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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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> 2016

>Still breathing with your chest





as in deergha swasam?


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I really want to study breathe work but I'm not sure where to begin.

I've read The Science of Breath, but beyond that I'm not sure where to go. I looked around for guided breathing exercises on YouTube and what not but couldn't really find anything. Can anyone point me in the right direction?



Mantak Chia


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




i used to have a copy of the healing light, mantak chia makes no fucking sense


>try this

>overcome by a constant need to yawn until I breathe like a pleb again

the fuck



>starting with a high level book

Start with Cosmic Inner Smile, then read Iron Shirt Chi Kung.

The packing breath is amazing if you really learn how to do it right.


How can I breath through my diaphragm 24/7? I'm trying to be conscious about it but there is still a lot of time that I breath through my chest.



Wish there was a hack for it. But unfortunately as far as I'm aware, It's literally just a matter of 'breathing manually' as often as you're aware enough to remember.

Eventually your body will go "Oh fine, Fuck. Let's do it your way" and you'll notice your breathing pattern has changed. Just gotta keep at it till the switch takes place



What do you think about buteyko and if its bad what should your daily breathing patern and volume be like?



It's funny you mention this.

Back when I started karate my Sensei told us (his class) that we must breath 'abdominally'. Later I'd learn this was also called breathing into/out-of the Lower Dan Dien. From my karate practise this breathing had become standard for me, even after I quit karate itself.

What you say is true, a consistent conditioning of the body will unquestionably lead to the conditioned behaviour becoming normalized; as such use this knowledge wisely.

Safe travels, Friend.



A proper karate master would have explained the function of breathing in relation to the energy body.

The entire point of karate is to ingrain the kata as a natural movement through repetition in order to develop the energy body.



This happens. Keep at it.



I've always been the most laid back relaxed person I've ever known.

Only until recently did I realize most people don't breathe with their diaphragm. I've been breathing this way ever since I can remember.

Out of curiosity I stopped doing it and started breathing through my chest like most people. Not only was it more painful, but I found myself more irritable.

Unfortunately there are a lot of people where this isn't possible. My girlfriend for example has sinus problems where she can't inhale through her nose, so she is forced to breathe through her chest.

Best of luck to those who want to improve their breathing though, it makes a world of difference.



I have a bent nose and unless I have my sinuses 100% clear I can't breathe through it. I still do abdominal breathing even when I'm forced to breathe through my mouth.

It takes extra effort, but it's worth the try.


Heres a mantra

"I am 100% content with who I am and there is nothing you can do about it."


Guys if you're having breathing problems this is how I personally corrected it:

1. Get a gym membership of like 6 months and make sure you have time to go there every day.

2. Go to the gym every single day for 5 hours or more. Constantly exercise to keep your heart-rate and breathing high. Your noses will come unclogged during this time and will probably clog up again as soon as you stop but eventually they will stay unclogged even when you stop until the condition of your nostrils being unclogged becomes the default most of the time.

3. Fill in the rest of the time with tumo meditation, aka focusing on your body and willing an increase of electrical activity throughout your whole body heating it up, and often pairing this energetic activity with the idea of healing too, imagining you are healthier every day and forgetting you ever were sick.

Also use water to unclog your nose regularly and wipe your mucus away on you a cloth you carry with you or on your sleeve or something, don't let social conventions prevent you from clearing your nostrils. Don't ever blow into tissue paper, blowing your nose into water or blowing your nose into your hand and then washing the mucus off your hand is preferable. Tissue paper just irritates your skin.

Anxiety makes it harder to breath, keeping your body warm and then doing stretches while warm and focusing on good archetypes will relax your body.



I like this mantra but for me to use it, I have to be in a deep trance where my awareness of myself is different, as I am most certainly not content with a broken body but I am content when I imagine and perceive only a better body.


Basically breath through your nose and not your mouth… All these silly videos when the point is that simple. AKA just breath slowly, catch your breath etc


File: dc8d21b74e6915d⋯.pdf (185.72 KB, 100x100, 1:1, Yogi Ramacharaka - The Hin….pdf)

Remember, just breathing through the diaphragm isn't the optimum. If you want your breaths to be perfect, you should begin with the diaphragm, and then breathe with your sides and upper stomach, and then your chest. Imagine the air coming from the bottom of your spine and going upwards. Exhale through pushing down with your diaphragm.


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What does yawning even do? Any ideas?



I actually do feel energy being pulled through my feet when I do this. What does this do exactly?






Éiriú Eolas



It's actually shocking how many are stuck with chest breathing. Been doing it for years now. We must spread this basic and easily digestible information to the pleabians


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






>practice breathing

>get to a point where I can most of the time stop a sneeze or a hiccup

is this normal and how it's supposed to progress? I thought sneezes were not involuntary but I can stop the feeling in the nostrils without it completing itself


If you breath in as deep as you can and breath out as much as you can, but very fast, over and over, you can get to a very good feeling state and magical things may happen. Someone said it can be bad on the brain, but someone always says something.


You are now aware of your breathing.





death-promotor kike detected.



thats the breath of Fire from Prometheus Rising and the person you are reffering to is Robert Anton Wilson.

its a neat party trick, basically like a quick snort of MDMA for a few minutes but i wouldn't recommend doing it often


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The Science of Breath is crap. Go right now and look up the "complete breath" from any tradition in the world, any of them, and they recommend first inhaling from the abdomen- to middle lungs- to upper chest, and then the exact opposite to exhale. Exhale top, then middle, then abdomen.

Atkinson fucks up this most basic of all yogic practices and recommends exhaling first by sharping pulling in the abdomen while keeping the chest extended. It's a highly unnatural feeling method, unlike the former version of exhalation which works effortlessly.

I wouldn't trust any of his other works either. Anyone who needs to assume a false name and identity to give his works credence should be viewed with suspicion at best.


Bhastrika, ie the bellows breath is a pretty basic pranayama exercise. Wilson's version is different from the standard, but in no way is bhastrika just a party trick. It's a very common yogic practice to open with a few of these before beginning meditation practice.


I was a little confused reading this thread, coming from a country where you are believed to be stupid, if you breathe through your mouth. More like retarded, not even stupid.



A lot of these posters are Ameritards.

There's a common saying in English, "mouth breather". It basically means retard, but nowadays because of all the pollution and health problems people can barely smell, much less breathe through their nose in america.

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