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Hello /fringe/, just passing by and wanting to know your views on these two folks…

For those why arent familiar, Bashar is an multi-dimensional human-alien hybrid (the grey big eye blad type) thats around 5000 years ahead of us and its been chanelled by Darryl Anka.

he focuses on talking about vibration and how there are billions and billions of alternative universes and how to live in the world everyone personally enjoys more or would love to all we need to do is learn how to git gud at aknowloing our vibration that we send out so we change earth´s.

he tends to be funny and sarcastic at times, once he told a cuck to man the fuck up in an enlightened way.

Abraham Hicks is (or are) a accumulation of entities that used to be related to humans but no longer are due to ascension, that took interest in our current "time line" and like to give insight form another dimension. they are chanelled trought a lady called Ester something.

They talk mostly of law of attraction (the full one, not the marketed in the shitty book/movie).

I kinda like both most of the times and seem to give somewhat the same spot on, both focus on the empower of the self perception and change yourself rather than "changing the reflection in the mirror".

Lots of their stuff are really helpful, but at some points i feel they are deliberating letting things out, just like an adjahn i knew back in western australia (the fucker denied magik over and over in public speeches but once i saw him cast fire on wood from mere chants and naked hand, and he also denied influence of others but then again i saw him calm a wild bear by just giving him a look jedi style)

So i wonder if there is more for the chanellers.

>Vid related, one of bashar answers i like.


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freemason disinfo confirmed

You will be killed when Trump is elected. You've outed yourself enough.



kek wjat the fuck does merkel and masos has to do with any of these? both of the people i post about arent even jews, just because they have bashed cristianity?


Just seems like some jackass scamming retarded hippies like most cults.


bullshit occultism /x/ tier bullshit


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Ýou /pol/cucks live in another world.




lel… i kinda like the positive actitude they have but yes, it feels like the lowest tier of "green pill".


Interestingly enough both chanellers and entities been chaneled support trump.



He's a legit Essassani.

He leaves a lot of shit out and refuses to touch on certain topics but it's mostly because of the groups that he channels to(they are low in consciousness), and also the fact that Darryl(the channeler) is filtering a lot of the source information with his ego. He was way better years ago. His immense popularity must have changed what he is allowed to transmit and how he does it. Overall, they are good to watch, they answer things that no channeler has really been asked before, but you can find better material out there.


Don't feel bad about liking them, he's good entry-level for newfriends interested in this stuff.

Also there's nothing wrong with the hand symbol that intrinsically makes it disinfo, how ridiculous.


any better channelers?


>> 85286

whos better?




Well.. start with the Law of One material by Ra. >>85314



>Listening to what others 'channel'

>Not listening to what you can channel yourself.

I'll never get this, truly.

I have never met this organism that claims to be speaking through this person. I prefer to make my own arrangements.




Will do, thanks.


>Not harvesting the knowloedge of others and bend it to your used as whatever you see fit.

I get what you meant by having 1st hand experiences/sources rather to having to trust others instead… but that doesnt mean it can be put to good use, having contrast is good anon.



I don't know about Bashar… As Daryl says in a recent interview, it really doesn't matter if they're the real deal as long as the message is the real deal (and in general it is). I have detected every now and then signs that at least Bashar does seem like a genuine channeled entity. The way he explains the very process, for example. I don't think he is anything special or worth paying for though, although I'm interested in seeing his new film as soon as I can get my hands on it.

>once i saw him cast fire on wood

Shit. These kinds of things are what I'm looking at right now.

So far my magic only manifests through cause and effect (as in, I can try to move an object through visualization and gnosis, and someone will come along minutes later and move it in the way I intended), but not in direct "telekinetic" style.

How do I get to this new level? I've read most of what I've been able to find online regarding this, but it doesn't click.



>Darryl(the channeler) is filtering a lot of the source information with his ego. He was way better years ago




>freemason disinfo confirmed

Your ignorance is showing


Of course this is (((just a coincidence))), but the essassani, being a hybrid human-grey race, sound exactly like the kind of hybrid the "negative entities" are planning to create according to Montalk.




What would he even know, the guy is highly overrated.






The majority of the books he recommends I sincerely doubt he has even read. A number of them I can tell from his description that he has indeed not read them, or he glanced through the table of contents at bare minimum. His material itself is unnecessarily complex in its arrangement. Instead of cutting to the meat of the matter in terms of similarities between traditions, he just throws it all together in one big mess just relabeling it with his own buzzwords. On top of that, every every conspiracy theory imaginable is mixed in with it.



You didn't say anything. Why is he overrated?

I'm sorry, but your post is basically a critique of form, not of content.

>The majority of the books he recommends I sincerely doubt he has even read.

Opinion, to which you are entitled of course.

>A number of them I can tell from his description that he has indeed not read them, or he glanced through the table of contents at bare minimum.

Perhaps he hasn't. But I think we should talk about what he writes, not what he reads (or pretends to).

>His material itself is unnecessarily complex in its arrangement. Instead of cutting to the meat of the matter in terms of similarities between traditions, he just throws it all together in one big mess just relabeling it with his own buzzwords.

OK, his form is unnecessarily complex in your opinion (I found it refreshingly straightforward btw, but that my opinion).

>On top of that, every every conspiracy theory imaginable is mixed in with it.

Yes. But this again is not evidence of anything. It could be that he mixed all of them in order to appeal to everybody. It could also be that these theories are all rooted in some truth.

All in all your reason is faulty if that's all you got for claiming he's wrong (or overrated).

I'm not claiming the contrary. I'm trying to make up my mind. That's why I asked you to elaborate.

But it seems you made up your mind without really thinking much.


I happen to really like Bashar though I don't really listen to his talks much these days. When I first began to explore such things as magic and metaphysics he helped me a lot, and a good deal of my beliefs have been molded by him (though that connection my be unnoticeable by an outside observer). I know for a fact that Bashar has come to me in dreams before and perhaps also in meditation to explain various things to me.

All in all I think that he is very good for normies and people just beginning to question their reality and how things work.


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The only Hicks book I ever read totally reeked of dishonesty. Every other paragraph talked about how great their workshops were and how this other entity has literally told them, go sell books and workshop sessions for a high price and buy yourself loads of shit. You don't sell spirituality unless you are just milking peoples gullability. Also the writing itself is just self-brainwashing, they repeat the same things over and over again, you can't read more than a few paragraphs before they just say in the exact same words. Essentially it all boils down to "If you keep telling yourself over and over that it will happen then it will and if it doesn't you just didn't tell yourself it enough times or truly believe it." I remember reading in a forum once someone very worried about his mom who had cancer and she believed that she must have gave it to herself and only her belief could cure her. She was so warped by this idea of Law of Attraction that the only thing she could comprehend was the preachings of some merchant. Others I have seen seem like genuine cult members or plain shills, you can make a lot of money manipulating people with new age bullshit and I doubt people will ever stop coming up with new tricky ways to take advantage of from what I can tell are mostly middle-aged lonely women. Including the "channeler" herself.


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Do any of you have access to this movie? I want to see it, for free.


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