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File: ab5929031e5c1b6⋯.jpg (27.05 KB, 466x418, 233:209, ab5.jpg)


Does anyone have a concise tl;dr of Initiation Into Hermetics?

I've already read the whole book multiple times and the Bardon Companion I am almost done finished reading once.

What I need however is a bullet-point list that goes something like this:

Step 1

>hold the mind in silence for 1 hour

Something I can look at really quickly and know exactly what I have to do. This way I can easily remember everything I have to do without having to go back through the whole book and read through an entire chapter again trying to remember. I just want in bullet point form all 10 steps for IIH and to print it out and put it all on my walls. Don't explain anything, just say what have to be done for each step.



Step 1, Compile list of IIH steps yourself instead of attempting to outsource your work to someone willing to spoonfeed you.




Step 2. Share your bulleted list here so that you're contributing something and not breaking rule 2.

For what it's worth, creating such a "Cliffs Notes" tool is sure to be a useful exercise to enhance understanding of the exercises. Maybe if you have misunderstood something someone will straighten it out.


File: 86bb4b476295916⋯.pdf (696.19 KB, iih_structure.pdf)

Is this what you want..?


File: 8ec2c37a8730db8⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 350x600, 7:12, maj09.jpg)

All you need. Learn the symbolism and move on.


Funny… This is exactly what I've been doing.

But Im making my own way.

He separates a bunch of exercises, like

-sitting still with straight back for 5-10 mins (and explanation for what it's training)


-''sit or lay down and observe thoughts for 5 mins

-sit or lay and block all your thoughs

-Focus on a specific thought.. etc..

While I'm doing a more efficient way like mixing those exercises.



1-Wash face, scrub body with cold wet towel, etc..

2-Exercise, body, stretch, etc..

3-Meditate, while sitting still with fully stretched back for at least 5 mins

while blocking all thoughts

4-Observe thoughts

5-Focus on a specific thought/will

and so on..


File: 9c23f2d40348f5f⋯.pdf (2.44 MB, Rawn Clark - A Bardon Comp….pdf)


just read the fuckin companion



Wow, so many pages..


File: fed5ab8e1328554⋯.pdf (1.04 MB, Rawn Clark - A Bardon Comp….pdf)


Here's a version with less than half the number of pages that one has (I haven't actually checked what the differences are but this one does still cover the IIH steps etc).


Not OP but thanks for posting this. It's quite handy for not having to go through the whole book to know how far away certain things are.



That's the first edition and it's shit.


It covers all of Franz's books (except UMK which doesn't need explanation) the meat of it is only about 100 pages for IIH.



>That's the first edition and it's shit.

What's shit about it?



> Initiation Into Hermetics

Sorry for bringing this up in an unrelated thread, but I don't see any sticky for asking questions or anything in the FAQ, and I know you guys hate question threads.

Is this the best book to start getting into magic?

If so, where do I go from there?



>I don't see any sticky for asking questions

Then maybe you should actually look at your computer screen



Yeah it's a good start but The Kybalion will also help put into context every other occult text you read and there's also the Corpus Hermeticum but you won't understand that book for a long time until you've learned what the fuck the various terms occultists used in the medieval ages meant.


I've been reading Evola's The Hermetic Tradition, how's that as a start?



The first edition has WAY LESS actual information written in it compared to second edition.



what about him is "bullshit"? also it seems like /pol/lacks usually don't like him for some reason

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