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Hi /fringe/,

I would like to ask for your help on decrypting a lot of the information on experiences I have had. This is going to be a rather long post, but I will try my best to cover as much as possible and if there is any clarification required for anything, feel free to ask and I will answer it to the best of my memory/knowledge.

First a bit of history:

>When I was little, had constant Deja vus and night terrors of spirits/ghosts before I even saw any movies or anyone told me.It was often very spectral/ghoulish beings trying to get me.

>At one point I enjoyed research about the Paranormal,occult and aliens to explain my young childhood, that I got involved with Joy Of Satan and I did a commitment ritual. I am still part of them, but less active, which I will explain soon. Took the greenpill too early.

>Experienced visions and had a decently strong aura until at one point during a meditation session I was attacked by one of our enemy entities, which scared me shitless. Details of it later.

>Inactivity but still knew and was aware of things, but over time inactivity took its toll and I dont feel/see as much as I did.

>I was aware of the jews, but the racial awareness/health etc. that come with being redpill wasn't there.

>Got redpilled and was a very stern follower of 8/pol/ for a year, while still visiting it, the information no longer helps as much since I now want to find out what happened in the past and move onwards towards fully understanding the greenpill and making the most of it.

Now let me go more into details of everything. Warning that some of the things might not make sense since it will be all scrambeled information from years of memories, events, research etc. but I will do my best to make it as easy to read/understand as possible.

When I was very young, I knew what ghosts and spirits were before I saw any movies about them. I always sensed ghosts around the house during night time, I often was too scared to sleep thanks to that and my dreams always had ghosts chasing after me, similar to night terrors but I could never scream or barely move in them until I was caught. They might have been just dreams but it always felt something happened to me when I woke up. I often during nights saw shadows, white figures moving and could hear even some sounds as if they were whispers.

Those things did stop I think at the age of 12 or so, but then I was starting to get interested in the movies of paranormal, ghosts etc. to often try and explain things what happened back then. It did make me a social outcast since I was always focused on things that science couldnt prove and I asked weird questions regarding paranormal/occult or such.

But I also had a strange feeling that things were "off" with reality, I never understood why but thats why I was considered an outcast since I didnt follow any social norms.

During this time my mother went to a fortune teller who was known in my country ( forgot the name ) and she asked about me also, to which she got an answer "Smart and open to mysticism, but very lazy". I only learned of this 4 years ago.

At around 16-18 I matured too fast, I always felt older than the rest, better common sense, critical thinking and overall intelligence and understanding. I was open minded so people did come to me with /fringe/ level things and I always tried my best to explain things even if i didnt know the answer. But that maturity took a mental toll also if me believing something was wrong with me to the point of depression. While trying to see if religion was the answer, when I tried to "Pray" to the god of Christianity, I instantly felt off, so I stopped. I then looked into more older ones, since where I am from, Paganism was a big thing and a decent bit of people still believe in it. That is how I somehow found Joy Of Satan.

Joy Of Satan or Spiritual Satanism felt VERY familiar for some reason, as if I knew this or have done this before. I read most of the information it had for a month, did practices in the meditation techniques and everything and soon after I did a commitment ritual to it. I believe in what it says and my commitment, so that won't change.

Eventually I got better and better in meditation and magick that i tried to start practicing complicated things like telepathy ( in my eyes, it was complicated at that time ).

I was over at a friends place with multiple other people and they knew I meditate, so I went to meditate there since it was my scheduled session. Then I figured out I will try telepathy. I concentrated on one friend who I am close with and has an open mind and told him to "Come to my room to check up on me" and after focusing on that, in a minute, someone opened the door. It was him, he looked at me and then left. I then went to ask him why did he do that and he mentioned "I just had a thought to go and have a check on you for no reason".



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After that experience, I tried to make concentrated energy between my hands as a test ( like dragon ball Z, but not as a destructive energy but just as a test ) and I felt it and saw a purpleish color between my hands when focusing on it. Not only that but during my meditations I saw purple shapes often moving around, which should be more of an indication of the 3rd eye opening/being open.

But I noticed that those shapes always disappeared as if being sucked into something. When I looked it up on the JoS community chats/forum there was a discussion on it that the enemies have a sort of a "tube" in most peoples foreheads that goes into the pineal gland to drain their spiritual energies and they had a technique to stop it. It was concentrated energy on your hand with the color blue ( blue aura is stronger than the white one by what they say, which is good for cleansing things with Satanic Blue Energy ), grabbing hold of the tube and then snapping it. They said it will come back from time to time so this has to be repeated whenever you feel its there again. After doing it, I did feel it and it felt releasing also. Doing meditations then, the purple shapes didnt disappear anymore as if being sucked. they also expanded at times the more I got into a trance and sometimes it felt as if there was another world through some of them.

I even managed to get in touch with my Guardian Demon Haures ( Sigil Pic related ).

I was asleep and saw a dream of something bad in one of the other rooms. I mostly ignored whatever was there, but once it abducted one of my dogs and the door closed shut, I got angry and wanted to save my dog. Once I got inside, I didnt feel anything bad but I saw a female figure in a red dress who looked young. After she looked at me, she walked past me and told me to follow. The door started to shut itself, so I quickly got back out and followed her into the kitchen room. ( The place I was in was similar to my apartment I was in at that time ) Once I got there, I asked "Who are you?" to which she laughed and said "You know who I am." and I remember telling myself how stupid I am, I know who she is so I changed the question to "What are you?" to which she responded " I am your guardian demon." and I even remember laughing at myself then also since I knew that also, but still asked. I know there was more discussions with my guardian demon, but I cant remember it since its been 5 years, but one thing I remember is that right before I woke up, I saw an image of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, like a stone tablet.

After trying different things more and more and seeing results, things changed when I was doing my usual meditation before heading to sleep. Typical cleansing, protection, breathing techniques and going into my Astral Temple for some few practices of better entering a trance.

Now what happened has scarred me ever since. I got into a trance and I was outside my room with my family nearby me, almost like a dream at that point, but I knew something bad was inside my room, like a bad entity. I decided to meditate outside to try and get inside to face it. When I first did it, I got knocked out of my trance. After trying again, I was inside and I "saw" the entity. It was like a half ghoul, half poltergeist, half zombie being floating and it was pissed that I didn't take the first knock out as a hint to not approach him. It wanted to come at me, but me being naive and too confident in my meditation and magick, I thought I could take it on. The next moment I was knocked out and unable to move, it looked at me, laughed and said in a mad voice "This is your punishment for opposing me" and then I got sent into another place, world, dream or whatever it was, but it was a world as if I never existed. I moved around in it, meeting my family, friends etc. and everyone had a BETTER life than without me being there and I felt rage. I felt rage towards the being for showing me it, that I swore to myself that one day I will find it again and I will destroy it. Then I remember waking up from the trance.

After that incident I couldnt properly meditate anymore, I felt as if something was blocking me, stopping me. But I was also scared of seeing that thing again, due to what it did and how easily I lost against it. My skills started to deteriorate until at one point I hadn't meditate for over a year. There was still times I saw glimpses of shadows from the corner of my eyes and sometimes even blue figures moving.

The next chance I got back into it was when I met a girl and she was interested in Spiritual Satanism as well. In the end, she also committed and I had someone I can talk to and meditate/do magick with. She had the aptitude to be a medium, we often talked to our guardians via the Pendulum. A lot of things happened also during that time.



When we asked questions from our guardians, they did often like to play with us in a fun way ( for me it was making the top of my head feel weird in a good way like a tease, it became one of the ways I would know I am communicating with my guardian when I used the Pendulum myself ), but it did answer questions on a "need to know" basis an often wanted us to try and find the answers ourselves. I found out through that, that I used to be a Spiritual Satanist in my past life and my current Guardian was there also in the past life. I died when I tried to do the Magnum Opus when I was not ready, the bioelectricity screwed over my nerves in my spine and it got my killed by making my body stop its functions I needed to live.

There were tons of other things asked, but I cant remember what they were, but I do remember it confirmed a lot more on the entities and guardians being real. She wasnt playing and manipulating with the pendulum since the movement was big and her muscles were not moving, also some questions were specific, which cant be just answered unless they can read my mind since only I knew them.

We also got attacked by beings consistently, our chakras got corrupted from time to time and at her house, there was a being constantly attacking her and her sister ( sister was very open minded ) to the point they had to sometimes make a protection aura large enough to cover a small area of the room to prevent the entity from getting near them both.

One time the same entity came to me when the girl was with me. I knew something was wrong since once I left the room for 1 minute and came back, there was a big sense of Dread in the room since it was dark and she was holding herself so close and her eyes had the look of horror I had never seen, she then told me "The shadow is in that corner" and when I looked at it, I saw a very unnatural shadow that was scaring me. I knew at that time that these things feed on fear, so I was encouraging her while at the same time taunting that thing since I was being protective also.

In the end, there was a big falling out between me and her, which completely made me stop meditation again since it reminded me too much of her. I havent been able to get back to meditation properly after that. It was the time I was getting more focused on politics, geopolitics, the redpill and stuff like that. But I started to also look more into Aliens, Quantum Physics ( Since I still wanted to prove what I have experienced ), conspiracy theories and so on.

I have traveled around a lot and had constant Deja Vus, but I have always felt that I will find something in Scotland, as if something was calling me there and now I feel like I am slowly getting closer to something, yet I don't know what.

Now after being redpilled for so long, I dont think it can offer me too much on me figuring out what in reality is going on in this universe, but I know that it has something to do with the spirit realm, the astral realm and that is my next step I need to get to and focus on, like I used to do.

I would like to ask /fringe/ to help me explain or give me possible directions, clues, hints or anything that would help me on my journey.



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Its good to see another Spiritual Satanist. Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/9TerfFC

Your questions will be answered there. All of them.


You CLEARLY aren't greenpilled.



I beg to differ, greenpilled but lazy.


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Hey bruv, i'd like to start out with thanking you for being the conduit of me willing this text into existence, I've sat down and written this story several times, even the stone tablet with the hieroglyphs was spot on (don't try to read it with your eyes, you should meditate on it (in the dream)), few minor details were also slightly off but its close enough that i recognize the text I wrote about a dozen times only to delete because it had no ending. Where our paths deviated however was the pact.

I never did the pact. I would not accept a guardian angel or demon (never even met one, I think at least) and although I never did this 'blue' tantra, I've had the same result happen a couple of times during various intervals of joy or drugs (weed or acid).

I'm eternally grateful for you sharing this story, its very helpful because you have a chapter I don't.

Following is what happened after I read your thread.

>have a really good week, fifth day nofap (already singing for no reason), second day new normie job (cash is king)

>on a positive rhythm curve (mountaintop)

>about to get home from a day of being active, doing meditation as i walk between tables, mind/body integrated well

>get offered weed, good for energywork

>on walk home first raise kundalini, bust some dancemoves as energy expresses itself

>focus blue in left hand (taker) to collect, move through arm to right hand (giver), place right hand on third eye, force it into head

>cover head in blue, purge in blue fire

>feel as if a viscous darkness gives way and pops, the sphere attached to the inside of my head collapses, felt like wet woodwork glue got pulled from the inside of my skull to a point in the centre of the head where it poof'd into nothingness

>feel amazing, feel light, easygoing, a weight has been removed

>same night get blasted with visions of various people, a dozen, flashing through my head as if memories, vivid imagery, faces, smiles, eyes, greetings with eyes (they felt human)

>next day (yesterday) feel.. not drained but assaulted as if i have a heavy gaze on me, get visions of negative stuff, during the night something tried to spook me (hasn't happened in months), lots of sexual impulses, horny as fuck, trying to make me waste my loosh

>today feel tired and heavy, still have all my loosh

Something has definitively changed, can't tell what yet. I'm not sure what kind of thing spooked you and I would love to hear more, how powerful was it, impressions etc.

I'm sure I've attracted unwanted attention but I'm also confident I'm strong enough to resist and repel anything coming my way because, while you were lazing around I practiced a fuckton of energywork, banishing, strengthening my aura, accumulating energy and tempering my mind to fear nothing but instead deal with anything standing in my way using overwhelmingly aggressive techniques.

I think that, if you did the same you could get rid of this lecherous thoughtform without fearing retaliation

Just did some quick breathing (ten seconds) and enveloped myself in saphire blue, cleaned head and then got a burst of purple at third eye which expanded upwards into the shape of a lotus which kept growing (did not pursue).

This is what you could do to become stronger, draw energy from crown/sun, let it fill your body or envision yourself inside the sun with the energy reaching down into your legs, next draw from root/earth, be part of the earth, solid, stable, fearless, unyielding, let lava/fire flood from root up to crown then have, at the same time, crown/sun energy reach root and root/earth energy reach crown, then collect/draw everything to your heart, you should be able to instantly feel the area around you and your sphere of influence - swirl it rapidly so that anything that tries to pass through your guard/aura is torn to shreds, you can color it as you wish, I previously used white/gold but will try with saphire blue for a while (saphire blue is my color, i also laced it with a surge of green (love for life) like lightning, any blue that resonates with you should work) then compress your aura so that it is thick, be confident that nothing harmful can get past this and nothing will.

There is nothing you can't overcome if you put your will to it, you are immensely powerful which is why they need to farm you.

Again, would you care to describe in detail the feeling of getting rid of this leeching block and the nature of the entity that attacked you? I'd like to be prepared because I got a gut feeling something out of the ordinary is looking at me from the shadows.

If there is anything I can help you with just say so and I'll do my best, thank you.



>which is why they need to farm you



I'm also fairly certain the block was removed once when I was cycling through the chakras and putting up a colored aura for each one, and another time when I layered them.


Something g is doing a damn good job of trying G to kill me. I almost choked to death in my sleep right now. I am scared. It fucks with my perception.






I already did a blue light meditation before this thread was even created and made it through.

It's probably no coincidence that I ended up dealing with some pretty powerful and hostile shit around the same time I started it.




which meditation? this one? ( >>86073 ) or the one here ( >>86025 )?



I have newfound respect for you. Lots of it.

Teach me your ways senpai.


One by OP, mine is for defense, boost energy levels, works to get you into a lucid dream/ap if you keep the energy in heart.



ah i see, yeah i had a bad feeling about it when i read to snap the tube, just seemed really unnatural. thanks for clearing that up.


Worth mentioning before I start, yesterday after going to bed and getting visuals of faces I had at the end a not so plesant experience, dark "room", small grey blob, malformed, fat, pear shaped, could fit in my cupped hands, sitting with its back to me, not hostile, not moving, yet somehow I got a dreadful feeling, without "connecting" with it I tried to leave, exit dream, as I did it looked over its shoulder with sickly grey, redtinged eyes and I jumped out of bed with a powereffort to gtfo.

Didn't think much of it because I was happy I got to lurk pol and the election before going to work another extra three hours.

>right now 40 minutes ago

>do meditation I posted to strengthen aura, usually nothing can get past it

>gather at heart and drift into sleep listening to Durga mantra followed by.. another one and now listening to a 6 hour shiva praise

>light in the next room was/is on and cat/familiar is sleeping next to me, he can feel I need it no doubt

>dream is in a "castle", gloomy, Dark, stone slabs for floor and walls, could have been underground, standing suits of armor here nd there

>something is there going like "sup dude", don't think about it, go with the dream automatically

>in LD I have the privileged position of a conscious observer from years of practice, being able to intervene whenever I want to to fuck shit up, save the moment

>dream is picking up speed, next thing I know I'm no longer "looking over my shoulder" but instead it has become a FPS experience, I and this thing fight with knives, blocks, evasions, thrusts and slashes, we're evenly matched but I struggle, I'm hard pressed, each of us with two daggers in hand we jump in and out of the shadows of the castle trying to feint and slash at each other, him/it being clearly in an advantageous position and mostly on the offense, I'm enjoying the fuck out of it, long time since I had this kind of experience

>next time he jumps out of the shadows, which were more like another plane separate from the castle, in which we could hide, he's holding a bow and at the same speeds we've been changing flurries of blows I dodge as it grazes me (nothing comes of it), in slow motion but still supernaturally fast, few more shots, dodged easily

>this is where I start coughing and wheezing

>something is stuck in my throat, feels like green mucus/snot, the type that tastes awful to accidentally swallow

>as I struggle with clearing my throat he's pressing me harder with.. a melee weapon again, I can't recall or did not "see", the coughing is seriously impeding my fun, I do not have the stamina to keep up, not having been completely serious up to this point I use everything I got to "repel" or throw back the thing, this seemed to startle it as it withdrew while I still in the dream sit on my knees and try to puke up whatever is in my throat for the life of me, it has started smelling foul, like spoilt squid, fish, entrails

>thing does not relent, pressed me again, I shift away, back on my knees, doing my best to cough it up

>he finds me and lunges at me with his hands, with all his might he forces his hands into my mouth, further blocking me from breathing, thumbs on the inside of my mouth, down my throat, finger/hands outside trying to choke me

>I do the same to him

>he let's go, fazed(?) And suddenly I have access to a privileged observer position again, as if something had blocked this, decide to fuck off out of dream cause I'm choking on a rancid smelling snot squid

>wake up, I said scared earlier, a better word is jarred because this thing robbed me of my ability to always be in charge, had wanted to leave since I first started coughing, could not remember it was a dream

>waking up my left nostril is clogged (this does not happen, it never happens, hasn't happened in years) a clear sign that my energy body is messed up

>gas from stomach (burp) trying to find its way out and up, blocked by snot, literally choking

This thing was smart, powerful and could influence my energy body, it could and knew what it needed to do to have me choke, I am certain that I was close to death, waking up gasping for air.

Went to fetch some magic rocks and rook a shower.

I consider myself experienced in dealing with these things but this was not Ezpz, thinking back at it, it's possible he/it was there to specifically lost me like this, now when seal is broken.

I regret doing this meditation. I would have prefer to be more prepared , if even possible, but I'm also thrilled at the challenge, it presented itself and I'll finish this. I'm excited because I'm confident this is the next level or even the final frontier.



Don't get me wrong, the black shit I removed was not supposed to be there.




for five seconds and i spat out a large snotball lodged in the back of my brain.

i think its fixed, just gotta sleep with my negative energy protect crytstal and moldavite, GG stupid spirit.



>I'd like to be prepared because I got a gut feeling something out of the ordinary is looking at me from the shadows.

>Something g is doing a damn good job of trying G to kill me. I almost choked to death in my sleep right now. I am scared. It fucks with my perception.

You're being targeted and they are making sure you will not be able to progress beyond a stage determined by (((them))). The beings we're/you're dealing it form a multiplanetary spanning alliance (reptiles, greys, nordics) – physical beings like you and me, and it is their intention to keep us, the Gentile races, spiritually mutilated and inadequate. Don't take this offensively, but; how redpilled are you on the state of this planet and humanity? The blue energy you guys speak about is exceptionally powerful, and will make you light up like a beacon on a star map. This makes the aforementioned alliance of anti-human beings intervene and attempt to neutralize you. Tipp, please do join the discord: https://discord.gg/9TerfFC – it is important that you do. I'm not stressing the importance for without reason.


Why tho?


Very redpilled, since years back, I've just avoided all allegiances, I am master of my own body, mind and destiny.



Underestimating an opponent, especially one the size of the one we're facing, is not really something that I would encourage you or anyone. You don't have to form any allegiance with any being, just at least hear us out. I feel you don't really see the full picture yet. You can always leave the discord group if its not your thing anyway.





That blue energy I used, that feeling is what it seems most things are INSIDE people to absorb whatever energy they have. While I know you said in >>86113 that you avoid allegiances, but the information usually on JoS has been helpful, especially on the beings like that blob.

I did get in touch with the discord chat and got most of the stuff answered, which has helped a ton. I would want to hear more from that experience if you have a chance to visit since everyone else can also learn from it.

There are some serious forces at hand so the knowledge should be shared, since it seems they have taken a targeting to you as well now.



You're right, it should be public, so why not talk here?

You mean the green text on the encounter? I've said everything already, albeit it could make a good book in nongreentext format.

Please word first part of your post differently, something something inside, wut


joy of satan is a shitty UFO cult.

its literally the Mormonism of Satanism - even other Satanists mock the JoS.

stay being 15 yrs old.



dat falseflag, fuck off trying to get me hated.






Oh, wow, yeah, JOS.

They used to be cool. Getting real sick of the collectivism and victim consciousness.

>our enemies

On their site everyday it's like some lame propaganda or motivational thing to perform rituals. Woo-wee…

The real questions beg, who really are these Demons? Who can quantify what Kundalini actually is? And who there has raised it?

Unless you can do that you are just in danger of getting harvested.


If one had a full blown Kundalini experience they would disavow the internet forever like Salem Burke who disappeared after he had a partial or flawed "dragon" Kundalini experience.


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I think they are all in the lower emotional levels still. They just love the drama, like all the useless emotional jibberish in this thread.

You can either keep getting scared of astral parasites, or cut the cords and block them from your reality. It's really simple.

Or maybe you weren't granted such gifts of knowledge through synchronicity, research, and putting the puzzles together.



>more logs of alpam insisting he's correct and that everybody else is brainwashed kikes on a path of destruction

Good example of JoS


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You nicely omitted our entire debate and literally nitpicked things that I said completely out of context to make me, and the group, look bad. Even besides that, all of what you posted clearly seems to pander to those who still believe in spiritual political correctness. The same Marxists tricks as as in politics, and the rest over the world. I, and the group, do not fear investigation of what we speak about, and thus I will post the debate you and I had, Tipp. This way, everyone can see what was TRULY said, without shining this holier then thou light on yourself by omitting our discussion and nitpicking things out of context.

Link: http://pastebin.com/RQC3Ui0d

For anyone reading this reply, before the debate with Tipp, we loosely spoke about New Jerusalem/City of God that is right at our doorstep. This is the biggest threat to humanity right now. "Uniting" with the "Godhead" is literally losing your individual freedom and becoming a loosh battery in the (((City of God))). My intention was to write a thread about this with plenty of evidence, but when people are going to shit stain our name, I will have to at least give some reference. Start by reading this; http://web.archive.org/web/20120214033642/http://www.luciferianliberationfront.org/borg.html We have confirmed that this cube exists by both objective and empirical evidence. We also spoke about this in the group more then just that day, its one of the main topics. So if anyone has more questions regarding this, join the Discord group and here us out. You are not forced or expected to believe anything, and there is no harm in hearing the other side of the story.

Here is some more on this Monotheism crap that was just talked about in the Discord group [excerpt]:

It's for sure there was never a "Big Bang" or a "moment of creation". Look at how bio-genesis and evolution works. They both connect to Cosmology, as it - at it's core - is the Aether element/Brahman.

It is how existence came to be and how existence will always be, the Logos (Greek for Aether). There is a special title for Brahman, the power of this Sound. The Sound being "AUM", the Aum formula is the Masonic lost word of "God". It adds into 8 which is the number of this energetic force - ths Brahman (8 on it's side is eternity).

How this force that creates and perpetuates existence came to be? It just did. The Universe - it is noted - creates itself, sustains itself and transforms itself. What you are trying to fathom is a possible existence of a Monotheistic being behind it all.

There is no Monotheistic being, there never was, never will be. Even ancient traditions state this. It is just the impersonal Cosmic force of Brahman. This is why the Magnum Opus is even possible, it is because of this principle of creative nature amd force.

Yes but you state; "And who created the source that made the Gods? And who created the sources's source? And so on…"

That is the core question of Monotheism

It's what you are asking x,x Is there a monotheistic God of the Universe? And the answer is obviously not. And the reason why. It's a perpetually begging question. Everything came from nothing. Make peace with that fact. It is why our number system starts 0,1,2,3,4 and so on. "0". We get our number system from the ancient mystery schools.

The thing is the human mind cannot comprehend non-existence.

If something had to always exist for something to come from it. Then existence always had to exist and time is an illusion on some level.

Here are some redpill bombs that are excerpts from the chat (highly recommended to read - they take about 2 minutes each);

Atheism, Darwinism, The Big Bang, and more. - http://pastebin.com/1mDRmhFG

A brief summary of ancient history - http://pastebin.com/878NHVTC

Dharma, the eight fold path, and more. - http://pastebin.com/EPtFMu8q

Rectifying the often misintepreted concept of Karma - http://pastebin.com/RZP3SDN6

On cursing perceivable "key" figures. - https://ghostbin.com/paste/gwq9a

Here is are just a tiny sample of the books and sources we have studied to come the conclusion we did - NO, its not just the Joy of Satan


Everyone is welcome to come in the group and ask questions - it is encouraged. There are many non-Satanists in there now who are learning. Even if you think we are crazy, let us prove you otherwise. With objective proof, for all our claims.





Read between the lines.

Mossa/tipp is a disease that needs to be fixed?

>Honestly feels like walking around in a graveyard on there.

>(which just confirmed to me that he has very little free will on his own, the beings he associates with completely control him)

>So I literally spend up to 12 hours a day trying to redpill everyone in the /fringe/ discord for a couple of days straight.

Do you believe you have free will? Ego please.

>Its funny how the most ego-less are always the most self-righteous. Its like they want to "ascend" above conflict just to stroke their ego and say "There I did it, I'm morally superior to everyone!"

It's even more ironic when you realize ego is the one that gave you that idea.

>I get triggered like fiery flames when people praise and want to unite with the Godhead.

>I just get triggered and go full apeshit on these people in terms of facts and knowledge.

Enlightened beings that knows the truth of everything, gets triggered. Try again.

>He needs to be stopped.

>Otherwise we will have more tipps and mossa's walking around.

>its like an infectious disease.

>And diseases need to be eliminated.

Nice thinking of your fellow brothers and sisters as a disease.

There was never a war between anyone. Your ego made that up. There is no disease to be fixed other than to bring people into consciousness and awareness so that they can be part of shaping the world and decentralize power. Being a slave to your ego, body, mind and emotions doesn't make you powerful, it makes you controllable. All the NWO establishment has to do to control you is release an Alex Jones video and you'll be all up in triggers like the "enemy" you're trying to fight.

I say the same thing to you as I said to aauthorr/atreeyes: I challenge you to be nice to other people for 7 days.

It doesn't take effort to be angry, it takes effort to be in control.



>Honestly feels like walking around in a graveyard on there.

The only thing that some people did in that group was shove down everything on "muh ego" just like your entire post does now. Not showing signs of any intelligence is what I'd call dead, yes, plus the fact that you evoked Angels and Reptilians to neophytes that thrive in sacrifice and death energy.

>Do you believe you have free will? Ego please.

>It's even more ironic when you realize ego is the one that gave you that idea.

You again completely forgo what I'm trying to address. Instead, all you do is give me the New Age equivalent of "check your privilege". Implying that my emotions or thoughts take anything away from the objective knowledge I present.

>Enlightened beings that knows the truth of everything, gets triggered. Try again.

It pains me to see my people fall for Judeo-Christian beliefs, it pains me deeply. People that have come all the way see beyond the material lies of the Jew, but not the spiritual lies. You express the same behavior as a Maxist, but only behind a spiritual pretense. What is wrong with emotion? Hitler expressed a great deal of emotion during his speeches, and it is he who prevented Europe from falling prey to the Communist plague that was literally lurking around and waiting to consume alot of White countries. Your argue that literal innate human emotions and thoughts are wrong and sinful, just like any Judeo-Christian belief system espouses. But you've sunk too deep to even see further then buzzwords as "muh ego".

>Nice thinking of your fellow brothers and sisters as a disease.

People that try to tie others into the belief that they need to (((Unite with the Godhead))) while shoving angels and reptiles on their doorstep IS FUCKING WRONG. Just like how the Church massacred my Pagan ancestors, including myself and family. I will oppose any of those who follow the same belief systems as the perpetrators of these vile acts, and they are still around. I'm replying to one.

>All the NWO establishment has to do to control you is release an Alex Jones video and you'll be all up in triggers like the "enemy" you're trying to fight.

Grasp at straws more. This is all you ever did, Mossa. Alex Jones is controlled opposition and everyone knows it, so you're not even really trying at this point anymore.

>There was never a war between anyone. Your ego made that up. There

Second world war? Millions of death gentiles in order to protect us from the looming threat of communism? Never happened, ego made that up.

Witch inquisitions? Millions of death, tortured and massacred gentiles? Never happened, ego made that up.

Jews subverting the entirety of civilization? Never happened, ego made that up.

Jews openly stating to be of ET origin? Never happened, ego made that up.

New Jerusalem, giant loosh cube waiting around the corner, as stated in (((The Bible))), which can be assess by remote viewing/AP'ing? Never fucking happened, ego made it all up.

Ego is new bogeyman.



I take it you're Mossa?

Did you trick neophytes into this intentionally? Did you know what you were doing?


I have little free will, Alpam? Why, because I chose to disregard you? Because I won't get in line behind your sidekick waiting my turn to suck your dick? If I actually cared about a bullshit occultists opinion I'd rip you a new one.



I do not see factions of the astral as opposing. I haven't fought in the astral war even though I've been approached by several beings of different race and faction to do so.

It was stated in the information for each session that there is a meeting with an astral being. During the session it was taught, every time that astral beings are not to be trusted because of the astral deception. Every being that you meet is essentially a door salesman or JW trying to trick you.

It was confirmed through the sessions that attendees filtered what they saw and very few saw the same thing. The people attending could cross reference in the chat that no one saw the same thing but similarities or signalment. This is described as cultural perception. Hindus see elephants, native americans see spirit animals and westerners see angels. Over time, some attendees synchronized with the astral realm that we were all in, while some deviated.

When Alpam started talking about being attacked by beings, I understood that he had yet not conquered his fears. Several of the beings in the astral loosh farm through fear and to be a victim of such action shows attachment to physical aspects like life and death.

Now we're playing a game where I am the controlled, enslaved enemy of the Jew angels and he is the liberated, free thinking, spiritual truth with non-followers. He sends free thinking individuals to attack me and my channel while proclaiming the people that sit on my Discord are slaves.

How are you tipp?





I'm fine, no new attacks since the story I wrote up, it seemed genuinely bothered with the fight I put up but I think its also much thanks to my crystals for protection, Moldavite and I think its a Jet. Got some Salvia the day after.

I'm pretty golden, I do blue tantra from time to time, setting up barriers, powering them.

No sudden unexplainable desires to fap, no intrusive thoughts, nothing really.




You want me to say that I know about the astral wars, the false history, the slaying of innocents in wars memorial: including civilians in towns used as nuke test sites; then you want me to say that I am attached to the victims and the opressors and that I need to actively chop off an arm to fight the other opressors.

For each level you fall or climb, there will be a new enemy faction to fight. Islam does it best:

My brother against me, my father against my siblings, our family against the tribe, the tribe against the city, the city against the country, the country against the continent, the continent against the world. Satanism continues: The world against the opressors, the opressors against the demiurge, the jews against the space-jews, the space-jews against the galactic federation, the galactic federation against the other galaxies federations.

>Implying that my emotions or thoughts take anything away from the objective knowledge I present.

You said you are triggered by things. This means you are not in control of emotions.

>It pains me to see my people fall for Judeo-Christian beliefs, it pains me deeply.

Next life you'll be born a jew and you will say the same thing. Overcome and continue.

>People that try to tie others into the belief that they need to…

You are of the impression that any of the sessions I provided for "neophytes" were forced or enslaved upon the attendees. In the thread title it was stated: "Free session". This implies free as in freedom. It would be quite difficult to persuade people into joining a propretiary software server on Discord, spend 2 hours of their weekend time there and then be hypnotised to leave. It's not like you spending the last week writing your hands sore until you had a headache is any different?

>Alex Jones is controlled opposition and everyone knows it, so you're not even really trying at this point anymore.

What if scientists undigged a satanist book from the Sumerians and you read it? In the book it states that the Jews were indeed killing prehistoric civilizations under the disguise of Egyptians. Then you'll be triggered again.

Control your triggers. Control your emotions. Control your ego. What you are doing right now is effortless mundane mode. You could easily change every argument point in your discussion for human rights issues, feminist misogny or liberal agendas and you would sound just like them. Even the tone is spot on.

>Second world war?

There was never a war between Mossa and Alpam. That war was in your head. Objectively the wars in history might have happened and might not, that is why we work on becoming concsious, as to prevent more blood shed for deceiving causes.

The one assumption that you hold which is the biggest pushing desire for your rants, is that you believe what you see in the astral to be absolute truth. The physical eyes deceive us, why wouldn't the astral eyes do the same?

The angry behavior you show everyone does not need to be nitpicked off from a chat log, regardless of context. Record yourself on video. Is this the person you look up to? Is this the person you wish to be?



Much love to you.

I apologize to you for it seems my action has some how indirectly pulled you into something that was not meant to be. Not at any moment did I mention your name in any of the drama that occurred. I believe that your posts was the beginning that made Alpam contact you, as you are one of the few known namefags still active on this board.

Perhaps it was meant to be then.



i know why this all happened, i saw it partially in a dream, i know what i need and should do but i don't want to because that would destroy him and i'm still debating weather the world needs this useful idiot or not.

you have nothing to say sorry for, alpam however, you have a lot to apologize for.


I'm going to talk about Satanists. Because I can am in fact one of the more learned on the topic.

These edgy teenagers are very ignorant and think they are high and mighty because they have been indoctrinated into a somewhat true cult. Yet they cannot in their limited understanding bring ancient worldwide concepts together and seek unity between ALL religions which were written by the same prophets and sages before alteration. Very black and white view.

They say power corrupts - or the illusion of it - and it does. Their will is misdirected into multiple avenues and fictitious or real enemies. This makes them dangerous, or fools.

They do not grasp the basic tenants of what the higher dimensions have to offer this world, namely harmony and spiritual advancement, expansion. Since they are led by a quarrelsome woman - Jezebel spirit, they have silly liberal sensibilities that would leave the Annuanaki of old really mad - probably mad enough for another flood soon. Heh… Order shall be restored some way.

Like the Gods, we battle amongst ourselves, yet our knowledge is even more flawed. If one does not seek humility and knowledge first, then they are helpless. By indoctrinating themselves into hard value systems, which are more like stagnated lower emotional vibrations, they limit themselves and shut out possibilities of learning.

I've also noted that many are afflicted with modern psychological conditions, like projecting their nonsense emotions onto others, victim mentality, hugbox shit, hierarchy, etc. I'm hierarchical and love to dominate but still bow before superior knowledge and prowess.

There is Truth but if you don't have the eyes to see, or ears to hear… I could spout Biblical quotes all day because most are more relevant than Satanic quibbling. Even the word Satan is directing energies to a malevolent thoughtform that they see no reason to correct out of ignorance. I wouldn't be surprised if some organizations have been subverted by deceptive ET's. Personal sovereignty should always be emphasized and trust, but verify.


There are examples of other people who have split off from JoS once they can't handle the bs.


I think there is just too much dross. Then again there is dross in everything unless you are sublimating directly from source!

We all had to start somewhere. So, thanks.


This guy is also no joke. Interesting read, no less.




>giant loosh cube waiting around the corner, as stated in (((The Bible))), which can be assess by remote viewing/AP'ing



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>I have little free will, Alpam?

Perhaps read a bit better next time before you start shit flinging like this. I said Mossa has low willpower, he is controlled by (((The Godhead and his Angels))). I communicated with The Pantheon to confirm this besides my suspicion.

>Because I won't get in line behind your sidekick waiting my turn to suck your dick?

What has gotten in your mind? I tried to illuminate you on a lot of topics considering you were targeted by (((them))) and I never expected anything back in return.

>If I actually cared about a bullshit occultists

>uses methods of the JoS himself

Right on, tippster.


>astral war

Can you stop calling it a fucking astral war? I went over this with you in both the IRC and in the /fringe/ server you deleted. I'll explain it again. No action is just bound to plane X. Every plane affects the other, hence as above, so below.

Take the simple example of being mad;

- Your physical body; heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, heat increases.

- Your emotional body; Anger, infuriation.

- Your mental body; Conjuring (low power) thought forms.

- Your energy body and bio-electric field; Adjusting frequency and becomes differently colored. People that are capable of seeing/feeling auras can sense you being mad without you needing to say a word.

Every thought affects the physical, the energy body, the emotional body, the list goes on. Now imagine what a fucking war does. And thus far, all of the events I listed in my previous post (WW2, Pagan genocide / Witch inquisitions, etc) are all individual conflicts of the SAME fucking WAR - one that is STILL going on to this day. So do the beings you invoke. Let me explain that in the next paragraph..

>During the session it was taught, every time that astral beings are not to be trusted because of the astral deception.

So that gives you an excuse to evoke beings whom's sole aim it is to enslave our kind? Without informing the people in the room in regards to the history, nature and origins of these beings? Let me do it for you. The war I just mentioned - these beings you evoke are not benevolent to humanity. The reptilians are at the top of the pyramid, and have engineered the Jewish race - this the Jews admit openly and is verifiable. Why do you think the Jewish energy body lacks so many chakras in comparison to ours - in comparison to ALL gentile races? Are you even capable of seeing subtle energy at all? Fuck it - you don't even have to see auras, just take their (((Kaballa))) which is stolen from the Sumerian tree of life, and look at how many chakras are missing. Now onto angels. Angels have gray auras - gray being the color of death and decay, of illness. Look at any dying being, any being that is ill - same fucking aura, and (((angels))) are at the top with their bleak and nauseating aura. Not only that - (((angels))) work with Jews all the fucking time. Why do you think they advocate them in their (((holy books))) to us Gentiles??? They are fucking Kosher-approved replacements for our original Gentile Gods. Why do you think all the Angel names end with EL - EL being the Hebrew word God, its short for fucking ELOHIM. In reality, as I and anyone who has studied this without being sucked like you have, (((angels))) are no more but thought forms that are inhabitable by malevolent Nordics that are allied with the Reptilians. And lastly - Greys. Greys are literally biological androids with no capacity for sympathy whatsoever. They are tied to a hivemind just like the Jews, albeit the Jews possess some individual consciousness. Problem is that they are wholly aligned with reptile alliance. Why do you think all the hundreds of thousand of abduction reports note Greys? Get real.

>Hindus see elephants, native americans see spirit animals and westerners see angels.

Just refer to my above paragraph as to why this statement is completely bunk. Its grasping at straws and misinforming yet again. Westerners do not by default see angels.



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>When Alpam started talking about being attacked by beings, I understood that he had yet not conquered his fears.

Does anyone actually believe this New Age pacificst Marxist crap? Relinquishing fear leads to becoming invincible? The Japanese Samurai were literally known to have no fear, they accepted their faith. The same is visible in WW2 with the Japanese, and also the majority of the German Wehrmacht. Spirits were so high that they were prepared to die for the fatherland, to protect your very family, race. Blood and soil. Blut und Boden. And before you throw the "astral beings cannot XYZ" - the beings you evoked in your AP sessions are not astral beings. They are physical beings like you and me, with multibody complexes (energy body, physical body, etc). The list of high standing officials that have come forward to express this, the amount of people that have been assassinated for whisteblowing (research Phil Schneider once, revealing stories about the Greys and died a month after blowing the whistle, case ruled "suicide" even though the impossible circumstances) - not only that, what about physical evidence? Starchild skull, anyone (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVmgKbJ5wsM).

These are just on the top of my head. And before you say "but they don't attack me, I'm living proof" - that is because you do not resist them. You do not prevent the human race from being enslaved - in fact, you aid them. Making unknowing people create energetic bonds with them, Hebrew beings, Reptilians and their Grey androids. Telling defending yourself is of the ego. War is ego. Wanting to survive is ego. Everything is ego, lets all become pacifists and stop resisting the enemy, like good goy marxists do. Cattle that does not resist being cattle is the best cattle - and anyone wishing to enslave you knows that. You're just a frontman for (((them)), a messiah of disinformation, all securely hid by the pretense of >muh spiritual. And in defense, all you do is strawman and try to frame me as someone who doesn't know anything at all, the poor guy that is still affected by fear. Fyi - tipp almost choked to death by a being and I'm pretty sure he does not fear. Fuck off with your flawed logic, Mossa(d).

>He sends free thinking individuals to attack me and my channel while proclaiming the people that sit on my Discord are slaves.

strawman.jpeg. My discord group is open for anyone and I never incited anyone to harass you. And I certainly did not say that the people who follow your discord were slaves.


>You want me to say that I know about the astral wars

I just debunked the notion of the 'astral war' in the post above this (>>86361), so I won't go over this again.

>I need to actively chop off an arm to fight the other opressors.

Even for an attempt at strawmanning, this is an incredibly bad one. Come on, I know you can do better strawmans, you're the king of them. Hit me with them straws!

>For each level you fall or climb, there will be a new enemy faction to fight. Islam does it best: [list of stuff]

If our forefathers thought this way like you do now, the human race would not exist; nor would your soul. We would have been destroyed or consumed by pretty much anything. This is how nature and the Universe works. Creation and destruction are inevitable, they are inseparable. Laws of nature. You can see this both on our planet, in our universe and in the astral. Becoming a New Age Hippy Marxist frontman like you have makes it only worse, because you spread the false notion that becoming a pacifist will solve anything. If your body thought this way in regards to a virus by not eliminating an invading parasite - you'd be fucking dead now. Your body eliminates the disease because otherwise it would consume your body. This is rational logic. However, Marxism and New Age is not based upon logic - no, they are created and shilled for by the Jew (verifiable and well for both) to make us passive cattle and for us to receive our invaders with open arms, like good fucking goys - like you.



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>You said you are triggered by things. This means you are not in control of emotions.

Spiritual power has nothing to do with moral, ethics, or emotions. Just look at the Jews. They have billions of followers through their programs (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) and therefor harvest a fuckton of loosh. They use and incorporate this to keep the Gentile enslaved and unknowing. It works - look around you (or should I say, look in the mirror). Not only that, but Prana (Sanskrit for lifeforce) can be accumulated and cultivated by anyone. Anyone who is proficient with Prana and is powerful can kill. Research what the USSR did sometime in regards to psychic research, its pretty well known and there is a plethora of published books. Heck, let me help you. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vision_remota/esp_visionremota_9c.htm

Reptilians. They aren't capable of sympathy. Look at your average run of the mill reptilian animal on this planet. They rely on pure instinct. Its this bad; if instinct didn't force them outside of the nest after laying eggs, they would eat their own fucking eggs. That's how predatory these are. Now imagine those beings evolving for millions of years - that's what we are up against; the reptilian faction and their allies. They are highly spiritually advanced and certainly don't adhere to any morality rules like you do, heck - they are not even capable of it by fucking design.

Point being; the most vile of beings can attain spiritual power to control planets, galaxies, the universe. And it certainly helps said beings that idiots like you that tell everyone to stick their hands in the sand not defend their right to exist.

>Next life you'll be born a jew and you will say the same thing. Overcome and continue.

Soul is tied to racial identity. Try to perform some past life meditation once. Nearly all characteristics carry over from lifetime to lifetime. So does your genetic identity. The universe works by manifesting everything downwards, from subtle to dense. Your physical body is a downwards manifestation of your subtler bodies. Meaning your both a mix of the genetics your parents give you, and your soul identity. This can be verified by experimentation by anyone. That said, I explained in the previous posts that the Jews lack many chakras the Gentile bodies have. My energy body is not related to the physical, and it certainly won't suddenly lose all my chakras upon incarnation to the next. Dying is mostly a physical thing. Not a soul thing. This is, again, rational logic.

>You are of the impression that any of the sessions I provided for "neophytes" were forced or enslaved upon the attendees.

I referred to them as neophytes as most were completely unaware of the nature of the beings you evoked. I came to this conclusion myself because I was in the /fringe/ chat. And most people who were in the /fringe/ chat can confirm this as well. Only after typing my fingers off for roughly 12 hours a day to deprogram anyone whom I could in that chat did people understand what the fuck you were trying to do. I did this because, unlike you, I want to see the gentile races empower and liberated. Not fucking tied to YHWH's schemes and under the impression that mere self defense or defending your right to exist is "of the ego and should not be done." - This is not how nature works, on no level does it work this way.

>Control your triggers. Control your emotions. Control your ego.

Right, we're born sinners and things that are innate to our beings are mistakes and faults we have to mutilate. Perhaps you're confused. I'm not a Grey, emotions are innate in me. I'm not a reptilian, sympathy for the gentile races is innate in me. Perhaps you're just thinking I'm not a human being? That would explain. Besides, again what you do is giving me the New Age equivalent of "check your privilege, white man!" but with a spiritual cloak to behind yourself behind. You're not addressing me, or my claims. You instead straw man and try to disqualify me with "buu huu, you have natural emotions and did not castrate yourself of them, you're not spiritual now!".

>There was never a war between Mossa and Alpam. That war was in your head.

Perhaps you've just been psychotic all along? I mean, the amount of strawmans is really perplexing. Did I ever say or imply there was a "war" between you and me?

>in your head

It clearly was only in your head and not mine. Telling you, you might be genuinely psychotic. I can help, just hit me up on Discord. I'm serious.

Also, here is the Discord group where you can ask me and anyone else questions; https://discord.gg/9TerfFC




>I believe that your posts was the beginning that made Alpam contact you, as you are one of the few known namefags still active on this board.

I did so because I wanted to help Tipp. I know he is moderately powerful, he did not seem to buy in as many New Age programs as most /fringe/ does. But he seemingly was not aware of the beings that were attacking him yet, thus I wanted to redpill him. That's the reason.


>i know why this all happened, i saw it partially in a dream, i know what i need and should do but i don't want to because that would destroy him and i'm still debating weather the world needs this useful idiot or not.

>tfw (((Monad/The Godhead/YHWH))) sends its followers dreams in which they need to assassinate me

And that's how I know I'm at the right track. Debunking statements left and right, making people wake up. Of course YHWH does not like this. Of course he wants me gone. Of course it sends sleeper cell agents orders in form of dreams where they need to get rid of me.

>alpam however, you have a lot to apologize for.

What the fuck do I have to apologize for? I wanted you in the Discord so I could explain who was targeting you. I never asked or expected anything in return. I never stained your name either. Neither did I gave anyone orders to harass you. Yet you want to kill me for no fucking reason?

You know, its quite easy to sum up.

>Mossa: Perhaps it was meant to be then.

>Tipp: I know, I saw it in a dream, I need to destroy alpam.

For clarification; you two both believe in (((The Godhead))) having created the Universe, regardless if you call it Monad, Yahweh, or whatever - exactly the same thing. This is what all the Judeo-Christian programs preach - a conscious Godhead having created the Universe, one that you need to unite with. Montalk preaches this. Gnosticism details this. New Age details this. Christianity. Islam. Modern Hermeticism. And many, many more. What do these all have in common? Either created or corrupted by Jewish hands; Judeo-Christianity.

The Reptilians, The Greys, The Angels, The Jews - they are all part of this grand scheme, and this is the end game they have for our planet. This has been the root for all the wars, all the conflicts, all corruption, for thousands of years. This is the highest of redpills that many cannot swallow. Asssimilation into the hivemind. I will create a seperate thread on this, but for now just read; http://web.archive.org/web/20120214033642/http://www.luciferianliberationfront.org/borg.html

Can't be arsed to address the other misinformation poster, I've done enough.

For anyone wanting to learn more, please join our discord





You lack spirit ergo your cult is a cult of the Demiurge.

You're not Illuminated, you got some Siddhis from doing bullshit occultism, its not your fault, its the source material you read, what is your fault however is clingling to information, never doubting it despite being called out on lacking such massive fundamentals.

>worship satan, redpill others on connection between Satanism, Sat'nam, Truth, Illumination, letting Spirit, Shiva, conscious mind rule lower mind, ego

>his own ego so clotted with shit, lashing out in emotional tantrums when faced with information that doesn't conform to egos programmed worldview, strong victim & herd mentality, little to no connection to own self, Spirit, consciousness, the God within

You're a useful idiot & bullshit occultist in the truest sense, m8. Find yourself.


If it walks like the Demiurge, talks like the Demiurge, then it is the Demiurge.


I came to wholly the same conclusion. In fact, the links above are expired because of me… Hehe… All for trying to share a little wisdom.

Just so you know, Enki or any vestige of Spirit has abandoned this group and they are pretty much stuck in some sort of drama of their own making on the big bad astral. Satan, Jews, Reptilians (which they are impotent against) galore. It's really quite twisted, what a gaggle of complete crap! The negative emotional energy vortexes there are out of control. Oh, my, what they must be feeding… Likely the very thing they pretend to be organized against. Sick.

That's what you get for taking a woman's flawed teachings at face value, teachings that basically empower you to be a degenerate. That's the problem with following female spiritual leaders (which the REAL prophets advised against), they do not have correct insight and are inherently flawed, only aware of subjective truth: muh feelz. This is due to that physical vessel lacking the Y chromosome of EA but I digress…

Due to the choices and actions of these charlatans, I believe their souls are heading for a very dreary place. There is little that can pull them out of their current trajectory. They are converting 8 and 10 year old girls to impotent Satanism in that group, btw, how ridiculous. LOL… I even was kind enough to offer them the gift of Shivambu, holiest gift of The Gods to baptize and rejuvenate their inner fire. Surely the rejection of such gift will haunt them until the end of time… May they embrace Shariah up the arse for that is the closest they will get to any sort of revelation in this lifetime. I'm real fucking done of that SJW cult.


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Aryan patriarch for life, bitch.


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Discernment is key.

Ancient Egyptian Water of Life Papyrus


“The water of life is given to you, drink it and wash your body with it.

It is given to you for your spirit, mind, and body-for the man and woman inside of you.

The water of life is given to us to make us whole-oneness in ourselves.

It increases the ability of the hidden senses. It gives one courage, strength, and freedom-freedom from fears and attachments.

The water of life will create a civilization far superior to the one existing. Noble character traits will be it’s sign.

This civilization will guide the sciences and the arts-it will guide the spirit, mind, and body for further growth and increased wisdom.

It will give birth to the unity of both worlds.

The water of life will increase your love and knowledge-it makes you more whole.

It will help you to be what your are-a perfect creation.

Isis, the servant of mankind and mediator of the idea of creation, is giving the key of higher living.

With spirit, mind, and body, we have to guide men and women with wisdom similar to that of a priest, teaching the water of life and the life principle – for this world and the world to come.”

Source: “The Miracles of Urine Therapy” (Feb. 1988) by Beatrice Bartnett and Margie Adelman


I should start a new cult, call it Leading Lost Children Back to Enki. Hehehe…




Why the fuck should he not just ask questions in this thread and have them answered here?

Why take it all to some chat where nobody else will get to see the conversation and learn from it?



>Take the simple example of being mad;

So what happens when the entities you serve see that you are angry? You can choose what vibration you receive and give and so far you’ve chosen anger and hate.

>So that gives you an excuse to evoke beings whom's sole aim it is to enslave our kind?

You see it as enslavement. You’ve read in your books that the entities enslave people. You believe this and you have that right to believe what you want. It’s the slander part where you use profanity and claim you have facts from books that you think will be used to convince anyone of your side of the story. JW knocks on peoples' doors and claim to know the truth too, does that mean they are right?

>fuck fucking fuckily fugg

I see that you are angry. Everyone can be angry. Many are angry. Doesn't mean it's the right way.

In the end you fought for the opposing force of the galactic federation and had a life of misery and suffering all for the lulz. Get awake.

>Westerners do not by default see angels.

They are more likely to see angels than other cultures. Hindus are less likely to see angels. Does the messenger matter over what the messenger conveys? If you are sceptic about the messengers to begin with there's nothing to worry about.



>Relinquishing fear leads to becoming invincible?

With fear you are not in control. You are always a victim of whatever the oppressors throw at you. You come out on the other end writing about your astral rapes as horrible events promoting and giving energy to the beings even more. When you stop being afraid of life and death, the fear projections of beings, you don't have to suffer any longer. Until then, you're not in control, and just as easily manipulated like the rest of the red and blue political spectrum.

But fear is the thing you need in order to perpetuate your mind games. That's why you fear Tipp's "threat", my teachings, the astral war. Every post I write here or every interaction I've made with you during the last week has lead to you sitting in Discord complaining and giving you headaches. You're letting your buttons show and allow them to be pushed.

>Fearless Samurais

And in those soldiers you see loyalty, honor and a quest for knowledge. Just because the samurais were disbanded in the 19th century and killed in unfair war doesn't mean they lost. The bushido code has come back in modern Japan as a spiritual movement and is ingrained in their culture. Apart from modern media brainwashing, Japan remains a strong nationality that refuses refugee intake and would rather have robots taking care of their old people now that the population is stagnating.

The 8th bushido code: Self-Control 自制

>You do not prevent the human race from being enslaved

The human race enslaves itself every day without my help. Brave new world and 1984 is slowly creeping up in our societies. We listen to politics from sitcom shows and laugh at our politicians. We drink and eat poison and we're happy doing so. We allow government to steal our money through inflation and bail outs.

What I teach is consciousness and awareness. What you teach is the dangling carrot of manifestation and the truth™. If you would have read the "books" you would know that miracles is not even showed to students until they have mastered their mind.

>Everything is ego

You don't know what ego is and you channel it in every word you say. Virtues of being in control of the ego are: patience, understanding, strength and will. Virtues of being a slave of ego are: anger, suffering, entitlement, pride, perversion, gluttony, ignorance and arrogance. But from ego's perspective, it sure looks like people who are in control of ego are: trolling, passive, submissive and defeatists.

>frame me

The joke is that you think anyone is framing you while you are doing all the job yourself. The response to my posts, the response to this post, it's framing you by every word you write. Those with eyes and mind will read your posts and know that you are trapped in a game of attachments and give you no thought. Those that are still stuck in the illusions will read your posts and believe you are strong, charismatic and knowledgeable.

The moment you've read my posts you're going to write on Discord that retard Mossa wrote a response to your posts and they are just as strawman as the last. Everytime someone joins your channel and ask about Mossa, you go into a minimum one hour hisfit about it.

>I never incited anyone to harass you

Let me know when anyone from Satoru comes to your channel and does this:


>Creation and destruction are inevitable.

You just strawman'd yourself. Here's a counter: Creation and destruction of the white race is inevitable. Rhinos, tigers and pandas are going extinct and is part of the Universe's plan. Oh no, the white people, quick save everyone.

Consciousness and awareness open your eyes. Ignorance and hatred closes them.

>becoming a pacifist will solve anything

It is your idea that I am a pacifist because I do not jump to your ship. Not fighting in the astral wars according to your definition is to be a pacifist. I am trying to tell you that you have a choice, it's not black and white.

>eliminating an invading parasite

Google: Wim Hof. Mind over matter.

>Your body eliminates the disease because otherwise it would consume your body

An unconscious action done by the body's immune system. Fighting in the astral wars: A conscious action done by the ego.

>New Age Hippy Marxist

"This is the 5th time we've retorted to Ad hominem, and we are getting quite sufficient at it"

Call my idea of opposing hatred, anger, unconsciousness and enslavement what you want. A lesser man would have cared.



>Spiritual power has nothing to do with moral, ethics, or emotions.

Your ignorance on thoughtforms are showing. Please go back to spiritual satanism before you regret it.

Spiritual powers is about control of emotions. What you send out, comes back to you and attract beings of like minded vibration. Surrounded by hatred, it'd be pretty hard to know anything other exists.


Knowing their weakness, you also know what card not to play.

With an average IQ over 140 measured by human standards, you'd think they know more than humans, but no, they are all ignorant enemies of the humans. You wouldn't hesitate to flip a switch and kill them in an instant yet fail to see that the reptilians yet haven't blown up our planet with a thermonuclear bomb.

>tell everyone to stick their hands in the sand not defend their right to exist.

Because the only valid response to an ET "threat" is fight or flight. Too bad you have nowhere to flee to.

>Soul is tied to racial identity.

So where do all the white people souls go that lived in the past? We where more white people on Earth prior to WW1 and WW2 and many were killed in the slaughter wars, but somehow more white souls spawned and in the future when everyone is a mulatto, white people souls will just not come to Earth? And current year, we are more white people than in the past, so where did the racial identity souls come from? Where they black before becoming white? Rational logic indeed.

>12 hours a day to deprogram anyone

You forgot to mention the headache.

>we're born sinners

Sinning goes as deep as even the food we eat help aid in our sinning behavior. Lust is the most objective cause, all the way to Pride. Take your time in removing sins one by one and you might learn something.

>emotions are innate in me.

Every human being has emotion. Doesn't mean they are in control of their emotions. If you read these posts and you are angry, you've already failed. What part of 'control' was hard to understand? Leash your horse. Steer the direction. Pretending you are in control sitting on an unruly horse doesn't make you the rider, only a passenger.

>You're not addressing me

There's nothing to address. A man that has read all the books and spoken to all the true spiritual beings, stubborn as a door salesman, wants to be addressed? I'm pushing all the buttons you show so that you can unrustle your jimmies and overcome your mundanity.

I have natural emotions too. During the four days of constant nagging, you made me sad. But being in control means to not lash out like a SJW and make actions that you will regret. Are you aware that everything you type online will be there forever? Can you live with what you have typed in 2 years and look back at it knowing you wrote it as a conscious being?

>Did I ever say or imply there was a "war" between you and me?

Alpam - Today at 10:57 AM

>Mossa is back, trying to attack me.

Alpam - Yesterday at 8:11 PM

>He needs to be stopped.

>Otherwise we will have more tipps and mossa's walking around.

>its like an infectious disease.

>And diseases need to be eliminated.

You didn't mean what you wrote then? Words like "attack" and "eliminated" are not about war, they're about spiritual enlightenment. Do you even remember what has happened these 9 days?

>Also, here is the Discord group

I came by once. Just a lot of whining about that Mossa guy and talking about headaches.

Third post had least profanity. Good job.



>For clarification; you two both believe in (((The Godhead))) having created the Universe

Wow, I can project beliefs unto people too, let me have a try:

You believe in the idea that your spiritual belief is the only true belief that everyone in the white race should follow. Anyone opposing of your hugbox view is a literal Jew.

Rate my projection, leave a like in the comment section.

We can make this all into a really good allegory instead:

I met with a car salesman that sell Toyota cars the other day. I thought he was a nice guy because he wasn't trying to push a car on me that day. Ended up sitting in the car touching the nobs.

>Mossa is now a Toyota car owner. He works with Japanese car manufacturers to impose hybrids on the world.

Hey, my BMW is the best car ever, it is guaranteed to get you to your destination in due time. It has a strong engine, good manual and drinks less fuel.

"It's better to be in control of your car purchase and buy a less expensive car that gives you the same perks, perhaps try different cars over the lifetime."

>Mossa is a BMW hater. He works with Jew Volvo and Toyota to conspire against my BMW car.

Let me clarify to you:

I believe in the All. There is everything and nothing is beside it. The everything contains every timeline, every possibility and every universe ever created within itself.

Within the realm of the all, there is good and there is bad. Rapists and murderers, saints and angels, stars burning their planets to crisps, galaxies voiding millions of planets per second.

Within the realm of the all, heaven and hell was created. Satan and YHVH. Red and blue, hot and cold, black and white, light and darkness, anger and love.

Are we living inside the matrix? What are we when we unplug? What is the world outside the matrix, but another matrix itself? What is the bigger picture?

Is your life's purpose to walk around and be angry like the rest? Is it to be easily controllable by Jew media and good goy books? I say again: From our perspective, we know nothing (Jon Snow). To even believe for a second, that we know anything of value from the big picture of things, is to be arrogant.

You are free to live your life freely. Even if you choose to live life controlled by fear and ego, it's still free will to choose to do so.

>I've done enough.

There will always be more to be done. I recommend fasting and meditation for more to be done.


meem suprem


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Was a response to your question on really wanting an answer despite it triggering you, I called Alpam Ignorant, not you.

You actually seems well read, to bad your boyfriends a psychopath.

This is a really good read. Protip Psychopaths can't into Spirit as they have no Spirit.



save yourself, run!



She seems to be just as misguided as him in my opinion.




But what's wrong with being free from morals? Do you think the grey that choked you abides by the moral code you seem to insinuate everyone should follow? :^)



Why do unto others what you don't want done to you?



Uh. Because you can and they can't? Duh. Not all of us are puppets of YAHWEH and turn the other asscheek to get spanked, you know.



What you do to others you do to yourself, in another life.



>believing in karma in any way, shape or form

I don't care for either side but you presented yours very, very well with that one reply.



lmao you really don't into spirit either boc



I never said I do. But you did. And there you are, in all your literally objective fucking wrong glory. Karma? Seriously? Man. Tsk tsk tsk.



You seem to have missed his point.

What you do to me, you do to yourself. What I do to you, I do to myself. Do you follow?



>Do you follow?

No; I'm too busy focusing on the cross in your flag and judging everything you are saying based on that.

>What you do to me, you do to yourself. What I do to you, I do to myself.

That's fucking retarded. If I was rich/spiritually empowered/cunning enough; I could kill you and go on with my life as if nothing ever happened. I can bend you over, fuck you in the ass and make your cuck ass cum your brains out for me, and still not get appeased myself.

Your logic is not logic. You are trying to appeal to silly sentimentalities while also using loaded words for extra oomph. But it only affects those who have an IQ of less than 70. Sorry mate, you won't find a huge audience here. Stop trying to assume an intellectual, moral or spiritual high ground by using words emphasized for effect instead of logic and reason.




I'm neither a cuck like Alpam who has a raging boner on "saving" you, nor a spiritual SJW fuckwad like Mossa. I could care less about your spiritual development. But your doublethink is not going to apply here, that's for certain. Make sense or go die.


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>No; I'm too busy focusing on the cross in your flag and judging everything you are saying based on that

And why do you feel that way? It's the symbol of total perfection. To the rose through the cross. To the cross through the rose.

>I could kill you and go on with my life as if nothing ever happened

Your subjective perception of one life would continue while another would end.

You've never experienced gnosis have you? Just kill your ego, my man.

>I can bend you over, fuck you in the ass and make your cuck ass cum your brains out for me

I'm not all that into O.T.O. ritual myself but each to their own I guess. You do you, brother.



Nothing with stolen Christcuck imagery on it can be "perfect".

>Your subjective perception of one life would continue while another would end.

And yet, you'd disappear from my sight.

>Just kill your ego

No thanks. That's for losers. Killing anything you own is defeatism. I'm much too comfortable in my opinionated speech and how you are unable to call it out as such just based on that, because I folded the calling out game first in my previous message.

>each to their own I guess

And that's the reason the world sucks today. For some reason, everyone is right, but nobody is challenged. Everyone has some sort of "subjective" "truth" (which is impossible, by the way) and yet, none of these "truths" clash or mesh. This gives rise to autistic, self-mutilationary programs some (read: most) preach and so many others blindly swallow as if they were swallowing the thick cum of their nigger masters. And then, the world turns into a multiculturalist, multi-ideologist (but never the confrontational ones), multi-everythingist hugbox shithole.


>my man

You know that kind of neutral, "all-encompassing", "loving" kind of speech only works on gullible shmucks like tipp, right? I don't have a built-in killswitch, unfortunately for you.

I'd love not to take sides but by Yahweh you so blindly submit yourself to, you make it so difficult.



Don't worry, I'm sure there's some kind of society to arise where people fall-in line with a singular belief and knowledge system. A single-culture, single-ideology, where there's no disagreement because everyone thinks the same, and those who challenge that, die.

The cosmos may even be so benevolent that you are reincarnated into the one which aligns with your image of the unthreatenable monoculture. You may be swallowing black cum though, as that sounds like an aquired taboo (something non-pervs wouldnt think up) that's been etched into you. How would you like it if you were reincarnated as a Noni tribeswoman with big tits in a superstitious village?



>How would you like it if you were reincarnated as a Noni tribeswoman with big tits in a superstitious village?

That won't happen - My soul is unable to fall so, so low. If you have a feminization fetish though, you are more than welcome to try to force it with what little will you may have left. Oh, who am I kidding. You have none.

>You may be swallowing black cum though, as that sounds like an aquired taboo (something non-pervs wouldnt think up) that's been etched into you

It's not me who is the Swedish cunt, and thusly, the nigger-worshipper.

>a singular belief and knowledge system.


Oh, you stupid SJWs. Trying to reduce facts to beliefs is a FEMALE THING. I know how much you would have loved your micropeepee to be replaced by a tight little cunt but it isn't happening, fuckboy. And as such, I'll still judge you as someone who SHOULD be able to think, but isn't. Facts are facts whether you like it or not.

But don't worry. To your great dismay, that society will be coming sooner rather than later. And you won't have to die if you disagree - that shit is for fucktarded Christcucks and Mudslimes.

See, retard? Two people can play the shit-flinging game. And we can see who is the superior one in the cases of logic AND attempted character assasination, both. All that estrogen you forcefully pump into yourself through your "tolerant" doctrine seems to have taken a huge toll on what is left of your brain.

Now that you are out of the way… Next.



Oh and…

>The cosmos may even be so benevolent

Only an idiot can possibly think something so impossibly vast can actually think. How does it feel to eat your dogmatic hugbox shit sandwiched by belief in karma and belief in an omnipresent universal force? :)




your posts radiate autism








God, I'm gonna enjoy the sounds of you choking to death on my dick. Also philosophia maybe let alpam lead. Since it established your nothing more than a talking vagina


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video related, to all of you.


>I'm not all that into O.T.O. ritual myself

Made me lol.

You're still a faggot for worshipping the demiurge, though.




You say that like it's a BAD thing…

I agree with you on the Christians and the Jews, as well as your affinity for White culture, but I don't understand your apparent hatred for other races and distaste for women.

The other races are victimized no less by the Judaic enslavement program.


Half of what he says might be bullshit, but at least he contributes something to the conversation instead of lurking forums waiting to find someone he doesn't like that he can pounce on.

He might be something of an idiot, but he clearly says, "And you won't have to die if you disagree - that shit is for fucktarded Christcucks and Mudslimes".

All the racism and sexism aside, he's clearly a more respectful and worthwhile human being than you.

You chaos magick pseudo-police pig fags are worse than most of the people you hunt. I'd give anything to show the public what you people are really like, and I might just be in the position to make it happen.


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>If you have a feminization fetish though, you are more than welcome to try to force it with what little will you may have left.

You'll probably argue and call me a pussy for this, but no thanks. Maybe try an ad in a magazine: 'Devout anti-sjw not seeking to be broken into emasculated sex kitten by strong-willed sjw overman. Promises fierce resistance'. Or maybe don't advertise at all.

>Only an idiot could think that something so large can possess intelligence.

I thought you were trying to be rational, but looks like you're lead by comical anger (aka feels). Nofap putting you over the edge?

>To your great dismay, that society will be coming sooner rather than later.

Big talking. I suppose you are going to help make it happen? You sound like the type to leap head first into regrettable action, without realising what the outcome will be.



>>Half of what he says might be bullshit





"I'd give anything to show the public what you people are really like, and I might just be in the position to make it happen."


a lot maybes from you. Maybe magic inst for you?



Interesting, I finally read this and see some similarities with myself. I can relate to the nightmares of not being able to scream. I had frequent and intense deja vu as a teenager and around the same time I thought I was seeing floating shadows, but I put it down to the spice and kratom I was using. I also moved to Scotland.Not a satanist though.

That ghost you dreamt sure knows how to wreck someone tastefully, I bet most would try to use terror and fucked up sights.


Joy of satan is nothing more than a bunch of edgy teenagers who want to replace indian myth with themselves as gods of the world because WE ERE ARYANS

If you try to debate them apalm will say you are ad hominem and strawmanning yet his little followers will screech LEARN TO READ and HURR YOUR A SJW NIGGER KIKE etc etc


Lets not forget censoring too


I got ban from the discord, Its sad really. They rather stay in their hug box then actually have a discussion. Oh well am sure satan will take good care of them.




Actually they are Spiritual Justice Warriors led by a cult founded by a half-Indian broad who lives not far from me.

I mean… it's cool, just don't go full retard.


You didn't even get some of that 10 y/o satanic pussy, bruh?

Might as well join the Patriarchal Aryan Hebrew religions bruh we rape all day err day free child slaves YOU KNOW. NO FEMALE SHALL TEACH, SHE IS TO BE QUIET. FUCKING CUNT MONKEYS JUST DESTROYED WESTERN CIVILIZATION AGAIN.

And your KEK meme is for little bitches, too, homie.


If you want to be a real gangster you got to get on that Jesus juice diet homie and get spiritually ripped you know. Then you get all up in that pussy tantra style and ascend your Kundalini like a straight G. By then you've already ascended past the lower levels of animal consciousness and into realms no female can attain. Edgy teenagers are still full of angst and shit but you can be like Buddha. For realz. No memez, just dreamz and Annuanaki genez.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ya'll faggots need Jesus.



>You didn't even get some of that 10 y/o satanic pussy, bruh?

nah nigga, you know I like them THICC

>your KEK meme is for little bitches

Parsing laughter itself is for bitches



well at least your more fun than the usal brand of retard we get here



WEW LOLDY All their videos have the comments disabled. the biggest bitches on the internet are a bunch of satanist. who knew?



Friday night at the /fringe/: a pedo wigger occultist raps drunken verse. Outside my window: everyone going into clubs. Shieeet.


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Well at least you still got us grey friend. Go on and get comfy cause you PROBABLY stuck here



>a cult founded by a half-Indian

But in her mind shes a "Aryan" huh?

The sad leading the weak

pretty pathetic tbh smh



You wish, idol worshipper.


Kill yourself, pathetic weakling. Also, nice guessing. But from what I've understood from the way either Alpam or Philaeaesophia talk, it should be obvious I'm not them. If I was able to provide sources for how and why you are wrong and exactly how wrong you are regarding every stupid argument everyone else makes; and if I was still as abrasive as I am, then it'd be an unstoppable force. But very luckily for you, we are separate entities. I just happen to be someone who sees through your shit.


Again, I'm not either of them. But seeing as you at least somewhat sympathize with me…

I don't hate women, I just think the vast majority of them have lost their way in this day and age. So have men; but it's not actively encouraged by the system for them to be more degenerate. Just more cucked. And men tend to be more logical. Tend to.

Also, I may say whites are better but I in no way claim other races should die or become slaves. I'm just talking in terms of industrialism and capacity for creating and leading civilization.


Nice flag switch. It's still obvious it's you or one of your goons.

>You'll probably argue and call me a pussy for this


>Maybe try an ad in a magazine - blablabla

Did you just write out what you yourself need here? Because none of that applies to me. So many negatives is "negative" for any magician working with intent, you see. But I wouldn't expect a simpleton like you to understand.

>I thought you were trying to be rational, but looks like you're lead by comical anger (aka feels).

Nah, just using your own weapon against you. Try SJW-tier character assasination; get Übermensch-tier logical dismantling and character assasination in turn. It's just that simple. I have never seen your ilk argue completely factually and logically, and as such, I'll return fire in the same manner to show you who is better at both games.

>Big talking.

Eeyup. I'd expect your Discordian ass to sympathize but seeing as you have no free will…

> I suppose you are going to help make it happen?

So long as I'm not a martyr.

>You sound like the type to leap head first into regrettable action, without realising what the outcome will be.

You wish. But I'll be alive far longer than you.


>they are Spiritual Justice Warriors

I have never seen such pure projection of this level. You have my congratulations.

>led by a cult founded by a half-Indian broad who lives not far from me.

Cool. At one hand, your goon friends who seem to really hate racism try to shit-talk someone for perceived racism and in the very same breath, you get "racist" yourself. Not that I mind since I'm neither the object of your baseless insults nor does it mean anything, at all.

The rest of your post is, again, pure projection.


You are aware those Satanists you bash for whatever reason are pretty much the OPPOSITE of the Mudslimes and Christcucks you plan to cockworship all day every day, right?



Chatlogs please, fucktard. While I'm not one to say no community leader would ever resort to censorship as that shit is dumb and idiots (like you) need to be censored; I seriously don't think that guy's got it in him to just shut someone the fuck up, unless they are extremely stupid, like you. And don't you dare say "oo but ay got kiked aout be4 ay cud get logs" because obviously, you seem like just the type to get on a server just to shit-talk people and get evidence of their ostensible zealousy and irrationality. As such, getting any kind of proof would be your top concern. Going by that line of logic; if you fail to provide, then you are just a lying sack of shit and are giving me more reasons to fully commit to one side by the minute.

I hope I covered everyone. :)



Oh, right, missed one.

I'd take this comment as a joke but seeing as how most of you fuckwads are thinly-veiled Christians…


Watched the video.

"Jesus had long brown hair, and beautiful blue eyes. The bluest I've ever seen. And his muscles are so big…"

Sounds more like a prepubescent boy's newly burgeoning homosexual desires manifesting in a father-like religious figure, considering that is NOT how Jesus looked like at all. That is, if he were to exist.

I don't know whether to reply seriously to you or just point out why you are wrong in every post anymore. But the latter method has been working well, so I'll stick to it.



>it should be obvious I'm not them

Yes I see that now YOU actually have a FIRE in you.

For whats its worth. Which I know is nothing I retract my statement and I'm deeply sorry

>If I was able to provide sources for how and why you are wrong and exactly how wrong you are regarding every stupid argument everyone else makes

How about we start from the begging?

What are these

"stupid argument everyone else makes"

>because obviously, you seem like just the type to get on a server just to shit-talk people and get evidence of their ostensible zealousy and irrationality

I didn't realize I came off that way but I originally went their because I thought maybe I could learn something and have a group of wizard buddies and once I started reading their material well……. YOU said it best "ostensible zealousy and irrationality"



How about we start from the beginning? It's been a long day forgive my stupidity.



It's worth quite a lot. Enemy, friend, foe or whatever the fuck; most people here are completely unable to compromise, admit they might be wrong or could do things just a bit better or more efficiently. If you are, then that's pretty noble in and of itself.

>What are these

"stupid argument everyone else makes"

I meant it in the sense everything I called people out on, but wasn't able to show any "citations", references or sources pointing to factual history, statistics, books of magickal origin or the like to back my claims up and things I had only my logic to rely on. People may hate Alpam or say Satanism is "edgy", which I'm starting to disagree with more the more time I spend with here; but there is usually one person here who provides sauce and god damn do I LOVE myself some sauce. I don't know about you but in this massive sea of disinfo, I do love me someone who goes around, saying REALLY unconventional shit and then adds up on it by saying "oh yeah, you can just check that shit up by yourself on here and here through x book and y website, enjoy". Mighty righteous if you ask me. Maybe he can focus less on helping people out and more on proving the very obviously wrong points wrong. Then I think he could possibly help even more people. Now, I sound biased… But to be honest, I'm starting to be.


I don't know what went on between you guys and them and I don't know your character as a man but yeah. As you can see from my initial responses, not everything is as it seems. I for one try to keep personal issues out of magickal workings and discussions as this shit is definitely not an exact science and we don't need personal differences further blurring everything. I for one take whatever works. Being wrong as often as possible means I'll get to the right knowledge that much faster.



Sure. And well, you can forgive whatever you feel I wronged you on then. I have no interest in helping everyone see the light; especially when I'm not completely certain what "the light" is. But if you display such guts, then I have to take it.

I personally have no qualm with you. And if you are the Kek wizard who had this supposedly big enough fight with Alpam or Sophia or whoever, maybe you can take it to them. From what I've seen of these guys publically, they are far more patient than I am. I'm sure you'd get an even better response than people more patient than me if you go the reconciliation route. Other than that, I don't know how I can improve your life as I'm just an initiate myself.



>I meant it in the sense everything I called people out on, but wasn't able to show any "citations", references or sources pointing to factual history, statistics, books of magickal origin or the like to back my claims up and things I had only my logic to rely on

Your probably not going to like JOS

then. You can try and reason with them but every source I site is kike lies because curry niggers who value their culture and history don't believe in the Aryan story

But if you like it so be it.

I always thought that SATAN/LUCIFER/ENKI valued individuals who fight for truth but that's just my OPINION. It's not fact as far as I know but JOS will tell you other wise. THEIR OPINIONS ARE FACT!

When I asked Sophia that she thinks she understands Indian culture better than Indians she said yes. She didnt even think about she was just like(paraphrasing) "I know Indian mythology better than the dirty mud people who live their"

Well that's not entirely true Alpalm was the one who made it very clear that he views Indians as sup human

and yet still "loves" other gentile races.


Satanism is "edgy"

Satanism isn't but JOS is well at least in my opinion.

Because any one who try and replace All ancient culture around the world and say that they were white. Well I'm gonna want proof other than a list of shitty fanfic books written by "Aryans" It's like reading a book on the holocaust written by a jew. TOTALLY NOT BIASED AT ALL AND ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH IS WRONG.


>I don't know how I can improve your life

talking helps



Thanks, I'm a prisoner here of my own device, its true.


>I'm a prisoner here of my own device



>you can forgive whatever you feel I wronged you on then

You haven't done anything, I was just seeing red from JOS bullshit.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You guys can't even fathom the knowledge I radiate. I'm about to go bathe in my very own Jesus juice to clean my aura. That's a trick you'll never learn at JOS. It's good for my sperm count.

Satanism is over. Game over. We are moving into a new age where actual enlightenment wins out. If you want some Satanism, check this degenerate illuminati shit.


JOS started out kinda cool then it got shitty mods and too ideological while ignoring basic truths and thus lost their way.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Have some more Bulgarian music.

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit. Gimme dat pussy. Mohammed was a G until his teachings were corrupted, too.



>Joy of satan is nothing more than a bunch of edgy teenagers

>If you try to debate them apalm will say you are ad hominem and strawmanning

Do you even see the irony? In the first sentence you start off with an ad hominem right off the bat. Then in your second sentence you start whining that I call you out on your ad hominem. This is the same you did in the discord group, from which I banned you solely of that reason. These are some of the things you posted:

Dabutt - Yesterday at 6:32 PM

@Peppermint HURRR I R SMATERRRRRR DAN YOU CAUSE I WHITE! whatever you say turk:joy:

Dabutt - Yesterday at 6:36 PM

>Implies he is better than the rest MERICA BITCH!

Dabutt - Yesterday at 6:43 PM

Apal your only arguemnt is that sanskrit translation and HURRR DA GODS WERE WHITE!

Dabutt - Yesterday at 9:16 PM

" Do something instead wanting to be spoonfed"


Dabutt - Yesterday at 9:38 PM

>What is it what you really want from us Dabutt?

Talk to you guys laugh at how delusional you are. You know the basics

Oh and especially this one;

Dabutt - Yesterday at 8:56 PM

>What is your point ?

I'll say it before and I'll say it again as an american I fight for TRUTH freedom and justice for all. These are traits in EVERY MAN WOAMN OR CHILD IN EVERY RACE. Its not some thing you inert from ayrans. Yes society and your race help you comprehend these ideals but ultamely its up to the individual to use them.

You literally admitted of being an egalitarian social justice warrior in that post. Any communist revolutionary would be so proud of you. Marx is smiling upon your blessed soul.



>check this degenerate illuminati shit.

fam that was dank as shit.

How is that evil?


Mohammed was a G until his teachings were corrupted, too.

I'm curious about this, please explain.


File: fa5e19d9ee3f1b1⋯.png (105.97 KB, 1302x703, 1302:703, stop strawmanning 1.png)


>Well that's not entirely true Alpalm was the one who made it very clear that he views Indians as sup human

I never did. Again - grasping at straws here. I even replied to you on this in the discord. I'll just copy the logs to demonstrate to everyone that you're trying nothing but to slander my name like every other Yahweh-ist here.

Pic related.




AYY look who showed up

>Do you even see the irony? In the first sentence you start off with an ad hominem right off the bat.

It called reading in between the lines goy.

There's a difference between what is being said and what is IMPLIED.

>I never did. Again - grasping at straws here

You called them "inadequate and weak"

"corrupted spiritual system" but they just need a big stonk Aryan such as yourself to fix it?

You would think a guy who views gentile races as brothers would let them live their lives as they see fit.

"Give me another MURCIA"

I'm just doing what any good national socialist would do by expressing pride in my people and my country. Why so butt flustered? Is is because your a europoor who has no real idea about freedom?

You literally admitted of being an egalitarian social justice warrior in that post.


I'll say it before and I'll say it again as an american I fight for TRUTH freedom and justice for all. These are traits in EVERY MAN WOAMN OR CHILD IN EVERY RACE. Its not some thing you inert from ayrans. Yes society and your race help you comprehend these ideals but ultimately its up to the individual to use them. = I am a SJW

Whatever you say bubala




gez fam in between Fringechan, your discord group and this your wife probably doesn't get a lot of attention does she?



A burger here is trying to talk about "Good national socialist" while COMPLETELY disregarding nationalism in the discord group.

We understand all races are different and have their own strengths and weaknesses, you on the other hand attack whites on the spot, the moment you come in.

You preach you fight for TRUTH FREEDOM AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. Then you would understand that a race and nation will grow stronger when everyone goes back to where they are from and help rebuild the nation and it's people.


From the way you spoke, it's obvious you resort to ad hominen like right now, why make a post if it's not going to be anything useful to contribute to the thread?

This is the type of people that come to the discord chat and this thread to personally attack us. We gave you chances to be civil and respectful, you didn't take it so you don't deserve it in return.


File: 8f030aeef1e1d18⋯.jpeg (90.76 KB, 800x448, 25:14, Stoddard-RaceMap-1920.jpeg)


>We understand all races are different and have their own strengths and weaknesses

Then pre tell what is the white race weakness? hmm

>Then you would understand that a race and nation will grow stronger when everyone goes back to where they are from and help rebuild the nation and it's people.

So when are cumdrops gonna leave and go back to Europe?



The map is a bit dated but it proves my point.

We gave you chances to be civil and respectful

Respect is EARNED not given




but you do a good job of acting like them




ad hominen

ad hominen

ad hominen

Honesty the fact that you guys keep complaining about it tells me your a bunch of new figs.

tbh smh fam


fuck it, while I'm still here you twats mind explaining if reptilians are the bad guys why do you worship Satan the SERPENT!

Seems if you believed that nonsense you want to avoid ANY snake like mythology.

But I'm sure those Nordic aliens who help you are DEFINITELY NOT reptilian in disguises.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Check it, G

See, this lil mind controlled hoe? See all the Satanic symbolism? Still think Satanism is cool? No. It's just edgy and played out. Ilerminaty.

Mohamed was an Aryan sage who got it where he fit in, naw mean? Even a JoS high priest once said that he wasn't bad in the eyes of our Gods. That's because the Gods eschew order and are good at selecting prophets. Mohamed's teachings are legit except for the whole pray to a black cube that sucks in your soul thing - which came later. Stupid sandniggers.


By their fruits ye shall know them.



The serpent in almost all traditions is an allegory for the Kundalini phenomenon. Research that, It's where you'll get 80% of the bang for your spiritual buck.



Reptilians can disguise themselves pretty easily, that's what the entire false light paradigm is. AND THE HARVEST.

Some teenagers on JoS forums were once sharing how they had visions of "Satan" coming down in a UFO and picking them up and taking them away. Those were Nordic imposters and part of the false light, HARVESTING SOULS AND DNA. A harvest is about to occur on this planet.

So, it's obvious by their impotent teachings, very anti-life attitude and hate, etc, that they lost the true creator Gods which support LIFE, HERE, and CIVILIZATION ON EARTH. If the Annuanaki seeded life here, they wanted it to remain here. That's because when you take life out of a biosphere it deteriorates, yet ET's want to harvest our advanced DNA for experiments and their own hybrids. That's sketchy as fuck but it's going down.

Since I was also active in the UFO community and knew these things it took me years to actually trust these "gods" but Enki is legit. Satan, however… That thoughtform ties into a lot of negative energy so you have to be exceedingly careful. And yeah, they are likely getting conned for lacking discernment.



>See, this lil mind controlled hoe?

booty booty booty booty booty…..I'm sorry were you saying something?

>See all the Satanic symbolism?

Not really, Her sitting on the throne with the goats head yeah but the rest of it not really. Burning cards the knight in the beginning most of it seems harmless.

How about you walk me through it fam.

>She steals king skeleton's crown

bitch has to be put down.

>It's just edgy and played out

Yeah it kind of seems that way after

watching this guy


Most Satanist seem to have moved on

>That's because the Gods eschew order and are good at selecting prophets.

That does make sense.

so are you actually Christian?

Just curious because its seems that if Islam got corrupted then why would Christianity still be good?


File: 8b82307ddb295f9⋯.jpg (30.51 KB, 600x468, 50:39, mah-nigga.jpg)


True but if were going by David icke conspiracy theory standards than it should be avoided like the plague



Fucking retards mann


>Enki is legit



Eh… Forget it, she's just an mk ultra'd bimbo and property of the illuminati. They like using symbolism but most the time it's just bullshit.

I'm Christian if it gets me some young pussy, nah mean? Bunch of whores and cucks in the church nowadays, they about to get harvested.

Jesus is my homeboy but I'm more like a Taoist Immortal in my own mind.


David Icke is a little bitch boy of the illuminati says Donald Marshall (who also says the illuminati think he is the new Jesus). Really weird. Those Illuminati are about to get imprisoned in their fancy underground bases unless we kill them all like Donald Marshall (new Jesus) says we should. He's pretty cool.


File: 7dad4d596e470f5⋯.jpg (71.7 KB, 432x674, 216:337, Bowl-of-Hygeia[1].jpg)

If you don't know what the holy grail is then just LOL



>I'm Christian if it gets me some young pussy, nah mean?

I do

>Jesus is my homeboy

Well you seem to know how to make friends

>but I'm more like a Taoist Immortal in my own mind.


looking at Donald Marshall now and this thread /fringe/res/86666.html

It looks interesting but it's gonna take some time for me too look at all of it.


Got any more info on the grail fam?




>flies off into clouds

Looooook uuuppppp



>flies off into clouds

Godspeed you glorious bastard.

I'm looking up but all I'm seeing is the



I hope I only have to post here once.


> We gave you chances to be civil and respectful

No actually, you didn't. Right off the bat you did not. You made a remark about your racial hatred towards people for the "sin" of being born with white skin. Totally buying into Jewish historical corruption. But you just cherry pick "sources" (ranging from alternate history, (((accepted history))), or even just opinions) that fit whatever agenda you would like to push in that particular paragraph. You said to us, after we asked politely in Discord, that your life's purpose was:

> "IT IS TO DESTROY YOU GUYS IN YAHWEH'S NAME! Close but exterminate is a strong word😉 No it's to expel you cunts from my country,  But not in the name of YAHWEH.

Calling us outright "cunts". You said respect is earned, but you never showed us any right from the start. While Alpam and I were being nothing but respectful to you. We wanted to have an intellectual debate, but clearly, you weren't interested in admitting that we could be right, as you said in Discord:

" It was written in a book, So it must be true! AYY LMAO "

" I never said I was  the truth I just said I dont agree with your BS "

" @Cixina Retreat is not an option. "

In other words; it's not an option to admit to your weak arguments, that "our BS" (read: Historical facts.) is shit because your -self admitted- SJW feelings disagree. Where do you get your "facts" to enforce your "truth"? From Youtube videos of some guy complaining that the Joy of Satan offends them.

You laugh at us because the books we read are written by White people, while you (who plain out refuses to read anything longer than half a sentence) expect us to watch your Youtube videos WITH NO RESOURCES that are literally just reviews of a book we cited of someone who has a different opinion than what the book's facts and resources state.

Just, no.


I get that you are upset that I actually do know more about Hinduism and their cultures than the people who "practice" it. Those people, mind you, can't even write their names. Whilst I spend hours researching the Vedas and their history.

Something I learned is that you can't ask a Hindu for any information about the origins of Hinduism or the changes that occurred throughout the centuries. It is a waste of time.

It's the same as how a typical Christian knows nothing about their religion, not even having read their religious books, while I go through every single thing with a highlighter. Your argument is not even an argument.


> fuck it, while I'm still here you twats mind explaining if reptilians are the bad guys why do you worship Satan the SERPENT!

Repent, right? Your ignorance is just bone-chilling so I refuse to say anything more than this. You get your information by a book conjured, a few hundred years ago, by Rabbinical class Jews in Rome, people who admit to being Satan's literal enemies. Cherry picking because it is convenient, or are you that ignorant that you only know what they told you?

First off, you were in the Discord, so you should at least know we do not "worship" Satan. Obviously, you weren't there to learn.

And no, I don't "mind explaining" if you don't mind reading.

The primordial sun god is properly called Sandan [1]. The D and T are interchangeable in ancient languages, like Sanskrit. Sandan is Satan. The sun God. 

The serpent of Satan is a solar symbol. Never was Satan once portrayed as a literal reptile, except in your beloved Bible that lists no resources, (unlike me) unfortunately. The snake was called Sunake in the ancient world. The serpent makes the Hissing Ssss sound, right? I hope you knew that from preschool. The "S" is the Solar prefix.

The Snake and Sun imagery are all allegories relating towards achieving spiritual advancement, enlightenment and immortality.

The Romans stated that (the God) Saturn is the Sun God, who ruled the Golden Age. Even Saturnalia is a SOLAR festival, the Sun being reborn.

The confusion comes with Latin, which MUCH later, (planet) saturn is named as.

The physical planet saturn was called Shani in Sanskrit.


[1] Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver; D.M. Murdock.

The Gnostics and Their Remains; Charles William King.



>Your probably not going to like JOS


To be perfectly honest; reading up on the logs they posted and the arguments I just read, I can't say I don't like the guys.

>but every source I site is kike lies

I didn't say that. I do despise the kikes but I haven't seen your sources so far. I'm open to them.

>curry niggers who value their culture and history don't believe in the Aryan story

I think their point would be that those "curry niggers" DON'T actually value their culture and history, and are in fact not knowledgable on it at all. It's fitting. Muslims don't usually read the Kor'an, Christcucks usually have never opened a Bible and so on. In fact; if people from those cultures or religions actually had researched into them, we'd have far, FAR less problems in the world today.

>It's not fact as far as I know but JOS will tell you other wise. THEIR OPINIONS ARE FACT!

Aren't some opinions facts? Don't we need facts to move on? I think you might be biased at calling some facts opinions and some opinions because of your very personal beef with the Satanist group. I won't say anything regarding it but so far, I'm not seeing anything they said I can disagree with. And no offense man, but it seems like you kinda DID start the fight.

>he views Indians as sup human

Saying they lack understanding of their own culture and history or being incompetent because of systematic disempowerment is not calling a people subhuman; it is recognizing a problem. Recognizing an issue is how you begin to fix it.

> try and replace All ancient culture around the world and say that they were white.

Sorry man, I'm just not seeing it. As I said, maybe everyone can just calm down and do a double take. It worked with me, why not with them?

>talking helps

Then take this as friendly commentary, not an outward attack on your culture or person. I'm fine with "curry niggers".


>actual enlightenment

>drinking and BATHING IN piss

>calling it Jesus juice

You are pretty obvious. A command is not even needed.

I won't make any more comments to you, by the way, my Indian friend. It seems their mere presence is enough to tick you off. But I will repeat. Talking respectfully worked with me. Why not with them? It seems like they are big on returning the respect, too. Just my two cents, friend.




I meant comment. Kek.



ah whats the matter Alpam you realizing how fucking stupid you are and had to send the "brains" ?

> We gave you chances to be civil and respectful

>forgot to green text

>No actually, you didn't

Because you cunts dont deserve any respect.

>You made a remark about your racial hatred towards people for the "sin" of being born with white skin.

Being white isn't a sin but stupidity is

and da "master" race has cognitive dissonance like a mother fucker

ways to refute the point of the map and >>86939

>Totally buying into Jewish historical corruption

Yes you should instead buy into out History which totally isn't corrupt

>But you just cherry pick "sources" (ranging from alternate history, (((accepted history))), or even just opinions) that fit whatever agenda you would like to push in that particular paragraph

and pre tell what do you call what your doing hmm?

Ever heard of Confirmation bias?

In other words; it's not an option to admit to your weak arguments, that "our BS" (read: Historical facts.)

I did but apparently its ALL Jewish lies and you only accepted (((Aryan)))) approved ones

>You laugh at us because the books we read are written by White people

What is confirmation bias?

while you (who plain out refuses to read anything longer than half a sentence)

Nice ad hominen :^)


I get that you are upset that I actually do know more about Hinduism and their cultures than the people who "practice"

confirmation bias but please do go to ANY university or India for that matter tell them that and they will at laugh at you. If your version of "History" was right then it should be able to stand up to academic scrutiny. Instead I get a list of blogs by people who half of which probably never went college or heard a different opinion.

>Youtube videos


When saturn was sun


This guy another satanist who like most other satanist thinks your guys are fucking fucking idiots but please

>literally just reviews of a book we cited of someone who has a different opinion than what the book's facts and resources state.




You guys keep throwing that word around and dont know what it even means

(sad) wew.

>Repent, right?

Not even close but k

>Your ignorance is just bone-chilling

and yours is giving me cancer

Also nice ad hominen :^)

See >>86948

please go contact David (((Kike))) about this and see what he says.


pretty sure hes gonna say the same thing as>>86944

If your gonna continue stealing everyone's else stories to suit your agenda well I'm gonna have to keep fighting you.

And no, I don't "mind explaining" if you don't mind reading.

Haven't heard that one before


>(who plain out refuses to read anything longer than half a sentence)

You would think if I'm so fucking stupid then you let the readers decide and come to that conclusion on their own and you wouldn't have to keep repeating yourself .

>You get your information by a book conjured, a few hundred years ago, by Rabbinical class Jews in Rome


>Cherry picking because it is convenient

>You get your information by a book conjured, a few hundred years ago, by Rabbinical class Jews in Rome

hmmmmmmmmmmm? :^)

>Bible that lists no resources, (unlike me)

Yeah because a bunch of people circle jerking about the same fantasy

is totally based on fact…wait a minute


>The Romans stated that (the God) Saturn is the Sun God, who ruled the Golden Age. Even Saturnalia is a SOLAR festival, the Sun being reborn.

Way to steal info from my video

When Saturn was sun


Are your sure your not a kike?

See strange thing is I remember when I first join the discord Alpam was talking about the how aliens were talking people souls up to Saturn/(((yahweh)))

But now that you saw my video your backtracking like a mother fucker.


>Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver; D.M. Murdock.

>The Gnostics and Their Remains; Charles William King.


>Cant even probably site sources


Why don't you go back to sucking yo mans dick and leave the academic study to men, ok princess? XOXO <3


File: b930960217f7698⋯.jpg (85.05 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Good Job.jpg)


>To be perfectly honest; reading up on the logs they posted and the arguments I just read, I can't say I don't like the guys.

Then by all means join, I honestly don't care what you do with your life

Freewill and all that

>I didn't say that. I do despise the kikes but I haven't seen your sources so far. I'm open to them.

ummmm I never accused YOU of anything like that just JOS but…k

DON'T actually value their culture and history


Not the video alpalm posted on his discord but point remains the same

They continue to bathe in the rivers even though they are dirty as fuck.

They continue to do it because it's their tradition and they respect it.

>DON'T actually value their culture and history


>Aren't some opinions facts?



It very dangerous to think like that

>Don't we need facts to move on?

IRL yes in a hug box…no

>I won't say anything regarding it

Please do I wont mind at all

>And no offense man,

Non taken,

>but it seems like you kinda DID start the fight.

I did I'm not disputing that.

>Saying they lack understanding of their own culture and history or being incompetent

annddd how do we know if Apals and princess cumdrop aren't doing the same?

>because of systematic disempowerment


Last time I checked jews don't have a prominent role in Indian so how would they disempowerment it?

>not calling a people subhuman

No their just "incompetent"

"lack understanding of their own culture and history"


But DEFIANTLY NOT sup human

So far their only argument is


read between the lines, It's white mans burden all over again


>Sorry man, I'm just not seeing it.

"The Blonde Blood Line"

"they came from India first then

into ancient Sumer and Babylon"

"race the texts stated Enki created in its own image, the first blue eyed people. "

Cause you know blue eyes is common among colored people.

>try and replace All ancient culture around the world and say that they were white



"Enki established the Brotherhood of the Serpent."


>You get your information by a book conjured, a few hundred years ago, by Rabbinical class Jews in Rome, people who admit to being Satan's literal enemies. Cherry picking because it is convenient, or are you that ignorant that you only know what they told you?



>It's fitting. Muslims don't usually read the Kor'an, Christcucks usually have never opened a Bible





File: 68e25321090e928⋯.png (42.06 KB, 960x886, 480:443, s938110379110678739_p2_i2_….png)


hmmmm wait a minute,

>Looks up

yes yes….. (gasp!) Dis synchronicity!

Honestly guy your starting to scare me……Who are you?


> Kek.



Tell me have you thought about joining the sons of kek.

The only rule is that there are no rules.


File: f9ce2198e3d4b1b⋯.webm (10.49 MB, 640x360, 16:9, meow.webm)

Poor little snowflakes don't even know what their getting themselves into.

Careful kitties Satan is the god of Hell Fire and we all know what happens to snowflakes when they cant take the heat.

>But maybe you should be careful when flipping a stranger's switch like assuming the war is won ain't a symptom of arrogance

>When nothing to lose a step up then everything's for the win so we grin in the face of frauds and tell monsters to suck our dick

>I live to spit on your grave, my existence is to disgrace you

The kitten became a lion that look at your face like great food





What's happening to you? You're an emotional roller-coaster. You are nice enough to talk to one moment and completely insane the next. It can't be because "Alpalm", "Apalm", "Napalm" or however you spell his name is practicing eebil Satanic witchcraft on you, can it? You started acting like this ever since he gave openly calm and composed replies to this thread. I'd address every bit of what you said but come on. Calm the hell down. Neither am I nor are these people your enemy. Though you seem very keen on making as many enemies as you can. Why?


File: c7b319622b067c1⋯.jpg (25.34 KB, 320x231, 320:231, ImmortalLu.jpg)


Ayyyy girl. How old you is? If you are under 17.9 years you may still have some good jing for my daoist cultivation stove naw mean. Roasties on the internet are a mistake and be careful because you are making wrong assumptions and biologically incapable of debate. Go do some chores.

>snake is a solar symbol



>so emotional

>so roasted

[/spoiler]I'm all about gettin that prime loli jing do ya feel me[/spoiler]


psssssst… pssssst… kid, you ever drink your own pee?


Stop blabbering like an idiot because nothing you say has relevant or worthwhile content. You are probably an inferior female. So… uhh… about that jing. Gimme it.

And one more thing. I have to correct you. I'm not part Indian like the leader of JoS and never said I was but I do support the ancient Aryan Vedic practice of burning wives at the funeral of their husbands. That's a good one. Oh, what? You never heard of noble customs like that? Guess you'll keep reincarnating into lower animals, then.

Imma keep riding the tiger, brah


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jk, I don't need your inferior roastie jing. I have strong ojas already.

This is the highest level of spiritual attainment a roastie can achieve in her lifetime. Believe it.


That's a great movie, btw. It even has a scene where they put urine on a wound to treat it.


File: aa69de4299d8b80⋯.webm (5.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Spooked!.webm)


What's happening to you?

Nothing just having fun

>you're an emotional roller-coaster.

Stupid people make me laugh what can I say?

>You are nice enough to talk to one moment

Thank you

>completely insane the next.

Please point out where in my posts that you find insane.

>green text please

It can't be because "Alpalm", "Apalm", "Napalm" or however you spell his name

I like calling him Apal now


Who are you quoting their guy?

>practicing eebil Satanic witchcraft on you, can it?

If he is, he's doing a piss poor job of it

Weak willed fools cant into magic.

>You started acting like this ever since he gave openly calm and composed replies to this thread.

>"You literally admitted of being an egalitarian social justice warrior in that post. Any communist revolutionary would be so proud of you. Marx is smiling upon your blessed soul. "

yup super calm

Well at least marx still likes me according to him.

>I'd address every bit of what you said but come on. Calm the hell down.

Well……..I'm waiting





>Neither am I nor are these people your enemy.

When you're this fucking stupid and clamming to fight for TRUTH…well

yes you are.

>Though you seem very keen on making as many enemies as you can.

Because JOS speaks for the majority of people on this planet.


Your a clever goy I'm sure you can figure it out

Honestly fam you're coming off as a shill for these guys.

Why defend them?

They're big kids. They SHOULD be able to defend their own beliefs if there is any merit to them.



[/spoiler]What type of ruse cruse are you trying to send me on mann?[/spoiler]

>Imma keep riding the tiger, brah





Dubs have spoken.

JOS confirmed fuckbois who cant handle bantz.

Fuck off back to your hugbox




>tfw no charles manson magick bf to perform witchcraft on me to give me purpose


File: 780e3b66bc3cca8⋯.jpg (402.25 KB, 1122x711, 374:237, Blerg.jpg)

If you are going to refute anything the SS group does, at least do so with a mind on a leash. You are coming across as sperging feminazis and it's not doing you any favors.

The main point to counter all of JoS material is that it's written from a biased standpoint with the idea that the lightbringer is the true father of the white people and all other gods are Jewish tricks. It's written with the assumption that Jews are to blame for all the problems in the world, not Ashkenazi, Cohen or Hunnish, Turkish, Kurd, Persian, Albanian, Byzantine, Chinese, Indian, Spanish, African or any other culture but Jews. It's unthinkable that any spiritual method practiced can be a tool regardless of bias or polarity towards a certain faction or ideology.

As much as I can understand Jews being behind most (((coincidences))), I am also aware that there could be a polarity game being played to frame all Jews for the things that the face-Jews does. You wouldn't blame all of the USA citizens for actions that biker gangs do, even though biker gangs might be over represented in news reporting. With the mentality of JoS, we are to blame all Jews for everything that is happening to white people, while failing to realize that the current culture rising in white countries is due to white people being docile enough to not counter the actions of their puppeteer'd representative politicians.

If you look at the map provided in pic related, you can see the general area that reports the origin of all the "bad" people that has come and gone for over thousand years. If you research all the civilizations that have existed in that region back to before the Greece empire, you'll be able to name almost a dozen different cultures that all jew'd other countries and cultures for hundreds of years at a time.

One conspiracy theory states that Jews engineered their own religion, scripture and history and somehow Mandela effect'd themselves into the oppressive history just by pushing their narrative into accepted history. It goes to depths claiming that the Talmud is less than 1k years old, making the Talmudic Judaism a young religion compared to Islam.

I still stand on my value that consciousness and awareness is key to beating "the enemy" and in that realm of possibility, we have to take into consideration that the enemy might also exist within us, as the "voice of conscience" or any other imposter thoughtform. By being aware of your emotions, thoughts, surrounding and environment (including the local and global information sphere), you can gain knowledge, which leads to experience and eventually wisdom. But even though it has been repeated for weeks upon weeks during the summer, people are not gaining consciousness upon reading this paragraph, let alone a book. You have to meditate, even if it's just a YouTube video with singing bowls and a Tuvan throat singing, you have to meditate.

You may have read this post by skimming through it with your eyes, but you have not really read the text, rather listened to the voice in your head, the commentator. When confronting the voice, even through provocative text like this one, it's stirring garbage in your mind, telling you that this is text is wrong. The sad part is that people believe the voice over objective observation or memory. It is clear that many people let the commentator express and dictate their life in the posts they have written since the beginning of time. The commentator is the classical Ego, John Smith character that promotes suffering, points focus towards itself, away from other topics. They have many names: mundanes, commoners, hoi polloi, plebian, zombies, riffraff, rabble, herd, cattle and so on; people who let themselves aimlessly be enslaved by their own ego.

Thus I repeat: Observe, control, overcome your ego so that you can live as the conscious being you are and not the slave the "enemy" want you to be. The easiest way to start your journey, is to sit still and don't move. When the mind starts provoking you about boredom, ask it why you are bored and then keep going. Why this, why that. See how far you can learn to know your mind before you give in.



Not to bump this gay thread but I was recently trying to convince this guy who makes subliminals for me to add a "serial killer stare that inspires love and devotion in followers".. he is too bluepill to get it, I think

Bitches love serial killers and shit because women are primitive monkey sociopaths


Sure is a lot of text there, boyo. It's the Khazars and that's it. And whatever degenerates decided to join that little club. Hell, even Nazis can't be trusted.



>not mentally inspiring people to do good using the eyes as a gateway to the soul rather than to make followers

step it up son

some women like serial killers because they're super masculine/driven. rather than try to become them, be just as driven in saving mankind from it's mundane grip. then you can fuck bitches and save humanity at the same time.


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>You are coming across as sperging feminazis

>ad hominen :^)

> no fun allowed

Because these guys have proven they can be reasoned with

>The main point to counter all of JoS material is that it's written from a biased standpoint

What do you think I been proving?

>One conspiracy theory states that Jews engineered their own religion, scripture and history and somehow Mandela effect'd themselves into the oppressive history just by pushing their narrative into accepted history.

And what do you think these guys are trying to do?

>You may have read this post by skimming through it with your eyes, but you have not really read the text

If you disagree with me you haven't read the text

>even through provocative text like this one, it's stirring garbage in your mind, telling you that this is text is wrong.

Honestly guy your coming off as a 2enlighten4U douche

ad hominen :^)

>overcome your ego

Let me guess, your one of those guys who keeps repeating be egoless but some how manages to have a huge ego?

>You may have read this post by skimming through it with your eyes, but you have not really read the text

>>even through provocative text like this one, it's stirring garbage in your mind, telling you that this is text is wrong.


neophyte If you were nearly as smart as your trying to come off then you would know mediation only gets you so far in magic. It definitely helps but you need WILL POWER! FIRE!






>Because these guys have proven they can be reasoned with

You can be angry all you want at the JoS fangroups but I would suggest leading by example, with patience, control and awareness. They cannot be reasoned with, that's why I was attacked by them and they call my attempts ad hominem.

I also did not quote a post or target anyone, you sought to make yourself the target indirectly. This is the same method the SS group uses. Be aware of this.

>What do you think I been proving?

Are you proving it for the JoS group or the people reading this thread? If you wish to disprove a heavily biased, egoistical driven group of edgelords, you'll have a challenge of a lifetime.

>And what do you think these guys are trying to do?

They are doing what they believe is their own free will, creating a system of imposed religious and spiritual freedom to help liberate mundane man from their slightly less mundane lifestyle of materialism, to that of slightly more materialistic and spiritual life style. They believe that they are right and that others are wrong. A fairly dangerous bias in any field to have.

>If you disagree with me you haven't read the text

>Honestly guy your coming off as a 2enlighten4U douche

Self control is still key to the path forward. Any man can act autistic and emotionless. The challenge is to not be what is expected of you.

>Let me guess, your one of those guys who keeps repeating be egoless but some how manages to have a huge ego?

I ask my ego questions to create a distinct difference between it and me. It wishes to express multitude of hate and fear mongering in any debate or conversation in an attempt to look bigger than it is. A flight or fight response perhaps.

>neophyte If you were nearly as smart as your trying to come off then you would know mediation only gets you so far in magic. It definitely helps but you need WILL POWER! FIRE!

Is a knife evil or a tool in a box? Meditation is the knife of which we cut through the garbage of the mind. Will power is gained through consciousness and awareness. To have power over yourself so that the power of any other being is void.

Sit down and don't move for 4 hours. Provoke yourself.



>Nothing just having fun

Seems like more than that.

>Stupid people make me laugh what can I say?

And you don't care about how you come across in the process?

>Please point out where in my posts that you find insane.

You already did that in the next part of your post.





You appear to argue back but it amounts to little more than very angry drivel. Is this your definition of fun or what you want to subject yourself to? I liked the you I could talk to calmly far better. You seriously don't have anything to gain from hating so blatantly.

>When you're this fucking stupid and clamming to fight for TRUTH…well

So fighting for "truth" is a bad idea? Should we all just live in our own, personal "universes"? That's how the world comes to an end, friend.

>yes you are.

I am going to assume that "you" was a general you and not directed to me.

>Because JOS speaks for the majority of people on this planet.

I think you mean the minority because the vast majority are literally anti-Satan and pro-Christcuck.

>Your a clever goy I'm sure you can figure it out

Trolling? You're an active shill for the Jews? You're drunk? I dunno. What else?

>Honestly fam you're coming off as a shill for these guys.

Would you rather I joined you in calling people cumdrops? I'm white too, it'd be self-defeating. I'm just assessing all that's being said. I'm not particularly defending anyone.



Welcome back, Mossa. I see you have upped your game ever so slightly by trying to (but ultimately failing to nearing the end of your post) avoid the usage of the word (((ego))) and thusly instantly showing your true colors.

>Observe, control, overcome your ego

Consume, obey, die. :^)

You keep putting the word "enemy" in quotations but there are very definite enemies of humanity or at the very least; culture, progress and prosperity, even from a non-metaphysical point of view. If you are going to claim maybe only some Jews are bad, I'm gonna have to call your bullshit right out.



>Let me guess, your one of those guys who keeps repeating be egoless but some how manages to have a huge ego?

Right on point. This one thing you said is literally the perfect explanation of this guy's entire modus operandi. I hear he also has a relatively small cult following who swallows his words like the semen of (((Christ))) too. But oh well.

>neophyte If you were nearly as smart as your trying to come off then you would know mediation only gets you so far in magic. It definitely helps but you need WILL POWER! FIRE!

When comparing your responses to other people than SS leaders you deal with, it seems you agree with them more often than you disagree. Curious.




> If you are under 17.9 years

>believing 18 years being significant in any way, shape or form


>because you are making wrong assumptions

Such as? You being stupid? That's not an assumption; it's fact.

>biologically incapable of debate

That's adorable. While men generally pioneer everything ever, some women are more than capable of debate. It seems like you got your ass handed to you royally by that Philaesophia girl and are trying to take it out on someone you think you can call out on being a female since they use a "Basic Bitch White GIRL" flag. Nice try, but you won't regain what little masculinity you had this way. Especially since I'll *always* come back to crush your nonexistent little nuts back to oblivion every single time you try to run your mouth, you worm.

>Stop blabbering like an idiot because nothing you say has relevant or worthwhile content.

Nice projection. Did you say that looking into a mirror?

> You are probably an inferior female.

Again, trying to regain masculinity this way won't work. Especially if you never had any to begin with. Must be all the piss you subject yourself to.



>They cannot be reasoned with, that's why I was attacked by them and they call my attempts ad hominem.

From all the logs, it is obvious you are the one and THE ONLY ONE that tries to but ultimately fails to -on account of being far less intelligent than you think yourself to be- resort to character assasination and ad hominems. I am not rooting for one side but I'm rooting AGAINST your hypocritical ass. I have never seen you try to use logic, reason, facts or sources; only emotionally-loaded bullshit right on par with SJW-tier bullshit.

>Be aware of this.

Do you really think you can induce a (((Message from God))) sort of dream or "epiphany" in people with, again, loaded words just because you were able to make that Tipp faggot come around? I don't think our resident Indian friend here is so stupid.

>They are doing what they believe is their own free will, creating a system of imposed religious and spiritual freedom to help liberate mundane man from their slightly less mundane lifestyle of materialism, to that of slightly more materialistic and spiritual life style.



Choose one and ONLY ONE, retard. Seriously, the only kinds of dogmas that threaten people with death or any other kind of punishment are those that stem from Judeo-Christian bullshit. Much like those you prescribe yourself to. These SS guys may preach to know the absolute, highest and best truth but I have not seen them threaten or bully anyone with it thus far.

And to be perfectly honest; some things ARE absolute facts and anything opposing those are ridiculous and ridiculable. The world is round. Deny that and you ARE going to get laughed at, bullied and get called the retard that you are.



>liberate mundane man from their slightly less mundane lifestyle of materialism

So many fucking errors here. I think your syntax and sentence structure, along with the vocabulary you use, got fucked up somewhere along the way.

Liberating the mundane man from "their" slightly less mundane lifestyle of materialism? The "their", contextually and logically, should refer to the SS, as you used the "mundane man" singularly. But in the context of your sentence, it must point to "the mundane man". Weird. Bad in logic and bad in language. I see.

>slightly more materialistic and spiritual lifestyle

More materialistic or more spiritual? Choose one, fuckwad.

>They believe that they are right and that others are wrong.

And you were the first one to argue with those people. And you are also the very worst one in that you resorted STRICTLY to ad hominems and attempted character assasination. Even our resident Indian friend here is showing some opposing arguments, however disrespectful he may be to them.

>Self control is still key to the path forward.

What YOU mean by self-control is mutilating a central part of your being, the ego. Because you think it somehow "liberates" you. From what, you never care to tell.

>The challenge is to not be what is expected of you.

If you think not becoming what YOU expect YOURSELF to become is a good thing, then you are very wrong.

>I ask my ego questions to create a distinct difference between it and me. It wishes to express multitude of hate and fear mongering in any debate or conversation in an attempt to look bigger than it is. A flight or fight response perhaps.

No, you stupid cucktard. You ask those questions in order to portray yourself as "egoless". I think you are under the very, very, VERY false assumption that being in any one state of mind (that of being "egoless", that of being full of ego, that of having just murdered a newborn baby, whatever) gives more or less weight or truth to anyone's words. No. Words are to be judged as they are, not in accordance to who or what kind of being is saying them. This is your major flaw, you stupid quasi-spiritual SJW. I have shown myself to be exceedingly egotistical; and I'm also showing myself to be infinitely more logical and intelligent than you, in that I give a response to everything I quote and respond to rather than trying to answer it all away with a "muh egoless" mentality. The only thing YOU have to fear is YOUR own ego as it has taken complete and utter control of you to the point where you are unable to do anything but spout ironically anti-ego nonsense, while the rest of us are firmly holding the reins of our egoes and are thusly able to engage in logical discourse.

Irony is a bitch.




>I also did not quote a post or target anyone, you sought to make yourself the target indirectly.

I thought I was just pointing out things in your post that seemed off. But I guess I'm just a slave to my ego…..

>Are you proving it for the JoS group

Probably not but at least they will piss off back to https://fringechan.org/

>or the people reading this thread?

At the very least people will read their material and make more educated decisions before joining their group.

>They believe that they are right and that others are wrong. A fairly dangerous bias in any field to have.

That's ALMOST everyone on here.

Normally I try to be at bit more level headed but If your gonna say stuff like


"I get that you are upset that I actually do know more about Hinduism and their cultures than the people who "practice" it"

but then not even be able to site sources properly then guess what? I'm gonna berate and laugh at you.

>Self control is still key to the path forward


>Any man can act autistic and emotionless

>autistic and emotionless

You haven't been around a lot of autistic people have you guy?

If I meet a person who is autistic and emotionless well that takes a good amount of self control

>It wishes to express multitude of hate and fear mongering in any debate or conversation in an attempt to look bigger than it is. A flight or fight response perhaps.

Strange…ever since I accepted that I'm an angry guy with an axe to grind my ego has been for most part MORE at peace…until I started reading JOS.

>Sit down and don't move for 4 hours. Provoke yourself.

sigh…..you right. I need to get back to my training. I already wasted enough time on this fight.



>believing 18 years being significant in any way, shape or form

prophet alpam confirmed for underage wife?



these songs are good shit



I'm not Alpam, you stupid cuck. But only an idiot would believe the Jew-imposed number 18 has any significance whatsoever. Below 18 is not "underage". It is not that simple.



shouldn't you be getting ready for school tomorrow?



Read some of the site and agree with some of it; he lost me when he said all races are aryans and started talking about "muh skin colour". The political nazism of JOS seems like it's been injected but the rest seems spot on to me.

Have I read loveenki wrong or is it really just a liberal form of satanism?


Very interesting thing about the "horn" broken with blue light, one certain alien contactee who was groomed with such skills perceived the same thing.

Also "orgonites" emit a blue light very clear for those with a third eye, so no wonder any entity will search you if it's the same thing.

I don't know man. This joy of Satan clicke seems to have some real knowledge, but all this edgy praise satan thing and contracts set my hairs up.



>implying age means anything

>implying I'm not older than 18 anyway

Shouldn't you be getting ready for SPECIAL EDUCATION tomorrow? :)



>edgy praise Satan

Edgy meaning something you disagree with or goes against the norm? I thought magick was ALL ABOUT going against the norm. If you are one of the deluded masses who think Christcuckery predates Paganism or Satanism or whatever these people call it, then I have nothing to say to you.

And contracts are Judeo-Christian things. I am seriously doubtful Satanism enforces such things on anyone.

I think you'd do well to do some research, friend. Especially if you agree that they have real knowledge.


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>Seems like more than that.

Your right I'm trying to prove a point

>We understand all races are different and have their own strengths and weaknesses

So far you guys haven't been able to put aside your egos and answer me.

I got Confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance

>Then you would understand that a race and nation will grow stronger when everyone goes back to where they are from and help rebuild the nation and it's people.

Strange when dirty mud people exercise National Socialism it's bad. :^(


Look at that map again and tell me, Why should we help you get rid of the kikes?

Who's the real cancer of the world hmmmm?

Just because you fell for the kikes elaborate ruse I'm suppose to feel sorry for you guys and put aside everything?

You don't think half the worlds ancestors are demanding blood?




But your still gonna sit their and tell me da white race is facing "extinction"

When I look at history all I can think to myself is "not my problem"

>And you don't care about how you come across in the process?

When its delusional snowflakes no.

>You appear to argue back but it amounts to little more than very angry drivel.










aaaaannnnnddddddd what do you call this?

You should have realized by now not to take




TOO seriously

>You seriously don't have anything to gain from hating so blatantly.

Loosh and laughs is enough for me

So fighting for "truth" is a bad idea?

Not at all, What do you think I'm doing here.

>Should we all just live in our own, personal "universes"?

JOS seems to be doing that already

>That's how the world comes to an end, friend.

So be it


>I am going to assume that "you" was a general you and not directed to me.

You assume right

>Because JOS speaks for the majority of people on this planet.

>I think you mean the minority because the vast majority are literally anti-Satan and pro-Christcuck.

What is sarcasm?

>Would you rather I joined you in calling people cumdrops?

You can if you want, Black people call each nigger all the time.

>I'm white too


>I'm just assessing all that's being said. I'm not particularly defending anyone.

if you say so.

>When comparing your responses to other people than SS leaders you deal with, it seems you agree with them more often than you disagree. Curious.

Why do you think I actually read SOME of the material before starting this feud?

But fuck it, I accept my role in this little "game".

I'm already beyond "reasoning".



No system is perfect lads,

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own” Bruce Lee

Find your own paths


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>but all this edgy praise satan thing

Your conditioning of what Satan is or what Satanism means sets your hair up - not what it truly is. Come in the Discord and I'll explain - nothing is asked or required of you, only that you at least hear us out. https://discord.gg/9TerfFC


>The political nazism of JOS seems like it's been injected but the rest seems spot on to me.

Hitler was a Satanist - tried and tested. He was part of the Satanic 99 lodge, as was Bardon until he got kicked out. Hitler's ID of the NSDAP was 555 - meaning Darkness in Hebrew. Though the smoking gun is that Hitler's physical contract to Satan still exists and is exhibited in a museum in Berlin. Read; http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/nazism2/

>Have I read loveenki wrong or is it really just a liberal form of satanism?

Its not even Satanism, its the same Judeo-Christian liberal marxist crap you can find everywhere else. I'm not going to explain in this thread, as Dabutt, Mossa and PP are just going to shit up this thread, attack me, and bury my response under a pile of crap. Look at what they are doing right now. Constantly attacking my character. Please join the Discord and I will explain - nothing is asked or required of you but that you listen. There's about 60+ people in there right now and the majority are non-Satanists who are all learning and discussing things. Its definitely not a hugbox as people claim it to be. The only reason people get banned is because they refuse to debate normally and only ad hominem the crap out of us. Anyhow, the discord link; https://discord.gg/9TerfFC

@Mossa, Dabutt and everyone else trying to defame me or the JOS; I'm not going to reply to any of your obvious bait. Waste all the time and energy you want, I do not care. The rest of 8/fringe can also clearly see how hard you people try to discredit us, even though we do nothing but inform people on authentic spirituality, history of humanity and the origins of the Jew. This is the exact reason why all you attempt to discredit us.

I'm not going to bother with the shills in this thread - for anyone interested in Spiritual Satanism, join the discord link for proper discussion: https://discord.gg/9TerfFC



Yet you will gladly reply if it means getting more cronies



>Welcome back, Mossa. I see you have upped your game ever so slightly by trying to (but ultimately failing to nearing the end of your post) avoid the usage of the word (((ego))) and thusly instantly showing your true colors.

You are of the assumption that showing true colors is a bad thing. Illusions aside, I have never left this thread or it's conversations. The last posts I wrote have been since their time of writing, unanswered. These are the referenced posts:





>You keep putting the word "enemy" in quotations but there are very definite enemies of humanity or at the very least; culture, progress and prosperity, even from a non-metaphysical point of view. If you are going to claim maybe only some Jews are bad, I'm gonna have to call your bullshit right out.

There are very definite defined enemies of humanity, as defined by those pointing it out in fancy books. The one enemy you have to face before you can face "the real enemy" is truly the one inside your mind. When the time comes and hypothetically you find and confront your "Jew" enemy, they'll strike a deal your ego won't be able to refuse. "Join us and you will be rich". You are already primed to not "bite the hand that feeds you", so your ego will try to trick you to fall for the offer.

>From all the logs, it is obvious you are the one and THE ONLY ONE that tries to but ultimately fails to -on account of being far less intelligent than you think yourself to be- resort to character assasination and ad hominems. I am not rooting for one side but I'm rooting AGAINST your hypocritical ass. I have never seen you try to use logic, reason, facts or sources; only emotionally-loaded bullshit right on par with SJW-tier bullshit.

You can't reach the end of the journey with only your right brain. Don't assume that anyone sitting on a right brain dominance will become enlightened and come back to tell you how it did. I will not apologize for anything that was said to SS and their leaders as it was done under intentional action. The actions pushed on all their revealed buttons, like a windup robot coming to life and it worked like a charm.

>Do you really think you can induce a (((Message from God))) sort of dream or "epiphany" in people with, again, loaded words just because you were able to make that Tipp faggot come around? I don't think our resident Indian friend here is so stupid.

Tipp joined by invitation from Alpam in this very thread. I do not encourage people to join SS' Discord, not even while sleeping. I don't need to induce into people anything. Those with eyes and ears will see what you are writing, and they will come to the conclusion without my aid. All I am doing, is pushing those fine buttons of yours.

>Choose one and ONLY ONE, retard. Seriously, the only kinds of dogmas that threaten people with death or any other kind of punishment are those that stem from Judeo-Christian bullshit. Much like those you prescribe yourself to.

It is to impose upon others when you blatantly disrespect people that do not agree with you. In the process you also make yourself look like a feminazi, complaining about "Jewish hebrew monsters" and the systematic oppression of "everyone who does not follow our words".




>These SS guys may preach to know the absolute, highest and best truth but I have not seen them threaten or bully anyone with it thus far.

You have not seen them bully or threaten, because you have chosen to overlook those flaws. Let me give you some copypasta:

Alpam - Yesterday at 8:11 PM

He needs to be stopped.

Otherwise we will have more tipps and mossa's walking around.

its like an infectious disease.

And diseases need to be eliminated.

PeppermintTaco - Last Tuesday at 12:53 AM

All of us do. I really got MAJORLY drained just reading all that.

I suggest you stop interacting with Mossa in full if you wanna focus on the forum. Or just try to invade him personally.

Or crash his party next time.

Nov 09 17:50:43 Alpam: I want you to because then I can justify destroying your very essence.

I know it's hard for bullies to see what they are doing. That is why you need to become conscious first so you can be aware of your actions.

>And to be perfectly honest; some things ARE absolute facts and anything opposing those are ridiculous and ridiculable. The world is round. Deny that and you ARE going to get laughed at, bullied and get called the retard that you are.

And in the second row you imply that bullying is justified for not being a mindless slave to the ideology you support. Spiritual opinions can not be factualized from a limited onset of senses, making arrogant minds believe they know anything. While you are fighting to try and prove your version of the "truth" to be the ultimate, you in turn become the very thing you try to detest: the Jewish church religious control system. Liberate yourself before you liberate others.

Just like the people once before you, ye are quick to say: "There are facts", while not presenting any residual information on the topic.

Fact: The sun rises and sets every day on Earth.

Actual fact: The earth rotates as to give the relative illusion of a moving sun.

Imposed fact: We live under a dome and the sun is just a big spotlight moving about.

Which fact is the objectively true one? Imposed prediction:

>These facts have nothing to do with the actual conversation you idiot. What the fuck does that even mean?



Sorry I was thinking lackeys



>At the very least people will read their material and make more educated decisions before joining their group.

Spiritual satanism was never about wisdom and education. That's the way out.

>but then not even be able to site sources properly then guess what? I'm gonna berate and laugh at you.

Remember who you are and who you are not.

>You haven't been around a lot of autistic people have you guy?

Plenty. Imageboard culture also attract high intelligence autistic Internet users.

>If I meet a person who is autistic and emotionless well that takes a good amount of self control

You should meet more of those.

>I already wasted enough time on this fight.

We see what we want to see.



>And contracts are Judeo-Christian things. I am seriously doubtful Satanism enforces such things on anyone.

Empowering ego is enough for a contract.


>@Mossa, Dabutt and everyone else trying to defame me or the JOS; I'm not going to reply to any of your obvious bait. Waste all the time and energy you want, I do not care. The rest of 8/fringe can also clearly see how hard you people try to discredit us, even though we do nothing but inform people on authentic spirituality, history of humanity and the origins of the Jew. This is the exact reason why all you attempt to discredit us.

Pushing buttons is enough. You do all the hard work for me. Anyone with a somewhat conscious mind can see your actions and writings as elevated garbage, the rest will join your group for the little carrot satanism we can all see dangling. Seeing that you didn't even acknowledge the posts I wrote 12 days ago means that you've been projecting all your insecurities on others. Why should we read your posts or words when you don't do the same? Ah, right, we are not worthy of your attention anymore as you are too busy spreading the truth.

Learn a little about spiritual traps before you trap yourself: http://upliftconnect.com/five-ego-traps/



>Nov 09 17:50:43 Alpam: I want you to because then I can justify destroying your very essence.

When you quote stuff, at least provide reference material. You were arguing that you had the right to destroy me, and that is my reply.

Fallout on IRC after Mossa deleted the Discord - http://pastebin.com/MNa3YEZE

Right before Mossa deleted the Discord. - http://pastebin.com/9zD0R0WT


>Seeing that you didn't even acknowledge the posts I wrote 12 days

I have debated with you for hours and all you do is strawman and ad hominem. I'm not going to waste my energy on you anymore, I already did enough.

That is all I will say to you. By all means, do continue to shit further in the thread.



You meant to quote a different post.

I link the same thing: http://pastebin.com/HEpNp0Xr

Good thing you found the stuff from the old Discord. It will help show people what you think.

>You call them neophytes.

Don't forget what culture the word neophyte comes from before you use it next time.

>I have debated with you for hours and all you do is strawman and ad hominem. I'm not going to waste my energy on you anymore, I already did enough.

But you were right and I was wrong, so was it really a debate?

>That is all I will say to you. By all means, do continue to shit further in the thread.

But it's not the last you will say about me. I'll enjoy reading about your headaches on Discord in 5 minutes.





Take me seriously like your life depends on it.


Loveenki is pretty decent. Not as bad as JoS, not as blatantly negative and dogmatic. Notice I said decent (descent) because it's also a woman writing all that stuff and inserting her flawed sentimentalism and subjective truths. Not much else to say but it gives me fluffy feelings inside sometimes. And JoS is much more liberal, they like LGBT, jew-funded Nazis, half-indian high priests, niggers I bet, eating meat, wasting sexual fluids, all kinds of degenerate shit. That's just groce. And mundane.

The only thing that matters is kundalini and they probably go insane once they get a taste of it because they are so psychologically fucked.


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>Remember who you are and who you are not.

Thanks mufasa

Seriously though mocking morons and laughing at them is what I do.

It brings me joy when Apal says shit like this:

>I'm not going to bother with the shills in this thread

because every one who disagrees with me is a shill. might want to ease off those red pills goy

>Dabutt and everyone else trying to defame me or the JOS

Because pointing out your stupidity is defaming now.

Also why post the discord 2 times in the same post…seems redundant.

>Plenty. Imageboard culture also attract high intelligence autistic Internet users.

Not as many as you like to think though.

>You should meet more of those.

I'll see what I can do.

>We see what we want to see.

Then why even try and reason with most people?

I'll admit you got more patience than me but I always have had low tolerance for garbage.


>So what happens when the entities you serve see that you are angry? You can choose what vibration you receive and give and so far you’ve chosen anger and hate.

Better question, Whats he gonna do when someone with MORE anger and hate decides to use Satanism against him. His already given blood to Satan so it wouldn't be that hard for someone to use it to fuck with his head. That is if it isn't happening already.

>I'll enjoy reading about your headaches on Discord in 5 minutes.

OH! OH! Is saying anything about me? I bet it's something like:

"Dabutt is the coolest guy EVER!

He has opened my eyes and I would totally let him cuck me while he bangs my wife!"


>Take me seriously like your life depends on it.




Strange you seem very critical of most people who work with enki.

For good reason I'm sure.

In your opinion what is the best place to learn. Also why are all of his "major" groups founded by women?




Well fuck you too [spoiler]


anyone have a link to the /fringe/ discord?


the powers of good will destroy you

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