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What does /fringe/ think of the spiritual traditions of the Abrahamic faiths? Does anyone here belong to one of them?

All branches, faiths, sects, and offshoots welcome.


Abrahamic faiths derive their entire systems and beliefs from pagan and esoteric sources. If you examine closely their religious scriptures (except for the Talmud that's just jew kike bullshit) you can see through to the actual heart of them.


Better than the feminist subjective hell that we currently live in. Their essence was order, family order, spiritual order. Nowadays you have Satanists (Yeah, they all call themselves Satanists - how original) encouraging LGBT and all kinds of anti-life faggotry. I'd much rather have a nice virgin bride with pure DNA, a couple slaves from down at the bazaar and live a productive life, etc. These faiths were based on strong moral foundations for the purpose of harmony and spiritual advancement. Patriarchy is the advancement of Humanity, anything else leads to chaos and degeneration. Of course, patriarchy can be oppressing if you are a hysterical woman, but that's a non-issue since equal rights don't exist. These religions had mystic sects that were doing tantra and stuff. Jesus was a master of yogic disciplines and tantra especially.


There are strong Hebrew Druidic connections so it's not either or. Maybe if you are a dumb woman you might sink into such conflicting thought processes.

An alien force came and subverted all religions towards their own agenda at some point, altering widespread doctrines for total human enslavement.


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People don't understand the 10 Commandments. It's actually a tool for spiritual hygiene laid our by higher sentience (gods).

Part of it is sexual morality because it's preferable to retain certain sexual fluids to progress mentally/spiritually, also called ojas and bramacharya.

And if you think that's oppressive, take a look at the original version. Pic related



>believing jewish lies



I like my spiritualism without materialism.

> Their essence was order, family order, spiritual order.

This is all materliaistic as fuck, which I suppose is fine for plebs, but I do not want to go back to times when people who did not need spirituality on training wheels were persecuted because they had a less socially filtered, more advanced understanding of how things really work.

You can have patriarchy without the abrahamic faiths, the average IQ of an individual simply needs to be higher.

I hate to say it, but the social order and the sheer basis for the abrahamic traditions was social stories for people too dumb to figure things out for themselves.

Punishing those who can peer into esoteria unfiltered without it corrupting them is basically a form of spiritual communism, fuck that shit.

Every religious intellectual was a deist, in other words they believed in a concept of god, basically "went along" with the prevailing narrative of god as a smokescreen but had their own concept of how things worked in private.

Even the great minds of the persian empire paid "social tribute" to the prevailing religious norms but had their own esoteric ideas of what god and the universe really was.

I am sympathetic to religion in the face of atheist aggression, but that sympathy flat out stops the second adherents start trying to bully everyone into accord with their dogma. It's frustrating because no matter how far against the ropes they are, no matter how close they come to being snuffed out, they will still snap back with complete and total arrogance and try to force their will upon others.

I can't support that, I almost think that atheist tippers are an effective check and balance against the worst aspects of the abrahamic religions gaining a foothold in society.

At least the field is wide open for people to pursue a more accurate understanding of existence without somebody trying to use it as a means to justify materialistic ethos.

The problem with that being is that no human being should ever be put in a place where they can serve as an unquestionable mouthpiece for "god".

That sort of power is guaranteed to both breed corruption and attract corrupt people. I'm tired of all the garbage evangelists and politicized religious figures using it to sway people in ways they shouldn't be.

The fact that the pope is such a gigantic cuck for marxism should be a blatant warning about the dangers of allowing that to happen.


Judaism is the only abrahamic faith. All others are made for gentiles to redirect spiritual energy into the jewish egregore, from which the jews can draw freely. This is why this small minority has such power.

The only way the world can break free from jewish control is to leave their programs. If it wasn't for christianity and islam, jews would never have accomplished what they have.



Order or chaos, chum.

You can go become a SJW (spiritual justice warrior) if you want to chase vain pursuits and rationalize your materialism (mater = mother).

Mommy boys aren't allowed into real spiritual traditions and we used to have male initiation rituals to keep it that way.

And I didn't read anything you said because if you can't make it concise, then…


That's a nice egregore you live in, cuck. Are you fighting the jewish egregore from within the jewish egregore? Yo, I heard you liked jewish egregores.

Once one has developed the "eyes to see and ears to hear" any ancient religious text will pour fourth wisdom. Those Annuanaki were kind of smart, ya know.

Your cucked little girl minds would absolutely explode if you knew the Hebrews built Stonehenge. Learn about xenoestrogens or something, sheesh.


And if you don't know the different between Israel and Khazaria then just LOL…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Khazar myth has been debunked for many years now.


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>many years

>David Duke

I don't think that schmuck has many more years left on CIA payroll, tbqh


What is the ultimate conclusion reached in relation to calling on the hebrew god names in ritual magic?

Some people say most of them are archonic energies, even the archangels.



Also, can I get a better explanation other than 'yes, they're archonic' or 'it'a from the jews so it must be evil.' Those are poor explanations. If anyone can point to some literature/articles explaining why jewish god names are not good for you.


Who cares about little schizophrenic magic spells? They knew young pussy was good for you. Also, patriarchy. That's what's up, buddy.


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The Talmud is full of occult beliefs from outside sources, like from Babylon/Persia.




Does no one here come from a Muslim background? I'm interested in learning more about Sufism/Shia Islam.



Actually the Archangels are not Archons.

Some of them are a bit arrogant fgts, apparently tho. I like Metatron. He's very tall.



Same tbh



I don't know. The NT seemed pretty Trismegistus to me and the Jews discontinued the OT.


I know of them, they are legit.

There are good and bad versions of all religions. The bad versions are mostly some sort of subversion towards evil.

I can specify and answer questions



Please do. Which groups do you "know of"? Which are the good ones and which the evil?



It's usually shorter to list the evil ones if you can nail down some ideologies. But again one shouldn't generalize and say all members of a group are bad. Also there are a lot of 'terrorists' which are obviously evil so I guess I'll name them.

But most probably all Zionists are evil.

Vatican takes orders from 'Black pope'

There's also another group that are sometimes referred to as 'radical Islamic extremism/terrorism' but what most people don't realize is that this is (at least indirectly) referring to salafis/wahhabis aka 'takfiri extremists/jihadists' and this includes basically all terrorists (like isis/al queda) and also includes the Saudi family

Some say the origins of this ideology include crypto jews in the 1700s (also the unheard of Donmeh in Turkey and Egypt and etc) however they are technically a very strict interpretation of Hanbali thinking in Sunni islam.

The Taliban are a strict interpretation of Hanafi Sunni thinking.

Hezbollah is Shia and defends Lebanon from Israel. Syria is mostly Hanafi and Shafi thinking in Sunni islam but has been led by Shia Alawites. The Shia Iran support them both. Also the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

There doesn't seem to be much Sufi scripture (in English) but it is a mysticism interpretation of Islam and although can come out of any school of thought (that doesn't have strict interpretations) it tends to be very similar to each other, and also to some of Buddhism regarding the nafs (ego) and rue (consciousness).

Thinking about some verses in the scripture can very easily let you develop your own thinking as much of it is metaphorical and many things often have been thought of before so you can look it up.

Anyways, I know enough about Islam to tell you what it doesn't mean and what it could mean. Spend a lot of time arguing about the meaning of verses with people who think it's inherently violent or whatever

I can go into detail but this post is already way too long so lets be a little more specific at a time


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They all revolve on YHVH worship (and by consequence, subliminal empowering of the Demiurge) at the end of the day. Pretty pozzed all around except for the filtered esoteric knowledge and some actual (warped) records of history. There's isn't much to say beyond what has already been said.



There is no 'worship' except in forced interpretation originally meant to control society but now has just left the vast global population ignorant one way or another.

Not sure what you think you are referring to when you say YHVH but the different components of the universe (demiurge, nous, etc) aren't always specified when referring to allah or eloyhim or what have you.



This is correct



Seems like a broad generalization to me



>Vatican takes orders from 'Black pope'




Did you try to google it? The black pope is the leader of the Jesuits which are the Military wing of the vatican



Turns out that the jews aren't the head of the pyramid.

>The Vatican owns 60% of Israel

>The Superior General of the Jesuits AKA The Black Pope, and his 6 generals control the Vatican over the "White Pope".


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One undeniable thing we can certainly say about the Abrahamic faiths is that there is much 'power' associated with them.


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Once written down and examined, it is easier to logically pick apart 'lawcodes'….such as the way a lawyer studies and examines secular law…

Islamic law, Mosaic law, the edicts of the Catholic Churches, or even other sets and groups of lawcodes such as the 'Code of Hammurabi'.

Many Rabbis are of course famous as 'scholars of the law'.

Regarding, 'teachings' such as those of Jesus which are different from something like 'Mosaic Law', there is of course more 'spirituality' in the matter. Especially when Jesus is saying that He is the prophesied Mashyakh, prophesied of:

כִּסְאֲךָ אֱלֹהִים, עוֹלָם וָעֶד; שֵׁבֶט מִישֹׁר, שֵׁבֶט מַלְכוּתֶךָ.

>Thy throne given of God is for ever and ever; a sceptre of equity is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

אָהַבְתָּ צֶּדֶק, וַתִּשְׂנָא-רֶשַׁע:

עַל-כֵּן מְשָׁחֲךָ אֱלֹהִים אֱלֹהֶיךָ, שֶׁמֶן שָׂשׂוֹן– מֵחֲבֵרֶךָ.

>Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated wickedness; {N}

>therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

I think the lawcodes exist for whatever reason they exist, sure.

There is certainly teachings and value to be had independent of the lawcodes however, in Abrahamic religion. Perhaps 'veiled behind lawcodes'.

Whether or not the codes of law are good or bad, I cannot say. Jesus taught the Jews about this, as is recorded.

Regarding Islam, I know Americans today (not just African-Americans) who are converting to Islam, so there must be a reason for it.

Islam's conquest of Jerusalem and vast empires, as well as the modernity of the Quran compared to the New Testament or Tanakh, says a lot for the religion of Islam. That they claim the God of Abraham and they are a force to be reckoned with.

Also Islam seems to absorb positive influences not only from Arabic folk tradition (men entering caves) but also from Christianity and even a bit from the Persian/Zoroastrian culture.

The Islamic rendition of (if I recall, properly) the last judgment, and I think also the Islamic rendition apocalypse is very compelling and powerful.

So, there is a different between 'lawcodes' and the reality of who God is, and what it all means for humanity, of course.


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Also, regarding the Hebrew scripture. (Psalm 45)

David's kingdom was said to exist 'forever' by the ordinance of the God of Abraham. However, in this Psalm (Psalm 45) they are referring to the ruler of this eternal kingdom as "God", receiving a kingdom given to Him by God.


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Regarding Muhammad entering a cave, I don't say this to discredit Islam. I am familiar with another Arabic folk story where individuals enter a 'magic cave', by uttering magical words.


There is of course a well-known ancient Pagan folk tradition that caves are 'given' as a gift to mankind for shelter, and that they are the dwelling place of special types of spirits, as well as water or 'live water' such as rivers or natural springwaters being a dwelling of special types of spirits.


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There are also strong connections with spiritual revealtion in caves in Buddhism and Vedic traditions. I think some people are too quick to say "They took it from this" but really it seems like these kinds of symbols are almost universally spread over cultures and religion. A cave has a lot of symbolic qualities which I think reflect on the ideas of introversion, they are dark and out of the way, bleak places, but also like you say provide adequate shelter, they are no more than what you need. They are closer to the core of the Earth and are sub-terranean which often represents a high relation to that of the subconscious. They are like a womb which we grow and eventually come out of after a process of growth.

Some people, and I think more these days, when they see another story which is the same, they automatically assume that the stories after it are just derivative of the one that came before. However I think there is a strong case on how these types of imagery can always conjure the same types of symbolic conclusions, perhaps it goes even further, and some of these things are deeply embedded within the human consciousness, a cave would be an easy one to understand in that regard as we did used to live in them and would automatically have a strong primordial connection to them in that regard.

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