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I'm starting to think that something has been sapping my energy from me my whole life, or that I have a magnetic pull for intense negative people and energy. My life has been chaotic since I was a child and I have severe depression because of it. The people I get close to end up being energy-sucks who take advantage of my kindness and genuine nature, do these people have entities that feed off of me? I often experience sleep paralysis and I often have dark figures looming over me, I wake up feeling completely drained after this happens. Is there some kind of phenomenon going on here or do I just have bad judgement and bad sleep problems?

Is there a way I can get rid of all this?



burn sage, welcome divine light


create a voodoo doll that looks like you and then say "from now on you are ( insert name) and you will take all the negative energy"



Don't underestimate your own power, if you do not keep yourself spiritually under control, your own negativity is enough to keep a cloud of misfortune and unpleasantness around you.

I understand it is very difficult to accomplish this when you are surrounded by negative people, but you must try, every day you must try to grasp for something positive and hold on to it, even if it's quietly internalizing it if you're surrounded by emotional jackals who want to emotionally pull and tear at you.

Your own power can generate misfortune much less negative entities.



Not OP but

I have yet to try manifesting a ward against negative people, but I may at some point, perhaps I'll try your method as well if I feel it's necessary.


spirits live in the mind network. at the start of a spirits life it can feed on any kind of emotional energy, as it grows it develops a taste for certain kinds of emotions.

we are all surrounded by spirits, we unconsciously culture them throughout our life, and they culture us.

youve got to create a symbiosis with them otherwise they become parasitic. think about what they want, what emotions they have learned to sap from you, and how you can use that to your own ends. thats how people make familiars and tulpas. they have little direct power over the physical world (unless you know how to enrich them, which is advanced complex shit) but they can affect it in an indirect way, through people and through randomness which have a surprisingly powerful effect on the world

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