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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 60f3b07626c1d3c⋯.png (225.89 KB, 546x439, 546:439, polifringematrix.png)

File: bd0ec2c1094e942⋯.png (5.46 KB, 539x444, 539:444, blank.png)

8b981c No.86538

So I made the above "political matrix" out of boredom (clockwise from upper left: Plato, Julius Evola, G.I. Gurdjieff, Simone Weil), and it got me thinking: what would an actual fringe/occult/spiritual matrix look like? First off, what would be the categories (replacing Authoritarianism, Socialism, etc)? And secondly where would the different traditions and figures fall within this matrix?

I've included a blank one so that you can make your own politico-spiritual matrix like I did, or invent your own matrix by switching out the categories. I thought it would be a fun topic to discuss: what are the fundamental categories by which we distinguish and relate the various existing spiritual traditions?

f49289 No.86540

File: 6ef0fc93177a27a⋯.png (3.44 KB, 539x444, 539:444, bd0ec2c1094e9427190cfd6cc5….png)


did my best, don't know what fits in someone who is choatic but wants to be one with the all.

I aslo feel the chart is missing a third axis, don't know why

f49289 No.86541

File: bcf665eb6e6152c⋯.png (3.48 KB, 539x444, 539:444, bd0ec2c1094e9427190cfd6cc5….png)


better version

f49289 No.86542

File: 591e65d3bebf982⋯.png (3.8 KB, 539x444, 539:444, bcf665eb6e6152c4912e3cae19….png)


even better better version

spiritual reformer would be one that destroys so it can be remade and become one with the all.

essentially destroying the old unconscious and remaking it to join the conscious

8b981c No.86549

File: 459ec5b85ed3e25⋯.gif (16.3 KB, 761x443, 761:443, 3D Gra3.gif)


>I aslo feel the chart is missing a third axis

very well could be the case, don't feel limited by the example I have provided. there are other types of graphs out there, we don't necessarily need to work with an ordinary 2D matrix

i like your choice of categories though

8b981c No.86550


the third axis could maybe be left-hand right-hand?

f49289 No.86553

File: bb0e99c952f002c⋯.gif (10.56 KB, 761x443, 761:443, 459ec5b85ed3e2570f5e94c08e….gif)


that is already addressed in the self/the all axis

as the right hand path is to attain ones and the left hand path is individual godhead

9edf25 No.86572




>misspelling chaos 3 times

c7aef0 No.86580


They are ms paint edits, it was misspelled on the first and it wasn't noticed in the others.

8b981c No.86592

File: cfb8b839380d2ab⋯.png (9.11 KB, 539x444, 539:444, fringematrix.png)


9cb5b8 No.87445


Meme wizards are trying to create order from chaos, so it is difficult to place them on the chart.

c99870 No.87448


maybe changing self to 'left hand path' and 'the all' to right hand path

800727 No.87521


chaos magician should be right above anti-christ and meme-wizard to the right of chaos magician

8b981c No.88539

File: c648263f4837ce9⋯.jpg (361.8 KB, 2249x1752, 2249:1752, wRIriIy.jpg)

658c7f No.88933

If halfchan had a /fringe/ board, I'd imagine this is what a typical thread would look like.

990f1a No.94359

File: c400cd75d914eba⋯.png (80.87 KB, 955x793, 955:793, Fringe Compass3.png)

Greetings, this already exists. Normally it is shown holographically on a three dimensional axis. This is a quick sketch which leaves out the z axis. The z axis would have measured a concept known as Ordulence which I cannot explain in human tongues. [I could attempt to in Chinese if you can speak it well.] If you already know what Ordulence is, then, given the basic nature of this quickly thrown together compass, you'll be able to infer the general missing trend.

A couple notes on it:


The scale is logarithmic.


Try to minimize your bias on what quadrant you think is good or bad. I used widely understood human terms for the concepts of the extra-mortal regions. Buddha, Cain, and Genghis Khan are all in the same quadrant. None is inherently superior to the other, on this graph.


This compass does not indicate where people end up after life. Just because a name is close to a region doesn't mean that that is where they now reside.


God is not represented in the compass. He is everywhere. The cosmos and all entities within it, including Satan, are an infinitesimal fraction of God's domain.

t. Grey and veteran of several time traveling wars. Feel free to ask any questions!

591628 No.94497


You can do better

0dadde No.94498




640740 No.94509


I know that's absurd. I just didn't bother to change the labels. Think moreso about the relative positions of the figures on that chart. That's why I specifically asked for help relabeling.

81cdaf No.96661

File: 14ebb1574b88bf2⋯.gif (12.2 KB, 761x443, 761:443, 3d.gif)

I think I got it down. The labels on this version are more precise and clear than using expressions like "the all" or "self" which are difficult to apply satisfactorily to many varieties of spiritual path. I think this pretty much covers all bases when it comes to a general categorization of spiritual paths.

b0f6a1 No.96662

File: f005e0d5d79692f⋯.gif (926.89 KB, 240x192, 5:4, 1426238887868.gif)


Only a terrible (or terribly cursed) magician would neglect the benefits of a decent onahole. Where would such self-sustaining entities fit in your philosophical model? Having leech protection is very useful in an age where asymmetric respect is the norm.

b035be No.96664


I think it would depend on the magician. For me personally, I use my left hand and prefer a fairly moist environment. But being a dedicated practitioner I could go either way, and the Jews never got my foreskin from me so a dry environment would work fine for me, whereas most mundanes would probably fit on the right-handed and moist ends of their respective spectrum. I'm not sure where esoteric and exoteric would fit in here, but it would probably have to do with the materials being used as fuel in any case.

b0f6a1 No.96666

File: d2a924590199554⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 300x220, 15:11, tfw first time.gif)


We can just say the esoteric side of the z axis is the onahole side, since the majority still seem to be living by the opinions of those they desire, rather than living independently and becoming the desire. Immunity to sexual leverage is worth any cost, even if it requires regular cleaning and stockpiling on bizarre Japanese lubricants. STOCKPILING.

b035be No.96669


With a hunting license and some spare time, do you think self-processed animal fat would make for a decent DIY lubricant?

b0f6a1 No.96671


If you're that dedicated, apparently. A little too esoteric for me though.


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