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Is being "Green-Pilled" the same as being "Red-Pilled"?

/pol/ believes to believe so, and has lead me on this quest for the truth. As far as I know, the Green-Pill is more of a "realizing Magick's real"-esque Pill,While the Red-Pill is more of a "Fuck the Kikes, Fuck the Niggers, Race War Now"-esque pill.

I'd really, really, really appreciate input from the retards who use this board, since you're the main ones taling about 'green-pilling'.

Thank you so very much for any replies!

My dearest regards,

-Roger Wilshire II of Austria


I've always seen green pilled as having a metaphysical connotation and red pilled as having a political connotation.

Also this should've went in the questions thread ya cunt


Both of them mean waking up from the deception and finding truth, they are just different degrees of the truth. Personally I find that the pill terms have become convoluted for newcomers such as yourself and should be replaced by simply waking up/awakening or something similar.



The red pill pertains to everything material, the green pill actually transcends that.

Some of the universal truths we know in the material world are not-so in the greater reality outside of it.

Red pill: Third worlders typically although not always have a significantly low IQ to the point where it is impossible for them to integrate into western society

Green Pill: We're all pieces of the god consciousness and outside of these bodies we are far less different than when we are in them.

That is to say nothing about the actual world we live in, but it is a higher perspective. When you can elevate your way of thinking, our ability to solve those problems and address those issues becomes easier.

People who don't have the capacity to advance beyond the red pill tend to get stuck in that mindset and they start to become emotionally burned out. Think of it like a moth repeatedly striking a light fixture. They become obsessed with the, frankly, retarded overly emotional knee-jerk response that occurs when your awareness is on the same level as that of your problems.

These are the same people who tried to invoke DAK and failed. They're stuck in the material world, they've spiritually got their head up their ass, they refuse to unplug from their emotions because they're addicted to the low level ego controlling everything about their life.



If my original post was not clear enough, the two are not mutually exclusive, the red pill is basically your connection to an accurate depiction of reality. Your mind should not reside within red-pill territory, it is something to provide you with insight, it is not a level on which you should psychologically or intellectually operate.

Your mind should ideally reside in the green-pill strata, as all the knowledge you acquired via the red pill comes to more effective use when you've made efforts to detach your ego and emotions from it.

There is a time and a place for your ego and emotions to do their thing, you should not permanently reside in that state.


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Why is anyone responding to this guy when he called the people who use this board "retards"?



For the benefit of anyone who isn't like him and wants to know.

The intent of the OP is irrelevant, if they're simply trying to be a jackass, not only have they failed, but they now have no reason to be ignorant on the issue.



Not to mention the fact that you're not giving the person what they want if they're initiating a discussion with insults and you don't respond in a predictable fashion. That's actively taking what they've tried to create and turning it into something productive and useful.

So in the end, they're denied their negative response, and some minor good comes of it. It certainly wasn't a wasted effort because other people can access this discussion and now gain or contribute to it in a way that was not intended.

Turn shit into compost, memetic alchemy.



>and outside of these bodies we are far less different than when we are in them

That is simply not true.


Redpill = knowledge of the material world including jew conspiracies, racial differences, governance, society, etc. all that /pol/ stuff

Greenpill = knowledge of the mental/astral planes, its dwellers and phenomena, and their relation and influence with the physical world


The original intention never implied the /pol/ bullshit.

Red pill was just getting to know the unmasked truth.

The green pill is just another stupid meme. It actually is the proper "red pill", not the /pol/ crap.


Green pill is = law of attraction / consciousness research / dream research / exploration of the minds ability to manifest / NLP neurolinguistic programming / research of bible, yoga, other scriptures / The New Thought movement / occultism

Red pill = stuff related to politics

Red pill is related to a worldview on the physical reality

Green pill is the study of he metaphysical. Metaphysical refers to consciousness which relates a lot to air and sound.



I would offer you an opportunity to justify your claims, but It'd probably be more useful to just tell you and other WNs to get out of this game and stick to real materialism instead of faux esoteria.


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The pill meme was always shit and was a glorified strawman comic. It's easy for normalfags to understand but ultimately is a comic about characters. Although I do find it incredibly amusing and ironic that even in the original comics, Greenpill was knowledgeable of everything the Redpill guy was aware of, implying that being Greenpilled also means in addition being Redpilled.

But you just don't have that today. Or more likely it was never that way to begin with. There seems to be a majority of "Greenpilled" posters who are bluepilled obullshitists who contribute nothing. If you want a modern pill comic that bluntly shits on all of them, replace greenpill with bluepill but add /x/-tier and disinfo iconography to greenpill's costume because that's a true to reality "greenpilled" poster. If the pill meme means that much to you and you consider yourself greenpilled, you have to be redpilled first. There's no other way around it. Being truly greenpilled means you're aware of the truth in the mundane and in /fringe/.

>but I don't want to learn about politics and couldn't care less about the mundane

Well that's too bad because the upper echelon of politicans are occultists and the jews meme is real. While you're working on your transcendence or immortality or enlightenment or whatever they're using their occult powers and political influence to gain even more control of this planet. They utilize both mundane and magic means and meanwhile you think you only need one. If you want to get stronger you need to use both arms, don't you think?


I've seen some people refer to the green pill as the red pill, and the red pill as the "red pill"(quotations included). It's just stupid memes and there's no need to label yourself with nonsense.



>but I don't want to learn about politics and couldn't care less about the mundane

Who is even taking this position in this discussion?


File: 5bc0ce238dd0f1c⋯.png (268.03 KB, 576x448, 9:7, d13ca1b49fc8a97c637b728490….png)


>Who is even taking this position in this discussion?

Weakling faggots who want to make excuses. Obviously.



Oh so you're basically trying to strawman differing positions while simultaneously describing other things as "strawmen".

You're not projecting at all, especially about the faggot weakling part huh?

You're so obsessed with the jews, and your head so far up your own materialistic ass that you have no faith in anything at all. If that sort of obsession isn't an indicator of fear, I don't know what is.

You're not going to convince anyone, and I can already tell you're one of those people that others innately distaste for your compulsive behaviors and your inability to round out your life with other influences.

I don't have any particular like for the cultural trends that secular jews are responsible for, and I think Israel should be stripped of financial support, but they're not the inherent source of ill in this world. And your obsession with it and trying to shoehorn it into every aspect of your life and that of others guarantees that people don't fucking like you, and for good reason.

You're weak for your materialism and your fear of your own personal limitations, and you're also a giant faggot who makes excuses for your psychological problems and your anxiety which you force upon others.

Go back to trying to force bad memes because you lack any real power, only until you get your head straight will you start to acquire any at all.


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Are you being ironic and trying to go for the next rage-copypasta since the Navy Seal copypasta? You're lashing out at a completely different poster. Lose the butthurt autism and reddit spacing. It might do you some good.



I don't think he misquoted. He is just raging at trivialities and projecting very hard for some reason.



>Green Pill: We're all pieces of the god consciousness and outside of these bodies we are far less different than when we are in them.

>implying niggers are anywhere near being as spiritually evolved as Aryans



>niggers having produced a single piece of notable art either "mundane" or esoteric

>niggers being capable of innovation

>niggers being spiritually equal

Shove you anti-empiricism masquerading as esoterics deep into your brown ass, you double nigger.




Stop being a faggot, anon.



but faggot kun there's "muh aryans" that live in gutters and suck dick to get their next hit of crack



We call those "gypsies" and they are just aryanphones.



kys "Roger".



Take a look in the mirror, what have YOU done? What makes you different from so-called unspiritual, animalistic niggers? Take your worldview with you in the white trash compartment where you belong.



>What makes you different from so-called unspiritual, animalistic niggers?

Not looking as much like a monkey, having a STEM degree, having a three digits IQ and coming from a progeny of scientists, doctors and going even further back an ancestry from the people that invented civilization. That's pretty much unattainable from the vast majority of niggers on this earth and simply impossible for the niggers still in Africa.



And yet we still bleed, have to eat, shit and we'll still age and die. Seeing yourself as a superior being is laughable, little monkey man. Get away from /pol/ for a change.



this. i'll look around in a few hours for a perfect post i saw on fringechan that described race.

basically we're all human but blacks are closer to the earth and tribal living due to coming from apes, while whites are more independent and non-material due to alien intervention. even if you ignore the alien stuff, it's still a perfect description of races without being overly /pol/ and "niggers dont have heart chakras etc etc"



You are woefully ignorant. It's irritating.

I'll begin by saying that the ills of this world are decentralized and distributed to a large degree. The jews in power, which are different from the jews NOT in power, had decided to take the reigns of the world.

At the same time, non-affiliated groups besides the jews have also decided to take the reigns of the world, worse and not.

I will also say that many of them use occult as well as "mundane" ways of having power and leverage over others and the world at large.

Our governments as we know them, even ignoring the deep state, are also free-will agents of their own decision making, with as much power over matters as these cabals or what have you.

The fact of the matter is that it's a multi-level, interlocking system of varying degrees of control (often to the point of NO control… Trump being elected may have been the will of the people for instance).

Shit can get done in anyone's favor, as long as you have the proper causes for the proper effects at the proper times and places etc etc etc, everything is more complicated in this free will, free agency reality we live in, it's never completely black and white.

This leads into my next point: "materialism" is just reality. The more refined and subtle are still acting within the substance of reality, thus, material. There is meaningful distinction between physics, metaphysics, metametaphysics…. whatever, the number of meaningful distinctions is contextual to the knowledge base and communication, but it's not an absolute distinction, so get off your high horse.

I will concede that people focus on the Jews way too much, without much discussion on the systems and institutions themselves, or a meaningful analysis of the Jewish motives, which are actually rational.

For instance, the Jews were heavily prosecuted for a long while, and then they got together and decided to run this shit. Actually, some decided egalitarian peace and love for everyone was the best idea. Some decided to just own all the financial systems. Others just wanted to be left alone.

Some jews don't like Israel.

Some jews like Israel.

Some jews CREATED Israel.

Curating ALL the agents, not just the sensationalist headliners, is much more productive.

So with that, I agree with you entirely.

Other than that, poster >>85777 made some great points, whilst getting a great KEK get. So fuck you. Politics is very fucking important, jews are relevant, occult powers are important, and your negative injections are ludicrous. This redirection of "fear of your own personal limitations" is just you parroting what that poster said, mirroring it, whilst strawmaning the discussion by accusing them of focusing SOLELY about jews when the larger point was that occult practices were done by those with political power, jews included.

It seems you believe that a higher power is in the works of everything, never letting a stray hair fall on the face of reality, thinking that God or whatever is always present, always making sure all is right, all in the divine plan.

Well, you're full of shit. Free will means nothing is as it would in a no free will universe. You have to relearn everything because any random dick can kill you and fuck up your entire "destiny" because now it's a "might makes right" universe, or, "convince others to not kill you by sucking dick" universe, in your case. Everything is optional, voluntary, by choice. Any choice. All choices. Reality gets punched in the fucking face actually. Huge set backs can occur from one super villian, fucking EVERYTHING up. Go on /tg/ and see what I'm talking about, those stories are "what happens when we can all do whatever the fuck we want" in a nutshell. Holes punched through reality from 3 "20"s in a row for instance.

Open the fucking window.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dead wrong.



Greenpill is esoteric to redpill's exoteric.



>t. kike



Yes, it is the exact opposite. Subtle state is even more differentiated than gross state.

The former viewpoint is typical of the inversion we see today.


the pill of green is the pill of lies, you are poisoning yourself with lies by the jewish servant of satan known as smiley

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)


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