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File: 01ba2b870b95579⋯.jpg (142.35 KB, 603x434, 603:434, genesis-revelations.jpg)


So Is Lucifer The Snake in Genesis or the Fallen Angel in Revelations?


File: 093ed200cf627a0⋯.jpg (105.68 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, Lucifer_2048x2048.jpg)

File: c1613f1a6158a78⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2362x2362, 1:1, JesusLucifer.jpg)

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Ayyy lmao


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Christians have a pretty moronic idea of Lucifer.

For one, the word is not negative, it means "morning star" or "light bearer". Jesus even refers to himself as the morning star. Lucifer was apparently even used as a title for Jesus early on. But at some point christians decided it was a name for "the devil".

To answer your question, Lucifer is not the snake or an angel. It's just a title.


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>and by then it was nothing but blinding

Lucifer is both the snake and fallen angels, what nobody seems to understand is that he's a huge faggot because he told humans they shall be as gods when they already were.

Knowledge of good and evil means dragging humanity back down into moralfaggotry and endless cycles.


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>Like a piece of earth deprived of its natural fertilizers, the rationalist receives no other nourishment than the arguments handed out by his intellect; and the latter develops only slowly, being influenced by nothing but the painful stresses and accidents of normal life.

>One might suppose that this consequence would have put men on their guard and induced them to seek a remedy. But not at all. Lucifer is an angel of light, and his appearance will always deceive the worldly. Moreover, the serpent which sowed discord between Adam and Eve is the very incarnation of that greed which creates in man the hunger for quantity and then, to satisfy that, the infernal thirst for activity.

>And if anyone, be he Buddha, Christ, or sage, dares to denounce this error, he is at once suspected

of an assault on the "happiness" of the human race; that is, on its freedom to perpetuate its slavery

on earth.


Don't trust the Nibiruans. They will try to win you over by defeating Marduk and the jews. They are bearers of false gifts and broken promises. Awaken and be slaves no more.


Knowledge of good and evil is actually knowledge that these both come from the same place, which is why the Serpent and Samael, the Talmudic angel of death and the accuser of men, are so closely tied. Samael stands at the hand of Saturnine Yahweh along with Christ. The Fall is the gnostic recognition of the true human condition, the story represented by Genesis, by The Woman Clothed With The Sun in Revelations, Sophia stealing light or trying to emenate without her syzygy and creating the demiurge, etc. These motifs are symbolic of the human salt attaining a higher state of consciousness with the assistance of the Spirit Mercurius in chthonic form. There are two states here, one of unconscious naked ignorance and one of consciousness of one's being and nature, Adam Kadmon.

Note also that 'Lucifer' as a term is in the Bible applied to Christ, not the Devil. Its first popular use as such was in Dante's Inferno, but the greedy manner in which the title has come to dominate the name of the Devil in popular western culture speaks volumes to me about the fact that the light bringer is ultimately beyond good and evil.



>loaded question

>is it this judaism or that judaism

Lucifer is just a title.



Before Lucifer convinced Eve to eat of the fruit we didn't have free will.

Does that sound like a god to you?

>Knowledge of good and evil means dragging humanity back down into moralfaggotry and endless cycles.

It means the knowledge of morality and knowledge of free will.



Obviously they had free will before eating the fruit if they chose not to eat the fruit and then chose to eat the fruit.



you don't have free will now you fool





YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Everyone wants to claim Lucifer because they think it will make them cool, even the pope. They are just a bunch of fags.


Lucifer is the Serpent, he's the Prometheus archetype who illuminates mankind but at the same time sullies them hence barring them from higher planes.

I don't think Lucifer and Satan are the same, however but it was Satan who tempted Jesus in the wasteland, and who tempts man to rebel so they could conceivably be the same entity.


He's whatever/whoever you want him to be. It's just a title or name. It can be applied to anything.


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Satan/Lucifer as a real being, and is the True Father and Creator God of humanity.

"Yaweh/Jehova" of the bible to be a fictitious entity, and the people behind coercing this lie, to be the true deceivers of humanity and the masters of lies. This is evident in the many contradictions within the Judeo/Christian Bible, revealing this text to be the work of human beings who had occult knowledge and infused it with power to make it credible, and to incite fear in order to control.

Satanism is the original religion of humanity and is based upon the ancient religions that predated Judaism and Christianity from hundreds to thousands of years.

Christianity was invented to remove spiritual and occult knowledge (the powers of the mind) from the populace and place this power in the hands of a "chosen" few to the detriment of all humanity. The powers of the mind and soul are very real. People who are unaware of or who do not believe in these powers are easy to control and manipulate by those who are skilled in using these energies.

The Original Gods [Demons] were unjustly labeled as monsters and branded as "evil" to keep humanity from spiritual knowledge. Because of this, the human race has drastically degenerated both spiritually and intellectually.

Satanism strongly advocates all learning, knowledge, inquiry, and free thought. The meaning of the word "Satan" in Sanskrit (oldest language on earth) means Truth. So Satanism = Truthism.



Is chocolate Satan?


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Supposedly Christ calls himself Lucifer, but this does not make him so. Just like how I can call myself Hitler, but this does not make me him. Do we accept anyone who calls himself X to be X? I thought we matured from kindergarten. And no, Jesus does not hold up to be the light bringer solely because the Bible says so. Lets analyze it briefly. If we go by the Greek definition, Lucifer means lightbringer (lux = light | ferre = to bring). Considering Satan has always been associated with the Sun, with illuminating people and with Venus, it would make no sense that the one who wishes to eliminate and oppress the usage of light (magick), Jewsus, be considered the light bringer. In actuality, the only light Jewsus brings to people is the energetic vortex of misery, YHWH.

He and his (((angels))) transports your soul upon dying to an artificial "light"- which technically is nothing more but an energy accumulator structure. Merging with this "light" amounts to assimilation into the hivemind of (((The Godhead))), resulting in loss of individuality, and whatever remains of you being used as energetic battery in a colossal loosh farm for nefarious ET's. That's the root of all Abrahamic religions and RHP paths; a loosh farm of monstrous proportions maintained and created by nefarious extraterrestrials (Angels, Greys, Reptiles). These beings deceiving and corrupt authentic and ancient historical knowledge as foundation for their nefarious programs, and these programs turn people into docile and pacifist Marxists. This is their modus operandi.


>muh turn the other cheek!

>muh love is the strongest power in le universe! (as if emotions have more power then sheer bio-electricity/prana)

>you may never hurt anyone even in self defense because muh karma

>X emotions are wrong and a sin, you should mutilate these innate natural emotions, goy

- Christianity, New Age, Gnosticism, Modern Buddhism, etc.

These principles are visible in all corrupted and inherently malevolent programs and have nothing to do with true spiritual power, which is dictated by the volume of prana and the state of the multibody complex.


>what nobody seems to understand is that he's a huge faggot because he told humans they shall be as gods when they already were.

Yeah you're completely right! Everyone is already immortal, everyone has a fully ascended Kundalini, everyone has reached their maximum potential of bio-electric volumes! Come on - all say it with me: "We are already Gods, look at all the illness we have conquered and the freedom we have amassed on this plane–" - oh wait, we haven't. None of those. Godhood is perfecting the multibody complex (energy body, physical body, etc) which results in all the aforementioned feats, such as immortality. Not having reached this factual and objectively verifiable state of perfection means you have NOT ascended to Godhood - perfection, and thus stating that you have ascended to Godhood only makes you passive in not truly achieving it, by deluding yourself you already have.

Stop muddying and corrupting the definition of Godhood that was used by our ancient forefathers for tens of thousands of years - stop replacing it with Judeo-Christian Kosher definitions.

Pic related; Originally Sumerian symbol, evident in the Tree of Life. This is what the snake in the Bible represents. Satan is the one that literally imbued us with the potential to reach Godhood (including Kundalini). He and the snake are synonymous. Satan is ENKI.





This. They mixed things up and pop-culture reinforced this. Worse, according to rumors some books have been removed. These books allegedly displayed a connection between Christ and Sumerian mythology.



Someone fell for pop-culture.



Someone didn't read through all religious text, AND fell for Jewish pop-culture.

Satan isn't Prometheus.


Lol like comic books are like so coool dude lol like this guy must be real cause i saw him while high as fuck lol xD fantasy is so cool dude lots of people are going to take me seriously in REALITY

Grow the fuck up you fucking pussies.


Hahaha bro you mad. Le mAgic. Le SanIty. Le come back to reality you fucking loser bitch. Get on my level. If these words hurt you you are a faggot. Spells are gay. Stop falling for fake shit and face reality. You can do it Harry. I believe in you Gandalf!



>Lucifer is just a title.


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