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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: ac5aae3795317e1⋯.png (795.99 KB, 650x490, 65:49, gnosticism-science1.png)


My guesses would be Seattle, New Orleans, Ireland


and I forgot, Iceland


Are you talking about the actual land itself or the people within it?



the people in it




My guess would be China or India



Tibet, Russia, Persia, Western China, Northern India



Forgot Nepal


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The region of the south west because its closest to south america and south america is stupidly occultic.

Also the founding fathers where Freemasons, every monument has hidden symbols and where built using sacred geometry


also, is it just me or are the flag icons broken?

What kind of shitshow is the mod running here….



Why is South America so occultic? I'm not questioning that it is, I just don't quite understand why. Is it something to do with Amaruca?



probably african slaves and indigenous cultures. brazil is probably the biggest clusterfuck of cultures in the world



1. African slave voodo

2. native american shamans

3. Nazi hideouts

4. A lot of people dont know there is a country filled with Indian Hindus in south america called Guyana

5. Brazil was flooded with Japanese after america passed the asain exclusion act, so Buddhism and shinto

6. European colonizer magic



The nazis escaped to argentina and the Thule Society is still operating there in secret.

Trump's father was actually part of the Thule Society, finally the masons will die.



That is the fault of the global admins of 8chan and not the board owner or volunteers on here.


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also forgot to add, that you take all of that and it is put under the banner of a people in the mainstream who are all traditionally catholic so you have that symbolism and art, and tradition that comes with Catholicism.

There is just something about south america where all the old magical traditions, the occult, aliens, psychedelia, and secret societies are plentiful.

The inventor of the surrealism style of painting called mexico the most surrealist country on the planet.


In 1938, Breton accepted a cultural commission from the French government to travel to Mexico. After a conference at the National Autonomous University of Mexico about surrealism, Breton stated after getting lost in Mexico City (as no one was waiting for him at the airport) "I don't know why I came here. Mexico is the most surrealist country in the world".


Probably India, Japan, some places in America probably, some in Africa too, probably New Zealand and Egypt also and who knows, probably some places in Russia, China, etc…

I'd say Portugal is very much so, too. (My country btw) But I haven't traveled that much yet, so I can't really compare… But comparing to Spain (which I've been at), and most other European and other more developed countries, Portugal is the one of the «richest» in culture, climate, and more.

It has a LOT of crazy and very fascinating and important history, a very unique and «mystic» look to most cities, with a lot of masonic buildings and places, and a lot of buildings, monuments and statues filled with «occult» symbolic language.

It still has a lot of castles (which the we had to conquer from the Moors, back in the medieval era), and many palaces, monasteries and more, each with their own particular history and such.

It has a lot of tourists now, and also a lot of diversity in culture there, when it comes to people.

And for even more variety and diversity (specially in fauna/flora/etc), we also have the Azores islands. Which is the best place I've ever been in.

Plus its a really small country, so you can easily explore the most interesting parts of the whole country in like 10 days.


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>"I don't know why I came here. Mexico is the most surrealist country in the world".

getting lost in any foreign country is a surreal experience.

>and secret societies are plentiful.

what secret societies in south/central (?) america are you talking about, can you give examples?



aren't you guys one of the countries getting flooded with Chinese millionaires?



IDK, we do have a lot of Asian tourists and some immigrants. We are also probably in dept with them or something, that's why they're expanding here.

But to be fair, you see all kinds of tourists here.. English, German, Chinese.. W/e.

There are many things wrong with this country, specially in the way it's ruled, the politics, some laws and some corruption. But nothing to get particularly upset about.

Here's why the tourists like it so much:

-The climate is more than good and balanced with the seasons.

-There are no animals that can kill you.

-There are lots of beaches, ocean, rivers, mountains, etc… to explore.

- Rich in history and culture.

-Very cheap seafood and most other foods, specially comparing to most other countries. Foods that the richest eat on the most developed countries are commonly eaten by an average joe in here.

-Drugs have been dis-criminalized long ago (meaning someone who gets caught with drugs, not matter if its hard drugs or light drugs, wont be treated as a criminal, but as an addict and someone who needs help), you can also easily smoke weed in public, unless you provoke the police by blowing smoke in their face or something. In that case they would have to act.

-Criminality is low

-No war for ages now-and hopefully remains like that.

-Lot of variety not just in people, but also natural areas, buildings, structure styles, etc…

-There is always a lot of night/party activity, you can drink/smoke freely on the streets.

-Many things to see, being one of the smallest countries in Europe.


Ok, I get it, your latinoamericanoayayay shithole is really great and poor basement dwelling magicians should scrape up their shekels and visit.

Can we talk about white countries now? Or Japan, I don't mind.



Lmfao, you should really get your history, or geometry up bro.

It could save you from embarrasing yourself in public.. [ :



I mean, Geography*.




>Criminality is low

Portugal is the rape capitol of the world…




>New Zealand

Definitely not the most. There are definitely some occult aspects of Maori history, but as far as I can tell it isn't any more than most other tribal groups. Most of that is suppressed now, too, since now it's a Western country full of people who descended from Christian Europeans.


Obviously you're right about Portugal being full of crime, but I thought it was South Africa that had the highest rape rate, and had for a long time.



Sorry meant rape capitol of Europe

But seriously most north and central European countries are very heavily occult but extremely secretive and the legitimate occultists in the countries don't speak about it at all.



I've lived here all my life and I never even heard of any rape case, ever. That's total bullshit.


Again, total bullshit, instead of believing total strangers about things you know nothing of, try searching for yourself, bro. It surely isn't full of crime, specially comparing to places like America, Mexico, UK, etc… Where evil does not sleep. (jk)


It is, and there are still many masonic institutions and groups you can join. Check this, we even had an initiation well and so much more:




UK being high crime is a meme.

Outside of London and Manchester the crime rate is one of the lowest in Europe.



Lol what you mean «outside London and Manchester»… it's the whole country or nothing.




I can not speak for other places, but as a brazillian i can confirm this. We are a gigantic clusterfuck of everything.

One of the most interesting phenomena happening is that as Catolicism is decreasing (which supposedly were always the huge majority of the population (80%+) in the past) A LOT of entire diferent things are rising to take it's place.

There are communities of Nordic Paganism / Thelema / Wicca / Hermetics / Budism / as well as pure secularism, rising. I met some friends a few years back who each followed diferent aspects, but they all walked together and discussed these things. As i was not redpilled at the time i just tought they were crazy.

The african religions are a chapter apart. African slaves masquerade their entire believe system, merging it which some aspects of Catolicism, which was the official religion, but in the last decades they are more and more getting out of the closet.

There is also the phenomena of Spiritism (which is about 10-12% of the population now), a religion founded in France by Allan Kardec, which gained gigantic popularity here mostly because of the medium Chico Chavier. This last one is kinda of a mirror of all the rest and Brazil. They accept completely aspects of interaction with spirits, getting close with the african religions, and at the same time try to be in agreement with cristianity, catolicism and almost everything else that is rising. They are good people in general.

The bad news is that a lot branches of a protestantism which is complete garbage, are skyrocketing. They are the big winners of the fall of Catolicism as they are about 25% of the population now. They are completely hostile to everything else, including the catholics, and the leaders of these churchs are all tied with Freemasons and praising the jewish people as the good goyim that they are.

And talking about Freemasons, they are everywhere in the positions of power and even below. I was shocked when i discovered this in the last couple years. They are a lot of my college professors, my old boss, a gigantic portion of the politicians (including our new president), and even in my own family. There are also Rosecrucians and god knows what else. It's all really crazy.




It's the same in most European countries. Berlin is a shithole, Paris is a shithole, London is a shithole, etc. Pretty much any (((major population center))) is a hive of jewish bankers who bring in shitskin immigrants and migrants. I base the quality of a country on its landscape, forests, mountains, wildlife, oceans, streams, etc.

All cities are shit, countries should have no more than seven persons per square kilometer and the majority of humanity should be nomadic with city structures existing only for scientific advancement and central knowledge (libraries, universities, hospitals, etc.)



Well I agree with you on that, but when you speak of criminality rate, then it's the whole country..



> Portugal

Where? Have seen very few people actually. The one I saw doing chaos (not my beach at all tbh) was just goofying it.

About the monuments and so on… yes.



>Sorry meant rape capitol of Europe

thats sweden/germany by a longshot dumbass



cuckchanners like you are why everyone is abandoning this site



lol triggered??



If you seen very few people, you have been looking in the wrong places.

Portugal is FULL of every kind of occultists. You just need to know where to look.


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Is Australia the least occult place in the world? The natives are subhuman and the colonials were already deracinated long ago.





The Vatican City State


Israel, Washington DC, Mexico, plus what this guy said:



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As far as Europe goes, it would be quicker to nominate the countries devoid of a rich tradition of esotericism.

The safest bets would be Prague, Venice, France, Ireland, Iceland and the western half of Great Britain (where the Celtic heritage is stronger)




What makes North India especially occult compared to the rest of India?


>it would be quicker to nominate the countries devoid of a rich tradition of esotericism.

Care to do so?



Excluding the microstates, I would go with Denmark, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Albania, Netherlands, Belarus, Moldavia.

Every other European nation is known either for its folklore, pagan heritage, Christian mysticism or Renaissance occultism



bullshit occultism, religious nonsense and superstitious folklore aren't "esoteric".



What counts as esoteric then?



My special snowflake brand of occultism which both makes me feel unique and keeps me from facing the fact that I'm a huge loser.


Perth, Australia

A city of satanists.



>least occult place in the world

The most occult place. This place makes people behave weird. They see very esoterically. Could be culture, could be the heat and the division between abos and whites. Could be the perception abos have to the world.

t. part boong.



>A city of satanists.

Both incredibly esoteric and not esoteric at all.

Think about it, maybe we should have defined what "esoteric" is better amongst ourselves.



No it's very esoteric as well. But takes the satanism too far.



You can get a degree on Western Esotericism at the university of Amsterdam. Plus you just know the Dutch do tons of shrooms and LSD, which correlate with mystical experiences.

I'd say Netherlands is pretty occult.


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Liberia in Africa is the biggest hotspot for voodoo and shamanism. They use the readily abundant and available trash laying around to conduct rituals.



I don't believe smartshops in the Netherlands sell LSD yet…



I learned how to perform exorcisms from a half-aborigine man. Told lots of stories, like the wisemen who could teleport all over the outback. Never catch a yowie, mate… They walk between dimensions.

What a stupid fucking thread, tho. You forgot Telos inside Mount Shasta. I lived there for a while and got a taste of the New Age scene, talked to some trees, even met a guy who pointed a gun at bigfoot on the mountain. You got to gain access to the Inner Earth Agartha Complex before the Galactic Superwave turns us all inside out into 5th dimensions beings but don't forget to thank St. Germain and his Violet Ray Ascension Chambers. Besides, I hear they have vegetarian sabertooth tigers underground that you can cuddle with.

Holy fuck I just ate a cheeseburger for the first time in months and I can feel the salt tearing up my insides. IT BURNS, IT BURNS!!! SALT IS POISON!!!


Can anyone explain 'Jerusalem syndrome'?

>Jerusalem syndrome is a group of mental phenomena involving the presence of either religiously themed obsessive ideas, delusions or other psychosis-like experiences that are triggered by a visit to the city of Jerusalem.



Here's a hypothesis:

It's mostly jews that visit Jerusalem.

Jews are prone to obsessive/psychotic ideation.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>What makes North India especially occult compared to the rest of India?

It's right in the Himalayas where are the principle ley line.


Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.


Appalachia around the virginia / kentucky / west virginia border is really strange. I've met more witches there than anywhere else except for maybe New Orleans.

The mountains themselves give off quiet a scary aura. Like you're not supposed to be there or explore, but mystery and wonder wants to pull you in.

Doesn't help that Appalachians are quite a weird bunch. Pretty eccentric people (complete opposite from your average west coast eccentric)


Iceland, Japan, Nepal, India, parts of S. America (Brazil, the Guianas, Peru, Bolivia, etc.), parts of the Caribbean (Cuba, Hispaniola, etc.), parts of (west) Africa, and as for N. America, I'd say the Pacific Northwest, Florida, DC, and NYC are hotbeds for occultism.


Why not create your own shit your boring faggot? The past is fucking gay. Why go do something somebody already did? Those places all failed, but you want to go there and be around failures? So you can hear their stories of failure? Holy fuck free your mind faggot. You are so dumb you are reading these words I wrote while I'm planning your demise. Everyones goal is immortality. You gotta be fucking retarded to think anyones just gonna be like oh come on in anon we got your back now!


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Begone catholic



Not to mention their abundance of psychoactive native plants. Psilocibin mushrooms, salvia, peyote cactus and all those different roots and plants further down south that they make ayahuasca with. The shamans here are provided with powerful tools. I have always felt that the whole New World was a wild place.


Malaysia and Ireland


beware of datamining threads


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The east / west / and southern coasts of USA are literally the most occult regions in the world.

Cities are built upon ancient ruins, you can look on damn near any satellite feed and see where a "new" housing development has overgrown roads beneath it that extend beyond the "new" roads.

Anywhere that has an underground along the coasts is incredibly full of occult / esoterica.

> ruins of Atlantian empire

> literally owned and operated by Pirates of the Caribbean

> citizens' souls literally taken at birth for spiritual bondage

> not being most fringe/occult

wizards, i–

you know what? Nevermind. My theory is that this board is approximately 90% controlled opposition.


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"Hunter gatherers" didn't dredge straight canals hundreds of miles long all along the coast.

Charter a small aircraft along the US coast, you'll get redpilled fast.

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