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I've been studying magick since I was 12 (I'm 24 now).

I'm currently being dragged into some kind of hell dimension by a xenodimensional entity that's clearly beyond third density. Stupid bastard is hijacking my CNS systematically, fucking with my brain, dissolving my endocrine glands, damaging my chakras, posessing me to do terrible things etc., etc. People have died as a result of other people catching whatever I have; friends committing suicide and such, and my personality, my real one, comes and goes.

It's trying to damage my mitochondria as well as the other parts of my body and convince me that I have no ability to do magick anymore, tries to convince me that there's microchips and such in my brain (which feel real, but might just be something higher-density trying to fuck with me), tries to keep me from feeling emotions at all or accessing higher consciousness.

I've been moved to alternate timelines in higher dimensions where I'm not 100% in the same reality as I am now.

I really, really need my physical body restored, third eye reopened, chakras fixed, emotions and endocrine glands fixed, and control of my willpower/auric field again.

My whole body feels like it's on fire sometimes, like it's trying to punish me, it uses mind control techniques on me and is trying to control my CNS completely so that I lose all free will.

I'm not in the same reality I was in a few years ago, when this started, even though many of the same people/objects/patterns are still here. The energy in my body is configured all wrong, with chakras damaged and missing, and new ones where there aren't supposed to be any, and basically a body-wide "leash"/headgear thing (or the illusion of one - I think it's just a fucked-up energy configuration designed to look like an inescapable trap) that tries to keep me from opening my third eye or manipulating energy, and even dulls my emotions, horomones, and neurotransmitters.

I'm aware that consciousness creates reality, and even if there are certain patterns in EM fields of the human body and/or DNA that enable light generation, creation, etc., they aren't ultimate, and even those things have their own etheric form bodies and whatnot.

But I don't know what to do, and I can't fucking take it anymore, and time is running out. Does anyone here have any ideas?





I remember when I first saw that image and it certainly wasn't on this shit board.

You are just like all the other weak puppets on here complaining about interdimension forces harassing them and not smart enough to learn to do anything about it.

Nice blog post, faggot.


Spiritual sovereignty is a word you should learn… LOLOLOL


OP here.

Yeah, it was dumb of me to reach out or ask for help. It's just nightmare after nightmare after nightmare, and nobody ever wants to help.

I will have revenge. I'm sssoooooo tired of it. All my hopes, dreams, aspirations, any chance that I could ever be happy, crushed, and everyone in the world seems to love it.

The world has one more devil in it. Because it deserves one.

It's okay, though. If there is one thing I do understand, it's pain. There is plenty here to share.



I don't think anybody here is as experienced as you claim to be, so help would just be shots in the dark. I would look for help from higher beings. Good luck, man.


Have to tried binding, or banishing.


Sounds like classic reptilian possession if you aren't a RPer, which you probably are.

Your fault for messing with the occult and letting it in. Before you even got pubes, too. Whew.

Try not to be too much of an edgelord fag, if you want some sympathetic buddies go meet some meth addicts.



usually this happens to people because they are a piece of shit

become less of a piece of shit and this won't happen

you fucking dumb piece of shit


If you thought you were going to gain anything without any pain / sacrifice you are a fucking retarded fuck and deserve to be kicked out of my fucking dimension. Go back to the Fisher Price dimension you stupid fuck. Or stay here and learn how to not be a pussy. It's gonna hurt like fuck, and you are going to cry like a little fucking bitch, but you will be better because of it.



True, let that 'tussin soak to your spiritual bone.



Okay, shit, this makes sense now. Yeah, several of my friends, including homeless "meth addicts" and others, have referred to themselves as "hybrids", and after Googling, I've realized that this is totally, exactly what is happening to me.

Thanks for the info.


It already hurt like fuck, I already cried like a little bitch, and I'm not afraid of more pain or of anything else.

How do I gain things? What do I do next? Honestly, I'm evil as fuck, and… shit… I like the demons better, and I seem cut out for this sort of thing.

What do?


Are you sure you're not just a bit schitzo and paranoid?

Oh, and you're «evil as fuck» you say? Well, then maybe you deserve what you get man, you get what you give, basically…


«What to gain?» What kind of messed up question is that…

What's you're intention? What do you hope to get out of all this?

Do you wish to perfect yourself and become a better person and welcome love, life and abundance into your life? Then start acting the part, if not, just keep doing what youre doing..



Shut up IOTfag.

It really could go either way… Part of me would like to free others and be free, and part of me is filled with hate and just wants to be evil.

I would love if I could feel it. I don't have to be this way. I just want to DO something, progress somehow.


Oh, I don't know… but if I'm not gaining anything from it, then I'll go be a positivefag and all that… I really don't care…

I like the demons' vibes. But I really just want to progress spiritually one way or another, so, unless I'm progressing, what's the point?

Either I go do the fun, evil stuff, or I find something else to do with my life.


The thing about disentangling oneself from this type of situation is that, as a self-perpetuating system, it does its best to keep you trapped within these types of happenings since they generate a lot of energy for the types of entities involved. The question, of course, is what do you really want to do though, as in, what of your "wants" is true and real, and what of your "wants" is founded in falsehood and the suggestions of the entities you might otherwise choose not to deal with?

Supposing that the part of you that seeks a way out of this type of situation is more the "real" part of you, I may have an idea or two, but escape will likely necessitate that you discover whatever the most feasible way out is. This's largely spitballing and in no particular order, so without further ado…

First thing: dark-aligned entities feed on darkness, which means all the variety of negative emotions that that you generate and aim their way. Fighting fire with fire is a great way to burn your home down, but that's about all. So, attitude is essential, both in respect to the kind of entities you've encountered, and with your more general outlook on life experiences. In respect to these entities and whatever they are/have done/do/say, taking the approach of that they're an enemy to be retaliated against is simply not going to work; negativity is their realm of expertise, and they'll just as soon turn those feelings of revenge and abnegation right around on you, hitting you square in the chakra so to speak. Insofar as what an appropriate attitude should be, I'd say it's something along the lines of, "I am going to work to better both my own circumstances and the circumstances of whomever may be appropriate to aid regardless of what [the offending entities] may do." Basically, distancing yourself from that type of reality so much as is possible will reduce the overlap between your own realm and theirs, thus limiting what ways they can interact with you to some extent.

I don't have a whole lot else to say now that I think about it. In the event that you've chosen a different path to take and I've typed this all out in futility, ah well.



Yeah… I know it makes sense. That's why I said it.

You can try telling them "No." and it will be a struggle but your intent will prevail over theirs, the only thing to do… Is to do it.

And don't let weak faggots (reptilians) try to talk nonsense or indoctrinate you. They are like women. Chit-chat-chit-chat-shit-shat.

So, maybe you will learn more about reptilian possession. Maybe you can become the greatest threat to the alien hybrid program that wants to take over this world and assimilate humanity into synthetic paradigms - the false light. In your journey, beware of any savior figures and angelic beings, even of the satanic variety. Only you can save yourself and by doing so you will liberate others.

I could heal you if you were in my game, but you aren't. You are currently in the game of your choosing.


Your intent to block reptilians from your reality is enough when in the right state.

Although they like to lie and say otherwise.

If you learn to connect with nature and be joyful (or higher states than that - the love of the higher self), they have no power.

They can only function in negativity.


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Most people only advance a few points in their lifetimes but at this time there is a chance to increase exponentially.




Well… as far as love goes, I keep holding onto my last vestiges of that emotion, convinced that it'll save me.

Perfect myself? Yes. Abundance? Maybe, probably, yes, but not in the ways that most think of it.

But "love"? Maybe I need to go further into the rage and hatred. Maybe I need to understand "love", but I can only feel it anymore when thinking about one specific person… maybe I need to feel it, control it, and pervert it.

The only thing stupider than love is hope.


From what I've learned so far about dealing with energy beings and spirits is that the only power they have over you is the power you give them. If you tell them "No" and stand your ground, you will prevail, but only if you look at them 'dead in the face' and stand your ground. It will leave you alone.

Also, build a mental shield and breathe energy into it to empower yourself. Be safe.



>Does anyone here have any ideas?






I commented here previously, but now I regret to admit I'm stumbling down the same path as OP.

I guess the easiest way to explain is that I've been channeling energies and identifying too much with them, some of them weren't entirely positive, but the vibes I sent out, came back to me with an entirely different perspective.

A horrible perspective, which I must escape from.

I feel like all the work I've been doing, has accumulated into a monstrous alternate reality or personal hell or whatever you wanna call it, But I feel like this perspective came from outside of me, and not from within it.

As if other people's perspectives created this and not my own.

This new prespective also made me realize that movies like The Matrix, LOTR, Fight Club and more, are really not what we think they are, and being «the one» and its consequences are not what they seem…

I will flip this around, and get out of this rabbit hole. I'm done indulging in other peoples faith and lessons, and following other blindly, specially the stuff in the media, movies and music I've been identifying so much with.

Im aware that I've somewhat created my arch-enemy, which is part of myself, and I've done so blindly, because I was lost in love, desire and passions.

My tip for anyone who's looking for supernatural and magickal proof like I was is, don't. Enjoy and open your eyes to our actual life, which is magic by itself. Learn to fully live on the present moment so that you have more control and less regrets.

Peace, Im all ears for tips and help.



>dude lmao I'm literally a teenager life is SO fucken edgy I am the edge my soul is bleeding u just don't fucken understand mom t. apalm, teenage satanist and level 666 edgelord supreme


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I know most people, especially on here feel a certain ways about these new agey youtube celebs and it can get cringey at times, but push through all that because a lot of these kinds of people like teal swan and ralph smart, etc., have been doing the work for a long time and have a lot of insight.

I am going through the same thing as you, but this video put a few things into perspective (the part about how your higher self manifests the things you want and the lessons in relation to them in ways your temporal self will perceive as something negative).

I do believe we can learn our lessons in easier ways, and we may be taking paths that aren't a straight bee line to the understanding we require, but perhaps the things we are perceiving as negative and somehow feel we aren't "in alignment" and being "punished" for it, etc., could be the opposite and could be exactly what we need. We're just impatient though. Let it be. Don't be so hard on yourself.

I never thought I'd say this, but watch more teal swan and ralph smart and people like that, take what is useful, discard what isn't, fuse it all together uniquely as you see fit. These people seem very "fluffy" to people like us, but they do have a lot of insight from doing the work for a long long time. I suggest looking into them. Ralph's videos calm me down after I go through crazy shit.

All these things we think of as "lower nature" aspects are aspects that are not meant to purged and discarded, but transmuted.



Also, part of why this may be happening to us is because we (or perhaps I'll just speak for myself) are interested in magic and the occult, which is all well and good, but there are prerequisites that are not being filled. The media has made occult practice into some disney kid shit, when it is the opposite of it. You need to be extremely extremely mature and disciplined when dealing with this stuff, and have a very firm foundation set before delving into it.

Anyways, I'll leave you with these lyrics from a song I've been listening to:

"Speakers of an unknown dialect

Each breath comes with it’s own environment / You lack the minerals and vitamins / Treat hacks like flies to the spider-web / Don’t ever count the kid out…"

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