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Can magic help me get through depression?

I feel like days are becoming more and more unbearable and I don't have the emotional strength I used to have. I certainly had it worse in the past but I could get through it


Meditation helps, and emotional alchemy would obviously help you out ,(change the empty sadness of depression into something else). If you can identify the source of your negative emotions you could probably use magic to get rid of it if you're able.

I beat depression but that was before I realized magic was real. Beating it requires a change in mindset, your mind will do what is easy and comfortable for it and being depressed might be what that is. BUT, depression is an instinct we evolved to tell us when our present actions are damaging our future well being. So if you can identify the habits that are harmful to you you can break yourself of them and better yourself. Depression does sometimes strike for seemingly no reason though, so sometimes it requires conscious editing of thoughts to conquer. When you start to feel depressed ask yourself why and if you can work out the reaso9n correct it and stop feeling that way, or if you cannot work out a reason try consciously stop feeling depressed. It will be difficult, since depression usually manifests as an empty feeling you'll have to replace it with another emotion instead of just "not feeling sad" like a lot of people advise. It'll take some practice, but if you keep asking yourself "why do I feel this way" eventually you'll be able to work it out and gain some control over how you feel.

Hope this helps, it's late here so I might not be as coherent as I mean to be.



From my perspective depression is a pretty low-level emotion, it is a sensation that keeps you very firmly grounded to the material which is unfortunately not very good for manifestation and other forms of magick. It's like trying to fly when your wings are clipped.

I'm not trying to be discouraging, but usually depression is a sign that you must work through the problems on this physical level, which may at present seem difficult to accomplish.

I'm extremely tired so I'm not going to be as eloquent as I might normally be, but I can summarize by saying I've been in some really abysmally low points in my life, where basically everything and everyone shit out on me and I was left with nothing.

Looking back on those times, I felt numb, I felt emotionally exhausted, spiritually I was not there, I was worn to a nub. I was 100% in my environment only, surviving. Unfortunately, those are the times you just have to harden yourself over and pull yourself along and simply have faith, it helps to be angry or to have some resolve, but eventually if you can persist, you can find some even ground to get your footing and make a good run at things, but you have to give yourself a chance and not give up because things aren't going your way.

I've definitely got a thicker skin as a result of pulling myself along the really shit parts of my life, and not getting to that point again, and rediscovering your spirit self (I know that sounds corny as shit) allows you to insulate yourself and actually work magick to improve your life.

The only "magick" you will work at this point is your intent, and you need to be very mindful of it. What your true heart's desire is, if you want it bad enough, if you move toward it, you will have. Don't let it be defeat.

Even at my lowest points, I eventually found the things I vowed I would in my most desperate lonely hours. It helps if you write those things down and hide them away so they may be internalized. Just remember intent is base-level magick, it is you signalling to the universe that you're open to certain things, but it is most powerful when you're unconsciously desiring that which you want the most.

Never lie to yourself, for you're only lying to the universe which knows everything about you, you cannot deceive it, so you should not lie to yourself.

I don't know what else to say except that pain is truly weakness leaving the body if you can move through it, it will suck, a lot, but you can and will come out the other side a stronger person if you do.



Stop fapping forever and start chugging urine. There ya go, bub.



Isn't working for me. When I feel it, I know I can do magick but it feels hopeless to bother. I don't have the energy to even try it.

Remember that depression is a mix of biology and environment, so even if you can get yourself out of the rut with magick, you would benefit for anti-depressants if you find yourself unable to do simple tasks like myself.



You can use magic to help identify the causes or at least narrow the field a little.

Then use magic to find the best solutions.

The point being that depression is usually a byproduct of other things going on in peoples lives.

So you can use magical methods to lead you forward, but if you just want to feel good you'd have better luck just researching erowid for a chemical solution.

I've dealt with some pretty serious depression with suicidal ideation accompanying. Niacin/Nicotinic acid in large quantities lifted it almost immediately. But I could also tell that there were negative entities involved and weren't happy about my chemical solution.

On a side note…

When I started actively resisting what I felt was depression starting, bad things would happen to certain people I new at the same time.

So I've figured those people were probably sending "negative energy/bad things" towards me. And as long as I was being just a sponge for it, no problem. But once I started saying "NO!" when I felt it coming on, well, all that "negative energy" has to go somewhere.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Try some Yoga & Meditation, after a few days you will notice that your depressions become weaker.




>about the niacin

Just be careful about not megadosing all the time, because people have developed hepatitis due to chronic megadosing of niacin.


Follow the faq and then continue on you own path. Went from the occasional dips into a steady balanced flow. Feels good man.



Thanks. I liked that video.

Too bad it doesn't focus all that much on depression

I should also learn to stop doing this that might incentivize bad feelings.



stop doing things*



Yes, if you have one responsibility even when depressed, it is to consciously block and divert negative thoughts. That can be a tiresome task when you feel mentally exhausted, but it is a discipline like any other, the more you do it, the better you get at it.


OP I've struggled with depression now for a good long decade. Even as the world is now getting better I still have it lingering in me. The only way I deal with it is by completely turning my mind away from what depresses me and re-imagining myself. That's what you got to do. Spend lots of time imagining you're better, don't look in a mirror, and after awhile you just forget your shit-qualities and they actually get replaced with the new stuff you have drawn in to yourself.


Get so caught up in a new narrative you create for yourself that your old self fades away and is completely forgotten. One day if you get reminded of your old self again, the changes you'll have made will have set in so strong, that you won't just instantly revert at all but instead be able to look back and sigh with relief that you're not that person anymore.

This is how I heal my physical body btw. This isn't just a character-change, it completely transforms you.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're welcome, friend.

Feel free to check out /yoga/. Daily exercise will help you to break the cycle and reprogram your mindset.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This is excellent advice.


you have awakened the old gods

you will pay for your arrogance


I share this with the depressed ones, feel better OP. hug.



maybe faster eft could

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