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So, with the world immersed in a second cold war and so many other things going on, I guess it would be just natural that wizards had some visions of what's going to happen. So I made this thread to test and polish our skills, but also acquire some extra awareness.

I used to be fairly clairvoyant with important events, but I stopped practicing and it's been years since last vision.

What have you seen so far? If you haven't actually seen anything, why not try it now? This thread is not only to post visions of the future you've had, but also to encourage clairvoyants to see what lies ahead in these turbulent times as well as some tips for beginners, or for those who forgot how to do it. Make it interesting. Good luck to you all.


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2060 - peak ice age!

date 'figured out' by newton from the bible

corresponds with the current 50 year solar minimum we are in


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I can make predictions but i do not claim to be a psychic, its more of educated guessing.

Realistically, unfortunately, Hillary will win, whether through corruption or the american people just being dumb.

Only recently did the bureaucrats in Washington realize that post soviet Russia is an actual threat again.

After ww2 america controls western Europe, we made it economically strong but militarily weak, a strong Europe is a threat to america, think of when old Germany tried to get mexico to turn on america with the zimmerman telegram.

So Russia knows this, ever since the invasion of Georgia, it has known this, it has been playing chess, maintaining its control over Russian speaking territory, driving back NATO, reestablishing itself as a power in the middle east, annexing territory.

Russia is still weaker than america, but it has crawled out of the muck and has been running circles around the neocons in power in america.

So of course, if a second cold war is to happen, it will no doubt happen whiten the next presidency.

This cold war is not about ideology, the first cold war was capitalism versus communism, the second cold war will be about power.

Look up something called the heartland theory


In short.

ater, in 1919, Mackinder summarised his theory as:

"Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland;

who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island;

who rules the World-Island commands the world."

(Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality, p. 150)


Some woman who is like a media journalist or whatever called "Anne Cultur" or whatever the fuck her name was is going to be assassinated soon. Judging from what I saw, she's going to fall from a great height, and her corpse will be split in half; although I'm not sure if she was killed before falling all that distance. She will die falling off of a skyscraper I guess.

t. just saw this in a vision


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Smiley, you saw Ann Coulter in your vision because she's a pro-trump and you saw her posted on 8ch's /pol/.

>Ann Hart Coulter (/ˈkoʊltər/; born December 8, 1961) is an American conservative social and political commentator, writer, syndicated columnist, and lawyer. She frequently appears on television, radio, and as a speaker at public and private events.




Highly doubt that.


Met someone named "Pamela Anderson" today. Is that anyone significant? Didn't see anything bad happen to them.



hey thats me



I screencapped this and put it on a deadman's switch btw(in case i get rekt)


i had a kind of prophecy a while back, not sure if this board will agree.

basically one day, supposing everything goes alright and we dont slip into another dark age, there will be a union. like the european union but including the whole earth. america, asia, africa everywhere. and there will be free travel everywhere for member nations of the union.people will travel more than they ever have, and this will cause all the cultures of the world to mix, all the races of the world, religions, everything, until there is a homogeny. then people will be drawn to move to certain places on the earth. a society based on beauty will appear, a society based on strength, on knowledge, etc. then those societies will remain separate for a while, before merging together again after however many generations. solve et coagula.

idk if this will truly happen, itd probably take an alien invasion or a worldwide diasater to truly unite the earth but i can hope



how is this a good thing though ?



This will happen if the Jews win, but I believe that they have already lost.



i can definitely see it being a good thing. its only when cultures mix that they learn and grow. the renaissance didnt happen until east began to mix with west. i can understand homogeny can be a bad thing, as it breeds mediocrity, but if it was done in a control way by benevolent powers; which i believe it is, then it would be most beneficial for every inhabitant of earth and would herald a new era.


keep blaming the jew and the jew will keep blaming the gentile.



The renaissance happened because of the crusades and the knowledge obtained by the then freed (white) slaves of muslims who had preserved the knowledge of their fallen countries. With the last crusade campaign completed, Europe had no virtual outside threats to worry about and could make use of the knowledge left behind by the remnants of the Greeks and Romans, which it did. The real cause of the Dark Ages, which has been scrubbed by school textbooks, was the rise of the (muslim) caliphate that to this day still possesses Northern Africa in spirit, which previous to that had been white and european. Essentially the renaissance was Europe resuming where it had left off previous to the rise of Islam.

Besides, we already have an exchange of knowledge because of the internet and that's why people are waking up to the globalist conspiracies who want racemixing to be the norm and for culture to be eradicated and replaced by corporatism, which is what modern day china is like. Thanks communism. The hard truth is that racial differences exist for a reason and there is no advantage that occurs when you do mix race. Not a single one. The greater majority loses by default if you mix, leading to the dominant traits of the lowest achievers to be spread. If you don't already understand racial differences then this concept may seem alien to you but it's as simple as math. If you take the highest achievers and mix them with lower achievers the average overall is lowered.

The bottom line is that the Renaissance you're hoping to see is in very essence the Dark Age you don't understand.


Trump will win the election. America will not become great again and there will be a period of strife but nothing major. The Planet Nibiru will return to its inner orbit and the Nibiruans who left Earth and their gold mining operations thousands of years ago, will wage war against the faction of Nibiruans that stayed and currently control Earth. In the wake of the war the United Nations will unite the world to face the threat but will have no impact on the war. Eventually the Nibiruan faction on Earth will lose and the Nibiruans will offer their services to help rebuild the Earth. The NWO puppets gladly accepts the help from their new masters and the Earth is introduced to many new technologies, including free energy technology. Earth flourishes under its one world government and generous gifts from the Nibiruans. Population growth rapidly increases and 90% of the Earth's population live in Megacities. New technology that augments the biological limitations of the Earth's population will become more frequent. Eventually their original biological bodies will be entirely discarded. Losing the connection with their temples, the Earth's population will realize their mistake and splinter groups are formed. These splinter groups will eventually make contact with their ancestors in a desperate attempt to save themselves. The rest is up to you.



I refuse that future



>and this will cause all the cultures of the world to mix, all the races of the world, religions, everything, until there is a homogeny. then people will be drawn to move to certain places on the earth

>a society based on beauty

Pick one, you mongrelturd.



>The Planet Nibiru

Stop. We're called /fringe/ not /cringe/



This will not come to pass



Everything on /fringe/ is cringe worthy if your level of knowledge isn't high enough.



My knowledge tells me that Zecharia Sitchin got it wrong. He saw what he wanted to see and some of his translations were incorrect.

It also tells me that Nibiru or "planet X" has been around for quite some time. The cataclysm should have happened three times already and doomsayers keep moving back the dates. Yes, there were cataclysmic events on Earth that nearly wiped humanity out several times but that theory doesn't hold any water.

In terms of magick we have to believe, but if you cite a planet that should be there then it should be there. And probably observable at plain sight, in fact. Why aren't casual astronomers mentioning this but they are mentioning UFOs? I'll take a wild guess and say they're not seeing shit.


There will be a skirmish in the North pole involving E.Ts.

Humans will uncover E.T bases in the pole, and the E.ts will defend their territory and people will die, lots of people.



Dude, the muslims were not barbarians, they had science,philosophy,literature,astronomy,math…etc

just because they are not white,does not mean they were barbarians, delusions of grandeur and white supremacy are really limiting your world view, it's ok to be pro-white, but that should not limit your quest for truth, that is if truth is what you seek and not just mere propaganda.



> they had science,philosophy,literature,astronomy,math…etc

which they got from whites (Alexandria, Hindus)



They got it from Persians,Egyptians,Hindus yes.

but they were not barbarians far from it.

the fact that they plagiarized this knowledge from other civilizations does not mean they were uncivilized.

They are like the jews, they steal culture and civilization., but think about it a totally barbaric people will not understand the value of knowledge.

as a matter of fact I would be more worried about the jews more than muslims.



This only proves Kek is stronger than all the kikery in the world




Muslims stole the fire of civilization from Egypt and Persia. During the beginning of Islam there were still a significant number of whites who practiced the religion mostly to avoid persecution. Islam at the time was not organized as it had not yet been completely semiticized by jews and was being influenced by Persian/Egyptian culture and religious beliefs. The mystic muslims got killed for disrupting durka durk society, and most whites ran off to India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Then the muslims fucked goats and inbred with niggers for countless centuries while being slowly turned into the perfect slaves by jews.

All muslims are jew slaves and must die, islam is a religion of subservience to Yaweh, and the muslims are his golem children.

Kill all muslims



I agree muslims are stupid fucktards and very shitty as all semites, but I don't believe killing all (insert group of people) is the right way to go.

I wish to just wake up and find no semitic believe and believers on earth, but I don't advocate genocide in anyway.

after all it's a memetic virus and memetic viruses cannot be killed by killing their hosts, it's not that simple.


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I've tested these two out and they both work to bring psychic abilities. If you want visuals he has videos on youtube.





what kind of abilities?


A reader had a vision of middle america, IOWA was made mention of. Stated that something that should never leave, left. All with bad emotions and a feeling of dread



So did the win?



I'm going to come here whenever I'm wondering what won't happen in the future.



Anyone else tried these? How long before results?


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>Best comment on /fringe/ in 2017.

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