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I want to know why non white races, especially Africans, Arabs, mestizos, and Jews. Why are they so shit? they have low IQ's, they are very sociopathic and parasitic. For being mostly violent savages in their past, now they are still violent but love playing the victim for the white man so they can drain his energy and wealth.

I want to know where they came from, I really don't buy the whole evolution story, but maybe it is the only explanation of why we have vast differences in the races. I read some where that Aryans were a solar race, expansive, fiery and masculine. Africans and other dark primitive races are lunar races and very close to the earth, they didn't expand and had matriarchal societies.

It just freaks me out how all great civilizations were white, Egypt, India, Greece, Rome. As soon as the dark races push out the white settlers it turns to fucking shit, look at India and Egypt today with fucking shit in the streets and living in poverty.

So I would like some different ideas on where the non white races come from and what made them so shitty and primitive.



Wait, India was white? When? Do you mean when they were under British rule?



Lurk moar, and maybe try fucking google, son.



Hinduism has been corrupted by the jews long ago. You better believe that included race mixing in addition to infecting the Hindu religion with "sit on your ass and do fucking nothing while getting screwed over" just like Christianity and Buddhism.

Hinduism comes from the original Pagan religion. In that religion there were not concepts of good and evil, because it generally was not needed. If a conflict happened, it was resolved. These were spiritual beings and didn't fuck peoples shit up like monkey people do so they didn't need these rules to tell them that raping, killing and being an ass is in any way bad. They were above that.

Poo-in-loos are a mix of white Europeans and aboriginal type negroes. North and South Indians look like different species and are spiritually nothing like each other.


Whites - Literal refugees from a colder planet that established Atlantis as a colony. After demonically-influenced magicians subverted Atlantis and it went to its doom, the diaspora from it created the other groups and seeded civilization. After Ancient Egypt was subverted by the resurgence of these demonically-influenced magicians, jews became the successors to these subverters where to this day they carry out the will of their demonic overlords. Whites, possessing the highest capacity for Spirit also demonstrate the largest range for individuals. Whereas other groups individuals are exceedingly rare to non-existent. Conversely this is why other groups are more prone to the point of default towards a hivemind mentality.

Blacks - Genetically engineered slave creatures left behind by their creators. Potentially the original humanoids of earth but unconfirmed. Within the isolation of their existence in central Africa, blacks will never achieve anything beyond a shade of their own existence - slave society - because of the limits of their genetic engineering. All higher IQ blacks contain a mixture of another race - no exceptions. This category includes Abbos.

Yellows - Unsure of their true origin, still researching. However their civilizations were seeded by whites. See ancient white mummies in China and Japanese Ainu.

Indians - One of the very first mixed races. Depending on the group and the admixture of white genes, some are more enlightened than others because they retain a higher degree of white genetic material. This was the purpose of the original caste system.

Reds (American Indians) - The conquerors of the Solutreans, one of many white tribes that lived in the NA and SA continents. Inconclusive true origin but not hard to guess.

Overall, genetic material is the inherent key element to a flourishing civilization and to creating an enlightened group of people. Genes remain an important commodity allowing humanoid beings to be a vessel for Spirit. For the bluepilled, recognizing racial differences do not imply petty things such as superiority for the sake of superiority because life is designed. Recognizing superiority as it is means noticing the craftwork of ancient genetic engineering. Such is the nature of the design.



Do a little research on their caste system man. There is a reason that they get whiter the higher you go.


You don't need esoteria to explain that, it's 'r' selection over many many generations in an equatorial or sub-equatorial region.



>Indians - One of the very first mixed races. Depending on the group and the admixture of white genes, some are more enlightened than others because they retain a higher degree of white genetic material. This was the purpose of the original caste system.

Which would give them a higher compatibility with whites right?

I ask for… reasons.


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Why are the Chinese so shitty then? They have higher IQs than whites + more "r selection" but they still live and act like savages for the most part. Is this the fault of communism and Mao or is this their natural inclination? I don't know enough about ancient Chinese history to be sure



They're a bit of anomaly in that respect, however you have to ask yourself, how many of the average savages you see on the street are the ones who are having their IQs evaluated?

Is there a skew based on what we see in the west and what stats their governments want to select?

I would hardly say the denizens of rural china have exceptionally higher IQs. However my main explanation was chiefly to explain behavior. And I will admit that I personally don't exactly trust reporting that the uneducated majority of China's population reflects such an IQ differential to westerners.

We in the west see a very specific demographic sliver of asians and the chinese government is notorious for manufacturing everything for the sake of appearance only. I could be wrong, but the point is if you get a bunch of people emphasizing breeding in quantity over quality, and you throw in a warm climate that does not require an individual to plan ahead to survive, you will get lazy, violent degenerates who are possibly less intelligent as a result of their ability to reproduce without any environmental checks and balances save the brutality of others.



Want an unscientific and completely baseless hypothesis?

Look up the fluoride content of the teas they've been drinking.

But you also have to consider who populates China today. Almost everyone is the descendant of someone who survived great plagues, famine and death who was also a descendant of someone who survived great plagues, famine and death etc. They also have been developing a religion of the state since Confucius, so Mao simply took advantage of the style of religious government the Chinese need. If it wasn't him, it was going to be one of the many other warlords who eventually would declare a presidential dictatorship.


You can look into the concept of "root races" for this.

Personally, I'd say the Abo who are from the same region of Dravidians are the oldest. They know some metaphysical lore and do fun things around the campfire. Wooga-booga, me dreamtime and bilocate. Forgot the term for it, something like a teleport walkabout. Let's just say they are wise but primitive.

Then you have niggers, maybe they came from Sirius. They can fuck off to Africa and follow Credo Mutwa in their even more primitive culture. Must be a young race.

Chinks might be another root race, who fucking cares, though? They look like monkeys and have base qualities. Spawned a bunch of disgusting mongrels. Hivemind, etc. Piggybacking off Aryan saints.

Whites are progeny of The Gods and must regain Manifest Destiny.


Oh yeah, going back to root races. Sources say there will be a new root race with Grey alien DNA intermixed with Human after the coming (cataclysmic) transition of ages. Man, I sure do hate the ET hybrid programs.


Noone in a human body has any lesser or greater access to the secrets of the universe. Your degree and efficiency of access depends entirely on the sum of experiences in your individual memory complex, the social memory complex encoded in your DNA, and finally the collective, social memory complex of all of humanity in general, and so on. No matter how wide the observable differences, all of humanity is connected in the astral level with prime source archetypes. Nobody has greater access to this than another, just unique paths to it.

The collective knowledge wisdom and understanding contained within humanity's social memory complex was and is still being built by the hands of people of all races, age, genders, and spiritual traditions. Everyone is evolving and learning lessons in their own ways, collectively and individually. It is incomprehensible to anyone else except the individual self aware conscious mind experiencing it. To judge the overall quality of other life experiences without having lived them as "lesser" or "greater" according to your personal philosophies makes no sense at least on the mundane level, which is the vantage point you are using to observe and come to conclusions on for this. Not seeing or acknowledging the potential for all human beings to unify without the putrefaction currently being spread by Elite Illuminati Cults.

The problem is people try to love everyone, and leave their hearts unguarded in the process. Because the heart is so unbelievably powerful and sensitive, it can be severely blackened and/or cracked when exposing it to abuse. Guarding the heart (like a thorn guards a rose) is important. Otherwise, you'll end up jaded and bitter, unable and unwilling to interact with any other beings in all of creation except for a group that conforms to your expectations of reality. This can cause you to see what you want to see, rather than catch a better glimpse of what IS.



>whites are exclusively progeny of the gods

There's that materialism again


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'Whites' are closer to the original human. 'Non-whites' are closer to types of animals. It hardly makes a huge difference anymore due to the amount of degeneration not only through miscegenation.

There exist a bunch of narratives.

Search tags: Theozoloogy, Ariosophy, Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, Hilton Hotema, Helena Blavatsky, Alfred Rosenberg, Slavo-Aryan Vedas, Bock Saga, Friedrich Marby, Miguel Serrano



Would you agree that a human race could modify it's genes by scientific artificial means and expand it's consciousness to some higher than most developed human race today?



When the Annuanaki knocked up proto-humans, they sure as hell didn't give birth to niggers.




Mein nigger.

Do you have any specific resources for this?

There used to be a god-tier youtube channel called igorfrankenstein but (((they))) removed it long ago.

I never was able to track down who the actual owner of the channel is…


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Yes, the white man is superior to all. What a crock of shit. The white man is the most spiritually impoverished being in the planet.


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White man was first to have his culture hijacked.







a repeating pattern in human civilization: one nation grows wealthy and strong, and then thinks itself superior. because of its pride it becomes lazy and arrogant and the society silently crumbles. until an underdog that was persecuted rises up, strengthened by his struggle and destroys the last society. he then declares himself superior; and so the cycle repeats.


poverty and luxury are unnatural human conditions.

if people live in poverty, they learn that all that matters is money and getting richer. if people live in luxury, they will never be satisfied, but they will cling to their wealth because they see poverty in the world but dont want it to happen to them.

truly, wherever there is luxury, somewhere else there is poverty. on every scale.



Dubs of truth. There are genetic differences but the potential is in all of humanity. As we leave the age of materialism more people will come to know. Forces are and will try even more to fight it but it's inevitable. Humanity will rise above to the stars and there is nothing they can do about it.

The Earth will become great again.



"Overall, genetic material is the inherent key element to a flourishing civilization and to creating an enlightened group of people" That's why Aryans won the war right? So hows high school for you apalm? >>86165 "There is a reason that they get whiter the higher you go." http://www.hindunet.org/hindu_history/ancient/aryan/aryan_frawley.html Definitely not propaganda made up by Europeans for an excuse to invade India I mean it not like the white race is so pathetic that twats like >>86168 cant get laid in their own country, am I right? :^)


The material form matters less than the soul. Why else would there be loads of wiggers twerking it out to nigger music and the occasional black PhD in astronomy. Newfig /pol/acks need to git gud at magick.



We got





Sad thing is I think I know whos behind all this nonsense https://discord.gg/9TerfFC



Again, materialism.



Pls explain the differences between North and South Indians, I need to know as this has personal value

t. Punjabi/Persian gf with very light eyes and skin



Whites and Asians have different strategies for dealing with scaled society

Whites are more flexible and this is a blessing and a curse


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1. your wrong i GUARNTEE I WILL SHIT ON YOUR 'IQ''

2. i just stomped out a faggof whit boi at the bar last weekend.

3. if i ever hear you spouting this shit in teal life you better be ready to defend your life you fucking snow nigger. because i want to kill people like you



North indins are indo-aryan, south indians are monkey people.



not anymore, that's just some stupid myth



Aryans were the original humans on Earth and came here to colonize it. However, reptilian aliens wanted this planet as well and began subverting, for in a direct confrontation they will be inferior. There were many Asgards and Atlantis was the only one were human refugees from Mars, after it had been blasted by said reptilians, could live in harmony with the Aryans. Trivia: Aryans came from the Pleiades, and Martians came from Sirius, explaining the Sumerians' and Egyptians' sothic cycle and the Seven-stars in European folklore.

After the Great Flood caused by the passing of the planet some would call "Nibiru" the Aryans had to survive and over time, with many disasters and "accidents", they devolved, not keeing up with ancient traditions anymore. They attained a warrior gene, thus making the human species quite dangerous to every intelligent species perhaps in the entire galaxy. This is why Earth is partly a quarantine.

After all, Indo-Europeans, called Whites, are the direct descendants of the Aryans, and the other races developed as expected differently in other biomes. These darker skinned kindreds were taken under the wing of various aliens and in generall see dragons (not to be confused with snakes) as good.




go back to >>>/leftypol/ and /intl/, kike.


File: e35b6963f4995b5⋯.pdf (941.69 KB, oera_linda.pdf)

File related is the "Oera Linda" talks about the origins of the races from an esoteric standpoint. Himmler has extremely interested in this document.


Japs arent shit though



—————- (((Reptilian Khazars)))

Mud People

There's also things like cats and hubrids but ain't nobody got time for that.


Watch it, mudblood.



bullshit occultist



Do you know how powerful my aura is?

I just read your consciousness ranking of 177 that's way below mine. You are stuck in the egoic reactionary level of pride. I suggest you shut the fuck up.


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I would contend that females can only reach 350 on this chart wherein they incarnate into male bodies, but haven't tried testing for mud people.


Update: It could very well be possible that mud people do not even have the emotional hardware to go above 200…

If anyone wants to read Power Vs Force and learn to muscle test then be my guest.

Interesting fact is that niggers (or any other mud people perhaps) can't do this type of divination aka dowsing.



Ironic seeing as you seem to be full of pride



kek do me next

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