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Esoteric Wizardry
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I just can not endure living in a city in Canada with all its bullshit. Minimum wage isn't enough to keep you from being homeless if you don't live with someone else or with your parents. Thanks to chinks property values have gone way the fuck up and it's so fucking hard to live anywhere. I can only do temporary work assignments because I can't stand to do one job forever, it makes me so depressed, I just want to learn and master everything and become a savant not grind away at one shitty job that occupies most of my time and life for so many years. This situation is intolerable and I must leave.

I have been looking around for awhile for various properties further up north. There are some I can potentially afford. I want to buy one and live off-grid. My ideal is to live inside of a hill on about 25 acres of land.

This thread is for discussing cheap ways to live off-grid. This is not supposed to be theoretical or purist though, so no I'm not going to live in a $50 dollar home, but I do want to build some kind of cabin or bunker for around $10,000 CDN. I plan on having an electric car, a solar panel array, an underground LED greenhouse, climate control, lots of storage, a workshop, etc. I don't know if I'll have to stick to mobile internet or if I'll be able to get WiFi.

Probably one of these cabins with a lot of dirt mounded against the side and the entire thing disguised so nobody can even tell it's there is what I'd be going for: http://www.monolithic.org/cabins

Unless I build on some abandoned properties I know about. In that case it will be super secret and I'll have to build everything myself without getting others involved really.

My objective is to create a livingspace in which I can devote myself 100% to self-mastery, magick, and study every day with absolutely minimum distractions and wasted time. Eventually when my power level becomes extraordinary I want to then move on to building far-advanced structures that only an illumined wizard could ever create and maybe building a spaceship so I can leave the planet. The long-term goal is that in 10 years time I will have become powerful enough that I can provide housing and so on for a fairly sizeable population of people, all secretly, and then find volunteers on imageboards who hate their lives and want to leave it all behind to go and abduct and have them live in my community I am trying to build where they will be able to flourish and develop themselves away from the trappings of the normie world. I don't plan on creating a commune exactly or some kind of cult but just to create a superior way of living, independence, etc. for people to gradually form a break-away civilization.

I think that I have these desires to do these things because it is our future and that much of this alien stuff is really just our future reaching back into the past and encouraging us forward down that timeline. If break-away civilizations aren't already existent, they will be soon, because of people like me… and if they do exist I expect I'll be contacted anyways at some point and brought on board myself.


If anyone is a miner btw and knows how to tunnel underground and what sort of equipment is needed and how to keep the tunnels from collapsing I'd like to hear from you.




>In similar fashion, the SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt as early as 1978, mapping an extraordinary subterranean complex beneath the Egyptian pyramids. Arrangements made with President Sadat of Egypt, resulted in three

decades of top secret excavations to penetrate the system. At a recent meeting in Australia, one of the key scientists on the Giza project, Dr. Jim Hurtak, showed film footage of work in progress called, CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP,

due to be released at the end of the century. As of yet, it has still never been released


>The film reveals the discovery of a vast megalithic metropolis, 15,000 years old, reaching several levels below the Giza plateau. While the rest of the Nu-Age speculates about a hidden chamber under the left paw of the Sphinx,

the legendary "City Of The Gods", lays sprawled beneath. Complete with hydraulic underground waterways, the film shows massive chambers, the proportions of our largest cathedrals, with enormous statues, the size of the

Valley of the Nile, carved in-situ. Researchers, risking their lives with lights and cameras, carefully negotiated rubber dinghies across subterranean rivers and kilometer-wide lakes, to penetrate sealed chambers beyond. Already,

remarkable caches of records and artifacts have been found.





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Kamerad. I encourage you to follow your gut and leave the bullshit of city life, but you should read this before proceeding.



What is intended, is that one should not go too far with escapism, lest it make them less capable of combating the "system" they incarnated to destroy. We are not above the internet or fossil fuels or modernity in general. The "system" is best strangled with it's own rope, so to speak.



Living off-grid for me isn't about being primitive or wild, just independent. I'd still bring in high-technology to make living off-grid efficient and easy.


I'm I afraid I'll feel like OP in the future.

I'm soon to become 19 and finish High School. I still can't decide on university and my future career because making a choice like that frightens me. I am all about always having a choice for doing something else.


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The more you learn valuable skills the more "choice" you will have later in life. While it never guarantees you anything because everything in life has risks and probabilities, it still raises your chances of a better life. Also, just because you get some electrician diploma or whatever doesn't mean you have to stay being an electrician all your life. You can decide later to save up and get an engineering degree or something in your 30s like my brother did if you feel that the math isn't as hard as you thought. OP (aka the Board Owner who calls himself "FringeWizard") decided that he no longer wants to learn anything other than magick because he's a stubborn retard, and he's stuck with a minimum wage part-time job that he rants about constantly. He's only 23 years old but thinks he's got the entire world figured out with his dogma because he's listened to some "redpills" from other depressed people.

This fantasy about "living off the grid" is often talked by people who have crippling pessimism and are depressed as a result. While humans have evolved to have abstract thinking, they did not evolve to mentally cope with pessimism. Their brains are not meant to process such poisonous thought, kind of like how a liver isn't meant to detoxify massive quantities of alcohol. Depending how severe, it hinders your capability of adapting to your environment and reduces your chances of carrying out goals successfully. A human with a pessimistic attitude is like a computer with a computer virus, neither can function optimally. Or even worse, it's like a rigged die that always lands on a losing number.




Agree with this post.

People often change careers 3-4 times over the course of their life; not a big deal. You're not "stuck" in something unless you convince yourself with the aforementioned pessimism that you can't change it.

Whatever you like the most right now, or resonates with you, do that. Later on that may change and that's not a problem.

OP, same advice goes for you. The off-grid thing is escapism at its finest. Same goes for the attitude of hating "mundanes" (not that it was brought up in this thread).

Like it or not, most of the people you interact with will be just that. Learning how to deal with them peacefully and protect your energy is an essential lesson.

After all, even if you attain mastery in isolation, what good are you when you go to town for supplies and lose it because "you can't even". That's not true mastery, imo. Crazy wizard syndrome is sure to follow.

On a practical level, this plan sounds like it would need quite a lot of money and I don't see how you're going to get it together if you can only stand to work temporary jobs.

In either case, best of luck to both of you.


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>pic of the vaginal jew

Eheeeheeeheee heheheheeeeheeeheee

You have much to learn.

Time is short. Even I am having hair-pulling moments in attempting to finish an off grid project. There is no hope at all for you to be able to build one to sustainability levels before situation on this planet become turbulent. Know that.

What you can do is become self-reliant in most basic ways. You should be planning like you are going on a year long backpacking expedition. HURRY! There is no time to waste. Even I am wasting extraordinant amounts of time but yet it is known that there is little awaiting me but a very volcanically gloomy future of wandering the wilderness for 40 years. Although, with my knowledge I shall transcend.

You need to choose your ideal real estate in accordance with this map. If you make it past the coming pole shift and apocalyptic movie conditions, then I shall meet you in the enlightened port city of Omaha (Old Nebraska) where Edgar Cayce envisioned himself to reincarnate at the end of this century. With basic life extension knowledge this should be not a problem. Have you been paying attention? See you on the other side of Ragnarok where 9/10's of the worthless eaters have perished and Aryan patriarchs reign again while decimating the alien hybrid colonies.



Don't take out loans.

Chose a flexible major.

Be good at what you chose.

Look at employment rates by major.

Look at employment rates by career.

Don't worry if one career earns less than another career.


You sound like the perfect person to invite to >>>/monastic/.

Basically, we want to build a Hutterite community, but with computers. I think you'll like it.



>actually wanting to live in a city

What is wrong with you?



>wanting to live in a city

>wanting to have to work a job all the time

>not wanting to pay way less taxes

>not wanting to grow your own non-poisoned high quality food

>not wanting the health benefits of rural living

>not wanting to not have to pay for water and electricity and gas




Fuck university, do 1 year college training thing where they get you into a trade that pays 3 to 5 times that of minimum wage.


I can't believe how retarded and pessimistic most of the responses in here are. Off-grid living isn't "pessimism" it's a valid lifestyle that is actually lived by many farmers.




The problem is that I seem to learn new things fast but I easily get bored to further master them. I just can't manage my time and all those skills mostly because I'm chasing after new knowledge. And I feel like I want to experience everything. I also feel like I should experience things that many people do not. Not sure why but probably because If I'm given the choice I should use it to do something different.


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Thoughts on these notes?


How much time do you believe is left and any idea what Australasia will look like?



And how is all this any different to all the 2012 «End of the world» theories and conspiracies?



A great turning happened in December of 2012. It was just not in plain sight. The dark forces of this world were delivered a mortal blow…However I agree that apocalypse posting is pretty lame…



lol you need to checkout the KingDome facebook group insteread of all this gloomy um gunna dig a hole out out of here and then fly away



It's a flood of neo-4chan from the neo-exodus. They all went to /pol/ from cuck/pol/ and then they seep into other boards like /fringe/ when some retard replies

>lmao fuck off to /fringe/ LARPer magic isn't real


You're close anon almost there.

Soon you'll realize that you can just forage for food in the forest and sleep in a shelter of twigs and leaves at night. You will realize the beauty and simplicity of owning nothing but what you can carry and relying on nothing but nature.



It's /pol/ that brought their innawoods fantasy here. Even old wizards didn't live innawoods, they worked under kings and their work became a job. And people who live in monasteries are constantly working and fixing it up. Life doesn't become easy because you stepped into the woods.


>meeting people to plan relationships with their children

Anon, stop that.



Shit can gow down any minute. At max I think we have at least a century. But my feeling tell me by 20 it's gonna be heavy.

Start now while we have still time.


It's true, but every yuga is known to end in cataclysm. We have a chance to get to the golden age without a disk wipe, but it's slim.



That's classic misdirection. Same with Y2K. And what do you think flat earthers are for?

Many people in the know have came out and said 2017 like that gangster… BOB DEAN. YEAH, GANGSTER!

It's going to be fun. You can recreate yourself how ever you like in the new world. Like The Postman.



''Many people in the know have came out and said 2017 like that gangster… BOB DEAN. YEAH, GANGSTER!

It's going to be fun. You can recreate yourself how ever you like in the new world. Like The Postman.''

What do you mean by this? Mind elaborating?


>sissy wizard thread accompanied by lunatic woman hater and Cult of Smileberg cucks.



A pretty knowledgeable whistleblower and insider dropped dates. Dates are dropping all over the place. Why don't you have a date, sweetie? (that's what your mom probably said)

In a post-apocalyptic you can forge yourself a new man and rape bitches, even restore slavery or whatever silly magickal cult you want. Sounds like fun. Don't hurry up and wait, chum.

>you might want to learn how to greentext




Thinking that monasteries are anything but a new invention of the past couple thousand years is laughable.

Learn history scrub.



The insider is a (ever so slightly senile) retired janitor from nintendo and all that stuff about 'recreating yourself' was referring to video games, specifically the F:NV port to the wii with modding capability. It's been available for years on PC.

Sounds like you got your hopes up thinking the New Age would somehow gift you a bod adapted for the xtreme radioactive badlands of post-trump america, Heh.



Never said it wasn't, just wanted to cut people off before they started ranting about how monasteries exist so off grid living is fantastic.



>F:NV port to the wii with modding capability

That makes no sense at all.



Escaping the grid is nontrivial. I have been outfitting a van for essentially the same thing you are doing but I'll be mobile with a battery bank hooked to my alternator and a couple solar panels on the roof. It's been a bit tough but the freedom is right around the corner as I save most of what I earn at a shit job.

Solar panels are difficult to use on their own. You'd have to constantly babysit a very large notcible array to get decent power. A good generator/alternator does the same thing in a fraction of the time for a little fuel. Solar is more of an assist to save fuel.

A bunker would be nice, even a camper would be a step up, but my gut tells me I must never get caught. I'm already pushing it with my large luxury van. It seems to be just right though. A nice bench seat, a full size digital piano and room to sit straight on the bench, and a laptop ready to go.

I don't intend to abandon the world. I must leave to create something. That is the start of the mission anyway.


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I'm in Ontario in the Grey-Bruce sustainability network. It's a community to meet like-minded people to share skills, knowledge and manpower on eco-friendly goals like self-sustaining homes and lifestyles.

You should look if there's a community in your group, there could even be people ready to make an ecovillage you pounce onto.

I'm also talking to a person about helping him set up an ecovillage near Nippising on unorganized land.

I've provided my email address if you want to network.



If that's what I think it is, an email with your first and last name, delete your post right away and get an email with a pseudonym or a fake first and last name and use that on here.


…and don't think you won't be a target, anyone is fair-game.



Eh, you're right.

Figured we need to stop working through fear, but you're not wrong.

Here's an old one made years ago, I'll keep my eyes on it for a few days.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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>I just want to learn and master everything and become a savant

You already are a savant bby. The autistic, retarded type of savant.

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