woods, bones, furs, blood, or whatever else is used? How and why do they work?

What is the significance of blood, blood sacrifices, human sacrifices, sex, orgasm, inducing fear, anxiety, inducing trauma, torture, domination, soul eating, disease, storms, and their potency, importance, reality, and uses in magic? By what means do they work and how are they made ineffective or their efficacy null and void?

What are your views on fate and free will/free agency?

What are your views on being manipulated by thought forms, objects, spirits, or entities? Especially considering the nature of how thoughts seem to appear unconsciously, could it be that the magical object is manipulating, influencing, or controlling the so-called wielder, or a greater force manipulating multiple individuals and objects? If you believe this, can you explain how such things would be working and operating?

What made you believe in magic?

Thank you again for the effort you make in thoroughly answering these questions. Your replies are not only to me, but may remain on this website and help others who are curious about such things as well.

Many people on other websites tend to respond in very short terms, but I truly appreciate lengthy and thorough answers which hopefully cover in every detail all that I've asked as well as other things you may think I may be interested in learning or which may be important to study or understand (with specific attention given to what that importance may be as well).


Most of your questions could be answered if you actually read the faqs. Maybe you should've read the rules as well before posting a new thread.


I'm sorry, but no, they could not. I've tried to emphasize that I'm looking for particular individuals answers (which are not provided in the FAQ), not general answers to questions. I am trying to see what people say, the content of the answers or their "truth" or veracity is not entirely important to me. I've explained this at length to others who seemed to misunderstand this as well when I ask these things. I'm already familiar with the general range of answers and I've researched the topic at length so it isn't about that. I'm looking for what individuals such as yourself might say and how they answer the sequence of questions. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, and I hope the nuance is now clarified more.


Your posting structure is somewhat confusing so I'll try my best to answer.

Magic works through the source via Mind, Energy and Matter.

Entities are beings with varying degrees of free will.

Prayer is asking an entity to do it for you.

Lack of focus, junk thoughts, negative emotions - the opposite.

Mind, Energy and Matter

Rituals, Symbols and Methods

Depends of the practitioner

Rituals, Symbols and Methods - Mind

You can shapeshift without magic in the material - magic can make it more effective and lets you shapeshift in the astral

Magic is what you want it to be

Positive things that nurture - law of attraction

Negative things that destroy - law of attraction

White magic deals with postive forces and thus does not harm the practitioner, black magic deals with negative forces and thus will harm then practitioner

Two opposite poles of the same thing

Gods are entities - they can help and hinder you

Rituals are used to increase focus and concentration

An entity

Leeching energy from other entities or absorbing the "raw energy", entities cannot die

Entities leeching energy from other entities

A shapeshifting entity

Outside my knowledge

Hermes is one of the many entities from Nibiru that presented themselves as gods to the Earth thousands of years ago. Also known as Nebu, the son of Marduk.

Like the other Earth gods, another version of a Nibiruan entity.

As above.

Another term for astral projection

Can be used in rituals for the energy they send out

Via energy

It can effect the potential of the material body

Uncontrollable memories can lower your focus, can be used to evoke emotions which can be made of use

A soul is a spiritual entity

Souls experience existence

That which powers both mind and matter but is not its source

Emotion is a state of being that generate either positive or negative thoughts, can be used in various ways, i.e increasing intention




Turning something into something else (emotions not materials)

Magical teachings

The soul


Dreams are similar to astral projection


Improved my material living situation and took control over my emotions, changed my reality/multiverse and make these changes merge with other people's realities/multiverses.

Increase concentration and intent

Use of energy

Via belief that they work thus effecting the Mind

Whatever works for the practitioner

It's just a symbol

Just tools to focus/concentrate/intent better



Fate does not exist, free will is important and many people on Earth lack it because of various forces manipulation

It exists and is a very serious issue

Looking within


The answer to every question is:

bullshit occultism


I'm not going to go over every category, here, but I've been gradually developing my own hypothesis as I've been studying and getting involved in the works. At some point I'd like to throw together some sort of infographic/.pdf for some theory and low-level, practical internet sorcery– following half's /pol/ over the past year or so, the meteoric rise of Memetic Magic has been a fascinating phenomenon to observe, and I'd like to help guide and reinforce its practitioners, so feel free to fact check me on this.

-Magic is, fundamentally, affecting change through the force of Will, be it in the physical or some other plane.

The analogy I've been trying to construct for it basically: Imagine magic as being like a machine that's capable of working miracles. It can hypothetically do anything, but the catch is that it only works for people who believe absolutely that it can complete that task that's assigned to it. This is where things get kicked in the head for most people, because it requires abandoning rationality and objectivity– the skeptic tells the machine to do something in order to test it, and when it doesn't work, it reinforces their belief that it won't work, ensuring that it can't work.

Because of this, magic has to be a gradual process- it isn't sufficient to tell yourself "I believe I can fly/shoot lightning/etc." because you fucking don't on a deep, subconscious level- you've been programmed your whole life to think that sort of shit's impossible. Thus:

>Magic is first and foremost a process of mental and spiritual deprogramming

>You have to take it slowly, building up from very minor effects that you can convince yourself to believe in- not shallowly, but knowing that it is true and possible with every fibre of your being

>Most rituals, props, and trappings are just that, and technically all optional, but they still serve a crucially important purpose- they have a psychological gravitas that helps to put you into a magical mindset and convince your subconscious that what you're doing is real, and provide instructions on how to achieve an effect in a way that you can believe is the most efficient

>The one thing that absolutely sinks any magical working is doubt. This is why many rituals and sigil workings cast the intent away from the caster, mentally of physically; the longer it lingers in your mind, the more opportunity you have to doubt it and thus sabotage the effect, so the best course of action is to forget about it as quickly as possible.

Moving on: Reality seems to exist in four mediums: All Matter is condensed Energy; All Energy is comprised of Information, and all Information is in turn Memetic in nature. These elements convert into each other more or less freely; physical matter has the highest density by far, so it's the most difficult to obviously effect. What this means is that literally everything everywhere and everywhen is fundamentally a densely packed cloud of memes.

Yes, it's all memes, all the way down. Understanding, gathering into the subtle bodies, and manipulating these elements are how the Will enacts change upon the world.

Whatever spirits actually are, they inhabit everything; they exist on a spectrum (on which humanity is vaguely toward the center), and smaller micro-spirits cluster to form larger macro-spirits. You body is comprised of organs, which are comprised of cells, and it helps to comprise a variety of communities; a city, a nation, a people, and are ultimately parth of the Earth as a whole. These are all living things, and all have spirits (as do all unliving things in a similar sense).

All spirits naturally strive to ascend the heirarchy through a system of transaction, investing faith and requesting favors from each other, while exploiting those weaker than them. This is how both religion and society works; Anyone can create/summon a household diety in a few minutes with practically 0 effort. Meanwhile, the Judeo-Christian God has set up a wonderful racket where it strongarms people into abulition with threats of eternal damnation and then puts their rewards off until after they die. "Demon" is kind of a vague term; I'd approximate them to any sort of spiritual parasite.



>You can shapeshift without magic in the material

How does that work? And please don't tell me "go to the gym".



You could for example put on a fursuit, get plastic surgery, wear a cuty frilly dress and become a qt loli or mutate your body through genetic engineering.



Exactly the type of answer I was expecting.



Well if you don't want to master thought and the essence of the cosmos, those are the kind of options you'd have to resort to.



Oh no, I understand that. I'm just interested in shapeshifting and looking out for any knowledge related. But again, the answer was expected.



>Your posting structure is somewhat confusing so I'll try my best to answer.

>So let me make it even worse by adding lose answers.



there is no magic

there is only power

esotericism of evervessence consequently is hidden from thorns such as yourself, yo uare weak and do not have the definitivity to eleanite the pervessence

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