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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
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If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

File: de9205340603c8a⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, tmp_25825-20161018_2350491….jpg)


Flags have been and continue to be broken now for MONTHS on 8chan and it's only getting worse


Contrary to what the subversives many of them possibly from fringechan.org or else pretending to be from there and then coming here to create divisions while framing them would have you think, this is not my fault, and it is something which must be corrected by CodeMonkey / the global admins. I have no control over this shit. So please go on over there and pressure codemonkey to finally fucking fix this. The site is half-broken and many things aren't working.


I have wanted to add new flags and do many other things for a long-ass time but everything is broke.



website is broken on purpose



Redpill me on why the site is being broken on purpose and what the proof of that is?



someone looked at the code and found out that there was code that was deliberately crippling the website. now the source is closed. there's more mature software that already runs better but 8ch persists in using their cripple software.



Fam, I've only seen one person blame you for this. There is not a legion of 'subversives' doing it. Although it doesn't really matter whose fault it is, because this board is fucked either way.




I don't have that privilege to go access the code and modify that shit.

Where is code monkey? I might have to make a doll out of him and curse him with intense nightmares featuring flags and stuff beating him until he fixes the site to make the nightmares stop. Really would be a waste of loosh though if it would have to come to that and I want to focus on other stuff.



He doesn't check /sudo/ let alone 8chan every day, only periodically. It's common for him to take week-long (and longer) breaks from the site, while still focusing on doing specific work for the site. You could say he's isolated himself from the up-to-date 8chan, as if he's offline from the internet, and is unaware of the e0001 threads and missing flags (both problems are related in that they're stuck in sys) and assumes working on the overboard and timestamped filenames is the current high priority.



He's a paranoid kike who has gone to the looney bin before, do you really think he can distinguish reality from "it was real in my mind goyim"?



Learningchode you have arrived!


File: 0e8cb1a002a9119⋯.webm (1.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, swim girl.webm)

Are the flags fixed yet?

When will you change this fugly stylesheet?


When will you make youtube videos again?


I wouldn't mind a Lilian flag of some sort. I know there isn't much of an establishment for it, but still, s'muh bag.



if you don't like it change it yourself

(click options on the top left and go to theme)


Why does CodeMonkey automatically oppose everything I ask of him?

He won't fix the god damned flags and he won't add my new branding feature I want as a gag.


I don't get why it's so important for him to deny board owners the chance to moderate in new (and softer) ways. Wtf is he worried about exactly?



I have wanted to add about 50 or so flags in the last few months now but CodeMonkey just automatically dismisses and ignores everything I request.

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