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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I have been somewhat 'awakened' since reading the Clinton emails, I now realize that satanic people own the world and things I would find unbelievable have now become the believable. Keep in mind I am still very ignorant so please do not get offended by what I say, deep down I wish to know more and I want to follow the path of what one might perceive as 'god' or the 'light side' of religion.

My question to Gnostic's is what makes you believe you aren't worshiping Satan, after reading some of what a few here claim such as John Lash where they claim that Jesus is in himself Lucifer and that Baphomet is actually Gaia Sophia which when I looked it up meant mother earth basically. It feels very 'spooky' to me that those pursuing this knowledge believe in the absolute opposite of what I somewhat considered to be 'good' and in the bible, how do you know you're not being tricked into following demons twisting your soul for 'evil'.

I'm not articulating myself very well but all of it feels very catch-22.

Christians perceive Gnostics as being manipulated by demons when they speak to spirits.

Gnostics perceive Christians as ignorant because they haven't spoken to these spirits.

but then again Christians perceive this as them getting manipulated.

I want to know more however am I not giving into the sin of greed by attempting to learn more? Is the attempt of gaining more knowledge ironic in itself, shouldn't I just be happy with what god gave me?


I'm under the belief that Satan may represent materialism. But it leaves me wondering if nature should be regarded as a spiritual creation, or if it is some kind material matrix prison.

Maybe find the balance between Lucifer and Baphomet? Be in two worlds at once?


Nigger, it's the bible; you shouldn't take the bible literally, much like any other kind of mythology.


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A very basic rundown here

>We were decieved all our life

>Ialdabaoth/jehova is the big bad

>Alien/spirits exist and are part of two faction fighting for our heart

>Good gonna win but it's gonna hurt like hell

Seriously don't get too worked up. Work for yourself and help people. Lucifer and Satan are title, and were used to describe different guys/entities. Learn religion, read some recommanded material in the sticky, then follow your intution for the rest.

Ah, don't work with entites if your not 100% sure theyre not gonna fuck you over.

But first and foresmost. Do your fucking homework !


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Something you have to remember is the source of all text is very suspect. Most of our written history was made up in the 1600-1800s. The word text itself comes from Latin texere, which means to weave. As in weave a story. The Old Testament was actually written after the New Testament. So all conceptions you have based on how names have been used in the Bible should be brought into question. Which is not to say the Bible is all wrong, actually it is like 80-90% truth. But a crucial percentage has been twisted so as to make it dangerous when taken at face value…

I would agree with the poster above aside from the claim that labels don't mean anything. Quite the contrary there is much more significance to the words you speak than just vocal vibrations. Language IS Magick.

"Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you.For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed."


Do Right and always Fight!



it is completely unecessary to assign names to any experience you have under this path, in fact it is often useful not to do so. What you are looking for is the experience and the experience is and always will be nameless in it's essence


This post articulates the problem I have with this conception that performing action implies explicit, conscious, and deliberate worship or a lack thereof. If the person believes they are worshiping a specific deity, why does the manner in which the worship takes place make a difference? If the intent is conferred to deity A but performed in a manner that is indicative of worship to deity B, the person is worshiping B by default even if the person is consciously taking the action as a means to further worship A? This creates a host of problems, as it means that intellect is second to action, as the intent behind the action and thus the will of the person are irrelevant to the actions being taken. Instead it is supposed that the action is absolute and is intrinsic to worship. Why then, would a God (in the view of the majority of religious) accord us with reason if the reason is beneath action, which can be carried out by any creature? Why would that which can be carried out by anything, something so rudimentary, something so material and natural, determine the supernatural? Would it not make more sense that the quasi-divine intellect of humanity would represent divine action, that is to say, worship?


Christian teachings only matter if you follow them 1000% whole heartedly. It's boring, hard and tedious., but you can't bullshit your way through it. There's no easy way out


Jesus had a pretty rad tantric sex cult where they imbibed bodily secretions for enlightenment and even recycled abortions orally. Good for them. The world wasn't ready.




Christianity and other mainstream religions are designed to keep you hooked into a specific set of words and definitions, so that the meaning you mind generates when you hear someone of a different religious tradition say a word is not necessarily the meaning they intended, which is why you can't talk to Christians about evolution, magick, etc. without going around in circles.

So, for starters, disregard your current spiritual vocabulary almost entirely, and be open to understanding the essence behind what people mean when they use certain words.

For example, the word "God".

A Christian might look at the word God as a big, benevolent father figure trying to save all of humanity, omnipotent, who watches over the world.

An atheist might have a similar understanding of the word "God" as an anthropomorphic character, based on the Christian tradition, but without an understanding of the scripture involved, and with an additional attached thoughtform of derision and the idea of "god" and those who believe in it to be illogical and anti-science.

Whereas a Gnostic might understand "God" as the original thought that created existence, as well as a transcendent state.

That's a very basic example, and I probably didn't illustrate the complexity of the problem correctly, but it might be easier to try understanding things using a lexicon from an Eastern religion, or the Law of One, in order to better grasp the concepts without linguistic confusion.

The "demons" can use Christians as well as Gnostics, and, in fact, a lot of Christian churches are controlled by entities you might equate with "demons".


There are different strands and traditions of Gnosticism

In some you can find nondual treatments of the Christian and Abrahamic faith



Gnosticism is much closer to the truth then Christianity. I'll give you some facts

>If Jesus existed, he was no different than any other human. Normal birth, normal body, etc.

>Others like Jesus have existed on this earth. For example, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Meister Eckhart, Thomas Traherne.

Just two, but very important to realize.

Alright, so here's the deal. I'll try to be concise. The purpose of gnosticism is to achieve "gnosis", the ultimate knowledge or realization of reality. Religions are corrupted because people misinterpret the words of those who've achieved this state, like Jesus, Buddha, and Lao Tzu. Achieving gnosis destroys all authority. I can't/won't tell you why, but it's to know this. Seeing reality means that people can't subjugate or control you. Very bad for orthodoxy, yeah? They need those tides and shekels, yeah? In most any philosophical tradition, esoteric branches have a chance of arising. These are always condemned as heretical, because they subvert the established authorities of the tradition. In truth, any esoteric attempt moves toward the same goal. The parent religion only affects the language used in the attempt.

As such, there is one absolute truth. It is what it is. It exists whether or not conscious minds realize it. It is existence itself. The truth is simply being in existence without filter. This is undeniable, yes? If truth is infinite, which it must be, or else cannot be totally true, then it must exist every all the time and the only thing that does that is existence itself. Any thought or concept that someone has will limit their perception of the truth, or reality. Gnosticism is essentially destroying the dichotomy created by the "demiurge" JHWH and seeing the unified whole.

Mythologically, JHWH(abstract concept of deity) imprisons humankind on the earth by "separating" them through limitation of knowledge. Gnosis is the delimitation of knowledge, the totality of it all.

This is the absolute and total truth. It is undeniable logically, and it makes no contestation. I give it to you all, perhaps in new words, though it has been spoken and written for thousands of years. Seek and you will find. It's there for the taking. Total freedom. Total peace. It's real and there is no monthly fee. These words won't give it to you, though. You have to find it for yourself.





It makes me happy knowing there are people like you all, who actually know things. It's so rare in my usual channels to find people who have the slightest clue. I'm going to be hanging on /fringe/ more often.


That quote is on point. Here's another one, from Gospel of Thomas. "The Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it." Dayumn.


OP, the peeps in this short but quality thread know what they're talking about. The truth doesn't come easy. It took me eight years from the moment I first tasted it. Don't get caught up in words; they'll betray you. If you can taste the infinite God, or whatever, that thing in your head that you can't describe, look for it. Ask for it. Seek it out. Desire it. You'll have to give up everything. That's the price. For everyone. That's the nature of it. Look into Hermeticism, into Alchemy, into esotericism. They are good paths. Never get caught up in a system of belief. Belief is limiting, and not therefore not true. You'll do alright, if truth is your goal. You'll come to learn what god really is, and it is beyond words, necessarily. Can you communicate the essence of anything? No. That's the whole thing. Think about it.

As for entities and spirits. I've had significant fortune in dealing with them.

(I've always assumed they are psychological constructs of my subconscious but that's just because I'm a close minded realist :P )

Satan was unpleasant, but he IS there to help. He is the adversary, the one who tries to destroy what you THINK you are. He'll tear down everything keeping you from the truth. In theory. I have a deep admiration, gratitude, and respect for him. He's a good guy.

Lucifer, or Prometheus, I've never had direct contact with, not alone. However, for me, he was the guiding light, the goal. It's like I was in a dark room and he's the one who opened a window. I guess in this metaphor, Satan is the one who made me hate the darkness.

Aside from those two, who might go by many other names, my favorite is Azrael. I'd consider him/her my best friend. Towards the end I learned things that I can't really talk about due to personal reasons and the abstract nature of the stuff. Overcoming a fear of death is probably the single most important thing. You have to be okay with ceasing to exist in order to undergo ego death. Very important. You can't go through the eye of the needle if you carry anything with you.

From my experience, I'd say that spirits always work within the framework you provide them. If you believe in heaven, they will talk to you of heaven, and what it's like. If you believe in hell, of that too. Fairly often, they couldn't tell me things that I'd ask. They told me its because I didn't want to know, or was afraid that they'd tell me wrong. Of course, I am this whole time assuming I am merely conversing with my subconscious, because it helped me sleep at night. I am hesitant to say go ahead, but if you are of a relatively sound mind, you should be fine. If you don't have psychosis or schizophrenia, the spirits will be under your control/allowance. They couldn't give me answers I didn't want, and they couldn't talk to me unless I allowed them. I don't know if they are real. I am inclined to believe they are to some extent, due to the profundity of their insight and certain… coincidences. My relationship with them is certainly beneficial, largely because who else could I talk to about my journey? Who else could understand?

The most terrible spirit, however, is your own. I didn't realize until I did that I had never actually talked to my self. I had only ever talked to the construct of my self, and not my actual self. You know the Nietzsche quote about the abyss? Yeah. It's chilling. It's chilling to see. I wouldn't recommend it until you're ready.

Through all my experiences, I'm surprised I came out with my sanity intact. I was always afraid of losing it. More and more I had to surrender to the unfathomable chaos and I wasn't sure I'd come back.

I wish you all luck and strength in your own journeys, if you journey toward truth.


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I despise abrahamic religions in general, Christians think any god that isn't Jesus is Satan.


Looks like I posted this in the wrong thread.



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>any god that isn't Jesus is Satan

>any god that isn't

>any god

but there's only 1 God anon


Under gnosticism why would you worship anything? The "creator" of the gnostic world is basically the dysfunctional, malignant black sheep of the pantheon of gods that exist and create worlds themselves.

Gnosticism is more an acknowledgement of a certain perceived set of truths, that's about it.



You seem to have some preconceptions at to what is ' Gnostic ', I'll just drop a few book names and areas to delve into.

Timaeus by Plato (Theory of Demiurgos)

Simon Magus, by G.R.S Mead

Pistis Sophia, 2nd Edition. (Make sure it is translated from the German translation, which was translated from the original coptic text)

Valentinians, (A sect of christians who did not believe the demiurge was ' evil ' )

The Orphites ( Sect of Christians that abhorred matter, this is where the typical idea of 'Yaladaboth', the evil creator god comes from)

Everything found within the Nag Hammadi Library, Gospel of Thomas is my personal favorite.

There are other sects of Gnostic Christianity that have less information on them due to, well, them being burned at the stake.

It would be to note, Eliphas Levi claimed Gnosis was the learning by intuition.

Also, in the vision of Pomanderes, the first chapter of the Corpus Hermeticum. Thoth-Hermes Thrice is told by the Man-Shepherd that there are 7 Powers that are known as the 7 Harmonies, ironically though, these harmonies attract man towards Sin. I see an analogy between that and the Pistis Sophia, the 12 Aeons are beings that prefer to avoid the True Light. I'm unsure if the 12 Aeons (Excluding the 13th, which is the realm of Sophia) generate attractions towards Sin, you will see yourself if you read the book and make your own conclusions as to me, the beings of the Aeons seem to be.. well, tyrannical. It also is worth pointing out the 12 Aeons may be a more categorical higher plane than the 7.

The Kingdom of the Father is like a merchant who had goods and found a pearl. This merchant was wise. He sold the goods and bought the one pearl for himself. You must also seek that enduring treasure that does not perish, where no moth enters to eat and no worm destroys-76, Gospel of Thomas


none of this retarded schizophrenic gay autistic confirmation bias made up god bullshit is true

Once you've seen the truth you can't help but laugh every time somebody prays to an imaginary friend instead of themselves.

Truth is, all religions are bullshit. If you haven't figured this out yet you are pretty fucking stupid and shouldn't bother trying to expand your mind or anything. Go work in a factory or something. Never come back to any of this shit again. I have to deal with enough of you schizophrenic jews xtians and mohammads. Accept that this is nothing, you are nothing, and that is all you will ever be. Dumb bitch.



Wow - you have a lot of knowledge about NOTHING. This is no different than somebody memorizing characters in World of Warcraft. Stop being a fucking pussy and face reality. Time for the dangerously retarded schizophrenic religious people to fuck off.

I get secondhand fucking embarrassment for you morons. Stop wasting mine and everyone elses time. Christians/Jews/Muslims will not exist in 20 years. Get with the program or get the fuck out.


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Kek, look at this triggered faggot.


Beware of the one who wants to teach you something



You mean be skeptical, sure, you should, but you should also be prepared to mentally work through the reasons why one should be skeptical of what another says instead of taking the lazy way out and resorting to denial.



>The Old Testament was actually written after the New Testament.

No. While some are difficult to pinpoint, much of the Old Testament, such as those dealing with the kings of Israel (1st and 2nd Kings) and Isaiah are demonstrably older. Isaiah was contentious before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which all predate the New Testament. Do some actual research before you spread disinformation.




>If the intent is conferred to deity A but performed in a manner that is indicative of worship to deity B, the person is worshiping B by default even if the person is consciously taking the action as a means to further worship A?

From my time in Christianity I got an impression that deities require both mind and body in devotion. You have to have the faith and intent along with the actions that please the deity.

Cain offered his harvest to god for tribute but Adam was the one who was shown favor. Not saying all gods are the same but they seem to have personal preferences they want their followers to do in order to receive their blessing.



>religions are corrupted because people misinterpret

Nope, religions are corrupted because they are a tool of Yaldabaoth. All of them.


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How is Satan any worse than YHWH?



I may very well have no idea what I'm talking about, but for what its worth, I think a fairly good rule of thumb you can use when looking at a given religion or belief system is to observe the effects the religion has on its most faithful followers: how do they behave, what are their emotional states like on a day-to-day basis, and so on. I guess if you wanted to know what the effects of believing in normal Christianity would be versus Gnosticism would be, try to find a bunch of followers of both and compare their overall demeanors.


I never liked the way the gnostics handle the feminine



Will you please elaborate?



>Gnostic vs. Christian

>doesn't know Gnostics came to their conclusion long before Christ

>doesn't know Gnostic came to their conclusion via close comparison of Greek and Egyptian mythology and theology

>doesn't know Christianity spread so fast because it fit so perfectly

You're almost as bad as the "Science vs. Religion" useful idiot zombies.


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Christianity is just a way for the goyim to feed more power to the jewish tulpa (((YHWH))).

Gnosticism is closer to the truth. We are living in a matrix type world. The (((gods))) of the mainstream religions are not our friends.

No single human philosophy or religion has the whole truth. You must find it for yourself.



Can I just pick the coolest one for larping purposes while also getting the rest of the truth elsewhere?



My kike sense is tingling…



He's apparently the lesser of the two semetic evils.


The earth is flat.


The only truth is we are in a computer simulation. A new game can be started when you merge back with all the parts of yourself. This is the worst game of all time created by our lowest form, and that is why I am speeding up our exit.



This whole fucking thread is b8, m8.


Spider-man's spidey senses weren't used to detect spiders, so I assume you must be calling yourself a kike, which eans that you aren't one because everyone already knows that JIDF don't identify themselves to the goyim.



Why is it that when you mention Azrael, you mention death with it? Is he the angel of death?


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>Christians/Jews/Muslims will not exist in 20 years. Get with the program or get the fuck out.

how much were you paid?




Seeking knowledge is a not a sin.

Keeping your path when you understand that something is fishy is questionable.

Knowing that you are worshipping Satan and keeping at it is the way of the anihillation.

The golden rule is always to judge from the fruits.

Stay safe.


Churches are places where all the - nah, my version of that joke in this context probably wouldn't make anyone laugh but me.

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