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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 934d9655d1ee3e8⋯.jpg (3.92 MB, 3293x4260, 3293:4260, received drawing 001 - the….jpg)


I'd like to go into sharing my experiences with epileptic visions of a Thelemic/Hermetic nature, but with a short question, has anyone been having visions, dreams, experiences, etc. with deer or beings like that of human form?

I've been in contact with three that form something of a witchcraft-like IAO; the Mother Hind 777, the Stag Father 666, and the Fawn 13:15. It's a rather complex system based very much on these experiences that happen at night, involving other beings of other species. Some of them have coincidentally corresponded with Enochian æthyrs, and other things like that.

I've been having a ton of received drawing with a few messages, such as this.

in b4 furfag


I wonder if you're part of some kind of deer clan.


very interesting. epilepsy has often been called a mystical disease. the patterns of seizures are often similar to the kriyas and twitches and spontanious movement during kundalini meditation. this makes sense because its a nervous system condition, and the nervous system is like the wires for kundalini.

kriyas happen when there is a blockage in the nervous system, normally caused by tension, and a burst of energy knocks the blockage down.

ive often thought that perhaps some kinds of epilepsy are caused by persistant blocks in the nervous system, and that after a while the body learns to send surges of energy to unblock these channels, even when they are not blocked already, and that the lesions in the brain arent the cause, they are a symptom. idk, just a theory.

id love to hear more about this, these visions sound interesting, wisdom from the unconscious is the most potent kind of wisdom


you know i think mental conditions are very interesting. like, its that spark of bipolar in everyone that gives them emotions, that spark of schizophrenia is what gives people imagination. we shouldnt look at these things as diseases, but as conditions to contrast with the so called normal condition.

i often think about photosensitive epilepsy, and how it is the same process as when music makes you want to dance, but channeled in a completely different way; if that makes sense.



Sounds like you are one dumb faggot.



funny you mention that because I am


I've developed a quasi-Hermetic system of deer representing Mercury and Air, for there's biblical myths of the breath of a Stag bringing out serpents from a nest (akin to caduceus and Kundalini). Also Mercury as messenger (breath of God, hearing prayers to Heaven, etc.)

Along with epilepsy, I'm intersex (like Baphomet? worked with he/r for my first invocation). also chronic fatigue, but that doesn't mean anything.


File: fba4d14a7149eea⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1061x1358, 1061:1358, Moon Mother Matriach.png)

another autmatic drawing showing some sort of lunar Babalon thing going on

yes that's a woman with a deer head how furry


File: 0c2f53ce2effb69⋯.jpg (83.57 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 13508980_10204964544393831….jpg)

Here's an old journal thing:

"The drawing process involves a trance state for me, almost with seizure symptoms. It is akin to a Oiuji board, energy moving it. In this case, it was directing the pen to draw the stag in a primative likeness. The other of his actual appearance, the anatomy better than what I could do, even if it's still crap. Seems to be holding flowers and says:

And may I take you the shore of oblivion

The elders of terror

I love you

You fill the void for us

Fear arises from beauty

From all beauty

We produce love and will

The sorrow of time

Adjusts for fire

Spring became summer

And I wait for your

Lust body.


File: 47b711e320e87c7⋯.jpg (80.59 KB, 640x640, 1:1, plague.jpg)

I had visions of each Horseman of the Apocalypse

(sorry for all the weird scribbles)

this was done before a vision of Plague

interesting note was pools of dead babies, zika anyone?



It was Saint Eustace trying to get you to fix your retarded shit



Been getting some deer influence in my life. Any info I can read up on this type of thing?


post more famlam



interesting, could you share any more info on your experiences? couuulllld link with mine possibly?


is this like lamb family youre saying haha



They're always in my neighborhood. One time a friend was dropping me off at home and a buck was sitting in the ditch across the street from my house. Found a mangled corpse of a deer most recently, eaten through the stomach. Was sitting on the side of a path for a long time and then it just disappeared the other day and I saw this post soon after. The other day I reconnected with some old friends I hadnt seen in a while, and just a few months ago in a spiritual encounter I had I predicted I would reconnect with old friends and even older friends than this lifetime. Both are happening now, but they had a bottle of Jägermeister and the image of the deer with the cross just burned itself into my mind. Been trying to pay more attention to symbols and that happens.


File: 64a2381d262abce⋯.jpg (273.13 KB, 751x1063, 751:1063, ghostwritting_by_tripplesi….jpg)

How about this one?



this board is full of evil

following the false prophet smiley has made you sexually attracted to anthropomorphic deer

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)


File: 010d572a9cc96c0⋯.jpg (264.58 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Cover.jpg)


Weird. On Tuesday evening I was out walking with my dog when I saw a massive stag standing on the road before me. He was standing in a crossroad and wasn't facing me, he was facing to the right in the direction I had planned to take. He must've been about 2 metres high at the shoulder, with 12 tine antlers, wreathed in light.

I have epilepsy and I see things like this sometimes. Most often at night when I am out walking with the dog. I have some very unusual experiences roaming the streets at night, not just limited to visions. But I digress. Felt the urge to post when I saw epileptic deer-related visions, bit of a coincidence maybe? The only deer-related thing in my life is a pair of matching brass stags that an old lady gave to me as a child shortly before she died, can't remember who she was but I still got the brass stags.

I keep seeing a lot of things that seem portentous lately, mostly relating to animals. This sort of stuff usually happens, to me, in clusters. I think this is an epilepsy thing. But I don't discredit the signs nontheless.



i have epilepsy and i frequency have visions of crows and unicorns. Interesting thing Amdusias was my first invokation.

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