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I have read all the books, I have been at this for multiple years, I know everything, but there is one thing that consistently fucks me over; I don't feel emotions very much at all.

I am emotionally dead. While others around me can EASILY get emotional and there's even normies that actually wonder "how can I control my anger" or whatever emotion it is bothering them, I am just consistently empty of emotion, and it is difficult to make me feel anything.

I want to work on my tulpa? I can hardly do it, I just don't feel much. All I can really do is assimilate knowledge now and observe like a living gondola everything around me. I can't make myself feel much in the way of love, lost, anger, joy, fear, or anything else to power my rituals or enchant objects or use my abilities. I just feel nothing, day after day, not very much interested in or being emotionally stimulated by anything happening.

How do I tap into the enormous emotional potential that so readily manifests all the time in the thoughts of others… and keep it going, plentiful, and strong? I know so much but I struggle to realize those intense emotions that give strength to all magickal workings.


you had emotions when you were a child. you learn to suppress those emotions as a defense mechanism, i would guess. too many people are dependent on the outside world to moderate their emotions, which is why many people cannot control their emotions. you can relearn to feel emotions, resensitise yourself, but you have to want to.

start with memories, for your strongest memories will always be tied to emotions, even if you have blocked their expression. learn to feel. then you can learn to generate emotions at will. learn to become happy doing nothing. sit in meditation and become progressively angrier, etc. not because of any external thing but by your own will.

if you want to create a tulpa, or work with spirits, or culture imps and familiars; you must learn to generate emotions at will and then learn to purify your emotions so you only feel the beneficial ones.this is because the beings which live in the mental realms feed off emotions. if you dont feel emotions spirits will see you as barren and sterile because they cant feed from you. if you only feel bad emotions then you attract dark spirits, like fuckin dementors and shit, the ideal is to consciously control your emotions which encourages your spirits to want to make you happy so they can feed on your happiness. yknow, like parasitic and symbiotic.


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Another model and resolution.


there is only blockage.



You have right-brain blockage.

For people like you, I can only say one thing, and a lot of people don't like this suggestion, but -

Take some psychedelics.


Try falling in love and you'll see all those emotions popping up like a fucking pest… Or try some psychedelics xD


Music. Unless you're not into that. Comedy? Stand up comics???

I know! Chug two bottles of robotussin with nothing but DXM in it, smoke some weed and listen to stand up comedy and meditate to diverse styles of music. I like to meditate to turntable scratches.

To get the more powerful emotions rolling in like love, joy, anger, sadness, etc., I would suggest looking into artistic ventures and learning to see the beauty in life, everything that is awesome and beautiful about human beings, even as we are covered in all the mud, blood sweat and tears. Read some classic novels and poems, try different styles of music, and explore the full potential of your headspace in all the beautiful things it is capable of conjuring mentally and physically in all it's multifaceted forms and keeping the self fully unified.

I think this happens because of a lack of not asserting your will into new mental frameworks you're not used to because you identify with a certain personality complex which maintains a thought structure anchoring the perception into an expected vantage point.

For example, when I watch a sad movie, my initial reaction is to trash it, degrade it, joke about it, and just be a troll even if the movie I'm watching is actually a good movie. It's easy to be a troll with anything. But I've learned to use my will and force myself into taking the movie seriously and emotionally engaging myself into it's plot, as opposed to CHOOSING to be an heartless sociopath.

It takes a little bit of work but it's not too hard to cultivate some emotions in balance with intellect. Just try new things and try to seek what you find to be beautiful and manifest into physical reality

People tend to forget that Magic is an art first and foremost.

Of course, keep the intellect sharp as well.



Re-open your chakras. When I started opening my chakras, I became super emotional. I still am, really. This is why you don't want to kill the ego, but understand it and control it. Let it take over if you want, as long as you can pull it back.

Try to think like a child again. Force that natural happy energy back up, do stupid shit for fun, do art, play games, do anything really. Just try to keep that energy up.



From what I've read, doing psychedelics gives you the answers, but you need to know the questions. That being said, I'd love to do some if I could get my hands on it. But they're not a sudden solution.



I seem to have a similar condition. My emotions are still there, but very distant and muffled. Even when I have a "strong" emotional reaction to something it's barely enough to even let me understand what emotion I'm even feeling, I have to stop and think and piece it together if I want to understand it. I used to be quite emotional when I was younger, but years of depression drained it all away and I can't seem to get it back no that the depression is gone.

It's hard to be motivated to do anything at all without any emotional feedback for it, it's like a blind man being a blind man in an art gallery, I know there's something great there but I can't properly perceive it.



>From what I've read, doing psychedelics gives you the answers, but you need to know the questions. That being said, I'd love to do some if I could get my hands on it. But they're not a sudden solution.

Psychedelics affect you in subtle ways you don't realize until after the actual experience, but from my observation and the collective data obtained so far, it is almost always something that elevates consciousness on scales that defy belief.Combine the memories and expansion from psychedelic experiences with knowledge of magical principles, as well as true mental clarity (concentration and awareness) and you've got something truly interesting here.



If you feel something during films or reading books or dreaming or from private fantasies of happier times or even sad times, then it is in your head and you just have to allow yourself the experiences without always holding back.

If you really feel nothing at any time, even involuntary, then maybe you have a hormonal imbalance.

Ask your doctor about being referred to an endocrinologist for a full hormone blood panel.

Apart from that, avoid all hyper stimulating activities.

Don't watch tv or films, don't play video games, don't fap.

If it is your body being fatigued of adrenaline or other hormones, then total abstinence for a while may rebalance things.

Meditation may also help, but if it is a hormonal matter, you might need some treatment to kick start any kind of healing.

Spend time outside in the sunlight, do regular exercise every day. Eat healthily, plenty of vegetables and lean meat.

Sleep very well at night, dark room, no interference.

The psychological part just needs a breakthrough.

Try trusting someone, reveal yourself piece by piece to someone, a girl you like who likes you.


create a can-d0 mindset and only think as big as you can but as for the dream live as though you'd never wake up


I would second trying psychedelics. Maybe you need to open yourself a little to outside influences, "feel one with the universe bro" or whatever. Or maybe you need a "system shock", have the drug activate parts of you that you've long forgotten. Perhaps even simply taking the drug and observing how radical and different your mental state becomes from normal will make you realize the fragility and unreality of your(not)self. The thing in you that thinks it's you but is not YOU, the one that says "I can't do this. I can't feel emotion", you will realize that it's fake and that only you control yourself, and that you can do anything.

As always, drugs should be a means to an end and a tool. Don't let yourself be reduced to a stoner or be the guy who claims he knows the secrets of the universe while tripping but knows nothing after he sobers. Drugs open you to states of consciousness you've never known, but to return to those states you should try to use will alone.

One thing I personally can do is listen to music and get "high" off it and feel intense emotions. I imagine things, like a girl dancing or some kind of story to the tune of a song. I'm not sure why but doing this I can feel a very extreme emotion of being happy and ecstatic so much that I'm brought to tears. It doesn't matter what the song is or what you imagine as long they feel "in tune", and the visualization doesn't have to be perfect and I can even do it while I'm driving. I listened for a long time repeatedly to one extreme metal song, and even though it was just fast drums and guitar and some guy growling incoherent nonsense I imagined a group of people in despair, on the verge of collapse or preparing to fight an insurmountable war, and then I imagined one of them rising up and leading the rest to salvation and victory. This visual along with the song always gave me powerful feelings.

You mentioned trying to make a tulpa. I once tried to create a meme-tulpa for hot ghost sex, which is cringey, but anyway I created an idea of a tulpa and felt love and other emotions for it. I generated emotions out of the belief that this could be real and I could have a companion. Anyway, after this happened and after I stopped talking to myself in my head I noticed I could get more emotional about things. Before I would watch movies and not really feel much, but then I went to the theater to see Inside Out, and was brought to tears watching a silly pink elephant sacrifice himself to save the girl who made him. The point of that I guess is from a state of blunted emotion I was able to mentally trick myself to make emotion, and afterwards emotions came easier.

I don't know what methods would work for you, but you can't give up.



>One thing I personally can do is listen to music and get "high" off it and feel intense emotions. I imagine things, like a girl dancing or some kind of story to the tune of a song. I'm not sure why but doing this I can feel a very extreme emotion of being happy and ecstatic so much that I'm brought to tears

I honestly thought this was normal, and I find myself embarrassed by doing it.



Well I guess driving around looking like a hysterical mad-man is kind off embarrassing if someone noticed me.



you can feel nothing because you are nothing

you are a false consciousness

you are fake

you are not real

you are a figment of one's imagination

drawn here by the devil

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