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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The creator, the demiurge is the true God, who gave His only begotten Son a sacrifice of many. Gnosis is a teaching of Satan, faith alone is the means of salvation. God will judge the world according to the One who rose from the dead

>And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us

John 1:14


>His only begotten Son


>the One who rose from the dead




Call when the majority of your flock isn't niggers.



Christianity was so unattractive that the jews had to force Europeans to adopt that religion and integrate pagan festivals into it. That's how much it was resisted, because it is nothing but an anti-spiritual program to redirect power to the jews.

Details here: http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Inquisition.html

The damage it has done to humanity is impossible to even comprehend.



Exactly this.



Funny part is, it was and is still unattractive. In the most secular countries, we can see the massive abandonment of that faith. It doesn't reach its believers anymore, for it is a false, empty religion. It doesn't truly speak to the minds and hearts of man. The church was mostly loved for its charity, not its message.

Same goes with OP's thread. Christianity has poisoned the well so much, that this 'Satan' has to poke its head around the corner every time. Those christian half-truths are dangerous because people will still cling to them.


The Demiurge is the God of this world. So? This place fuckin sucks. Your interpretation of Gnosticism is very wrong and in significant ways.



Christianity is the weak religion, promoted to the Europeans so they'll surrender and let in the mud hordes. The only alternative is now "western values" which are nihilism and hedonism. Just the fact that the word hedonism comes from heathen goes to show how deep this matrix goes, where the very language is infected.

When whites feel disillusioned from the empty, nihilistic black hole of mainstream atheism, and I use that term because everytime it is actively promoted, all those anti-values are attached to it, the only option promoting heritage and tradition is christianity. This is because IT replaced our traditions and normalcy bias had made it so! We are not even given the option to see what was before!

So whites become christian out of desperation, for fear of standing in limbo of not knowing. It is somehow "familiar" because it has been made so. Jews control all the options.

Of course, the "new Europeans" that invade Europe have generations of Islam, he violent option, so they can subdue the Europeans. It has been written into their blood. This is key! Blood memory acts on the subconcious and influences "gut feeling". This generational adaptation has been deliberate and calculated.

FEAR is the only thing that compells one to become a christian. The fact that they could not initially use fear, but had to use torture, blackmail and force, shows that Europeans saw through it, and only in recent generations with the normalcy bias, can it be used as a direct mental virus.

The jews are again re-writing history by erasing it. They are destroying artifacts in the middle east that point to pre-Abrahamic history. Because if the muslims, their current favorite weapon, find out what was done to them and how they have been used, shit would hit the fan real fast!



Any time someone promotes defeatist sit-on-your-ass-and-do-nothing ideas, know that it is no different from having monks and nuns sit in monasteries so they do not reproduce while (((someone))) has free reigns to fuck shit up.

It's the same shit that has infected all religions. Buddhism and Hinduism too, they have elements of this.

Might makes right and the winner takes all. These are the laws of nature. If you don't seize the world, someone else will. These are the hard facts that we see manifested before our very eyes!

This is why the jews are in control, because they are the only ones whose religion is not defeatist, but teaches them that they are special and entitled to everything.



When Christianity was at it's peak, my country's territory was at it's largest.




Also, the Bible clearly says that we wage war against the ruler of this world.

They don't imply that the creator is the bad one, but the one who rules it is bad, and it's Satan (greed, envy, lust, gluttony, etc.) I don't get why fringe hates Christianity so much when it basically covers all the self improvement parts - diet, emotions, thoughts, actions, w/e.


The Bible tells you how to become an immortal aryan patriarch pedo, what's not to like?

Demiurge is a meme for fags, I didn't take OP seriously past that word.

If you combine the best aspects of JLL Gnosticism, Jesus juice, Spiritual Satanism, various misogynist teachings like in Buddhism, stuff people in the Bible said, then you might have an actual religion…

Until then, you are just an idol worshiper.



>Demiurge is a meme for fags

and why is that?



Because it's largely ineffectual. You could more accurately call it the Draconian Empire or Archons. Demiurge is such a nebulous meme term. I'm rather impartial to such literature.



jews control the material realm, the lowest realm

that's why jesus was called the king of the jews

because he went beyond the material realm

notice how jews have never produced any beautiful art?

jews are also shitting bricks now that einstein's theory is collapsing

their time of rule is ending soon



It's not


You're being tricked by Jewish lies, nothing is more European than Christianity


No Satan is the god of this world


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>nothing is more European than Christianity


Ancient Judaism and Jesus aren't necessarily bad. It's 21st century Christianity, Judaism, etc that are rank and corrupted.


Christianity is only cool when you are a Christian Identity Patriarch and realize the Talmud was written for YOU, white man!

Just kidding about that last part but not really. We all know who the real tribes of Israel are.



Indeed, the white man has always tried to keep us from discovering the truth: Moses was an African-American!



No, dumbass. It only makes sense that the Chosen people and Hebrews were fair skinned. You and your Khazar buddies can go have fun with that negro fetish.




Christian Identity fags will hang. Want proof that your beloved Israelites have always been hooknosed Kikes? Look at Exodus.


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Jesus specifically speaks out against consulting sorcerers and soothsayers, but also goes on to say that if you have "the faith of a mustard seed," you can do the things he did, and more.

Sounds like he's telling people to do their own magic, and not rely on others to do it for them.

OP is parroting the official co-opted pauline church doctrine narrative? Potential shill alert.


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Jesus, like Lucifer, or Lucero (Palo), like Exu (Kimbanda), like Eshu (Ifa), like Ellegua (Santeria), and like Legba (Voudou) is an intercessional spirit who acts on a person's behalf on an individual level, communal level, country level and global level.

And just like the aforementioned other spirits, Jesus or Christ is a legion of spirits under a "World" or "Collective" Christ.

For example Lucero Mundo is "World's" Lucero.

However to really understand Lucero Mundo, you must discover your own personal Lucero.

A personal Lucero is your own intercessional Lucero spirit who ensures your messages clearly and loudly reach Lucero Mundo.

Lucero Mundo then carries your messages to the other M'pungo all the way to Nzambi and relays messages back down to your personal Lucero who then gives message to you.

In some Palo houses (Monte and Kimbisa mostly) Lucero Mundo is synchronized with Jesus Christ.

Similarly to Lucero, Legba, Exu or Lucifer, a person's own personal Jesus (insert Depeche Mode here) or El Christo Rey, is a little different than everyone else's.

It is this developing a deep relationship with one's own (personal) "redeemer" (Christo Rey) that, at least where the Kabbalic mysteries are concerned, which makes strong and clear the communication between you, your higher self and the Most High.

Redemption is the return to own's Great work, the ability to step off from a bad path, and reconnect to the aspirations of your higher self.

The mysteries of El Christo Rey are, like all other aforementioned comparative spirits, firmly established in the stars, roads, the sun, sacrifice, life and death, light and dark.

It must also be said that the mysteries of El Christo Rey, are indeed Kabbalic, and are far OLDER than the Hebraic Abraham faiths (Jewish, Christian and Muslim) which are perverted, war-for-profit, slavish, spiritual ideologies which ought to be ridiculed into oblivion.

For those new to the idea of an infinite numbering of Christo spirits each acting as a personal "light, truth and the way" for each and every individual on the planet, one could rightly ask how is this metaphysically supported.

The mystery is Kabbalic and has everything to do with the Crucifixion mystery contained with the Tree of Life, and far OLDER and complete than Christianity's sorry knock-off crucifixion story.

Where both Lucifer and Lucero Mundo both "fell" to earth as falling stars, sending trillions upon trillions of fragments flying out from their impact radius (the fragments becoming everyone's individual Lucifer or Lucero), El Christo Rey had his side pieced by a spear (Mars or RED Geburah)) and shed his life force, blood, which was caught in a cup (Jupiter, or BLUE Chessed).

It was Jupiter's power of multiplication, addition and mediation which made "one" now "many" or "infinite".

These Kabbalic mysteries are deep and vast. The little I said above, while the foundation of the mystery itself is in no way fully revealed.

Pic related: El Christo Rey sitting in Kaballic posture.He IS NOT the Christian Jesus.



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>People talking smack about how Christianity is dying

>tfw Christianity is the most popular religion and is the second fastest growing

Also those faggots who believe in the "golden rule" are ignorant of the scriptures and don't count

Christianity is steadfast against any Jewish or Muslim invasion, its just that atheist talking heads are bringing down the rest of society with their retardation



Christians brought down the society with their retardation ages ago.


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>The creator, the demiurge (Satan) is the true God


>who gave His only begotten Son a sacrifice of many.

Didn't know pure evil had such a thing.

>Gnosis is a teaching of Satan, faith (in Satan according to op's earlier sentence) alone is the means of salvation.

I wouldn't be sure about that.

>Satan will judge the world according to the One who rose from the dead

Satan won't be judging shit in the end.



You might want to learn what the demiurge is before you claim worship of it. You probably want to worship the Monad but you probably aren't sure what that is either.



Threadly reminder that all the 16 scientist behind most classical physics, including Nikola Tesla whoms father was an orthodox priest, were devout christians

>the muh christianity is destroying muh culture meme



>some cheesy christcuckery

*yaaawns* next




Satan doesn't even exist btw. He was created by the church as a boogeyman to manipulate the illiterate masses. Same with hell for that matter.



danger: corrupt demiurgic parasitism incoming. the true god is the Infinite Source which is All and Oneh






>Christianity isn't destroying culture because important people that this culture holds up as heroes were Christian

Makes sense. A lot of famous people lived in houses with asbestos, too. All that scaremongering is stupid, why would famous people live in houses with asbestos if it was so bad for you?

>the muh asbestos is causing lung cancer meme


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>A lot of famous people lived in houses with asbestos

Where can I buy some of this asbestos? I want to be famous.



The problems occur when you demolish the house or uninstall the abestos pipes, it's the dust that causes cancer, not the material itself when it's just sitting there.



>>The creator, the demiurge (Satan) is the true God

He didn't say that, what the fuck? The sentence doesn't even imply that. Read that again. Where is it implied that OP thinks the demiurge is Satan? Where have you drawn that from?



Not him but the demiurge absolutely is satan according to pretty much every branch of gnosticism. Obviously, if you walk up to a gnostic and go "hey by the way, the guy who trapped everyone in a cosmic prison because he was too stupid to follow instructions, and too lazy/greedy/malevolent to fix his mistake once he made it, that's the guy you should bow down before and dedicate your life to," you'll be laughed out of the room. As an example, see this entire thread.

Saying that you should be loyal to the demiurge rather than attaining gnostic union with the monad is a little bit like asking someone to use their 4K screen to watch videos in 144p.




Well, satan in the sense of 'the guy who fucked everything up,' rather than *the* Satan.



That would have worked years ago in me but now I it will not. Now I know gladness. Now I know what It's like to want to work with something.

This must have been how those at the church of my youth felt all those years ago.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fringe is not the place for stupid bullshit like this, let's keep this board clean and a good, enlightened atmosphere for wizards, truth seeker and students of the occult shall we.

Take your brainwashed, deceiving, mundane, trolling and degenerate shit somewhere else.




What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Truly, poltards ruin every board they touch.


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>I don't get why fringe hates Christianity so much when it basically covers all the self improvement

Because most people, incuding most christians themselves, don't understand christianity at all. They don't read the bible (and whey they do they take everything literally), don't read the works of the saints and the church doctors, and end up thinking the goal of religion is simply to follow a moral system, when it is actually only the first step. The process of Theosis consists of Katharsis (purification), Theoria (learining the more complex aspects of religion) and finally, Theosis, literally becoming like Christ, onde with the One. But people don't realise this.



no, it's because christcuckery isn't /fringe/, and christcucks like yourself are annoying as hell while also being retarded and lacking self-awareness (as demonstrated by your post and OP). go suck your zombie jew's circumcised dick somewhere else.


Its a circlejerk of unenlightened women, using the religion as a social super sphere in the place of the old ways, the old traditions.

>Integration/Diversity of belief over violence

>Surrender your heart and coin purse to the unfillable void

>Worship a demiurge which was originally just a name for the great expanse

>Surrender to a foreign nation your loyalty, never stand for your tribe

>Feed and create the population which will build the enemy's foot soldiers of the next great war of our time

>Remain closed to the joys and truths of the world beyond, accept a blackpill instead

<Waaaaaaaaaa, we're just misunderstood!

<Waaaaaaaaaa, give us a chance (although we'll wipe you out for heresy once we're the majority)

<Waaaaaaaaaa, tolerance (although we'll throw you out of your own home for being The Devil™

<Waaaaaaaaaa, give us your money (refugees are welcome, but if you help your own, you're a white nationalist)

<waaaaaaaaaa, we did nothing wrong! (despite the never ending genocide and rapes)

You Fucker,

Your Mind Virus Has No Place Here



>all this anger

Mommy forced you to go to church this sunday? And I am not chirstian at all, I just respect it and am not an ignorant larper like yourself.


I preformed a ritual to trap Yaldabaoth in a crystal so it wouldn't hinder me and a few months later it disappears on me. Turns out you can't trap the entirety of physical reality in a crystal. Go figure.



You really have no idea what it is you're enabling, with that position. You have a basement to leave, and a world to explore. Next time you hear a conversation, throw away that rose colored filter you have of the world.

<Maybe you'll see things for what they are


Who bumped this pro-Demiurge propaganda


enjoy worshipping pedo jew church generic christcuck.

Jesus wasnt even crucified

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