Anime is only truely enjoyed by a small fraction of people, and even mainstream anime like MHA or Death Note or whatever else it was the past years are too popular sources of entertainment as compared to, let's say (hollywood) movies, video games or even social media. Most normals who have even heard about anime, keep themselves distanced as not to be associated with moe shit that is the main face of anime today, or they even just plain hate it cause its cool to hate anime suddenly. It's a stereotypical response, but I think it's one that is completely true: you should see anime more as a medium, like movies or video games, as there is a large variety. I say that there doesn't air much good stuff anymore, writers blandly copy-paste characters or plots, animation is on a super tight budget, etc etc, anime made to make money instead for the sake of making something fun, like what has happened to every other medium. Past the popular animes, MHA, One-punch and the masses of bad Moe shit, lie some very good and cozy animes, but I'm not sure which to recommend. Azumanga Daioh is THE predecessor to high-school slice of life, and it's actually good, but I don't think this is where you should start. Hokuto no Ken is a classic, and while somewhat simple, the plot improves the further you go, the problem is it is 150 episodes long. I also heard the manga is far superior to the anime, but I never got around to reading it. Pokemon Indigo League is cozy and pretty normie, but maybe too un-obscure. Maybe Nichijou or- while hard to find, Lupin III (before 4th season)?
Well, I guess what I am trying to say it's hard to get a good picture of anime without having invested time into watching a lot of different ones, and many people won't get the chance to delve into the better, more obscure ones without actively searching them. I doubt it's in your interest to get into anime, so I'm going to move on to my main point.
Anime/Moeshit makes up just a small fraction of poisoning youthful minds (in the west), Video Games and Internets such as Youtube or Social Media have a far larger impact. Instead of learning and honing their real world skills, kids waste their time away on video games, and seeing how machines and also fictional character outperform them, they lose all motivation to even try. The school system reinforces this, after coming home from having spent most their day slaving away on school and maybe getting yelled at, they just want to relax. Youtube is the new movies industry, but led by individuals, a direct reflection of our current social culture and climate, kids also spend a lot of time here. Social media removes all need for real world social interaction, and also milders most their barriers, people are seen as simple, 1 dimensional pixel avatars on the screen instead of real people with real emotions and opinions, as well as many other things which in total fuel to disregarding human worth, thoughtless vulgarness, etc etc, if you spot one of today's youth in real life they will be bitter, cold, self-awareness lacking dumb nigger-tribeling-alikes. The combination of all these things makes our 'culture'. As culture is no longer passed down by grandpa and mother to child, no more fairytales, most people spend their time holed up in their own rooms slowly spiraling into madness as they have barely any connection to the real world and no one else does either. Anime makes only a fraction of all the things poisoning our culure- and so our younger generation. I don't understand all the hate for anime which has popped out of nowhere and then exploded the past months, as opposed to say video games which are clearly far more destructive. I might even argue anime is one of the finer hedonistic activities, and often leaves you thinking afterwards. Maybe it gets all the pressure because it's one of the more stranger, foreign influences on our culture, whilst video games and movies and internet are left alone because they have already been integrated into it. I wouldn't say that the attack on anime is orchestrated by jews or something, because it doesn't really make sense, or maybe I'm overlooking something. Anime has birthed image boards and shaped its culture, and now we are to expell it? At best it just seems like something to turn hate away from more important matters.