I wouldn't say all videogames are, nor that all forms of entertainment are but to be careful that you do not end up consuming a game where you get little benefit, much repetition and a lot of anger each time you play. What I am talking about are those "free 2 play" games that require massive amounts of grinding, hours of repetetive meaningless grinding yes even MMOs fall into this category but I'm talking from personal experience about the armored combat f2p games especially War Thunder.
War Thunder.. a multiplayer game where you grind and grind and grind to unlock virtual WWII tanks and planes only so you can unlock the next one and as you go up in the tiers it takes exponentially longer to grind, you play the same matches over and over and over again with little deviation in how they play out, in the same repetetive style of combat and gameplay and for meager rewards at the end including vehicle Research Points that goes up slowly, I got sucked into it and all I got out of it are 470 total hours played and lot of stress.
I regret wasting all that time on it, for grinding for hours, and stressing myself over for what are essentially virtual tanks and planes that just exist in that game, and the developers are massive greedy fucks that go out of their way to artificially inflate the amount of time you spend on the game, grinding away in multiplayer battles with other people who are grinding for the same. Its the same with games like World of Tanks, and Armored Warfare and World of Warships, you get attracted to them because no other game like that exist that let you experience WWII battles like that, but the experience is ultimately shallow and the pursuit of later and later tier vehicles a massive time waster of which there is little benefit to you and a lot to the devs.
I regret all the hours spent on that virtual Skinner box, collecting virtual game currency, to spend on virtual vehicles that you only get with enough virtual research points of which you maybe earn 1-5k a 10-15 minute round on average of which some vehicles require 50,000+ RP. The most I ever grinded out was 75,000 RP which took an entire day of playing even with a premium account (bought during discount). When I saw what awaited me was more of the same - frustration and massive time spent with only a few geniune times I have fun or enjoy myself in the match I gafe up pursuing the later tier vehicles which are anywhere from 50,000 to up to 380,000 RP - fuck that.
I realized that these are games you play not for fun but for unlocking the next thing, the fun is just occasional but the anger is more constant as you find yourself not doing as well, your team sucks or your team are morons and the enemy steamrolls you and you waste 10 minutes and get little for it at the end of the match in terms of virtual currency and virtual research points.
Now then on the other hand theres Garrysmod, a fun game I've sunk over 800 hours into in both singleplayer and multiplayer (and thats mainly from 2008-2010) and although I dont play it as much I dont look back on those hours with total regret like I do War thunder, because I was always creating things, messing with props and models and posing, and exploring new user made maps, and playing multiplayer with others in a variety of fun gamemodes like zombie survivial on interesting creative new maps for hours and hours and it was all fun, you played the game or fun and to create things be they a scene, a few poses, contraptions and buildings, battles with NPCs etc, its a true sandbox, though a bit dated now.
In War thunder the only creative input you get are the decals and skins you place on your tank and plane, thats it.