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Esoteric Wizardry


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Yes the title sounds insane but then the concept of the Illuminati and whatever occult things (((they))) are involved in is quite insane.

Earlier this week I had a vivid nitemare that I was being chased by witches around a childhood park field. I had an important letter in an envelope that I threw to the ground hoping it would lure them off. It felt like one of those spirit attack visions. Then earlier today having a sleep in the afternoon I had a dream that George Soros was in a wheel chair in somewhere like a department store, surrounded by people, I was trying to film him with my phone and ask questions then Jacob Rothschild came along and pushed me away. A couple years back I had a dream that Poke Runyun (a noted occultist) was conducting a ritual and was intoning the name "Rothschild" I think the dream then went to a classy restaurant, there were cameras and I felt threatened by them like they where the all-seeing-eye.

Later I would find my self at a similar place IRL. Luton Hoo estate, actually owned by the Rothschilds themselves. It was there that my aunt told me that during the French revolution a lady of the French aristocracy fled to Cornwall and married into my fathers line, a literal enemy of the Bavarian illuminati . I keep finding more out about my forefathers and find that I am a direct descendent of a Celtic peoples, alchemist druids who traded with the Phoenecians.

I have too many weird sychronicities in my life and the more I connect with my ancestry, and the visions I have the more I get the feeling that my destiny is at odds with these people that seek to run the world, and in past generations, they have been the literal enemy of my family.

Can anyone relate? has anyone had any experiences concerning the occult practices of the mega-lo-maniacal?


Guys I evoked Ebola Chan and regret it. What can I do to banish her other than wait out? I am infected with her love it seems… but holy fuck the way she manifests to me, she is creepier than in the cartoons…



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