Jesus, like Lucifer, or Lucero (Palo), like Exu (Kimbanda), like Eshu (Ifa), like Ellegua (Santeria), and like Legba (Voudou) is an intercessional spirit who acts on a person's behalf on an individual level, communal level, country level and global level.
And just like the aforementioned other spirits, Jesus or Christ is a legion of spirits under a "World" or "Collective" Christ.
For example Lucero Mundo is "World's" Lucero.
However to really understand Lucero Mundo, you must discover your own personal Lucero.
A personal Lucero is your own intercessional Lucero spirit who ensures your messages clearly and loudly reach Lucero Mundo.
Lucero Mundo then carries your messages to the other M'pungo all the way to Nzambi and relays messages back down to your personal Lucero who then gives message to you.
In some Palo houses (Monte and Kimbisa mostly) Lucero Mundo is synchronized with Jesus Christ.
Similarly to Lucero, Legba, Exu or Lucifer, a person's own personal Jesus (insert Depeche Mode here) or El Christo Rey, is a little different than everyone else's.
It is this developing a deep relationship with one's own (personal) "redeemer" (Christo Rey) that, at least where the Kabbalic mysteries are concerned, which makes strong and clear the communication between you, your higher self and the Most High.
Redemption is the return to own's Great work, the ability to step off from a bad path, and reconnect to the aspirations of your higher self.
The mysteries of El Christo Rey are, like all other aforementioned comparative spirits, firmly established in the stars, roads, the sun, sacrifice, life and death, light and dark.
It must also be said that the mysteries of El Christo Rey, are indeed Kabbalic, and are far OLDER than the Hebraic Abraham faiths (Jewish, Christian and Muslim) which are perverted, war-for-profit, slavish, spiritual ideologies which ought to be ridiculed into oblivion.
For those new to the idea of an infinite numbering of Christo spirits each acting as a personal "light, truth and the way" for each and every individual on the planet, one could rightly ask how is this metaphysically supported.
The mystery is Kabbalic and has everything to do with the Crucifixion mystery contained with the Tree of Life, and far OLDER and complete than Christianity's sorry knock-off crucifixion story.
Where both Lucifer and Lucero Mundo both "fell" to earth as falling stars, sending trillions upon trillions of fragments flying out from their impact radius (the fragments becoming everyone's individual Lucifer or Lucero), El Christo Rey had his side pieced by a spear (Mars or RED Geburah)) and shed his life force, blood, which was caught in a cup (Jupiter, or BLUE Chessed).
It was Jupiter's power of multiplication, addition and mediation which made "one" now "many" or "infinite".
These Kabbalic mysteries are deep and vast. The little I said above, while the foundation of the mystery itself is in no way fully revealed.
Pic related: El Christo Rey sitting in Kaballic posture.He IS NOT the Christian Jesus.