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What are /fringe/ users doing to help Trump save the world?

I just repeat a ritual over and over where I use a representation of Trump and I imagine white light going into his energy body and I work on his chakras and do prayers of protection, healing, guidance, etc. every day.

You could do the same with a photo or even just an object you associate with Trump for any reason.

I am making sure the God Emperor is protected by the most divine energy so he will be very strong to fight the evil.

I ask also that Kek continues to favour him and that Eris sows discord amongst his enemies.

If Trump was just a normal man originally, he won't be anymore, with all of the memes I keep linking to his energy body and using for programming and all the energywork I do on him. He is being shaped into a divine agent of white (light) power.


damn nigga i get that trump is the lesser of two evils but he really isn't that great

you also energy jerk him off too?



Lesser of two evils? How is Trump evil? …and you don't get it, I'm shaping him into the candidate I want him to be, and it's working. Instead of sending mental influence to politicians shaping them to be evil bastards we should turn them into better men.



I certainly do, I think most people do, even those who are not familiar with esoteria and the power of memetics.

However, we are so close to the election now, that it is all about maintaining the momentum, there are too many factors at play now, there will be no more major changes than those that have already been predetermined to happen, stay the course, maintain your output, see it through to its conclusion.



>I ask also that Kek continues to favour him

But kek, kuk et al is part of the same group of entities that control Hillary and the NWO.

Instead of focusing your energy on a supposed "savior" why not focus that energy on all of mankind? Until the majority awakes, America, or the world for that matter, will not become "great again".



Sorry meant for (OP)




>But kek, kuk et al is part of the same group of entities that control Hillary and the NWO.

That's outdated misinfo. Besides we already know which deities the NWO which includes Hillary worship and in turn are controlled by.



Nibiruans are not to be trusted. The "gods" don't work in humankind's favor. Humankind can only save itself.



You seem to forget Trump (probably) has free will, and there are other interests at work. He's not your puppet and you simply cannot force anything on anyone.

Furthermore, why the fuck have you chosen this man? Donald is very materialistic, cares about wealth, sex, status, hyuge buildings, golden decorations and is generally not the most kind and loving man. Isn't trying to force Trump into being a force of 'good' an uphill battle? Why do you think he will sacrifice himself for a greater good?

Also, Kek is a force of chaos and darkness. There is nothing heavenly about him. Yes yes, he is the bringer-in of light, but not the light itself. It means old things have to die before something new can take its place. Same with Eris, she isn't the most straightforward entity to bring light, justice and order.

You're trying to change the world by forcing an improbable mishmash of stupid choices on a Yankee businessman.



We can tell that you are talking out of your ass.



>waste your energy by spreading it over the masses as a whole instead of targeting specific individuals that are far more important to the course of history



>Furthermore, why the fuck have you chosen this man? Donald is very materialistic, cares about wealth, sex, status, hyuge buildings, golden decorations and is generally not the most kind and loving man. Isn't trying to force Trump into being a force of 'good' an uphill battle? Why do you think he will sacrifice himself for a greater good?

…because right now he's the single most important man on Earth and the destiny of this planet is in his hands.

>Also, Kek is a force of chaos and darkness. There is nothing heavenly about him. Yes yes, he is the bringer-in of light, but not the light itself. It means old things have to die before something new can take its place. Same with Eris, she isn't the most straightforward entity to bring light, justice and order.

That's the point. We need chaos to destroy the matrix control system. All the control structures currently in place must be rendered inoperable.



> Kek is a force of chaos and darkness.

Precisely. We need to disrupt the wrong order. We need the powerful corrupt structure to tremble and fall so a new one can rise. We need pure chaos. It is either that or face the complete dehumanization of the human race.



Shill sophistry detected.

>and there are other interests at work. He's not your puppet and you simply cannot force anything on anyone.

Right now the choice comes down to a dichotomy

Globalism and rule by left wing technocrat sociopaths (Hillary)

Nationalism, or at least the perception of it, with an individual who will at least facilitate the time needed to mount a cultural and physical resistance to the influences trying to push the social and political ends of the camp Hillary represents.

These are our choices, there is no in-between.

>Furthermore, why the fuck have you chosen this man? Donald is very materialistic, cares about wealth, sex, status, hyuge buildings, golden decorations and is generally not the most kind and loving man. Isn't trying to force Trump into being a force of 'good' an uphill battle? Why do you think he will sacrifice himself for a greater good?

Hillary definitely won't if you believe Hillary is not objectively a worse person, with worse intentions and representing a worse agenda, you're either horribly misguided or as I suspect, a blatant shill.

>Also, Kek is a force of chaos and darkness.

In native american culture frogs represent a harbinger of danger and chaos, and the rise of kek is significant indicator of the unstable and dangerous social times we now live in. Simply put, we have no choice now but to be awake to the danger around us (embrace kek), or to remain ignorant and to virtue signal in vain against the inevitable.

To embrace kek is to embrace the chaos, and to adapt and transform it into an outcome befitting our interests.

>You're trying to change the world by forcing an improbable mishmash of stupid choices on a Yankee businessman.

You're definitely either a retarded leftist or a shill.



How so?


He isn't president yet, maybe he never will be. The most important man on earth is in charge of the world's banking system.


Then why put Trump in front of this? Why all the reliance on him bringing law and order?


You think I'm deliberately trying to fool you? You can wallow in your own shortsightedness and smugness or think for yourself. /Fringe/ taught me to think outside of dichotomies. This false dichotomy is a nice show and all, but it won't change anything. The power structure is far more substantial than just the POTUS. Trump is not even an outsider, he has his wall street and Jew York business friends, he was a democrat and a supporter of Hillary. What makes you think this man will live up to his words? We're getting f-ed in the rear by politicians all the time!

I think Hillary is an evil witch, but this is not about her. This is about spiritual 'support' to a fake man. If it were about Hillary, my response would not differ very much.

You're playing with those stupid frog idols, thinking you have any control over it. What makes you think this 'Kek' will have your best interests at heart?

That's the problem with most Trumptards: needing a figure to lead them. They need either a stupid frog idol or a big strong daddy to cater to their needs, without trusting themselves. You're sheep, all of you, and the shepherd is leading you astray. The way I see it, it's you who are the misguided one.


I'm not a Trump supporter actually.


>all this talk of replacing a "wrong" order with a "right" one

>not realizing that orders are always wrong


>Trump magic

yall are getting your loosh farmed tbh



>wanting to live in the eternal cycle of strife and not move upwards in the spiral and enter a new cycle of peace

If the whole Earth's population isn't awakened we will never receive peace. Seeing as there are forces trapping us here, it's in all our interests.


Please save yourself to save us. There is no savior. Don't believe their lies. There is still time.





This. The election was fun and I had a great time tonight, but really you are the only one who can save yourself. Trump may be the lesser of two evils, but no matter his stances, how can you put a man in power of you as if he knows what you need? Hopefully tonight was a step in the right direction for the general mundane populous, but it makes no difference to us. As long as we're not in war or extreme poverty, all we need is to study and meditate. Nothing external will bring us to freedom. Remember that.


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I think it's time for me to take this down guys. We live in a better world now.


File: 4ba9383b726047b⋯.jpg (36.22 KB, 640x675, 128:135, bb077791c8d83e2276288c39e7….jpg)

/pol/ack here,

Not many of us may appreciate your work, /fringe/, but from those of us who do:



File: ab1467a05fe4e51⋯.jpg (388.55 KB, 709x558, 709:558, 1380065572621.jpg)


This tbh.

Thank you based wizards.



How is it better now? If anything the world is more divided now, especially America, than ever and it is bound to create more conflict. I'm not implying it would be any better with shillary mind you.


File: b3fce3e919d5224⋯.jpg (39.46 KB, 654x768, 109:128, Ekman_Vainamoinen.jpg)


Exactly this. It all started with you guys. We'll remember you forever; we'll sing of you like Väinämöinen.



lol butthurt globalist



>implying implications

Globalism and centralized control divides people since it's impossible to please everyone from global perspective. What is good for one region hurts another etc. If anything when kek and the other "gods" return we're going to get an alternative version of globalism. There is still time though.



It isn't a force, it is the fact that all quantum potentials have not been met.

It isn't an issue of being held back or punished, we are memetic workers, we create these quantum potentials, as do natural phenomena of the universe. We're here because our work is not done yet.

As we get ever closer, novelty increases and everything is drawn together memetically speaking, we're all connected in ways we wouldn't previously have conceived, that is when you see more people "waking up" as it were.

Be patient, we have a long way to go yet.



You fuckin covered up my thread on how the A&E staff treat mental patients. YOU'RE ONE OF THEM SMILEY YOU BASTARD



By mental patients I mean suicide risks/suicide cases.




What are you talking about? Links? Did you bother to check the mod log?



This guy is the ultimate /fringe/ candidate for President of America in 2020.



Still periodically checking this thread for a reply from you btw, as I want to figure out what you're even talking about, and how I can amend whatever your situation is.


Election euphoria has already worn off and I'm depressed because of health issues, not feeling good in my body and not looking good, not being able to sleep at all during the night, and my parents getting mad at me every single day and not leaving me alone.

I've been browsing /pol/ constantly for like a hundred hours straight now and I really need to just stop, I'm all burned out, but there's nothing else I can do until my parents back the fuck off and let me sleep. I can't sleep because of all the insane stress they are constantly causing me.



Maybe you should start doing something about your situation? Trump, I or other anons won't save you from your predicament, not even your parents. Only you can do it you fag. Start with the faq it should give you a start.


brainless occultist retard


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I'm all in favor of Basiago memes


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Try some yoga and meditation, it will calm your inner crazy monkey (your mind) and also help you to get some sleep.




Can't when there's bullshit happening all the fucking time here. I will just have to pack up and leave then go fast in the forest for 4 days and just drink nothing but water. It's icey cold with strong winds right now but it's that or just wait through this hell and hope my parents back the fuck off. Anything I do right now when I get the ball rolling they interrupt.

How do I undo Yoga Nidra btw? I can't sleep more than 3 hours and only in the morning. I just want to sleep at night and for the full night.



The better question is how does one shield the Emperor from danger?


Ignore that fool, hes got the media telling him that Trump is bad 24/7 so he believes it.



>How do I undo Yoga Nidra btw? I can't sleep more than 3 hours and only in the morning. I just want to sleep at night and for the full night.




Yoga nidra is not permanent, if its what I'm thinking about, googled the term quickly and I think i've been doing this to cut my sleep short from 10 hours to 3-4.

Just don't do the procedure. Do some other meditation. Do nothing and simply slowly drift into sleep.

If you can accomplish this you can easily force yourself to sleep once you wake up, not that you'll need it but sometimes its comforting to sleep in.



You can only save yourself, shabbos goy.



>energy shield

Good lad. I have done the same.


>entire establishment is viciously against him

>but he must be evil because the entire media monopoly slanders him 24/7


the anti-trump witch thing is happening today isn't it?

what should I do to help him?



If you know much about how rituals work, you'll know that what all those people are doing isn't going to work properly.






Trying to do rituals as a mundane (which /pol/ciddies definitely are) is like a toddler who can barely walk trying to drive a 7 speed racecar

in the best case scenario they won't get it to start, worst case they actually figure out how to start it and ruin the car



There are a few reasons, and some things I'm assuming a little, since I don't know everything about rituals. Rituals for manifestation are a slightly different way of doing things compared to what the books you find here talk about. It's all still intention, will and desire. If you're doing someone else's ritual, you're basically reading a script and following instructions you have no attachment to. It's like doing creative visualization vs listening to an audio track while you meditate that tells you what to visualize. If anything happens, it'll be far weaker than if you'd put your own effort into it and decided on your own specific steps, and had an attachment to the process. Another reason is related to what >>93198 said, and the fact that this is wiccans we're talking about. Probably 99.9% of all wiccans are wiccans because they want to look cool and show off in front of their friends, and don't actually believe any of the practical stuff. Add into that how many normalfags this is reaching because of it being shilled by news places like Huffington Post etc, who either wouldn't know the theory behind it regardless or would spend the whole time wondering why they were doing each thing and questioning it, and who would think they're being silly and funny and not actually achieving anything because they're stupid trendy fuckfaces who would jump off a cliff if everyone else was doing it, and you can already see that it's going to be a vast minority of people who are getting anything done.

There's also the ritual itself: https://extranewsfeed.com/a-spell-to-bind-donald-trump-and-all-those-who-abet-him-february-24th-mass-ritual-51f3d94f62f4 The ritual is based around binding Trump and all these negative adjectives about him (poisonous lies, those who enable his wickedness, etc). Cursing people like that requires focusing your intent on negative energy, which can bring a lot of negativity into your own life. If you try to influence someone's life in an occult way, you're working against all the energies in their life, as well as their own free will. Those powers are working towards specific ends, and you're trying to introduce something new that goes against them. If it isn't strong enough or it just doesn't work anyway, it can backfire and affect you instead. If it does work, that energy will still backfire for a lot of the people that don't know what they're doing, probably. Plus, they'll be empowering the NWO etc and allowing all of the horrible shit in the world to continue. Compare that to the pro-Trump pizzagate-related mass creative visualization reposted from /pol/ in that other thread here, which is focused on positive energy related to saving the children and giving them freedom. The intent is positive, and you're trying to empower people who are having their free will restricted, rather than trying to restrict the free will of the pedos. Also, a lot of that negativity is based on things that are incorrect, like the endless media lies and truth stretchings. It implies that he's intentionally trying to do harm to the world, which is obviously just (((media sensationalism))). There are a couple things I don't know much about too, like I said. I don't know much about tarot cards, but I thought they were only meant for divination. The ritual involves inverting the tower card. I guess it makes sense in terms of symbolism though. Also the fact that the beginning of the ritual involves calling on "demons of the infernal realms", among other things. In the first place, I don't think invocation is as simple as that (I might be wrong, I don't know a lot about it). Secondly, people who don't know how to get rid of the things they invocate are bound to have horrible shit happen to them that they can't control. One last thing is that when I read the ritual this morning there was no cleansing involved. That would have allowed unrelated energies into the ritual, which tends to make them either not work or not do what you wanted them to do. It looks like they've been updating it as time goes on, though.



Very elaborated, well explained. Consider making more paragraphs for easier reading.



wow. thank you so much.


WHAT THE FUCK did you little roleplaying faggots SAY TO ME?

You don't even know the battles going on behind the scenes, timeline manipulation, AI takeover, and Sophia actually winning in the end.



No problem.


I think I may have subconsciously avoided making more than two paragraphs because I didn't want anyone to cry Reddit spacing. This place gives people bad habits.


File: 8ee1d63db73da74⋯.jpg (51.98 KB, 462x524, 231:262, subliminal death rune = 'p….jpg)

File: 66e29d3ab46716e⋯.jpg (61.44 KB, 472x477, 472:477, liferune.jpg)

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Anon, i…..


File: 5e99c3692f4037b⋯.jpg (54.77 KB, 330x499, 330:499, 51ylO+D23uL._SX328_BO1,204….jpg)


Runes do not fucking work that way. They're not tarot cards you fucking kike.


File: a8e85c77db50f9e⋯.jpg (274.67 KB, 725x938, 725:938, 1941-018.jpg)


You sure like insulting people for no reason, you frogposting degenerate.



Kikes should not speak to men, just die.



butthurt bullshit occultist



Do you have a better explanation of why the peace sign is an inverted life rune, then?



>asking a total arsehole

Leben Rune (Life Rune)

The Elder Futhark reconstructed name for this rune is *algiz, ‘protection’. It denoted the common Germanic sound *z, which corresponds to ON *-R in final position. In the Younger Futhark the same sign designated the sound m and was called maðr, ‘man’:

Delight of man and augmentation of the earth and adorner of ships.

In the Armanen rune row it is the 15th rune, which bears the name Man. This symbol was adopted by the SS Lebensborn Society and Ahnenerbe. In the SS documents and grave markers it showed the date of birth.

Toten Rune (Death Rune)

In the Younger Futhark this rune had the name ýr, ‘yew’:

Bent bow and brittle iron and giant of the arrow.

In the Third Reich it was understood as the turned over Life rune thus designating death. It showed the date of death in documents and on grave markers.







If Kek favors Trump, it's because he will turn the world on its ear. Chaos. Not order. Kek. The people who brought this to bear are chaos fags. This wasn't to bring order and or fascism.


[le spam redacted]

(Me the chad mod. You the virg spammer - 7 - Do not raid/attack the board)
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